At the doctor's office across the corridor, Zhao Rong invited Wu Deshu to the first seat, pointed to Dai Ming and said, "secretary Wu, this is our expert in internal medicine, Dr. Dai Ming. He's a doctor of medicine. He's a typical top student

He also said to Dai Ming, "Dai Ming, you should quickly introduce the situation to secretary Wu!"

Dai Ming held up his glasses and scolded his mother. Although he was obsessed with learning and didn't fight for it, it didn't mean he was a nerd and didn't understand politics. At this time, let him introduce him, isn't it the same as putting him on the fire?

But it's all about technology. He really studies and speaks realistically. Therefore, in front of Wu Deshu, he is more ambitious than Zhao Rong.

The diagnosis results have been analyzed by the expert group. He pointed to the film and narrated to Wu Deshu.

"So you mean, is it a parasite or a glioma?" Wu asked

"I can't be sure!" Dai Ming said solemnly, "secretary Wu, you also understand that medicine is not a myth. We pay attention to speaking with facts. We can't guarantee 100% affirmation!"

Zhao Rong quickly said: "how to talk to secretary Wu?"

Wu Deshu waved his hand and said, "it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! Just be realistic! But I still have some questions. If it's a glioma or a parasite, why is there no problem before the operation of hysteromyoma, but after the operation? "

This problem is also the reason why the doctors of the hospital expert group are puzzled.

"Maybe it's a stress reaction! It's really hard to say. After all, the human body is the most sophisticated instrument. Modern medicine is just crossing the river by feeling the stone. There are still many problems that can't be explained! "

"It means... Only craniotomy?" Asked Wu.


The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and Zhao Rong didn't know what to say.

Looking at the film, Wu Deshu thought that what Dai Ming said is reasonable. If there is no problem, what is the lesion on CT?

If there is a lesion, the lesion can be removed.

But... What if that's not the reason? Don't you want to get a knife in vain? If it's from other places, it's the head. What should I do in case of an accident and sequelae?

At the thought of his wife drooling askew neck, Wu can't help but get goose bumps. At that time, the proud wife will definitely choose to commit suicide.

When he thought about it, he left behind the sentence "I'll talk to her first and listen to her ideas" and then hurried to the ward.

Wu De Shu left, Zhao Rong also followed, but Wu De Shu obviously didn't want him to follow, so he closed the door directly.

Zhao Rong, who was almost hit by his nose, touched his nose. Seeing a group of doctors and nurses behind him, he immediately yelled, "what are you looking at? Don't work? "

In the office, Yang Xiaotian took the medical record and CT film and looked at it, frowning and thinking from time to time.

Qu Bowen and Yang Xiaotian's hometown is the same place, which is a small county called Kairong County under Nanhu city. When Qu Bowen was a child, his parents died unexpectedly. When Yang Xiaotian's father saw that he was pitiful, he took him in for school.

Qu Bowen is also proud of himself. In his spare time, he helps Yang's clinic to do what he can. When Yang's father sees this, he begins to teach him medical skills. After he goes to university, Yang Xiaotian's family also moves to the capital at the request of his grandfather. They have never seen him since.

However, Qu Bowen and Yang Xiaotian have been together for five or six years since they were children. They eat, live and have a close relationship with each other.

"What? What do you see? " Yang Xiaotian did not go out, Qu Bowen naturally did not go out to flatter the Dean, but asked Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian pointed to the focus on the CT film and said: "if it's glioma or parasite, let's not ask why it will be affected after hysteromyoma surgery! It's just lying down with no headache, standing up with no headache! These two symptoms are either intermittent attacks, or have been attacks, there is no reason to lie down and stand up to do the distinction ah

Although Qu Bowen is the director of the Department of Neurology, his main research direction is epilepsy and myasthenia, but he also knows something about the Department of Neurology. Wen Yan also fell into thinking: "listen to what you say, it's really a problem, but don't worry about it. It's all the business of experts and leaders, and we're not professional!"

He always thought that Yang Xiaotian had learned the medical skills from his father. Although his father had excellent medical skills in the small county, he was just an ordinary doctor, so he didn't think much about it.

As everyone knows, after arriving in the capital, it was Yang Xiaotian's grandfather who taught him his medical skills. Yang Xiaotian's grandfather was a national.

Joining the army is also Yang Xiaotian's grandfather's opinion. Even if Yang Xiaotian is not happy, it can be seen that Yang Xiaotian's grandfather's status in the family has changed.

After a while, I heard angry voices coming from the ward.

"Craniotomy without diagnosis? Why don't they try to open their own skull? "

"It was just hysteromyoma at the beginning. How can I have a cut on my head now? And we have to operate before we know it clearly. Is this responsible for the patients? "

"The doctor's parents are worried. Do they have such an idea?"

