After Huang Pengyu said these words to the family members of the patients without expression, he turned to offer hospitality to tan Xixi: "Xiao Tan, do you have time at the weekend? I know there's a fish restaurant with pickled vegetables. It's delicious. I'll tell you, this woman has to eat sour food, beautiful face and good health! I know that very well! "

Tan Xixi was embarrassed and whispered: "Dr. Huang, I'm sorry, I really don't have time at the weekend! You'd better see what happened to the child first. "

"I don't have time at the weekend. Next week is OK! You can do it whenever you have time! " Huang Pengyu still did not give up, "let them register first, this is the normal process!"

Yang Xiaotian came out at this time. He saw a 26-year-old young man carrying a one-year-old girl coming in. The young man was sweating and panting on his forehead. It was obvious that he was running all the way.

Children hiding in the arms of men, constantly crying, obviously very uncomfortable.

At this time, a young woman, who should be a man's wife, came out and asked, "how's it going?"

"Register quickly, the doctor will let you register!" Said the man.

The woman registered immediately.

Yang Xiaotian said, "I'll have a look first. I can register later."

With a surprise on his face, the man quickly held the child in front of Yang Xiaotian and said, "doctor, after dinner, we took the child to practice walking. The child fell down and was held by me, but I don't know whether it was a dislocation or a fracture. We can't move it. It's very painful!"

Yang Xiaotian asked: "holding the child's hand? Holding hands when you fall? "

"Yes, yes, yes!" The man nodded.

At this time, Huang Pengyu said: "Hey, I said Dr. Xiao Yang, you don't have to register to consult. You don't conform to the regulations of the hospital! They're not in a hurry! "

"Ah, how can you talk like that!" The man was in a hurry and yelled at Huang Pengyu.

Huang Pengyu took a step back subconsciously and immediately understood it and said, "what are you shouting about? This is a vegetable market, not a place to fight! "

Yang Xiaotian said to the man, "OK, don't have the same opinion with him. Go inside first. I think it should be dislocated!"

He pointed to the emergency room.

The man went in with the child and the woman in his arms.

Yang Xiaotian turned his head and said to Huang Pengyu: "I don't know the rules of the hospital! My principle is to help the wounded and the dying. I can't do anything if I can't help it. I can't embarrass others if I can't help it! Besides, what about a number? Is the hospital short of the ten yuan registration fee? "

With that, Huang Pengyu, who was shaking, turned and walked to the emergency room.

Let the man holding the child sitting opposite him, Yang Xiaotian took the child's hand, touched a few times, asked the child whether it hurt.

Children over one year old don't know much about things. They are afraid of strangers and feel uncomfortable. They cry all the time. How can they know whether it hurts or not.

However, Yang Xiaotian has already felt that there is a dislocation in his wrist.

With a smile, he took out his cell phone from his pocket, started a series of games, and then passed in front of the child.

The child's attention was immediately attracted by the colorful patterns on the mobile phone screen, and his eyes moved with Yang Xiaotian's hand.

"Take your cell phone and show it to the kids!" Yang Xiaotian said to the woman next to him.

"Ah Woman a Leng, immediately should sound, took Yang Xiaotian's mobile phone, in the side to attract children's attention.

Yang Xiaotian took the opportunity to hold the child's hand and lift it.



After the hand was connected, the child began to cry with pain. However, because the bone had recovered, the pain was only a moment, and then it stopped. Therefore, the child was attracted by the mobile phone after crying, and did not cry any more.

Yang Xiaotian moves the child's hand again, and the child doesn't feel pain any more. He just shakes his hand and wants to touch the mobile phone.

The man was surprised and said, "that's good?"

"All right!" Yang Xiaotian said, "it's dislocation, very slight! But you should pay attention in the future. The child is in a period of rapid development, and the bones are very fragile. In the future, take the child to learn to walk. Don't hold her hand. In case of falling, it's easy to dislocate! "

"Understand, understand!" The couple nodded frequently.

The woman said to the child, "baby, did you hear the doctor's uncle? Thank you doctor, uncle

Kids just want to grab their cell phones.

The woman returned the mobile phone to Yang Xiaohou, and the child cried out with a whoa. Obviously, he was aggrieved that he couldn't see the mobile phone. The man quickly took out his mobile phone and handed it to the child.

Several people laughed.

The couple went out after thanking each other again and again.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the husband and wife came over again. In the face of Yang Xiaotian's doubts, the man handed the registration form to Yang Xiaotian and said, "doctor, your medical skills are high and your medical products are good, not like the doctor outside! We can't make it difficult for you to do it. It's just to hang up a number. It's not that you can't hang up. The main reason is that you were too worried about children at that time! "

This is very loud, obviously for Huang Pengyu outside.

Yang Xiaotian smiles. He can feel that if he sincerely faces the patient, what he gains will also be the patient's sincerity.

