Although he has been deliberately making friends with Yang Xiaotian, Wei Huahan knows that he is just making a scene. In fact, what he really wants to make friends with is the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, or to be exact, the ultimate goal is to win the friendship of the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission.

In his opinion, Yang Xiaotian is just a springboard to reach his goal.

He felt vaguely that Yang Xiaotian also knew this.

But what's the point?

He can help Yang Xiaotian deal with some troubles at the grassroots level, and Yang Xiaotian helps him introduce the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission. This is almost equivalent exchange, at least in Wei Huahan's view, it's fair, nothing.

It's as if the two ends of the scale have the same chips to balance the friendship between the two sides.

However, Yang Xiaotian recommended him to secretary Wu as the director of Mentougou Institute, which made the balance tilt.

So Wei Huahan would ask "why" directly.

But Yang Xiaotian said, "it's just pleasing to see you!"

At the moment, Wei Huahan seems to have been hit by a happy bullet. He is in a fog, and his mind is not clear. His dream position is now available, but he has some unreal feelings.

Yang Xiaotian is not in a hurry, so he looks at Wei Huahan with a smile, waiting for him to calm down.

After a cigarette, Wei Huahan calms down. When he looks at Yang Xiaotian again, his eyes are different from before. Before, his eyes on Yang Xiaotian are equal, revealing intimacy. Although it's a set of friendship, at least both sides are equal.

But now he feels that he owes Yang Xiaotian.

It's a great favor for someone to give him a position as a director? If it doesn't matter, the vast majority of people will only be grass-roots police all their lives. At most, they are high-level, but they have no rights.

It's not too much to say that this is a great favor.

At the moment, Wei Huahan has some respect in his eyes.

He has no doubt about what Yang Xiaotian said. In fact, anyone who has seen Yang Xiaotian and Wu Deshu talking and laughing will not doubt what Yang Xiaotian said.

Yang Xiaotian still has energy in front of Wu Deshu.

"I... I don't know how to thank you!" Wei Huahan raised his glass and said, "I'll give you a toast first. Don't drink it. I'll drink it!"

Then he raised his head and drank it all. After drinking it, he was not satisfied and yelled, "boss, change it for white!"

The boss, who was busy baking kebabs, gave a "ah", wiped his hand on his face and left a black mark. He looked blankly at Wei Huahan: "boss, where is the white one in this summer?"

"Go to the supermarket next to you Wei Huahan said, took out a hundred pieces from his pocket and patted them on the table.

Yang Xiaotian quickly waved to the boss of kebab and said, "ignore him!"

Wei Huahan said, "yes, I'll drink beer. This summer Baijiu is not afraid of getting angry."

By Yang Xiaotian face to face refuted the decision, Wei Huahan not only not angry, but also happy smile: "that line, listen to Xiaotian you! Let's have a beer! By the way, let's go singing after drinking. I invite you! Don't refuse. I'm happy today! " And he took the hundred dollars back into his pocket.

"I'll do whatever you want!" Yang Xiaotian said.

The frequency of Wei Huahan's drinking has become faster, but few police officers can't drink. For them, the most beer they can drink is a little drunk. It's almost impossible to get drunk.

After a few more drinks, Wei Huahan said: "brother, to tell you the truth, when my brother was with you at the beginning, he also had some ideas in his heart. But you helped me this time. It's totally friendship. Compared with you, I'm too bad and backward! I'm sorry for you

Yang xiaotianmu was stunned. He didn't expect Wei Huahan to say these words.

He didn't know what to say for a moment.


Forget it, a man's, not a beautiful girl, comfort a hair?

Wei Huahan clapped his chest to the sky: "brother, no matter what happens on the South Lake ground in the future, come to me. If I frown, I'll be your grandson. I'll follow your surname!"

Yang Xiaotian had no choice but to smile a few times: "OK, OK, listen to you!"

"Come on, let's change the scene!" Wei Huahan stood up and walked towards the electric car.

There were diners nearby who heard the conversation.

After listening to Wei Huahan's heroic words and seeing Wei Huahan step onto the Kawaii full lady's electric car, they all laughed, thinking that the gap is too big, right?

I have to say that although Wei Huahan is the deputy director of the police station, he is really poor.

It's hard to avoid that two people are not busy when they go to sing. Wei Huahan thinks about finding more people to sing together. As a result, after a round of phone calls, everyone is very busy and has no time.

Wei Huahan looked constipated. He said, "they don't know that I'm going to be promoted. It's hard for me to say if I don't implement it now. Otherwise, I'm sure all of them will run faster than rabbits!"

Yang Xiaotian a face understanding expression, advised: "or forget it, we eat also eat, drink also drink, go back to each home!"

