Although the work of the emergency department is busy, but everything is in order, belongs to the busy but no novelty work.

As soon as there was a row, it immediately attracted a lot of onlookers.

It's a bit low-key for the medical staff to stop and watch. The patients waiting for treatment and their families are not low-key, they just squeeze in to see them.

Because there is a laboratory nearby, many patients and their families are waiting for the results. The shortest time is half an hour. When they are in a state of extreme boredom, there is a lot of excitement here, so they all come here immediately.

To see more people around, the children's families are not afraid, on the contrary, it is exciting.

The old woman yelled out: "everyone give a comment, our child has jaundice, come to see a doctor! The doctor, regardless of his age, was cruel enough. He asked our children to take blood for testing. The baby, who was less than a month old, had thin blood vessels on her wrist. The thick needle was tied around her neck to take blood. Her face was blue with tears!

This does not count, after coming back the doctor looked, said must be hospitalized! What light to light! My son asked him if there was any other way! People just like to see it or not.

It's not that we can't afford the money. For the sake of our children, we have to pay the money to smash the pot and sell iron! But you can't say that in order to make money, you should be hospitalized in disorder! Children suffer, don't they? "

The patients who said this all felt the same and nodded one after another.

"That's right!"

"Now the hospital is, in order to make money, what method all want, take me for example, I feel clearly take some medicine can be good, the result must give me to hang water, a hang will take three days, a tonsil inflammation will cost three or four hundred, you say to ask who to reason!"

Yang Xiaotian didn't like to hear this. He stood up and said, "you think you can take some medicine. Are you a doctor? Then why are you still here? Why don't you go home and take your own medicine? "

The man was not happy, staring at Yang Xiaotian: "Hi, what do you say? Don't look at your white coat. Believe it or not, I'll smoke you! "

His voice just fell, the child's grandmother quit, blocking in front of Yang Xiaotian, eloquent: "who do you want to smoke? This little doctor is the life-saving benefactor of our children. If you want to smoke him, go over from me first! "

That awe inspiring look, people who don't know think that they will make any more heroic films.

"Yo? Is there any change? "

Everyone is interested again. Just now she scolded the doctor, thinking that she was condemning the hospital, but unexpectedly, it was defending the doctor again.

The old woman continued: "this doctor is different! Not only tell us to take medicine can be good, but also the pathological situation and we said clearly! I am illiterate, I can only write my own name, but I can understand what he said! It's not me. After listening to him, I can see the general jaundice! Such a doctor is really good! "

Then he gave Yang Xiaotian a thumbs up.

Everyone looked at Yang Xiaotian in surprise.

Yang Xiaotian said: "generally can explain the reason, we do doctors will explain clearly, after all, mood is also very important to the body is not! OK, auntie, go back first. It's important to see the child! "

"Yes, yes!" The old woman said quickly.

People thought it was over.

But I didn't expect that Huang Pengyu, who had been silent on one side, suddenly broke out. He stood up and stared at Yang Xiaotian with red eyes. He said word by word: "Dr. Yang, you not only interfere in my diagnosis and treatment, but also criticize my diagnosis! I just want to ask you, if the child has any problems, do you dare to be responsible? You know, I've been a doctor longer than you. You don't understand me! "

Feeling just now has not spoken, is holding up the big move.

"Oh, I didn't talk about you just now. Do you think I'm used to you? And blow hair with me? " Yang Xiaotian was very upset and calm. He was not a good man when he went to the bar to pick up his sister. However, since he was wearing a white coat, he was a doctor. He also liked the profession of doctor and was proud of his identity as a doctor. But what Huang Pengyu did just now defiled the word doctor.

Looking at Huang Pengyu, he said word by word: "as a doctor, I think you must know the Hippocratic oath and the subsequent Geneva declaration. I don't know if you still remember the excitement and trembling when you first took the oath as a doctor. Maybe because you have been a doctor for a long time, you have forgotten it! Here, I repeat one of them for you. I hope you can take a warning. "

He was silent for a moment, slightly closed his eyes, and said in a solemn voice, "I will practice medicine with my conscience and dignity. I will do my best to uphold the honor and noble tradition of doctors. I will try my best to protect people's lives from conception. "

His voice is extremely magnetic.

Originally, there was still some buzzing noise in the crowd around.

But under his voice, it was quiet.

More nurses even heard goose bumps in this voice.

Fu Lin just finished her work from the outside. Seeing a group of people gathered here, she hurriedly went over and yelled, "Hi, hi, what are you doing? What are you doing around here? "

I'm watching a good play. Naturally, no one pays attention to him.

