Looking at the two aggressive police, Yang Xiaotian was stunned.

He felt that he must have been a bad man in his last life. Otherwise, how could he have been chased by the police all his life? The police come to work and sit in the office.

What's more, if you don't say a word, it means "you've made a mistake" and offend your grandmother. Can't you have something to talk about?

You just say one thing, who knows what it is? It's a crime to cross the road and run a red light!

The two policemen, who are young and in their twenties, should come from the police academy. They are not co policemen, but regular policemen.

Yang Xiaotian sighed and said: "the two young police officers are already level three. It's possible that they will become directors of the Bureau in time. Why do they do things for others and abuse themselves for no reason?"

Wei Chengqiang looked at Yang Xiaotian blankly: "brother, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Yang Xiaotian couldn't help sighing again: "I'm surprised. How can the head nurse take a fancy to you? It's a flower on the cow dung

Wei Chengqiang is the kind of character that people treat him well, and he will be more kind to others. When he heard this, he was not angry, but elated: "you don't know. Your sister-in-law was chasing many people at that time. If I hadn't been handsome, I would not have been able to catch up with her!"

Yang xiaotianmu was stunned. He had seen narcissism before, but he had never seen an old man in his thirties still so narcissistic.

He didn't understand. The two policemen had been entrusted to work. Naturally, they understood. Their faces changed slightly and they looked at each other.

The man who spoke just now said, "don't talk nonsense here. Don't you know what you've done? Come with us

"Ha ha!" Yang Xiaotian showed a fool's expression and looked at them, "since you said I have committed a crime, can you let me see your police certificate before that?"

Another policeman was a little annoyed by this sentence. He said angrily, "do you want to see our police certificate? Who do you think you are? "

Yang Xiaotian said calmly: "I am just a citizen! Of course, you can also take me away without showing me the police officer's card. I have the right to question whether your process is legal and correct! "

"Oh, I've got you!" The policeman continued, "when you get to the police station, I'll let you know what the national violence organization is."

"That's what happened after that, too!" Yang Xiaotian said, "before that, can I have a look at your police certificate?"

What else can the policeman say? The policeman who spoke first winked at him: "just show him!"

Then he took out the police officer's certificate and passed in front of Yang Xiaotian: "here, I've seen it. Come with us!"

"Sorry! I didn't see clearly! " Yang Xiaotian said slowly.

"You The policeman was angry, too.

Yang Xiaotian is still a pair of oil and salt does not enter the appearance: "do not show me the police officer card, this is wrong! In addition, even if I have committed a crime, before the court pronounces a sentence, at most, it is the suspect. You come up and say that I have committed a crime. Is this a conviction for me? I can't agree with you! "

The two policemen looked at each other again. They didn't understand how they would meet the tough stubble when they were taking someone back to the police station.

The policeman who spoke first began to threaten: "what's your attitude? Our police asked you to go back to cooperate with the investigation. As a citizen, you have this obligation. Do you want me to report it to your leaders? It's just that it's not good for you to have such an impact on yourself! "

Yang Xiaotian said with a sneer: "if you want to reflect, you can do it! But I have to say that my leader is in the health care office of the municipal Party committee. If you want to complain, you need to go there! "


At this time, Lian Xiaohe is sitting in Yu Wenshan's office smoking.

He asked, "Yu Suo, is this all right?"

Yu Wenshan said with a smile: "don't worry, it's just a little doctor? We didn't break the law again, so we asked him to cooperate with the investigation, but I can't guarantee what happened when we cooperated with the investigation! "

Lian Xiaohe laughed and said, "by the way, I heard you have a set of special methods to deal with people. Let me have a look!"

"Ha ha, that's more!" Yu Wenshan laughed, handed Lian Xiaohe a cigarette and lit one himself. Then he said slowly, "it's always said on TV that the police beat people, but what else do they beat people with books on their backs and leave no scars? These methods are weak. We never beat people, or even do it when we are whole!"

Lian Xiaohe was interested and asked forward: "can you do it without beating people?"

"Ha ha, there are many ways!" Yu Wenshan said, "I used to be in the police station of the mine. Some gangsters stole things from the mine, but they couldn't find any evidence. It doesn't matter. They directly took them to the police station to cooperate with the investigation. Then they pulled back an iron oil bucket from the mine, which was poured with concrete and cast iron rings on both sides. They were handcuffed on the edge of the bucket and tortured you for two days. You didn't have to beat you, so you were convinced!"

"Is that ok?" Lian Xiaohe was stunned.

