Cao Yajun doesn't care about Yi Jiaxin's worship of Yang Xiaotian as her teacher.

Although the Chinese people pay attention to respecting teachers and respecting the way of life, the key is that Yang Xiaotian is young and has no conflict with Cao Yajun.

What if Yi Jiaxin had a 40 year old uncle? Cao Yajun absolutely thought that he was hitting himself in the face.

As for young people, it's just for fun. I can't say they're in love, right? We're old bones. Why should we go to ruin the scenery?

Therefore, Cao Yajun not only was not angry, but also said to Yang Xiaotian, "Doctor Yang, if I'm not here in the future, doctor Yi will give it to you."

Why does Yang Xiaotian suddenly feel that Cao Yajun's words are jealous of marrying his daughter?

After a tired weekend, Monday was still a bit sleepy.

Yang Xiaotian is listless writing a report, where Tan Xixi mysteriously came over: "do you know that sun Ning has been transferred to our hospital?"

"Oh Yang Xiaotian was not surprised and said with a smile, "I said, heathy, how did you become such a gossip?"

Tan Xixi snorted: "gossip is a woman's nature!"

Yang Xiaotian smiles.

Although there are several hospitals in Nanhu City, the best one is the first people's hospital. The other hospitals are specialized in surgery, such as pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology.

Therefore, Yang Xiaotian was not surprised that sun Ning was transferred to the first hospital.

But with so many times, you do not cause trouble, but take the initiative to come to the door.

At noon, Cao Yajun went to Yang Xiaotian's canteen for dinner. On the way, he met Tan Xixi and Yi Jiaxin. They sat at the same table for dinner.

Cao Yajun is in his 40s this year. For him, his income as a doctor is not low. He can also earn some extra money by providing technical support to private hospitals outside, and his social status is OK. Therefore, he doesn't have the idea of climbing up. He just wants to retire safely. In some people's eyes, it's not a kind of life, but if he has ambition, it's not a kind of life, Who is going to do the work with no ambition?

After a few words, Cao Yajun opened his voice. He said to Yang Xiaotian, "Doctor Yang, people often say that the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and they also say that it's the most taboo to talk in a shallow way! But I am Yi Jiaxin's teacher, and now you are also Yi Jiaxin's teacher. I still want to say something to you! "

Yang Xiaotian took a sip of coke and said with a smile, "Dr. Cao, you can say anything directly. I'm not the kind of person who says I'm happy if I'm obedient and angry if I'm not!"

Cao Yajun patted his thigh: "yes, I just like your attitude!" He thumbed up and continued, "if you have talent in your stomach, you will not be afraid of anything! I admire you

"I'm flattered!" Yang Xiaotian says with a smile, but he is also proud in his heart. He is not sultry. He has been studying hard for more than ten years and wants to be recognized and praised by others.

Cao Yajun said mysteriously: "you should be careful of director Luo!"

Yang Xiaotian a Zheng, immediately frown: "I didn't offend him!"

"You haven't offended him, but between you and Huang Pengyu..."

Yang Xiaotian suddenly realized: "you mean, director Luo and Huang Pengyu... They?"

Cao Yajun nodded with a smile.

Yang Xiaotian said thanks, but he didn't pay attention to it. After all, he even had organizational relations with the health care committee. What's the fear here?

He thinks that director Luo is a little funny. In his opinion, director Luo and Huang Pengyu come together to discuss how to deal with him, which is just like ants discussing how to deal with elephants.

After all, they are not on the same level. What can we do?

After dinner, the four went to the emergency room together.

As soon as I entered the emergency room hall, I saw more than a dozen men and women coming across. The first middle-aged woman, who was fat, looked full of momentum.

When he saw her, the word "female tiger" came to Yang Xiaotian's mind.

For the first time, he felt that the word was for someone.

The female tiger stares at the four, then skips Yang Xiaotian and Cao Yajun and says to the two girls, "which one of you is Yi Jiaxin?"

Yi Jiaxin's face was blank: "I am..."

Before she finished speaking, the tiger hit her head and face, and scolded: "you bitch, you've done harm to my son like this, I'll kill you..."

Not only she, but also the more than ten people behind her rushed up, quite besieged.

"Alas, it's a doctor-patient dispute again. It must be a quack doctor's treatment!"

There was an old man beside him who said, looking at his ruddy face, he probably didn't come to see a doctor, but his family members.

"How do you know, old man?" Someone nearby asked.

The old man's right index finger pointed to his eyes and vowed: "I have a lot of knowledge in these eyes. I just need to see what's going on!"

Everyone nodded, feeling that what the old man said was reasonable.