Listening to his wife's complaint, Wu Deshu thought that the hospital was too responsible as his wife said. No, he had to transfer.

He told his wife what he thought.

Jiang Ying agreed immediately.

Two people discussed for a while, Wu Deshu immediately in the ward to call for acquaintances, after all, he worked in the city for a long time, the provincial hospital has no acquaintances, this matter also has to trust the relationship.

After Wu Deshu came out of the ward, he said to Zhao Rong, "president Zhao, thank you for your care. I think I'd better take my wife to the provincial hospital? What do you think? "

Zhao Rong can't wait for this. Although he will lose face, after all, he is not transferred to other hospitals in the city, but to hospitals in the province. The loss of face is limited, not to mention transferring the hot potato.

He pretended to think for a while, and then said: "the environment and equipment of the provincial hospital are better, I think it's a good idea! I happen to have a classmate in the provincial hospital. I'll call and ask him

Wu Deshu immediately nodded happily and said: "this is the best!"

"I'm sorry, I don't think the patient can be transferred to another hospital now. Her condition is very special. She must be treated immediately! She can't stand the long journey

At this time, a clear and steady voice said out loud.

This is what Yang Xiaotian said.

Everyone looked at it one after another.

Qu Bowen was so scared that he quickly pulled Yang Xiaotian behind him and said in a low voice, "what are you talking about? Where is that serious? "

Seeing that people looked at him one after another, he quickly put on a smile and said vaguely: "that... That, the child doesn't know how to talk nonsense!"

Zhao Rong looked at Qu Bowen and Yang Xiaotian, who was hidden behind him. He asked seriously, "director Qu, who is he?"

Qu Bowen was startled when he saw the dean's personal inquiry. He quickly said: "Dean Zhao, that... He is a child of my relative's family, and his grades are good, so I brought him to our hospital for practice..."

Although the transfer is a happy thing for everyone, after all, he is still afraid that the leaders will have opinions. Just now, Zhao Rong said that helping the leaders to contact the students in the provincial people's hospital is to try to bring the relationship closer.

Now this incident came out again, and Zhao Rong immediately blew up his hair, thinking that I would let the leaders see how much I care about him.

So without waiting for Qu Bowen to finish, he said, "what? Internship? Who approved it? Why don't I know? "

According to the process, the dean's approval is required for doctors to come for internship, but in fact, the dean is so busy every day, how can he be involved in everything? It's also the personnel department that is responsible for it. Only those who decide to employ in the hospital will be reported to the president.

The truth is this truth, but there's no way to put it on the table. Qu Bowen said, "I didn't have time. I thought today..."

Zhao Rong interrupted him again, saying, "don't say these useless things! You don't look at the people here! A group of experts can not solve the problem, has he this little intern to talk about it? I think you've come to the end as a director! "

This is very serious, Qu Bowen the whole people are silly there, do not know what to say.

Yang Xiaotian is not happy.

I thought that if you have an opinion, you can say it, repeatedly interrupt my elder martial brother and threaten him with dismissal?

If I don't work in your hospital, I have to give away my bad breath.

He came out from the tattoo of Qubo and said, "elder martial brother, it's just enough. You have to protect me at the critical moment!"

"Yes, I'm an intern! But interns are also on a few years of learning, learned medical skills, right? I have an opinion about the patient's condition. Can't I say it? " Yang Xiaotian is not humble or arrogant when he talks. He has a clear mind. "If it's any other small problem, you should transfer to another hospital! I will not say more! But the doctor's parents are worried that the patient's condition is very unstable. If you rush to transfer to another hospital, what should you do in case of a bumpy road and an accident? "

See Yang Xiaotian dare to come out to talk, Zhao Rong is more angry, a sneer said: "joke! Can you diagnose a disease that experts can't diagnose? Do you think your intern who doesn't even have a medical certificate is better than an expert? "

Wu Deshu also felt that Yang Xiaotian was alarmist and said to him, "little comrade, I think you'd better get out of the way. I'll let my wife go to the provincial hospital to have a look!"

At this time, not only the relationship between the doctor's parents, but also to earn face for the elder martial brother, he said: "well, in view of the patient's situation, I say a few words, you first listen to right, about also can't delay a few minutes, what do you think?"

Wu Deshu did not continue to refuse. Officials of the discipline inspection commission are also good at observing people. He saw the persistence in Yang Xiaotian's eyes.

Why do you insist?

On such occasions, if he is an intern and does not speak, he will be fine.

Why risk being fired?

Is he really a master?

Wu Deshu does not believe that an intern can be an expert? It's not in Jin Yong's novels. There are other floor sweeping monks.

Seeing that the leader didn't speak, Zhao Rong opened his mouth and said, "how many minutes? The time of leadership is precious. Do you know? And we have so many people, a few minutes alone, how many hours does it take? What do you think this is? "

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