Chen Nan's appearance out of thin air surprised all the powerhouses of the Blood Clan.

Are there planes flying overhead?

Why did this person fall in the air?

Why didn't he wear any protective measures?

Could it be that it has always been hidden on top of the castle?

Hopkin Maxon looked at Chen Nan, his eyes were extremely cold: "You finally appeared."

Chen Nan lit a cigarette: "Do you know my existence?"

Hopkin Maxon sneered: "Morgan Duncan was killed, and this matter quickly spread throughout the Western cultivation world, and it is obvious that someone is secretly contributing to it."

"As for the purpose of doing this, I can't think of anything other than Liang Zhouding of the Eastern World."

Morgan Blair was furious: "That is, we are being used?

Norton Scott looked at Aiden III angrily: "Say, who killed Morgan Duncan?" "

They thought that the Aiden family had provoked the killing between the two families.

Now it seems.

Things are not what they imagined.

Norton Henry recognized Chen Nan and said, "Grandfather, when I followed Morgan Duncan to Claude's castle, I once saw this oriental man.

"At that time, I wondered why Morgan Duncan had just entered Claude's castle on his front foot, why didn't our people show up after he appeared."

"Now, I understand the truth of the matter."

"Morgan Duncan was killed before I entered."

"You killed my son?" Morgan Bright looked at Chen Nan with a grin, and his black pupils gave people a creepy feeling.

Chen Nan smoked a cigarette: "Liang Zhou Ding is the supreme artifact of my Eastern World, and you are not worthy of it."

"Whoever wants to touch this thing will die!"

"I'm going to kill you to avenge my son." Morgan Bright roared, and an afterimage instantly appeared in front of Chen Nan.

And right now.

Chen Nan moved.

Punch out!


Morgan Bright spat out blood and flew straight upside down.

It's like a dead dog falling heavily on the ground.

Spit out crumbled internal organs in the mouth.

By the power of the flesh alone.

Chen Nan severely injured a Blood Clan powerhouse with one punch.

But right now.

Morgan Bright was like a ghost, quietly appearing behind Chen Nan.

The dark red fangs are unusually sharp.

He wanted Chen Nan to become his servant.

After all.

This time, the blood clan was played by him in the palm of his hand, and he lost many masters.


Only by letting Chen Nan become his servant could he vent the killing intent in his heart.

"Not good!"

Just as he bit Chen Nan's neck.

Chen Nan felt a strong sense of crisis.

He subconsciously tilted his head to the side to avoid being bitten by Morgan Blair's neck.

And right now.

Norton Henry, and Aiden III, the two Blood Emperors, also killed.

The strength of the Blood Emperor is extremely terrifying.

The figure is like a phantom.

Just as he was preparing to face the two.

The sense of crisis behind him struck again.

It was so fast that he couldn't react.

He could even smell the blood in Morgan Blair's mouth!

"I want to take a break!"

Chen Nan's mind was blank.

The speed of the other party was too fast, making him powerless to parry.


He felt as if he had been lightly hit by a mosquito on his neck.

And then...

Morgan Blair let out a hysterical scream!

He covered his mouth, blood dripping out between his fingers.

It looks miserable.

He looked at Chen Nan like a ghost: "Are you a human or a ghost?" Why is your neck so hard? Everyone

else's eyes widened as well.

The mouth is as big as if it can be stuffed into an ostrich egg.


They clearly saw when Morgan Blair bit Chen Nan's neck.

His four sharp fangs shattered.


Morgan Blair's teeth were broken.

Flew into the distance.

It made them feel incredible.

After all.

The Blood Emperor's teeth are extremely sharp, even steel can bite through.

But who would have thought that this man's neck would be so hard?

Chen Nan looked at Hopkin Maxon with a slight surprise, and let out a soft sigh in his mouth: "Your teeth are broken, this is something I didn't expect."

"You have to pay attention to your oral health and take care of your teeth."

"Do I need to recommend you a toothpaste?"

"There is a good toothpaste in our country, and you can eat it hot and cold if you want."

"After using it, your mother will definitely not have to worry about your teeth breaking again."

"You... Are you the devil? "Morgan Blair lived for more than three thousand years.

For the first time, he felt fear.

"You are not his opponent, let me kill him on behalf of justice!" Hopkin Maxon wrapped his legs around the belly of the horse, and the tall horse under him walked towards Chen Nan!



Hopkin Maxon also drew the long sword in its scabbard.

The sharp sword body exudes an icy aura.

This sword is out.

All the powerhouses of the Blood Clan retreated one after another.

The sword emitted a faint white glow.

That's divine power!

is the nemesis of the Bloods.

Even if the blood tribe has the ability to recover against the sky, if it is after being struck.

It will definitely die a tragic death in an instant!

Hopkin Maxon's eyes were indifferent, and the whole person released a powerful aura: "The cultivators of the Eastern World actually came to my Western World to do evil."

"Do you think there are no strong people in my Western world?"

"I don't know if there are strong people, but you are obviously not a strong person." Chen Nanyun smoked lightly.

The warhorse under Hopkin Maxon suddenly increased its speed, and he raised the long sword in his hand: "Die!"

Chen Nanhu's body was shocked.

A flame like an elf jumped and appeared in the palm of your hand!

And then.

He waved his hand casually.


Flames flew through the air.

Fly to Hopkin Maxon with lightning speed!

"Damn, you're actually a magician?"

Hopkin Maxon exclaimed, a thick layer of goosebumps rising from his body.

He subconsciously raised his long sword against his chest.

Next moment!

That flame appeared above the sword.

The terrifying force is as if it has been hit by a truck.

Draw a graceful arc in the air and fall heavily to the ground.

The scene was deathly silent.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Feel an invisible hand choke their throat.

As long as the other party has a thought, they can pinch their necks and let them die miserably in an instant.

Including the paladins of the ten temples of light.

Although they are wearing masks, no expression can be seen.

But a wordless shock arose in the hearts of all ten people.

Magicians are a supreme existence in the Western cultivation world.

Even the entire Western cultivation world is a handful.


Who would have thought.

A man from the Eastern world who actually mastered magic?

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