Urban God-Level Tall, Rich And Handsome

Chapter 175: Spread Across The Land Of Huaxia【Please Subscribe! Please Customize! 】

With trembling hands, Ji Haoye rummaged through the desk drawer for a while, and took out a photo, which was taken when he came home a year ago.

That was also the last time he was home.

Memories are stirred up layer by layer like a tide, and the years are relentlessly passing by, without any intention of stopping.

The father in the photo looks so old, with a slightly hunched body, holding an old pipe. His face, which has been exposed to the sun and rain, is wrinkled like old bark that has been dry for a long time, without a trace of luster and vitality. Like a sharp knife, it ruthlessly carved lines of vicissitudes on his old face.

But every time he saw him, his father always looked at him with a smile on his old face.

I wiped my tears with my hands, took out my cell phone, and found my father's phone number. It has been more than two months since the last call.

"Hello!" The call came, only to hear an old and familiar voice from the other end of the phone, and Ji Haoye's tears that had just stopped flowed down again.

"Dad!" Ji Haoye tried hard not to let his father hear him crying, and only said one word.

"Hey, Xiao Ye, you...why did you call me suddenly." The father said a little excitedly.

"Dad! I just want to tell you—thank you, thank you for everything you have done for this family and me." Ji Haoye said. "Silly boy, that's what dad should do, Xie Yi."

"Ji Haoye's father said kindly.

Ji Haoye finally burst into tears when he heard his father's kind words.

"Father, I will always love you." Ji Haoye said excitedly.

After chatting with his father for an hour, Ji Haoye hung up his father's phone, and Ji Haoye directly asked his assistant to buy a plane ticket to go home.

As for work... No one can look for a job. Now he just wants to go home and see his father whom he hasn't seen for more than a year.

Cheng Haoge is a college student who just graduated. He heard this song in the mall by accident. He picked up his phone without any hesitation.

"Drafting, Di Liangzhe, what are you doing, son of a bitch?" Cheng Haoge said cursingly.

"What are you doing? I'm working. What's the matter?" The other end of the phone was also cursing.

"Tomorrow, let's come out to get together in our dormitory... ok?" Cheng Haoge said with a grin.

"Okay!" The other end of the phone agreed without hesitation. "Hey, mouse, are you coming to the dormitory party tomorrow?" Cheng Haoge hung up the phone directly, and made another call.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and then Cheng Haoge heard pleading for leave. It was obvious that the mouse on the other end of the phone was asking for leave from the boss.

"I promise to go tomorrow!" said the mouse after a while.

Similar things are happening all over the country. The comments under the song "Father" are full of emotional words, which make people cry.

"Dad, I'm sorry, you left. I regret it very much. You left without washing your feet once. Dad, please forgive my daughter. My daughter is wrong."

"You never know how simple the food at home will be after you leave!"

"Luo Huang, you fucking made me cry.

"Today is Dad's birthday, but it's been 9 years since we left, Dad, I miss you."

"I miss my dad!"

"Father! My daughter misses you, how are you in heaven?"

...asking for flowers...

"Why do you get sand in your eyes?"

Compared with the sensational "Father", there is a song whose comment section is full of swear words - "Brother Sleeping on My Top Bunk".

"Brother who gave me cigarettes, good brothers, how are you fucking doing now... Bian Binbin stays"

"F*ck Nima, Jing Jiashi, you will always be our brother, and the people in 3608 dormitory will always be your brother, Zhu Yangxuliu.

"Ye Jiuxin, did you fucking agree to come to the dormitory party? Long Liangcai will stay."

"Jimei Light Industry School, beasts in the 907 dormitory of the 2015 class, you will always be my brothers, Shen Guangliang stay."


"Ding Xiuqi, you bastard, I fucking miss you, He Bo Mingliu."

"What the hell are you singing about? It actually made Lao Tzu cry. "Fuck."

"Jiang Yeyu and Yuan Xingguo of Gou Ri, our three brothers will always be the best brothers, Song Haosi.

"Modu Academy of Drama, Dormitory 308, Xiongqi, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Although the comment area is full of swear words, isn't this just brother? Familiar shouting and cursing.

These things also happened in the comment area of ​​the other eight songs at the same time. Although the content was different, without exception, the comment area was full of explosions.

One song after another, one spread to ten, ten to hundreds, spread throughout the entire land of China.

This music craze is spreading crazily. As long as you listen to one of Lin Luo's songs, you will find Lin Luo's other nine songs without hesitation.

The whole of China is playing the list of ten songs in a loop. Starting from occupying the charts, all the songs other than these ten songs have extremely dismal data without exception.


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