Cai Guoqing laughed, pointed to his eyes and said: "the film must be taken. After all, it's necessary to prove the operation! But even if the film is taken, it can't overturn my diagnosis! What's more, I suggest you, as soon as possible? "

"Well?" The man didn't understand.

Cai Guoqing laughs: "your hand bone has compressed the nerve. If you don't do it as soon as possible, the nerve will be necrotic. At that time..."

"What will happen then?" The man showed an eager look.

"It's good to be amputated then!" Cai Guoqing said.

"My God The man sat down on the ground, his face turned white.

On the contrary, the injured was calmer. He asked, "doctor, how much does the operation cost?"

Cai Guoqing thought about it and said, "it's hard to say what's more specific, but there must be twenty or thirty thousand!"

This time, the injured person was not calm, not only his face turned white, but also his lips turned white. He murmured: "so much money..."

After mumbling a few words, he suddenly turned around and was about to leave. He was held by others and said, "I don't want to see it. Amputate it. I can't take it out even if I sell it for 20000 or 30000 yuan."

Cai Guoqing said: "even if it is amputation, it will cost about 10000 yuan."

The injured man completely collapsed and sat on the ground.

Jiang Ying can't help shaking her head. In her opinion, Cai Guoqing's medical skills are good, but she doesn't have the mentality of parents. Is this the time to talk about money? We shouldn't treat the sick first.

Of course, she also takes it for granted that the current hospital operation is basically self financing, and a major feature of Western medicine or modern medicine is the special dependence on instruments. The better the instruments, the higher the diagnostic accuracy. Although the role of doctors is also very critical, there is no key to the use of instruments.

Most of the time, to measure the strength of a hospital, whether it is good or bad, is not to see how the doctor, but to see if there are any instruments.

For example, in the early stage of cancer, PET-CT can be used to diagnose it. For a general hospital, if there is no equipment, even if your doctor is forced to be an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he can't check whether he has cancer.

So the question is, how can a self financing hospital buy tens of millions of equipment?

The hospital's only income is medical expenses.

If Cai Guoqing's psychology like Jiang Ying's is cured, the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine will not be far from closing down.

It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong. It's just that different perspectives lead to different results.

But this does not prevent Jiang yingyue from seeing Cai Guoqing more and more displeased.

At this time, Yang Xiaotian came forward, squatted down and said to the injured, "don't cry. I tell you, President Cai is the president of our hospital of traditional Chinese medicine and an expert of the health care committee. Do you know the health care committee? That is specially for the leaders of the city to see a doctor! Your hand is really serious. If you cry for a while, you will not be able to cure it. You will have to amputate your limb directly... "

The wounded wiped tears: "I don't amputate, so let it be bad!"

Yang Xiaotian shook his head and said, "do you think it can be better if it is so bad? That's worse. You'll get scurvy, and then your whole life will be in danger! "

At this time, an expert came over and said, "Dr. Yang, it's not right for you to make a diagnosis first. Now your diagnosis is the same as that of Mr. Cai. It can't be said that it's your skill. Are you right?"

"Yes, that's very clever!"

"Who knows if you will or not?"

"I think President CAI has to win this game!"

Hearing these words in Jiang Ying's ears, Jiang Ying was even more disappointed with these so-called experts.

The man on the ground is so miserable that you experts are still talking about winning and losing. It's so unkind. How can you rest assured if you teach your health to these people?

Yang Xiaotian laughed and said, "it's very serious. I'm just telling the truth."

At this time, the injured person's spirit has collapsed.

He didn't notice that Yang had touched his hand when he spoke.

It's a long way to go.

Yang Xiaotian's hand shook violently, and then the other hand held the injured person's wrist.


A loud and clear sound.

The injured man's wrist returned to normal.

It turned out to be twisted by Yang Xiaotian.

This change made people dumbfounded.

The injured man was a fool.

Half a day later, he looked at his hand in disbelief and moved it carefully. Then he didn't dare to move. He pitifully looked at Yang Xiaotian: "doctor..."

Yang Xiaotian encouraged: "move again!"

So the injured carefully move again, and then continue to look at Yang Xiaotian.

"Does it hurt?" Yang Xiaotian asked

"No pain!" Said the injured.

Yang Xiaotian laughed and patted the injured on the shoulder: "Congratulations, OK! But a hundred days! I suggest that you'd better get a plaster cast, fix your hand, and make the bone grow stronger! By the way, don't try so hard in the future. It's easy for injured bones to get pathological changes again. Next time, you won't be so lucky! "

The injured man nodded his head and was full of gratitude.

