Yang Xiaotian and Qu Bowen first straightened Wu's body, then let Qu Bowen hold Wu's legs, and make his knees close together, with his thighs and legs at 90 degrees.

After touching Wu De Shu's neck, Yang Xiao Tian's expression became a little serious.

"Why?" Wu asked? Is it serious? It's OK. Don't worry about it

After thinking about it, Yang Xiaotian said, "it's ok if it's serious, but now we need to take some treatment measures. I don't know if secretary Wu can accept this kind of treatment!"

"Oh?" Wu De Shu asked, "why do you think I can't accept it? What's the plan? Let's talk about it first!"

"In traditional Chinese medicine, the reason why intervertebral disc herniation is uncomfortable is that Qi and blood are blocked. In short, the treatment is to pull out cupping..." speaking of this, he looked at Wu Deshu and saw that the other party listened carefully. Then he continued, "but you need to bleed before pulling out cupping!"

"Bloodletting?" Wu Deshu was stunned.

Not only him, but also Wei Huahan and Qiu Junyou were stunned. Qiu Junyou was relatively better. Last time I heard Yang Xiaotian say a lot of medical theories at secretary Wu's home, but Wei Huahan was the first time to come into contact with Yang Xiaotian's diagnosis and treatment. He thought, "my darling, this is not a witch doctor. How can I bleed?"

Wu Deshu was surprised and said with a smile: "when it comes to bloodletting therapy, I think of a story. It seems that Washington was killed by bloodletting therapy, right?"

The speaker didn't want to listen, and the listener wanted to. Qiu Junyou was sweating. He thought to himself, what does secretary Wu mean by this? Is it true that Washington died like this? Do you want me to die when Yang Xiaotian bled me?

If so, isn't Yang Xiaotian in bad luck?

Immediately, he didn't think much about it. He opened his mouth and said, "boss, Doctor Yang certainly doesn't mean that..."

Wu Deshu was stunned and immediately laughed. He pointed to Qiu Junyou and said, "Xiao Qiu, you are good at everything, but sometimes you think too much. It's not like a man's style."

Immediately he frowned again and said with a smile, "but it's not your fault, secretary. Naturally, you have to think about everything in detail!"

Qiu Junyou said "Er" and went to think about what secretary Wu's words meant.

Yang Xiaotian is more free and easy, he said directly: "the death of Washington is self inflicted, three or four times a day, but also a large flow of blood, change who will die! The bloodletting therapy of our traditional Chinese medicine is different, that is, we use plum blossom needle to beat bloodletting, and what we let off is congestion on the surface, which can't hurt the blood vessels and meridians! "

Wu Deshu nodded and said, "since it's something handed down from the ancestors, let's have a try! As you said that night, since it exists, it must have something to do with it! If not, it will not last for thousands of years! "

Yang Xiaotian looked around and asked, "I'll take off my coat and tie a needle for a while. Do you want to let other people avoid it?"

Wu Deshu waved his hand indifferently: "they are all big men. What do you want to avoid?"

"That's fine!" Yang Xiaotian nodded and looked into the office, but he couldn't find a flat place. The sofa was too soft to fit. After looking for it for a long time, Wu Deshu's desk was more suitable.

So a few people together, find a blanket spread on the desk, directly let Wu De Shu lie on the desk.

Next to Qu Bowen, open the equipment box and disinfect all kinds of equipment.

Yang Xiaotian took a small hammer like thing from Qu Bowen's hand. The hammer head is about the size of a dollar coin, and the thickness is 67cm, which is such a cylinder.

Yang Xiaotian said to Wu Deshu: "secretary Wu, you see, there are five needles at the bottom of the small hammer, which are in the shape of plum blossom. This is the plum blossom needle commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine!"

Qiu Junyou and Wei Huahan are also curious to have a look.

Seeing the sharp light of the five needles, Qiu Junyou said, "I'm afraid it's very painful, isn't it?"

Yang Xiaotian waved his hand and said: "according to secretary Wu's current situation, it won't hurt much! According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, his cervical position obstruction is serious, even the feeling of pain will become slow! But after more treatment and improvement, you will feel very painful! "

Speaking, all the equipment are ready, earn Wu Deshu agree, Yang Xiaotian began to move.

First, he massaged Wu's cervical vertebrae repeatedly with the pulp of his thumb, occasionally touching and pushing.

This is looking for the ward, and the nearby cords, nodules, vesicles and other soft objects - the main reasons for these situations are that the muscles keep a posture for a long time, causing muscle calcification, or the adhesion state after slight bleeding of muscle injury.

At the beginning, most people will only feel pain and numbness, but at this time, if you go to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital and find an experienced masseur to massage, the masseur will tell you that this is the precursor of scapulohumeral periarthritis or cervical spondylosis or something.

Although it is a massage technique, it is also scientific. In fact, in European and American countries, traditional Chinese medicine is not a doctor, but massage is also highly respected by them, and has scientific basis.

Yang Xiaotian uses the pressing method, holding the handle of the needle (the handle of the hammer) with his thumb, middle finger and ring finger. The end of the handle is against the back of the palm, and the index finger is pressed on the handle.

Then the acupoints were pressed.

