
The long haired beauty in the video is very happy. Yang Xiaotian thinks that as long as he works harder, he can definitely make an appointment with her tonight to develop a dew relationship.

Sure enough, after a few words, the beauty asked, "the moon is charming tonight. Why don't we go out for dinner and watch a movie?"

"Just going to the movies?" Yang Xiaotian asked with a smile. When he smiles, the corners of his mouth are beautiful and charming.

"I hate you!" Although the mouth said so, the beauty is a wink, "maybe, maybe we can do something that makes people feel ashamed!"

Yang Xiaotian "ha ha" a smile, suddenly put away the smile, with a serious face, solemnly said: "like me this gentleman, how can I chat with you? Goodbye

Beauty a face surprised expression, saw Yang Xiaotian half a day later just dropped the sentence "neuropathy", and then the video screen ended.

After a while, Yang Xiaotian saw that the beauty's face on QQ had turned black.

"Ha ha..." Yang Xiaotian had no choice but to smile a few times. In fact, a gentleman like him also wanted to go out for dinner, to go out to the movies, and to do some shy things with beautiful women Who says a gentleman has no need?

But a penny is hard for a hero.

Even if you save money, you'll have to spend three or four hundred yuan to eat and watch movies. Besides, the women in the videos all have some taste in dress and make-up. If you want to go to the last step, you'll have to spend at least a thousand yuan. Where does he have the money.

"Forget it, just chat on QQ can chat to this step, enough to prove the charm of my Yang Xiaotian!"

"You see, chatting with beautiful women not only dispels my loneliness, but also proves my charm. It's killing two birds with one stone! Have a cigarette to celebrate

Thinking of this, Yang Xiaotian touched the cigarette box, which was empty

"Well, what's good for smoking? Of course you have to drink to celebrate

He went to the refrigerator, took out a can of beer, opened it and drank it. The idea was free and easy, but the reality was that the cold beer didn't reduce the pressure of his fire, on the contrary, it increased more and more.

"Well, I haven't had any business for a long time. If I go on like this, I will starve to death in the street!"

Yang Xiaotian looks at everything in the room as if he is looking for something rich.

The suite with two bedrooms and one living room looks ordinary, but a medicine box in the master bedroom and the medical skills on the bedside table show the identity of the master - doctor.

"Forget it, even if there is no money now, it is more comfortable than in the army. When in the army, there is no place to spend money!"

Think of this, he is a headache, if grandfather knew he was not in the army, I don't know will be furious.

My grandfather is a master of national medicine and a member of the Central Health Care Commission. At his request and arrangement, Yang Xiaotian joined the army. I thought I was going to the military hospital, but I thought I was in the city, and there were beautiful nurses, so Yang Xiaotian didn't refuse.

Who knows, I went to the field hospital every day. One year before I retired, I spent ten months in the Gobi desert, and two months next to the desert.

Of course, the hard conditions are not the main reason for Yang Xiaotian's retirement. No matter how hard he bites his teeth, he can endure it. The reason for his retirement is still related to people.

However, now that Yang Xiaotian has retired, he doesn't want to think about it any more. He will be comfortable in Nanhu city.

As for my grandfather, I'll go back and show him after I've mixed up. Maybe he won't be angry!

He was thinking wildly, and then when he got to Niu, he had no money to open a room. There was a quick and powerful knock on the door.

"Doctor, is Dr. Yang here?"

Yang Xiaotian's eyebrows immediately had a look of joy that could not be hidden. He hurried to the door and cried out: "Hey, come on, don't knock. If you knock again, you'll break the door. The landlord will trouble me!"


As soon as the door opened, four people crowded in.

"Big brother, here we are!"

"Hold on!"

At present, a strong man with an inch head said that behind him, two people came in with one person. The person who was supported was pale, and the blood "Dida" and "Dida" dropped on the ground. Yang Xiaotian frowned.

After they came in, the big man went to the door and looked out carefully. When he saw that no one was following him, he closed the door. Then he anxiously said to Yang Xiaotian, "where's the doctor? Help me, big brother

"I am the doctor!" Yang Xiaotian went to the wall of the living room and pulled away the plastic cloth to reveal a flat bed. He pointed to the bed and said, "help the injured lie down first!"

Three people in a hurry to help the injured up.

Yang Xiaotian slowly scanned the four people with his eyes, then fixed on cuntou's face, looked straight into cuntou's eyes and said, "since you can find here, you must know my rules here, don't you? First, I won't ask you what's going on. As long as you come, I'll cure you! Second, I don't charge on credit, I don't charge by credit card, I only accept cash! Of course, there is no cash, so can Alipay transfer. "

Cuntou moved his head, moved his eyes away from Yang Xiaotian's sight, and said: "doctor, as long as you save my elder brother, you can say anything! I will thank you even if I am an ox or a horse! "

"Ha ha, I can't use you to be an ox or a horse!" Yang Xiaotian walked to the bedroom with a smile, and soon came out with a medicine box in his arms, with a pair of scissors in his hand.

