"Ha ha, you can't say that!" Professor Wang, holding a plastic cup full of green tea, gently blew the tea dust on it, sipped it, and said with a light expression.

But his next words showed that his heart was not as light as it seemed.

He said: "if someone can be an expert in their twenties, that means they have the ability! I only became an expert when I was 45 years old. That's my bluntness! Hehe... So, let's take a learning attitude to attend the meeting. Today, listen to expert Xiao Yang more, I believe we can learn a lot! "

Although Yang Xiaotian did not squint, all kinds of discussions still penetrated into his ears.

Experts gathered in groups to discuss, obviously isolating the youngest Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian hates this feeling very much. He thinks it's out of place here. He even thinks that the next time he meets director Jiang, he will mention that he won't come to the laoshizi health care committee and mix with a group of old men. What's the meaning?

"Expert Yang, this way..."

When Yang Xiaotian heard the greeting, he turned to see Lin Kun waving at him with a smile.

Yang Xiaotian smiles and walks over.

He found that Lin Kun seems to be not very popular among these experts. It's right to think about it. How many technologists look up to administration?

Only Lin Kun and Yan Yonghui were in charge of the administration of the meeting. The former was responsible for all kinds of venue arrangements, while the latter was responsible for meeting minutes.

Yang Xiaotian came up and said with a smile, "it seems that we are not welcome."

Lin Kun laughed: "it's good to get used to it. In fact, it doesn't matter if you want to understand it!"

"Oh?" Yang Xiaotian a Zheng, "director Lin is to want to open!"

"Hey, what's the point?" Lin Kun asked, "you think, I'm 45 years old. I'm at the deputy department level. I don't want to be promoted. When I retire, the leaders will see that I'm promoted to the next level for my hard work. When I retire as a department level, I'll have face. I can still enjoy the medical treatment of department level cadres when I retire. Isn't it comfortable?"

Yang Xiaotian quickly said: "director Lin, with all due respect, a 45 year old deputy may not be much in Beijing, but it is rare in Nanhu city. Why are you so decadent?"

Lin Kun said with a smile: "brother Yang, when I was as young as you, I was also ambitious... Let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart. In officialdom, the most important thing is not the ability to handle affairs, but the ability to stand in line. The so-called wrong step by step, as long as there is a little carelessness, ha ha, it's doomed

Brother, I know you have the ability, so I advise you to brush your qualifications in the health care committee, no matter what others think of you or treat you! Don't get involved in their circle.

You are a dragon, the small circle of South Lake can't trap you! When you're no longer in Nanhu in your thirties, when people look at your resume, you'll be admitted to the health care committee in your twenties. At that time, everyone will praise you, not like now.

As for now! In a word, hun! Anyway, you are still young and have the ability to work in the health care committee. "

After hearing the speech, Yang Xiaotian solemnly said to Lin Kun, "brother Lin, these are all words of experience. I will remember them!"

Lin Kun felt very good about Yang Xiaotian. At this time, he said goodbye to Yang Xiaotian. He was so sincere, and he was not arrogant at all. He nodded his head and said with a smile: "I'm just saying casually that the content of today's meeting seems to be to set up a subordinate institution. I guess all the experts who have relations will break the head. Let's listen to it!"

At 1 p.m., the conference room was set up. The red pitaya was placed on the conference table with other fruits. It looked very festive.

There is a small card in front of each seat with different names on it. It looks very formal.

The experts took their seats one after another, while the chief seats were empty, which should be reserved for the leaders.

After a while, the leaders came.

The experts, who were either arrogant or boastful of each other, were immediately as excited as if they were beating chicken blood. Their faces were red, their spirits were concentrated, and they couldn't help applauding.

Yang Xiaotian glanced and found that Jiang Ying was the most important of the three people. It seems that she was the most senior leader in the regular meeting.

After sitting down, Jiang Ying smiles at Yang Xiaotian. Instead of speaking, she says to Lin Kun, "director Lin, report on last week's work."

Lin Kun quickly stood up, looked down at the manuscript and said: "last week, our health care Commission organized a health examination of the city's leaders and found that some cadres have sub-health problems. Some experts of our health care Commission believe that this should be improved from the diet of the cadres..."