When pressing, it depends on the strength of the wrist. At the same time, it uses the index finger to press. The depth of needling depends on this.

From time to time, Yang Xiaotian also vibrated the needle up and down, using the strength of the needle handle to hit the skin.

Every time the needle goes down, there will be a plum blossom bloodstain on Wu Deshu's shoulder and neck, and a little bit of blood will slowly come out. However, because the needle is very thin, let alone bleeding, that little bit of blood can not flow out, but can only slowly seep out.

Yang Xiaotian's action is very fast, from the first needle down to the end, less than a minute, then completed the process of needling.

At this time, Wu De Shu's shoulders and neck were already bright red, looking a little scary.

Although it's just this minute, it's a great test of his skills. The sweat on Yang Xiaotian's forehead has already flowed down and he seems to be struggling.

Qu Bowen has always been staring at Yang Xiaotian's hand movements, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, others may not feel what Yang Xiaotian needle, but in Qu Bowen's view, this is really Kung Fu.

At least if he is asked to prick the needle, he can't do it perfectly. To know that every acupoint is so big, pricking the acupoint can be said to be missed by a thousand li.

A little bit, the curative effect will be much worse, or even no curative effect.

Although needling is the simplest work, it is also the most test of basic skills.

"I don't know when, younger martial brother has grown up like this!" Qu Bowen couldn't help feeling that there was no jealousy in his heart, but he was full of happiness.

Yang Xiaotian is just like his brother. How can a brother envy his brother?

In fact, after he was shocked, he began to think that his younger martial brother's excellent skill is also a good choice to retire from the army. This kind of medical skill should benefit the people and carry forward, rather than exist in the closed system of the army. I really don't know what Shifu and shiye think. It's better to send him to a military hospital than to a field army, At least military hospitals are purely engaged in medical research, while field hospitals, such as dressing wounds, are mostly repetitive and boring work, which is too painful for real medical professionals.

Well, you can let younger martial brother find a girl here

It is also because of Yang Xiaotian's skillful technique that Qu Bowen is not nervous, so he has the mind to think wildly. At this time, he sees Yang Xiaotian reach out to him and quickly hands the prepared cupping pot to Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian did not choose the vacuum can, but chose a more pure cupping, he thinks this kind of cupping is better for human body.

make love.

He patted six tins on Wu Deshu's back and covered the pinholes. Yang Xiaocai wiped his sweat and said, "well, secretary Wu, the tins mainly produce negative pressure to suck out the congestion. Let's wait now. It's estimated that we'll have to wait for 20 to half an hour!"

While talking, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

A middle-aged man about 40 years old appeared at the door breathlessly. His white shirt hem was in his black suit pants. He looked like a middle-aged civil servant.

Guo Wei is the office director of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. He was already at home after work, but as soon as he heard that secretary Wu, the top leader, was ill, he immediately dressed up and ran over. His wife told him to eat the newly opened watermelon before he left, and he didn't care.

It's not easy to catch up. It's hard to catch up.

Entering the door, he called out: "secretary Wu, as a subordinate, I will criticize you too. Work is work, but you can't work without taking care of your body!"

A closer look, Wu Deshu is lying on the desk cupping, he immediately made a loyal expression, said: "what's the situation? Why are you lying on the table? "

Immediately he saw Yang Xiaotian washing his hands. He was obviously a doctor.

He immediately came forward and said, "are you a doctor?"

Yang Xiaotian doesn't know. So he looks at Qiu Junyou. It's obvious. What's the situation with this guy?

Qiu Junyou was about to speak when Guo Wei opened his mouth and said, "are you young enough to practise medicine? Secretary Wu is a man of thousands of gold. Are you pulling out a cupping pot for secretary Wu in such a simple place? What's going on here? What unit are you from? "

He actually said this to Wu Deshu, which means, secretary Wu, you see, how much I care about you.

But obviously, his flattery was on the horse's leg.

Wu De Shu frowned with an expression of displeasure.

Guo Wei has been observing Wu Deshu with the corner of his eye. Seeing that Wu Deshu is not happy, he thinks that he is right. I must be right. Wu Deshu is also angry that such a young doctor is treating him.

Young doctors, they just don't know how to serve the leaders? I really don't know which hospital he belongs to. The president of this hospital also has to record demerits. How to deal with the leader's illness? Just a little doctor?

At this time, there was no need for leaders to speak at all. Qiu Junyou quickly came forward and said, "director Guo, you may not know the situation when you are late. Let me introduce you. This is expert Yang from the health care commission! He cured director Jiang's illness! "

"I care about him..." Guo Weigang wanted to say something, but he understood the meaning of Qiu Junyou's words. He was in a daze, and the expression on his face was wonderful.

Yang Xiaotian looks at him with a smile.

Guo Wei immediately said, "I'll tell you. How can we see our secretary if we don't have the ability? Secretary Wu, it's really my fault to say that! As an office director, I didn't serve the leaders well! I'll buy a massage bed tomorrow. By the way, maybe there's something else I need! Expert Yang, you must take time to go shopping with me tomorrow... "Speaking of this, he extended his hands and warmly held Yang Xiaotian's hand. That attitude, not to mention how respectful.

Yang xiaotianmu was stunned. He didn't expect that this man could change his face so quickly.

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