Nowadays, it's not a doctor-patient dispute to fight medical staff in hospitals. What else can it be?

"What a sin! So many people beat a little girl!" There is an old lady who can't see it. She walks away with her child in her arms, but also forbids the child to see it.

More people are gloating.

"What's wrong? She's a doctor. She doesn't treat our patients well. She has such a bad attitude. They're the ones who beat her! "

"It's not necessarily her who has a bad attitude!"

"Who called her a doctor?"

Many people have this idea.

Maybe it's because the doctor made trouble when seeing a doctor. Now seeing the doctor being beaten, it seems that they were beaten with chicken blood.

There was applause.

Some people applaud.

Almost no one made a "national hero" banner to hang on the neck of the female tiger.

The tiger's first slap blinds Yi Jiaxin, but she quickly reacts and gets angry. She can't take care of everything but tear up the person in front of her.

Don't think that medical staff are born to be beaten and scolded. They are all born by their parents. Yi Jiaxin's family is middle-class. Although she still has a younger brother, she was spoiled since she was a child. Even her parents didn't beat her once. At this time, she was beaten by a stranger, and the beating was inexplicable.

Don't look at the fat tiger in front of you.

But Yi Jiaxin is confident that if she really fights, she will not lose money if she catches a female tiger and beats her to death, grabs her nails and bites her teeth.


The hospital has its own rules. It is said that it is the order of the city leaders not to fight with the patients and their families. It is said that this can ease the tense doctor-patient relationship.

This is the typical policy of sitting in the office and patting the head. In the past, the tense relationship between doctors and patients was caused by doctors beating patients?

Now doctors are not allowed to fight back. Is the doctor-patient relationship relaxed?

Unable to make complaints about the policy, the only thing she could do was squatting down, holding her head in her hands, and learning from her knowledge for several years to tell her where to defend herself when she was beaten, so that she could avoid being hit.

My eyes are wide open. It's all unyielding and angry.

"Well, how can you hit people?"

It happened very quickly. When Huang Yajun and Tan Xixi came forward to fight, Yi Jiaxin was already surrounded. No matter how they quarreled, as soon as one person was pulled away, another person filled in.

Even Huang Yajun and Tan Xixi suffered several times and were in a mess.

Although I've heard of patients or their families beating medical staff for a long time, it's the first time for Yang Xiaotian.

I used to laugh when I read the news reports. I felt that I was far away from myself. I could not talk about anger or other emotions.

But when it happened in front of him, when he saw his friend being beaten, Yang Xiaotian was extremely angry.

Go to the special rules.

The quality of a doctor who goes to a special hospital.

You don't respect doctors. Why should I respect you?

Yang Xiaotian flies directly, kicks a person in front of him.

"Ouch, the only one who has ever beaten a doctor is the doctor who dares to fight back?" That person is also angry, anger let him also don't hurt, howl straight call this rush to Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian didn't look at it, but hit it with one elbow.


The man fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood with tooth fragments from his mouth, and never got up again.

But he lay on the ground and began to cry: "the doctor hit people, the doctor hit people!"

Then the second man lay on the ground and yelled, "the doctor hit someone!"

And then the third.


Yang Xiaotian punches one at a time.

Yang Xiaotian has one foot at a time.

Soon he rushed to the female tiger.

The female tiger is playing hand and foot. She suddenly finds that there is no one around her. She looks up and sees Yang Xiaotian looking at her coldly.

Looking around again, all her people were lying on the ground, shouting, "the doctor hit someone.".

She was very observant and immediately put her hands together and begged Yang Xiaotian for mercy: "no, don't hit me!"

Yang Xiaotian grinned.

He stooped to touch Yi Jiaxin's hair and said softly, "it's OK. Get up. I'm here. No one dares to bully you!"

Yi Jiaxin's arms are blue and purple. This is the place that can be seen. I'm afraid there are more scars in the place that can't be seen.

She was shaking all over.

She felt very afraid. She had been beaten all the time. No matter how strong she was, she would also feel fear. She hoped that the rain like fist would stop.

This made her feel unwilling and aggrieved.

Can beating really change a person's heart? Change the unyielding heart.

At this time, she felt a pair of warm hands touching her hair. It was like when she fell down as a child, her father touched her head and laughed like the warm sun and said to her, "don't cry, I'll take you to buy delicious food!"

She looked up and saw Yang Xiaotian's faint smile.

The smile seems to coincide with the smile in memory.

Just at this time, she saw the female tiger with a grim smile and threw up a bag full of shiny metal decoration, which looked like "building" and "building". The target was Yang Xiaotian's head.

"Be careful!" she cried

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