"Come here." Yang Xiaotian pointed to Fu Laiwen and drank low.

"Oh?" Fu Laiwen looks at Yang Xiaotian suspiciously, but it doesn't pass. He can feel that Yang Xiaotian is very dangerous now! Anyone close to him is likely to be torn up!

"What's the matter, Xiao Tian?" Although Fu Laixi was not a soldier, he was a child of a military family. After feeling the strong murderous spirit of Yang Xiaotian, Fu Laixi quickly stands between Yang Xiaotian and Fu Laiwen“ It's a gift money for you! As for the fury? "

"Now the reason why my grandfather's body is like this is that my elder martial brother's diagnosis must be very clear to you all?" Yang Xiaotian's language is very slow, even word by word. But the temperature in the house, but with the extension of Yang Xiaotian talking time, and more and more lower.

"There is no place to release, which eventually leads to chest tightness and Qi sinking. In addition, the old man was already old and had a serious illness before. It's been a long time since I've been oppressed in my heart Qu Bowen doesn't know what happened between the Fu family and Yang Xiaotian. It's not that he didn't care, but that no one told him. And want to investigate these things, Qu Bowen's identity, after all, is still a little bit poor.

"Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be perfected." There was a struggle in his eyes, but Fu Laiwen still insisted on it.

"Well said!" Yang Xiaotian jumped up from the ground, flashed by Fu Laixi and punched Fu Laiwen directly. But this fist is about to hit Fu Laiwen, but it can't fall.

"God, stop it!" Behind him, Fu Laixi holds Yang Xiaotian's waist. In front of Fu Laixi, there was Fu Chen. Although Fu Chen was very disgusted with Fu Laiwen's forcible taking afreqi and his later aggressive behavior towards Yang Xiaotian in Southeast Asia. But she knew that what Fu Laiwen had done was the family motto of the Fu family. When family affairs and state affairs conflict, state affairs are greater than heaven!

"Brother Xiaotian, don't be angry with brother Laiwen. He has his own difficulties. Grandfather loves you and he does. The last thing he wants to see is the contradiction between the most valued grandson and his favorite grandson. " Fu Chen cried“ Grandfather understands brother Laiwen's difficulties, and he also understands your difficulties. Although there are contradictions between you, you are not wrong. Brother Laiwen is more concerned about the country, and brother Xiaotian is more concerned about his family. It is because he knows these, he wants to make you reconcile, but he also knows that you two are more and more stubborn. He wants to persuade one of you to soften the other, but he knows that none of you can soften the other first. This has always been a big stone in my grandfather's heart... "

Just when Fu Chen was standing in front of Yang Xiaotian and crying to explain why Fu's body was getting worse, a husky voice came from the bed.


"Grandfather, are you awake?" Fu Chen exclaimed, directly from Fu Laiwen and Yang Xiaotian jumped out, jumped to the bedside. Yes, these simple steps, she jumped over.

"Grandfather, you are so old, why don't you pay attention to your health? Do you still think that I'll give you some warm and cold advice, and let you put on your clothes and open your mouth? " Yang Xiaotian put away his murderous spirit and turned around. The frost on his face had been replaced by a smile.

"Smelly boy, just your mouth, I'll be angry with you sooner or later!" Although the words say so, but Fu Lao's face, but rippling with a happy smile.

"It's true. I think you can hold my baby with your bones." Yang Xiaotian joked.

"Ha ha, I've seen some pictures of your children. They're very good-looking. It's much more beautiful than you, especially that little Ye Xuan, whose mouth is much sweeter than your smelly boy. "

Xiaoye Xuan has always stayed in China, and the other is Xiaoyu. It's just that little corn stayed in Yunnan Province. It's too far from DIDU. Mr. Fu wanted to go over and have a look, but his body couldn't stand the bumps.

Yi Jiaxin knows about Fu's family, though she knows that Fu won't hurt herself. But if Fu Laiwen, the lunatic, does something, he may not be able to stop him.

Of course, it's all Yi Jiaxin's own wishful thinking. Afreqi was the only son of chuck, the former king of Locke Kingdom. Once he was in control, it would be of great benefit to China.

Although Yang Xiaotian is important, at the strategic level, he is still a little worse than afreqi. Of course, there is one more thing. Yang Xiaotian has too many children. It's not very useful just to catch one.