Jiang Ying seems to be concentrating on listening. In fact, she is just wandering around the world. This kind of face work is usually discussed at meetings to improve her diet? How many cadres will eat in the canteen?

So after the meeting, we went to do what we should do, just like when we didn't have the meeting.

"That's about what happened last week!" Lin Kun also knew that this was a passing act, and in a few words he finished his work report.

"Well!" Jiang Ying nodded, "the work is still very effective! Now let me talk about the latest arrangement of the Bureau! I think some of you already know the news, but in order to avoid some comrades not knowing it, I'd better say it again! In fact, it's very simple. Recently, we found that many cadres have problems with their cervical vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae, which are commonly known as modern diseases. As we all know, it's very difficult to solve this kind of disease once and for all. After all, many comrades are old and afraid of surgery, so I discussed it with several leaders of the Bureau, I want to introduce massage to solve the problem, but it's not suitable for comrades to take time out of their busy schedule to massage. It happens that this is also a health care behavior focusing on prevention. I'm thinking about setting up a special institution led by our health care committee. "

Everyone listened to Jiang Ying carefully.

A new public institution!

How much oil and water it has to be!

Some people who feel good about themselves and feel that they can fight for it have begun to breathe quickly, thinking about how to fight for this opportunity and whose relationship they should take.

Jiang Ying looked around and said, "OK, we all know about it. Then let's talk freely! Well, expert Yang, first of all, let's talk about your own opinions! "

Yang Xiaotian couldn't help laughing bitterly, thinking that sister Jiang really took care of herself. She was the first to speak to herself.

When Jiang Ying called Yang Xiaotian's name, Yang Xiaotian felt several jealous eyes cast over.

He made some preparations and stood up to speak and said, "Hello, leaders and experts! As a newcomer, I should have kept a low profile, but since director Jiang asked me to speak, I would like to make a few points!

First of all, I think it's good. After all, only by ensuring the health of the leaders can they contribute wisdom and energy to the development of Nanhu City, which is also the greatest contribution of our being doctors! "

Even Yang Xiaotian felt fake when he said this, and his heart was as if he had upset the vinegar jar, which was very sour.

However, Jiang Ying nodded and said, "very good. Although expert Yang is young, his summary is in place! The development of a family depends on the pillar, and the development of a factory depends on the leader. Who are the leaders and pillars of Nanhu city? Naturally, we are our leaders. Only when they give advice for the development of Nanhu City, can our economy prosper day by day! You, expert Yang is right. What is the purpose of our health care commission? It is to ensure the health of the leaders. If the leaders are healthy, Nanhu city will be healthy! "

Now that Jiang Ying has set the tone for this sentence, other experts applaud whether they like it or not.

On one side, Lin Kun could not help laughing when he saw this scene, thinking that this little brother was really OK!

Yang Xiaotian continued: "director Jiang has also said what he should have said just now. In fact, this is a very simple matter. Find some masseuses with good massage skills to massage the cadres! But in practice, there are still some problems to be solved! "

"Oh? What's the problem? Tell me about it Jiang Ying said immediately.

The staff of the Health Bureau next to Jiang Ying looked at Yang Xiaotian in surprise. In his impression, director Jiang seldom talks so much, but now he plays the role of cheering. What is the origin of the young expert named Yang?

Yang Xiaotian said: "massage, in modern society, will always be a lot of people think crooked! Just like miss and comrade, they used to be good words, but now when you call others like this, they think you are scolding them! "

"Hum, the body is not afraid of the shadow crooked, expert Xiao Yang, are you worried too much?" Professor Wang, who satirized Yang Xiaotian before, said slowly, "we are doing business. Do we have to be afraid of other people's gossip? Or do you mean to stop doing business for the sake of gossip? "

Yang Xiaotian's face is not good, coldly way: "Professor Wang is it?"? It's a good thing to have opinions. You can raise them. But now it's time for me to speak. I hope you can respect me for a while. You can talk after I finish my speech. Do you think it's ok? "

Professor Wang is very old, and he is also a time-honored brand with high reputation in the hospital. Who met him and didn't bow and say "good professor?" how ever was he so ridiculed by a young man.

Immediately his face couldn't hang, and he said with a black face, "can't I say a few words?"

Yang Xiaotian's donkey temper also came up, he said directly: "you are old, you are worried, you say it first. I'm young enough to wait, I'll say later! "

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