Fu Lin saw a little nurse, a big eyes, asked: "Hey, don't work? Not busy? "

Little nurse is goose bumps, numb, hands in front of the chest, a face of worship expression: "Dr. Yang said really good, really handsome!" Immediately saw Fu Lin such as Bell general big eyes, suddenly "ah" a, "head nurse!"

"I'm not a monster. What's my name?" Fu Lin said impatiently, "what's going on inside?"

"Dr. Yang and Dr. Huang have quarreled!"

"What?" Fu Lin a Leng, immediately toward inside squeeze, "I see go!"

Yang Xiaotian a little meal, shouting: "I solemnly, independent, and with my personality oath above agreement!"

Huang Pengyu opened his mouth and said, "what do you mean by saying this to me? My diagnosis is correct! "

Yang Xiaotian nodded: "it's not wrong!"

Huang Pengyu suddenly caught life-saving straw and laughed: "you see, he said I was right, I was right!"

Yang Xiaotian disgusted: "I haven't finished my words yet! Just like the tonsil inflammation mentioned by that person just now, you can take medicine and hang water. It depends on the situation whether you want to take medicine or hang water, not all of them choose to hang water!

Let's go back to the matter of neonatal jaundice, according to the blue light can really cure jaundice! But the point is, is it necessary? Are you over treating?

You may say, it can be cured!

Yes, it can be cured! But do you know what that means?

Children in the blue light, but also in a strange environment, is basically crying, sleep is not good, eat is not good, cry tired can sleep for an hour or two!

And Blu ray is a means of compulsion, itself also has side effects.

As a doctor, don't you think about these problems? So how do you respect life? "

The words were full of excitement and reverberated in the consulting room.

Fu Lin originally wanted to fight. After all, the two doctors in the hospital quarreled. How bad the influence was.

But when I heard Yang Xiaotian's words, I was stunned there for a moment.

People are meat long, who go to the hospital to see a doctor also met a bad attitude of the doctor, also met the doctor perfunctory.

Yang Xiaotian's words resonated in people's hearts.


I don't know who took the lead.

Then there was applause.

The crowd cheered one after another.

"What's the doctor's name? How can I hang up his number? " Somebody's starting to ask.

"I'll see his clinic from now on." Said another.

Someone began to argue: "you are stupid, you, this is an emergency, where can I see it at ordinary times?"

"Can't I go to the emergency room at night?" The man didn't like it.

"Well, you cow..." this is to admit defeat.

Fu Lin quickly said: "this is our doctor in the emergency department. We will visit more in the future! Hey, look at what I said. Anyway, that's what I mean. I'll do it when I get it

Huang Pengyu's face was pale. He didn't know how to answer Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian continued: "didn't you just ask me," if something goes wrong with the child, do I dare to be responsible? "? Now I tell you clearly, I dare to be responsible! "

Then he said to the father of the child: "in this way, when you go back, do as I said and take the medicine on time! This medicine can be soaked in milk powder, but pay attention to the temperature, too high temperature will kill the bacteria inside, it is best not to exceed 37 degrees! Three days later, come back here for further consultation! "

The children's family naturally nodded, and finally said: "doctor, don't worry, we will trust you if we say this to you!"

"Just believe me?" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Ah, character is medicine! A doctor with good medical quality will not be inferior in medical skill! " The family said.

After all, the family members of the children were advised to leave.

But then things went wrong, many patients are re registered to let Yang Xiaotian see.

Yang Xiaotian doesn't care about this, but he still has some words to say, he said: "everyone, listen to me, there are still some doctors with good medical skills in our hospital! What's more, it's common for a doctor to have a headache. There's no need to wait here. It's a waste of your precious time! "

This must be said, otherwise other doctors are still waiting for the results of the patient's examination. As a result, the patient will never come back. Then they ask Yang Xiaotian that he is here.

If Yang Xiaotian didn't say that, what would other doctors think?

After that, if the patient is willing to come, there is no way, is there?

When he said this, there were fewer patients waiting in line, but at a glance, there were still 20 or 30 patients waiting outside, and Yang Xiaotian didn't care. Anyway, when he went to work to see a doctor, one of them was watching, and one hundred were watching.

He went to see a doctor very slowly. He asked every doctor about the situation in detail, and then explained the precautions. Other doctors might be able to see a patient in one minute. Yang Xiaotian took at least five minutes, and even ten or twenty minutes.

In this way, some patients who feel that their illness is not serious will go to other doctors.

Huang Pengyu, after sitting in the office for more than ten minutes, panted out.

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