Although Wei Chengqiang is white, he is still half black and not white, which can be regarded as gray. After all, people can't help themselves in the river and lake. Although they don't carry out chopping and killing activities, their former brothers still go to help if they want to borrow money or have a meal.

Of course, the brothers will also make it convenient for him, such as asking nearby restaurants to take cigarettes and alcohol from him, collecting debts for him, and introducing people to cash in with credit cards.

In fact, it is also mutually beneficial.

It's hot in the afternoon. The air conditioner is on in his shop. Several brothers who used to mix together and now are all fat are sitting in his shop playing mahjong. He is watching the excitement.

Seeing Huang Pengyu coming, he thought it was someone who came to buy things and immediately gave him a warm reception. Unexpectedly, Huang Pengyu came up with such a sentence, which irritated him. He reached out and pushed Huang Pengyu out: "what are you shouting about?"

Several brothers playing mahjong heard the voice and turned their heads to ask, "what's the matter?"

Huang Pengyu said: "it's OK, it's OK, talk to this little brother about something!"

Then he pushed and pulled Huang Pengyu to the outside.

Once outside, Wei Chengqiang said, "my brothers are all inside. What are you talking about?"

Huang Pengyu curled his lips: "in fact, are you afraid of others? Yes? I'm afraid of shame, right? Now I don't dare to say that when I get divorced, isn't it more humiliating? "

Wei Chengqiang stretched out his fists. Hearing this, he took back his fists and asked Huang Pengyu: "who are you? What do you want to do? "

"I'm a colleague of head nurse Fu. My name is Huang Pengyu. I don't know if you recognize me!" Huang Pengyu said.

"Are you Huang Pengyu?" Wei Chengqiang was surprised. He heard that Fu Lin had said Huang Pengyu. Although he had never met him, he knew that he was a very proud and noble man.

"Yes! Have you heard of me? "

"My wife said it, but what did you come to me to say today?"

"Well, I'm kind-hearted. I want to tell you why head nurse Fu wants to divorce you. Do you know there's a new doctor in our department?" Huang Pengyu asked.

Wei Chengqiang shook his head.

"That's right!" Huang Pengyu clapped his hands, "I was just guessing, but head nurse Fu didn't tell you about his existence. There must be a problem!"

These words hook up Wei Chengqiang's curiosity.

Fu Lin is divorcing with him recently, and he is also upset about it.

I thought it was because of my bad temper and jealousy.

But now listening to Huang Pengyu's analysis, he suddenly feels that it should not be these two problems.

Bad temper, how can a man have no temper? Besides, it's not changing slowly, OK? Now his temper is much better than ten years ago. Ten years ago, Fu Lin could accept him, but now why can't he?

Love to be jealous, how can not be jealous? Among my brothers, what daughter-in-law are they looking for? Some of them become regular wine girls! On their own, not only to find a nurse to eat imperial food, is still the head nurse! A pair of watery big eyes, let him very cherish.

Isn't it normal to eat some vinegar? Who do you say is not jealous? How can this be a problem?

Listening to Wei Chengqiang's analysis, Huang Pengyu nodded and echoed from time to time.

Then he led the topic to Yang Xiaotian.

In his description, the main reason for the divorce is definitely not Wei Chengqiang or Fu Lin, but Yang Xiaotian, who shamelessly seduces the head nurse Fu.

Wei Chengqiang was very angry at that time. He clasped his fists and asked, "where is he? I'm going to settle with him now! "

Huang Pengyu quickly blocked: "don't worry, he doesn't work now, you can't find him! In the evening, we'll have a dinner party. Then you can... "

Wei Chengqiang nodded frequently.


Walk right from the first courtyard, turn a street, and you can see Tianming hotel. The front is not big. It has three floors. The downstairs is the hall, and the upstairs is the private room. Each floor has about 150 square meters of dining area.

Decoration is also very out of date, some places can see traces of smoke and fire, it is estimated that some years ago.

However, due to the good taste of the food and the friendly price, the business has always been very good.

Today, in addition to a few doctors and nurses on duty, all the medical staff of the emergency department came to find a big box. There were two tables for ten people, and they were very busy.

Tan Xixi is going to work overtime today. Yang Xiaotian is with Yi Jiaxin.

When we got there, half of the people had already come, and director Luo also came.

See Yang Xiaohou, he quickly said: "come, come, Xiaotian, sit here, sit next to the head nurse, we doctors, a lot of work need the support of nurses, just let the head nurse teach you more, in the future good can cooperate with ah!"

Speaking of this, Yang Xiaotian can't think of any reason to refuse.

And why refuse? In front of the head nurse, he said he didn't want to sit with the head nurse. How can the head nurse be embarrassed?

Yang Xiaotian didn't think much about Luo Fei's enthusiasm.

He sat next to Fu Lin.

In fact, the most knowledgeable people in hospitals are not doctors, but nurses. Many patients open and close their mouths in front of doctors, they respect them very much, but they don't respect nurses at all. They feel that nurses are the ones who are called upon.

