"Why don't you two give it a try and work together to give it a try?" Sol vowed that since he took charge of the power of the gang, he would never speak so weakly as he does now.

And what's more weird is that Yang Xiaohai doesn't care. And in the face of Yang Xiaotian, with this in the ordinary time, absolutely can let sol crazy tone. In Saul's heart, he didn't dare to feel uncomfortable.

"How many lives does this boy have in his hands before he can temper such a terrible aura?" Looking at Yang Xiaotian with no excessive expression on his face except a little sarcasm. In Saul's heart, however, he could not help thinking of the animal in a certain state - the snake ready to go!

Although it doesn't seem to have any attack power, once it moves, it will be a thunderbolt! This kind of opponent, compared with those who can be strong, but can be seen in one move, is too terrible.

"Yes, but you have to pay a price." Yang Xiaohai doesn't like to talk unless it's someone he wants to talk to. And sol is obviously not. What's more, Sol's proposal is to let him and Yang Xiaotian cooperate! Yang Xiaohai will never do such a thing!

So it's Yang Xiaotian who is talking now.

"No matter what the price is, I will accept it!" Sol didn't hesitate to murmur.

"I want your gang. To be exact, I want your organized gang." Yang Xiaotian's words, let sol is a Leng at first, but immediately is a burst of towering anger. However, sol is sol after all. He is aware of something wrong in Yang Xiaotian's words“ What do you call my organized gang

"Oh, by the way, I'm afraid you don't know yet?" Yang Xiaotian looks at sol, and then throws an object in his hand in front of sol.

Sol wanted to just look at it and pretend. But after just a glance, Sol's eyes suddenly widened.

"Pedro is the new leader? I'm dead? "

"Yes, now you are a dead man. And your capable man Pedro, has taken your "will" instead of you to become a new leader. So, I'm not asking you to organize the gang. It's ordering you! " Yang Xiaotian a word of a low way“ If you don't organize the gang, you are a dead man. Don't mention the conditions you offer. You can't pay for the room you live here! And I won't accept a patient who can't pay for the room. "

"I..." Sol opened his mouth, and the anger in his chest was extinguished quickly after seeing this information. And Yang Xiaotian's words, let now sol for one decadent - just as Yang Xiaotian said. If he has no way to take back the power of the gang, he is just an ordinary man.

Once a man of many evils like him has no power. That is, the time of death is coming - even if there is no disease in his body, he will die quickly. After all, the close relatives or friends of those who were beaten to death by him may not all be solved.

What's more, the gangs who were equal to him or even suppressed by his gangs may not take advantage of this opportunity to seek revenge! If Pedro has succeeded in usurping power, Pedro may even send someone to deal with sol!

After all, sol is life or death, as the usurper of Pedro, naturally is very clear. Once the news of Sol's not dead spreads, Pedro, who has no blood relationship with sol, will be easily knocked down.

Although sol is not very good to the enemy, he is very good to his people. That's why, if it's not certain, Pedro doesn't dare to take the risk of being solved by sol after Sol's illness can't be cured.

"Help me. I promise that the deputy leader of the gang will be yours in the future." Sol hesitated and then spoke to Yang Xiaotian.

Although up to now, he still doesn't know how much power Yang Xiaotian's men have hidden. But I don't know why, an idea rose in Saul's heart that John, who was not convinced of anyone, could write his respect and fear for Yang Xiaotian in the secret field of diary.

Such a person will never be an ordinary person!

"Deputy leader?" Yang Xiaotian looks at sol playfully“ If I don't help you, I'm afraid if you come out of this villa, you will be torn apart every minute? "

"This..." Saul's face suddenly turned ugly.

After years of high office, sol has forgotten. Last time someone dared to use such a condescending posture and command tone to talk to himself. How high is the grass on the grave now.

Now Yang Xiaotian talks with himself in this tone, which is in Saul's heart. Subconsciously, I want to let people come here immediately and get rid of this kid who doesn't know the heaven and earth!

But sol is very clear, what Yang Xiaotian said is the fact! Since Pedro dares to usurp power at this time, it means that he must be fully prepared.

And just like Yang Xiaotian said, once you get out of this villa, I'm afraid you will be torn apart by others every minute. After all, apart from the unknown number of enemies, I'm afraid Pedro has already ambushed the killers around the villa, right?

Once sol dares to go out of the villa, he will be solved by Pedro or other killers sent by his enemies in the first time without the protection of wells.

"Is it hard to choose?" Yang Xiaotian looks at him playfully“ Now you have nothing. If I don't help you, you are a useless person. And if you lend me your reputation and give me the gang. I can at least guarantee that you won't have to worry about your personal safety and the money you need to spend on medical treatment in the coming time. As for Johnson... "

Speaking of Johnson, Yang Xiaotian's tone stopped a little. Although for John, in addition to his learning ability, Yang Xiaotian has already praised his talent in medicine. For the rest, Yang Xiaotian doesn't praise it very much.

"I can promise that I will educate him as if he were my child. In John's heart, I'm afraid it never occurred to him that he wanted to inherit the idea of your leader. And I'm sure John doesn't want Johnson to be a gangster for his only flesh and blood, does he? "

Yang Xiaotian's words made sol silent for a long time. Yang Xiaotian is not in a hurry to continue persuading, while Yang Xiaohai is standing by, coldly looking at Yang Xiaotian's taking advantage of Sol's behavior.

"I agree..." in a simple sentence, it seems that Saul exhausted all his strength.

For the sake of his present position, he was silent for a long time under grandfather John. Later, after John's grandfather died, in order to control the power of the gang, sol began to kill people who were originally from the same gang.

After his hands were covered with the blood of unknown people, sol was able to hold the position of the leader. In order to stay in this position for a long time, sol still needs to kill people from time to time. Although his life is very relaxed and comfortable, only those who often accompany him know it. In Saul's heart, the slaughter was not as enthusiastic and fanatical as it appeared.

Saul didn't like to kill people, but sometimes he had to.

It's because of paying too much, so sol doesn't want to get his position, so easy to let out!

But as Yang Xiaotian said, if he doesn't hand it in, no one will be able to do it.

Even he doesn't have the ability to protect himself, let alone the next thing to take back his power.

"OK, deal." Yang Xiaotian smiles, then picks up his mobile phone and shouts to the receiver.

"Now get Pedro for me and announce that sol is not dead."

"I said sky, you know. What exactly do you want me to do now? " A voice came from the receiver. Sol felt as if he had heard it somewhere, but at this time, he couldn't think of it.

"Do you want to cure Landry's disease or not? And the thing you want to do, do you need my help? " Yang Xiaotian's tone is not very friendly.

"Well, my father's illness, please. As for Pedro, give me three hours... "The man opposite shook his head helplessly and hung up.

"Er... Three hours? Is your friend reliable? " Of course, you are the most clear about your own affairs.

Although the gangs are far behind the countries in terms of scale and power. However, if a gang is really regarded as the epitome of a country, it is not bad. And my own gang is the largest in the south of the United States!

Although Pedro has just usurped the throne, I'm afraid he hasn't been sitting up yet. But since Pedro dares to usurp the throne, there must be some diehard support. And some of them must have been lured to Pedro's side by the favorable conditions he promised.

And when Saul's other children are not able to cope with the situation, Saul is "dead". Pedro, who has been Sol's right-hand man for a long time, seems to be the best successor.

I want to solve Pedro in three hours. Isn't it a joke?

"Don't worry, it will be settled in three hours." Yang Xiaotian's evil spirit smiles and reveals the white teeth of the two schools.

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