He said: "the miracle doctor, what a miracle doctor! Just a click, my hand will be fine! Doctor, what... How much should I give you? "

Yang Xiaotian waved his hand and said, "it's not easy to talk about money? Besides, I'll try my best to ask you for money! "

"No way!" The injured man said quickly, "we want to work hard, but we don't know how to work hard! Your knowledge is money. I'm sorry not to give you the treatment fee! "

When Yang Xiaotian saw him say this, he immediately said with a smile, "well, if you really feel bad, you can invite us all to drink. It's a hot day!"

"OK, OK, I'll buy it now!" The wounded said and ran out happily.

His companion quickly followed up, shouting: "wait for me, be careful, don't hurt again!"

At this time, an expert looked at Yang Xiaotian with a monster like expression: "Doctor Yang... Expert, how did you do it just now?"

This question has caught everyone's attention.

Jiang Ying also said with a smile, "Xiao Yang, how did you do it? If you can tell me, let's hear it!"

Now she is satisfied with Yang Xiaotian. Take a look at Yang Xiaotian's attitude towards the injured, and then take a look at the attitude of these experts towards the injured. He is not allowed to be the director of the physical therapy center of the health care Commission. Who is allowed to do it?

"Of course you can!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile, "my view has always been that medicine is shared! So if I'm in charge of the physiotherapy center, as long as the masseuses are willing to learn, I'll also be willing to teach them all my skills! "

"Well, when it comes to this, in fact, his bones are nothing serious. It's just the sudden external force that makes his bones sink in! At this time as long as the opposite direction vigorously call him back on the line! Of course, there's nothing wrong with what premier Cai said. What he said is also a very correct treatment! "

This was heard like thunder in the ears of all.

Go back in the opposite direction.

It's simple to say, but it's not easy to do.

The human body is very precise.

And there are so many blood vessels and meridians under that joint. If you are not careful, your hand will be paralyzed.

Everyone looks at Yang Xiaotian with admiration.

Even if they can do this, they will not dare.

After all, the safest thing about this situation is surgery. If it can't be cured, it's also the misfortune of the injured. It doesn't have much to do with the doctor. After all, it's doing everything possible to listen to fate.

But if we use this method to treat, if we can't cure it, what will happen? It's the doctor's responsibility. It's not sure whether it's a medical accident.

If you were a doctor, which treatment would you choose?

But Yang Xiaotian dares to choose a responsible treatment.

It's definitely the audacity of a master of Arts.

Even the doctors who don't like Yang Xiaotian most admire Yang Xiaotian's medical skills.

"Oh, I see!" Suddenly an expert said, "before you deliberately exaggerate how serious his hand is, in fact, just to relax his vigilance and let him have no strength on his hand, so that he can be cured?"

Yang Xiaotian nodded: "that's true, and I can't tell him in advance. After all, as long as he has a little bit of force, the position may deviate, and there will be problems at that time!"

He said it sincerely.

"Dr. Yang, how did you judge the distance at that time?" Another expert asked, he has put on the posture of consulting.

Yang Xiaotian seriously said: "it depends on experience, but the bottom of the thing is still the same set, touch for a long time to have experience, but it's too complicated to say, we can discuss in private!"

Most experts have their own interests, but after all, they are still doctors. When a medical problem is solved, it's like a sex wolf seeing a beautiful woman and a drunkard seeing a strong liquor. They always want to discuss it.

Only Cai Guoqing has an iron face.

He originally saw that Yang Xiaotian was upset, in order to give his brother-in-law a breath.

But who ever thought, now he was beaten in the face by Yang Xiaotian.

He just said a second ago how serious the injured person was and how amputated he would be without surgery.

But the next second, Yang Xiaotian a simple twist to the bone.

Still in front of so many experts and doctors, his old face just has no place to put.

Just at this time, the injured came back, carrying a large bag of coke, one by one to the doctor, sent to Cai Guoqing, the injured also very happy to say: "President Cai, what you said is reasonable, I also have to thank you!"

He said it from the bottom of his heart.

But Cai Guoqing was not happy in his heart. He thought it was irony when he heard this, and left with a snort.

Jiang Ying looks at Cai Guoqing's back and shakes her head slightly. No matter how good she is, she doesn't need him! What's more, his medical skills are not as good as Yang Xiaotian's.

Back in the conference room again.

This time, Yang Xiaotian acted as the deputy leader of the organizing group of the physical therapy center of the health care Commission without any dispute. Lin Kun and Li Ru, a elder sister in the Health Bureau, were also the deputy leaders.

As for the group leaders, they are all the leaders in the Bureau. They are basically in charge of nothing but the general manager.

Therefore, it is the three deputy leaders who do the specific work. Li Ru, one of the three deputy leaders, is responsible for the examination and approval of the authority. Therefore, the specific work falls on Lin Kun and Yang Xiaotian.

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