Yang Xiaotian's skill shocked many nurses. After all, it's just a legend that he cured director Jiang. No one in the emergency department has ever seen him. In the emergency department, he only subdued a military madman. In most people's eyes, it doesn't belong to the category of medical skills.

And just now Yang Xiaotian went to the emergency room to see all kinds of medical equipment, which gave people a feeling that he was not knowledgeable, so the nurses felt that he was unreliable.

Didn't expect to understate to help a child to the bone.

This overturned many nurses' impression of Yang Xiaotian.

"I didn't expect that I really had some skills!"

"Isn't that right? I heard that they came back from studying abroad. "

It's not busy before nine o'clock, but it's completely busy after nine o'clock. First, it's drunk, then it's fight, then it's traffic accident, and myocardial infarction. The hall is also very noisy. Some family members cry and some call. The hospital is like a vegetable market.

Fortunately, Yang Xiaotian has rich experience. He keeps giving orders to nurses, injecting all kinds of drugs, and doing all kinds of bandages. In case of emergency, he does it himself, no matter whether he is bloody or not.

I was busy until five o'clock in the morning, and it was a little light, so the emergency department was quiet.

Everyone was tired and lazy and sat together at will.

"I'm so tired tonight! Dr. Yang, you are really unlucky. You are so busy on your first day on duty! We used to be on duty, seldom so busy! " Yi Jiaxin stretched a waist to say.

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "it's better to be busy. There's a lot of experience!"

"Thanks to Dr. Yang, the command is in good order. Otherwise, it doesn't have to be chaotic today." Said a nurse.

"Yes, you didn't see how fierce those guys were. Fortunately, Dr. Yang stopped them!" Another nurse said with a lingering fear.

She was talking about the group of people who were fighting. Several people bullied the nurses by drinking. They said that if their elder brother could not be cured, Yang Xiaotian directly lit up the scalpel and asked them who wanted to get the knife. He also shaved one of them with the scalpel, which scared the other drunkards out of breath.

While talking, Huang Pengyu came again. After a sleep, he was obviously in high spirits, much better than a few dispirited medical staff at the scene. He also carried a food box in his hand, walked up to tan Xixi and said to her, "nurse Tan, you've been busy all night, tired, have something to eat! I cooked job's tears porridge myself

"Oh, Dr. Huang, there are so many people here, so you only cook porridge for nurse tan. Is that good for you?" Yi Jiaxin said in a long tone.

Several nurses nearby also laughed.

Tan Xi Xi Xi is anxious: "doctor Huang, I don't eat!"

"Why not? Don't listen to them. They are jealous Huang Pengyu laughs very much with the wind rising sun, "eat quickly!"

"I... I'm not hungry, so don't eat!" Tan Xi Xi Xi explains very stupidly.

"Oh, do you know what I like about you? I just like the cute way you are! " Huang Pengyu laughed, and then changed the tone to Yi Jiaxin and others and said, "you have to learn more from nurse tan. Besides, I don't owe you and I don't chase you. Why should I cook porridge for you?"

All the people choked at his words and didn't know what to say.

Yang Xiaotian is also very speechless. He knew that Huang Pengyu was very arrogant and arrogant, but he didn't expect that he could say such a thing in public. Isn't that a slap in the face?

"Well, let's not make a fool of ourselves here. I'll go first!" Yi Jiaxin said and stood up.

"I'm gone, too!"

"Oh, wait for me!"

Looking from left to right, Tan Xi Xi Xi stamped her feet and said to Huang Pengyu, "Dr. Huang, please respect yourself and don't bring me any more things in the future."

Then he stamped his foot and left.

Huang Pengyu looked at Tan Xixi's back with a puzzled face and muttered: "don't you all say that women like men to deliver breakfast? I can't do without it... Alas, what's wrong? Forget it, forget it, I'm so handsome, talented and sincere. One day nurse Tan will be moved by me. Come on, don't be discouraged! "

Then he made a sign to cheer on.

Yang Xiaotian almost spit it out, thinking that this person is too special narcissism.

Instead of rushing to leave, he waited until work time to ask director Luo Fei about the dormitory.

Luo Fei was very frank. He said that there was a spare room in a dormitory. Then he gave the key to Yang Xiaotian. By the way, he asked Yang Xiaotian about last night and asked him to show him his work report.

Yang Xiaotian took the key and thought to go to the dormitory first. He didn't know who his roommate was and whether he was easy to get along with. If he was a troublesome roommate, he would rent a house nearby. Anyway, he didn't have much money.

The dormitory is in the family building behind the first courtyard, the seventh floor of the 13th floor. It's more comfortable to have an elevator. Before he pushed the door in, he heard a woman's playful voice across the door. It sounds like Tan Xixi and Yi Jiaxin. However, because of the distortion of the voice across the door, he was not sure.

So he turned the key to push the door in, and was startled. Tan Xixi and Yi Jiaxin, two girls, were only wearing hoods and underpants, revealing a large area of delicate white meat. They were scratching each other on the sofa.

Seeing someone push the door in, they were also shocked.

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