He went to the injured, "stabbed" and cut off the clothes on the injured, revealing the shocking wound.

There is a 30 cm long wound. It looks like it was cut by a machete. The skin and flesh on it are rolling and bloody. Even bones can be seen in the deepest part.

Cuntou is OK. The two younger brothers turned their heads at that time. It was disgusting to see this picture.

Yang Xiaotian, however, looked at the wound with no expression on his face. From time to time, he opened the wound to see the tissue inside. After two minutes, he said: "fifty thousand yuan!"

"Ha?" I didn't respond.

"Fifty thousand dollars, I'll cure him!" Yang Xiaotian repeated, a little impatient.

"Why don't you rob it?" Cuntou blurted out, "if you go to the hospital, it can be solved by thousands of yuan at most?"

"Oh! Then you go to the hospital! " Yang Xiaotian turned to the bedroom with the medicine box in his arms and said, "how can you explain the knife wound to the doctor then? The doctor must have called the police for such a serious stab wound! "

This move he tried again and again, these miscreants were injured and did not dare to go to the hospital.

As for how much he charges, Yang Xiaotian doesn't look at the size of the wound at all, but at the other party's financial resources. Just now, when these people came in, he looked at each other. His clothes and shoes all have brands, and the total price of a set on his body is one or two thousand, so he thinks that 50000 yuan is a similar price.

Cuntou was obviously annoyed by Yang Xiaotian's arrogant attitude. He gritted his teeth, took out a three edged spear from his waist, and rushed to Yang Xiaotian's back with one stride. He took Yang Xiaotian's neck with his left hand and propped Yang Xiaotian's temple with his right hand.

"Now, wrap my big brother up! Otherwise, I'll keep you from seeing the sun tomorrow

He said viciously.

Yang Xiaotian's eyes are not angry, not afraid, but excited.

I saw his left hand poke at cuntou's right arm at a very fast speed, and the cuntou gave a "ah". I only felt that the whole right arm was numb, and the three edged army fell to the ground with a "bang Dang".

Then Yang Xiaotian poked at cuntou's left arm and immediately broke away from cuntou's control. Then he turned and poked at cuntou's rib. This is commonly known as weakness.

Cuntou bent down in pain, and the sweat on his forehead remained. He looked at Yang Xiaotian with wide eyes, and said in surprise: "you... Aren't you a doctor?"

"Of course I am a doctor!" Yang Xiaotian took out a scalpel from the medicine box and sat on the chair with a golden knife. While trimming his fingernails, he said, "it's up to you whether it's cured or not! But you scared me just now and soiled my floor! So, even if I have to leave, I have to pay the shock fee and cleaning fee first! "

Speaking of this, he inserted the scalpel into the medicine box, stood up, stretched out a finger, and said with a smile, "I'm at a loss. I'll take you 10000 yuan carelessly!"

Although it is mixed society, but cuntou is still scared by Yang Xiaotian's words.

fuck! That's $10000? It's even worse than our society!

He wanted to get angry, but the pain in his ribs made him afraid.

"Sunspot, give Dr. Yang money!"

At this time, a weak but firm voice came from the side. It was the words of the wounded lying there.

Even though reluctantly, the head still took out the mobile phone and said to Yang Xiaotian, "not so much cash, Alipay?"

"OK, it just saves me money transfer. I can save more interest if I deposit yu'ebao!" Yang Xiaotian also happily took out his mobile phone.


Sixty thousand bucks, and then he turned around.

Yang Xiaotian immediately came to the spirit, opened the medicine box, took out a few silver needles, seemingly casual but very accurate in the injured back acupoints.

The bleeding wound stopped bleeding all of a sudden.

This scene made sunspot and his two younger brothers dumbfounded.

"Hei... Hei Ge, is that awesome? I thought I had to sew a needle! "


Two younger brothers can't help but say that they have been mixed in society all the year round, and there are many stab wounds. It's really unheard of that simple way to stop the bleeding.

"Oh, how dare you go to Liangshan without three thirds?" Yang Xiaotian explained with a smile.

There is a kind of illusion between sunspot trance, before and after collecting money, Yang Xiaotian is two people, now Yang Xiaotian's attitude is good enough to make him a little flattered.

During the conversation, Yang Xiaotian had already taken care of the wound. Then he took out a bottle of medicine from the medicine box, opened it, and spread the powder medicine similar to Yunnan Baiyao evenly on the wound. The irritating face of the injured person changed, but he was forced to endure without pain.

"Oh, it's a man!" Yang Xiaotian praised.

"I'm flattered!" The injured man was sweating, "it's Dr. Yang's medical skill that's amazing!"


Just then, he suddenly uttered a scream. It turned out that Yang Xiaotian slapped the wound on his back.

"Dr. Yang, what are you doing this for?" Although it is painful, the injured still respect Yang Xiaotian and feel that it is meaningful to do so.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just want to see how much you can tolerate it!" Yang Xiaotian said casually.

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