"That won't do!" Wei Huahan shook his head like a rattle. "If you want to sing, just sing! We can also sing very happy! Money, spend it and earn it Finish saying not from cent say, give Yang Xiaotian to press on the backseat of battery car.

Yang Xiaotian wants to cry without tears. Brother, I'm not worried about your money. It's really bad for your image to sit in this battery car.

But to tell you the truth, although Wei Huahan is very resourceful at ordinary times, he's a muscle after he's drunk.

Yang Xiaotian understood after a brief analysis that people say that Wei Huahan is the real man when he speaks the truth after drinking. The reason why he says this is based on Wei Huahan's environment.

The children of poor families, relying on their own efforts, have been promoted all the way from the township police station to the city police station as the deputy director. Moreover, they are still young. This is a time of complacency and a time when they want to build a career.

But reality gave him a hard blow, reality told him, no way.

Leaders don't give him rights, colleagues don't trust him, and subordinates don't support him.

Just a mere wage earner.

In this case, naturally, there will be a lot of ideas, and it is inevitable to be utilitarian when dealing with people.

But judging from his performance after drinking tonight, at least it's not bad in essence.

Doctors who have studied psychology always unconsciously like to think about people.

So today, Wei Huahan has other intentions in making friends with Yang Xiaotian before he confesses to him. It will not make Yang Xiaotian angry, but will make him feel Wei Huahan's honesty.

Although it's hard to see the two masters riding a battery car, Wei Huahan still parked the battery car at the gate of Chinatown.

In Yang Xiaotian's impression, there are two kinds of KTV.

One is the mass selling KTV, that is, the kind of KTV that colleagues ask to roar.

There is also a club style KTV, the most famous is probably the sealed up "heaven and earth". Although it is also singing, it is obvious that singing is not the most important, but the most important thing is to exchange feelings. The consumer group is mainly businessmen and people who don't spend their own money.

It's natural to drink when you communicate with others. As for drinking, there are naturally people who accompany them. These girls are called paid attendants.

When Yang Xiaotian looks at the three words "Chinatown" and the black suit man standing at the door of the store, with headphones pinned on his ears, he has the cool power of the FBI, and immediately understands that this is actually a club.

This is his first time to come to such a place. Before he went to school as a soldier, he went to bars at most. No one took him to such a place as club, so he didn't dare to come.

Yang Xiaotian is still a little excited when she thinks about the girls in thin clothes drinking with her.

After all, this period of work, life is normal, also did not go to the bar what, still have normal demand.

"Hey, hey, old Wei will do things!" Yang Xiaotian nodded in praise.

"Two bosses!" The man in suit with a headset greets him and reports to him through the headset.

When they entered the private room, Wei Huahan sat in front of the singing stand and asked Yang Xiaotian, "brother, what are you singing?"

Yang Xiaotian's mind is not on singing, so casually waved his hand and said: "you sing, I'll have a rest!"

"That's fine!" Wei Huahan asked for a song happily.

Just at this time, the door opened, and a group of girls with heavy make-up, feet on the platform, high heels and exposed clothing entered. They lined up in front of Yang Xiaotian, bowed together, and whispered: "good evening, boss!"

Then they make a gesture to attract Yang Xiaotian's attention.

"Oh dear!" Yang Xiaotian can't help but feel his chin. It's like the emperor's imperial concubine, and then he's waiting to pick up the brand.

At this time, Wei Huahan was surprised, and his eyes widened. He asked his mother, sang, who was leading the team in: "Hey, what do I mean by that? What's going on? "

Mother sang saw many of these people and thought to herself that she would not be a beast in front of the girls for a while? But she still had to say what she should say. She said with a smile, "boss, it's boring for two men to sing. How about some girls to sing together?"

Wei Huahan understood at this time. He immediately said with a tiger face, "what do you think we are? Are we that kind of people? "

Mother sang was stunned and immediately angry. She pointed to Wei Huahan and said, "Oh, I've seen more men. It's the first time I've seen a man like you. This kind of place has come. What's the strength of being serious?"

Wei Huahan was so angry that he took out his police officer's certificate and threw it on his mother sang's face. With a straight face, he said, "am I serious? It's special. As a policeman, I invite my friends to sing. Do you want to make me lose face when you make such a mess in front of me? "

"To whom?" Mother sang muttered, but she still opened the police officer's certificate to see it. She also had a lot of knowledge. She felt that the certificate was real when she felt it in her hand. When she opened it again, the position of deputy director blinded her.

She quickly bowed to apologize: "Oh, misunderstanding, misunderstanding! Let's go, let's go

Then he asked the girls to withdraw immediately.

Yang Xiaotian's eyes gaped and thought to himself, what's the matter with NIMA? Don't you really let me sing with this boring man?

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