In other words, the person the nurse met was more real than the doctor.

Fu Lin said enthusiastically: "Dr. Yang, you have to drink more today!"

Next to him, Han Zhuoyi reached out and said, "Jiaxin, come and sit here!"

Yi Jiaxin wanted to go there, but she saw Fu Linzheng talking with Yang Xiaotian enthusiastically. Her eyes turned and she said with a smile, "no, I'll take Dr. Yang's side. There's something I want to ask Dr. Yang!"

Han Zhuoyi is quite disappointed.

Although Yang Xiaotian has two beauties, one big and the other small, they are not very impressive at the scene, because the meal in the emergency department is more meat and less wolves. Cao Yajun is on duty. There are only four male doctors, Luo Fei, Huang Pengyu, Yang Xiaotian and Han Zhuoyi, and the other 16 are women.

The work of the emergency department is very tense at ordinary times. It's rare to have a chance to have dinner together and relax. Everyone is more relaxed. Even the little nurses drink a few more cups to join in the fun.

Just now, Luo Fei patted the table for silence, then stood up and said, "ladies and gentlemen, let me say something first. Don't worry, just a word, soon! Today, our dinner is to welcome the arrival of Dr. Yang Xiaotian. Today, our only task is to toast Dr. Yang! Well, that's all I have to say. Please help yourself

There was a round of applause.

Yang Xiaotian has a headache. It seems that he will drink too much tonight.

With the support of the director, a group of little nurses who were not afraid of the day after 90 all came to Yang Xiaotian for a toast. Then one of them patted Yang Xiaotian on the shoulder after drinking. Before Yang Xiaotian responded, he ran back with a smile and showed off that he had a good hand.

It's boiling.

A woman is such a creature. When she is alone with a group of men, she will be very reserved, but when a group of women and a few men are together, she will become very crazy.

Maybe the latter scene will make them feel at home and be more unscrupulous.

The next little nurses, some of them had a few more drinks, and their faces were red. After drinking, they hooked Yang Xiaotian's chin and touched Yang Xiaotian's chest

The key point is that you can't be angry. Other girls are openly organizing groups to tease you.

Yang Xiaotian suddenly felt that he was a male public relations man.

I don't know if those men who are ducks have the same feelings as themselves.

Fu Lin was amused by the scene and giggled. She said, "Doctor Yang, have you seen the strength of our nurses? Don't offend our nurses in the future

Yang Xiaotian said with a bitter smile: "how dare you

As he was talking, Huang Pengyu came up with his glass and said, "Dr. Yang, here's to you! We've offended so many people before. Let's write it off and start again! "

Yang Xiaotian also raised his glass and said, "there's nothing to offend. I'm right about things and wrong about people."

Huang Pengyu's face was very ugly. He nodded and said, "OK, I like your character! Do it first Then he drank it all, and finally he was choked with a cough.

Yang Xiaotian slowly drank the glass of wine, feeling the liquor flowing into his stomach from his tongue, drawing a hot line in his throat.

Looking at Huang Pengyu's back, Yang Xiaotian thought, "this kid's arrogant personality can even say soft words to me. Ha ha, I'm afraid he's hiding a knife in a smile! He wasn't angry with me for being so agitated

When he got drunk, Huang Pengyu suddenly suggested, "head nurse, you haven't drunk with Dr. Yang yet!"

He who persuades wine is afraid of no excitement.

As soon as Huang Pengyu said that, everyone began to roar.

"Ha ha, didn't I wait until the end? All the generals are the last ones, aren't they? " Fu Lin has a personality when she smiles, mixed with the feeling of simple smile, but because of a pair of smart big eyes, not only does it not give people the feeling of being silly, on the contrary, it shortens the beauty's sense of distance, giving people a feeling of special affinity.

Fu Lin then raised the bottle, doudoudu poured himself a glass of wine, and Yang Xiaotian poured a glass of wine, said: "come on, Doctor Yang, I'll give you a toast, I wish you a smooth job!"

"No, head nurse, since you are a general, you have to have a drink! Everyone said, "yes or no!" Huang Pengyu was coaxing again.

"Yes, have a drink!"

"Have a drink!"

Now everyone is happy. In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the wine market. Everyone is joking. If someone really can't afford it, it's boring. No one will take you out to play in the future.

Of course, this also has to be measured. It doesn't matter if superiors or peers joke. If subordinates joke on superiors or seniors, it's taboo.

Fu Lin is not affectable. She pretends to be angry and stares at the crowd. She doesn't hold it back. She laughs and says, "OK, you little guys, you can have a drink. Doctor Yang, come here!"

Then he held out his hand.

Yang Xiaotian helplessly smiles and reaches out his hand.

Next to the nurse wailed: "finished, Dr. Yang's little fresh meat was taken by the head nurse first!"

It caused a burst of laughter.

At the moment when Yang Xiaotian and Fu Lin were drinking, the door was pushed open with a bang. It was Wei Chengqiang who entered the door. When he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes began to crack, and his face was filled with disbelief and anger.

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