What's more, Yang Xiaotian does not belong to any organization. If he really takes his family, especially his children, as hostages to threaten him, it will only make China's reputation worse and worse.

Compared with the reputation that will be lost, the benefits that can be gained by doing so are a little more than the losses.

So in this case, Mr. Fu can definitely stop it. Because he was very clear that Mo daotong would not let Fu Laiwen do such a thing.

"I said that Xiao Ye Xuan is now a great grandfather. You are always digging my corner." Yang Xiaotian suddenly realized.

"Smelly boy, such a big man, can't even say a word, what do you mean I dig your corner?" Fu Laoxiao scolds a way.

"By the way, grandfather. One thing I need to tell you is that I have a military rank now. I'm also a member of the military. Would you like to ask them to help me settle my salary for so many years? " Yang Xiaotian asked with a face.

"It's no problem. I can help you get it back." Fu Laoyi frowns, then low drinks a way“ Laiwen, if you want to solve this problem, just say that I asked you to do it! "

"Yes." Fu Laiwen immediately stood at attention, saluted Fu Lao, and then turned to leave. When Mr. Fu takes out his status as a military elder rather than a grandfather, Mr. Fu will make the behavior standards that soldiers should have when facing the peak.

"Chenchen, you are hungry, too. Let me take you to eat something." When Fu Laixi saw that Fu Laiwen had left, he immediately pulled Fu Chen's clothes.

"I don't... well, I'm hungry, too." Fu Chen originally wanted to stay in the ward, but after seeing Fu Laixi winking at her, he immediately nodded, and then left the ward behind Fu Laixi.

"Grandfather, do you have something to tell me when you spend them all?" Just now, I've been coaxing Mr. Fu to be happy. Now I see that after Mr. Fu has paid for Fu Laiwen, who has the worst relationship with him, Fu Laixi and Fu Chen also leave. Where can Yang Xiaotian guess? Now Fu always wants to talk to himself alone?

"Xiaotian, what do you think of the communication?" After the joke, Fu's tone became serious. Just in tone, it's just chatting, not talking about business.

"Standard soldiers, patriotism and border protection. With such people, the country is secure. " Yang Xiaotian frowned and gave the standard answer.

"I'm asking you what you think!" Seeing that Yang Xiaotian was still playing Tai Chi, Fu's brow wrinkled.

"I respect him, but I don't like him. With him, as long as I don't betray the country, I can give him my back. My back won't hurt until he dies. But if he can fight for greater interests for the country by abandoning me, he will abandon me without hesitation, or even tie me directly to the enemy. So I respect him, but I don't like him

"But you should know that the country needs such people." Mr. Fu said in a low voice.

"I know, so I won't argue with him. But I also like that his patriotic behavior will not hurt the people around me. This is my bottom line, and I don't want anyone to touch it. " Mr. Fu has already made a request, but Yang Xiaotian is not soft hearted.

In front of this old man, for the country to pay the best time of his life. Even in his later years, he had to worry about state affairs. Of course, these things are not enough to make Yang Xiaotian soft hearted. Mr. Fu saved his life. When you give him a drop of water, you will be rewarded by Yongquan. What's more, Yang Xiaotian owes Fu his life?

"Well, I promise I will never do anything like that in the future." After hearing Yang Xiaotian's promise, Fu Lao's face showed a happy smile“ Now I want to ask you another thing. When are you going to marry Chenchen? "

"Keke..." the big span between the things that Mr. Fu discussed with himself made Yang Xiaotian almost have no problem.

"Chen Chen was really arrogant and domineering before. But now she has changed a lot, and when she was in Southeast Asia, knowing how dangerous it was, she did not hesitate to go there. Don't you know what the reason is? "

"But... I already have..." before Yang Xiaotian finished, Mr. Fu had already interrupted him.

"I know you have a lot of women around you, even a few children. But if I remember correctly, you still have the nationality of Locke Kingdom? " Fu looked at Yang xiaotiandao playfully“ In the kingdom of Locke, people with detached status, whether rich or powerful, can marry more. As the teacher of the current king afreqi, you have great power in name. And with the income of your two companies, it seems that there are few that can surpass you in Locke Kingdom, right? Therefore, you are fully qualified to marry more wives. "


"Well, that's settled. Grandfather, I'm old. I'll earn one more day if I live one more day. To be able to see your marriage with Chenchen is my last wish now. Don't let me have no way to see this wish. "

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