"It's still a small idea!" Yu Wenshan said that his saliva was all over the place, and he was obviously very excited. "Later, we put several pots of cactus beside the iron ring, so that you can only squat but not sit. Take turns to let them change hands for a few hours to have a rest, so as to prevent the blood circulation of hands and feet. Want to get rid of it? Just pee your pants! It's easier to sleep at night, handcuffed in bed, thin quilt in winter, mosquito bite in summer, tut, it's sour, I can't think! Modern people are not Liu Hulan. They will take it as soon as they move! If you don't agree with me, I'll let you experience life from time to time! "

Lian Xiaohe thought about the taste, but he shivered and immediately put up his thumb: "cow! Sure enough, you policemen are the best! The plots on those TVs are so weak! "

"Ha ha!" Yu Wenshan is not ashamed, but proud, "to those hooligans, you have to be more powerful, otherwise they don't know what is the state's violence organ! And that's not so bad! "

"What's more?" Lian Xiaohe's eyes widened. NIMA, you have to learn more moves. I'm not sure you can use them in the future.

"Of course! It's often said on TV that the police station can't be closed for 48 hours at most! Actually, 48 hours is enough for you! Now in this house, the conditions are a little rough. There's no iron for concrete, but do you have anti-theft windows? Open your hands, pull up your head and lock it on the window. Let's have a posture like Su Qin carrying sword. In a word, it's a very sour posture that makes you uncomfortable!

By the way, it's not popular in small black houses now. I'll lock you in a useless office. In winter, I'll let you take off your padded jacket and lock you with handcuffs, but you can't exercise to keep warm. In summer, it's even simpler. I'll give you a down jacket... I'll stand all day and iron bed at night. Of course, the people's police love the people and won't make you hungry. We have poor conditions, I can't serve you well. What should I do? "

Even Xiaohe was so excited about what he said that he almost took out a pen and paper to record it.

At this time, the phone in Yu Wenshan's office rang.

He got through.

There came the voice of two policemen: "Yusuo, it's hard to get ideas together!"

"What's the situation?" Yu Wenshan's face is not happy, "let you two catch a person, are not sure? It's too easy, isn't it? "

"Yusuo, it's easy to change people! But it's not easy! He doesn't eat hard and soft, you want to find him to lead, he is not afraid! And do you know what he was doing just now? Directly open the computer Baidu search "law of the people's Republic of China on the administration of public security regulations", one by one to us analysis, so summoning people is wrong, how should we do! And he suspects that we are going to the police illegally! " There's a crying voice in there.

Ordinary people are scared to see the police legs softened, but this doctor is too wonderful, not only not afraid, but also against the police, and seems to be happy.

Yu Wenshan was stunned when he came across such a wonderful flower. He asked, "what a cow? What's the name of the doctor? "

"Yang Xiaotian!"

"Yang Xiaotian..." Yu Wenshan muttered to himself, "wait, what do you call it? Yang Xiaotian

"Yes, Yusuo. What's the matter?" Strange questions came over there.

"NIMA... Isn't she a young and pretty doctor?" Yu Wenshan asked.

"Well? That's true! Yu Suo, do you know each other? No, if you know him, why do you want us to arrest him? "

"I'll go. Come on, you two, come back quickly. Let's talk about it later." Yu Wenshan's mind was in turmoil.

After hanging up the phone, he seriously looked at Lian Xiaohe and asked, "Lian Shao, you didn't tell me the other party's name is Yang Xiaotian!"

Lian Xiaohe calls to tell him that he wants to make a doctor, but he doesn't ask much, so he directly asks Lian Xiaohe to come and give it to some of his confidants. But he didn't think it was this kind of thing. It was Yang Xiaotian who went to catch him.

Lian Xiaohe was stunned: "what? Do you know each other? "

"More than knowing..." Yu Wenshan sighed and said what happened that night, "the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection came to meet people in person, and our director called in person. How can I provoke such people?"

Hearing this, Lian Xiaohe was also stunned. He thought Yang Xiaotian was just a strange doctor, but he didn't expect that the backstage was so big, and he was at a loss for a moment.

Yu Wenshan sighed: "but fortunately, I let them come back. Lian Shao, your father is the director of the Urban Construction Bureau. He is not afraid of Yang Xiaotian, but I am the director of a small police station

It's obvious that he's not going to go through the muddy water.

But what has the final say, he chose to stir up trouble, but when he finished the trouble, he did not say so.

A moment later, his phone rang again. The policeman who spoke this time really cried: "Yusuo, you have to help our brothers this time! This product directly called 110 inspectors, and also called the Discipline Inspection Commission to report in real name, saying that we went to the police illegally! "

Yu Wenshan was stunned. NIMA, this is too fierce!

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