After trying the Infinite Gate, the dominant power in Ye Nan’s body operated, flying upwards, intending to try how ten thousand laws naturally were.

Because there are too many moves, the power is too great, this place is too small to cast.

Ye Nan flew extremely fast, and soon passed through the atmosphere and appeared directly in the cosmic void.

Then he accelerated again and came to the moon!

As soon as he landed, the dominant power in Ye Nan’s body ran wildly, and one after another terrifying secret moves burst out in Ye Nan’s hands!

“Rulai God Palm!”

“Eighteen palms of the dragon!”

“Six Veins Divine Sword!”

“Heavenly Thunder Curse!”

“All laws are one, ten thousand laws are natural!”

On the moon, with Ye Nan’s movements, various visions suddenly appeared.

The mountain-sized Buddha palm, eighteen golden dragons thousands of kilometers long, and countless formless and massless, ten-mile-long sword qi, plus countless wild thunder swept the empty land!

Finally, with Ye Nan’s ten thousand laws becoming one, all these visions naturally fused together, forming a giant energy ball the size of half a moon ball!

“Genki bomb!”

Throughout the moon, there was a scene like the end of the day.

“Bang, bang, bang.”

Vaguely, Ye Nan seemed to hear the sound of something shattering, but Ye Nan thought that it was just the sound of some solid strange stones shattering, and he didn’t care.

Aqua Blue Star, the United States, a certain astronomical observatory, at this time there are five people doing things leisurely.

When Ye Nan had just burst out of the atmosphere and landed on the moon.

One of the lunar observers, David, discovered Yenan’s traces using the base station they had built on the moon.

Seeing this scene, David only felt that he had a problem with his head.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously and found that Ye Nan was still there before he exclaimed.

“Oh God, what the hell is this? A ** person? ”

The rest of the mysterious department was attracted by David’s exclamation.

“David, what are you crazy again, I was dreaming of doing something with my family’s Hani, and I was woken up by this guy of yours.”

“Alas, brother, don’t do this in front of our good man David.

People are thirty years old, and they haven’t even held a girl’s hand. ”

“Haha, you guys are too bad, David, has something happened?”

“What can happen to the deserted on the moon! Could it be that aliens have been discovered, hehe. ”

After they finished ridiculing, they found that David was still standing there dumbfounded looking at the moon with his instrument, and he couldn’t help but be stunned.

Curious, they also pointed their instruments at the moon one after another, and just saw the scene of Ye Nan experimenting with god-level secret techniques and ten thousand laws!

“Oh my God, who the hell is this? How did it survive on the moon without carrying any equipment? ”

“God, this must be God, I see God!”

“God you’re big, idiot, didn’t you see that the other party is Asian! Could it be a Ukoku or a Goryeo national? ”

“Blind, such an outstanding temperament, this must be a mysterious ** person.

This is the ** immortal! Sword Immortal, do you see it, this is sword qi! ”

The five people of the American Astronomical Observatory exclaimed one after another, one of them has always had a deep study of the mysterious ** culture, and his eyes are full of fanaticism at the moment.

I thought to myself: I don’t do it, I’m going to **, go to the teacher!

At this time, not only the United States, but also several other major countries that have established base stations on the moon have also noticed Ye Nan.

After affirming the fact that Ye Nan was a **** person, they were all shocked.

But soon, the base stations on the moon were all inadvertently destroyed in Ye Nan, and the follow-up pictures disappeared.

On the same day, several major powers of Aqua Blue Star held emergency meetings one after another, and there was a fierce discussion on Ye Nan’s moon landing.

A lot of saliva was wasted, and finally all countries unanimously came to a conclusion, that is, from now on, no matter what the reason, you must not offend **!

What the countries don’t know is that the ** that makes them afraid is also full of worry at this time, and they don’t know the existence of Ye Nan.

As far as the various secrets they now possessed, they had long known that there were various powerful cultivators.

But Ye Nan’s power made them frightened, this was no longer the power that ancient martial artists and cultivators could have, but more like legendary gods and immortals.

After fierce internal discussions, they chose to wait and see for the time being and secretly investigate Ye Nan’s identity.

Then send someone to approach Ye Nan and find out Ye Nan’s character and thoughts.

Because they found that with Ye Nan’s power, it was no longer within their control.

Ye Nan didn’t know everything that happened to Aqua Blue Star, and he didn’t know that unintentionally, he had become an existence that the major forces of Aqua Blue Star did not dare to offend.

After trying the power of the god-level secret technique, Ye Nan seemed extremely satisfied, turned around and flew back towards Aqua Blue Star.

If someone provokes me in the future, I can finally fancy hang!

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