A group of young people were lying on the ground and humming, and it was obvious that the bones and joints of several people were twisted against the common sense, which was obviously broken.

Yang Xiaotian stood in the middle of them with such an indifferent expression.

It looks very visual.

A leading policeman asked, "what's... Going on?" His tone was hesitant.

Yang Xiaotian said innocently: "I don't know what's going on. I'm going home. These people are standing in front of my house, holding knives and steel pipes. I'm defending myself!"

"Just yourself?" the policeman asked


"You beat down a dozen armed men alone?" He asked, still incredulous.

Yang Xiaotian nodded again, but also pointed to the wounded on the ground, said: "do not believe you ask them!"

A group of people beat one, but it turned into a group of people beating one another.

This kind of thing could have been released on the spot under persuasion and education.

But now that someone is injured, it's not the same. The injury involves medical compensation and other aspects. Naturally, we have to go back to the police station to solve it.

Immediately, some police call the police station, some police call 120 for an ambulance.

Taking advantage of this moment, sunspot also called Rong Feijun and said in a low voice: "boss, we've fallen in love with the idea. The cops are out. They should be from Mentougou police station. Do you know anyone? "

This is not a major case. Naturally, the police will not confiscate their mobile phones.

In a short time, the support police car and ambulance arrived.

"I want to go to the police station, too?" Yang Xiaotian asked

Because of his fighting capacity, the police were polite to him and said with a smile, "after all, we are going to the police. Let's cooperate with them to make a record. Otherwise, we can't do it!"

Others polite, Yang Xiaotian is not unreasonable, nodded on the police car.

After arriving at the police station, Yang Xiaotian was taken to the office by the leading policeman. He said with a smile, "I'll take your confession. What's the specific situation?"

Just talking, someone knocked on the door. She was a pretty policewoman. She said, "brother Yang, the director is looking for you!"

Brother Yang showed a sorry smile to Yang Xiaotian: "I'll be back later!"

"It's all right, you're busy first!"

Ten minutes later, another policeman came. He was in his forties. He had a big stomach and looked like a sumo wrestler. He looked very serious with a straight face.

After he came in, he directly sat on brother Yang's position and asked Yang Xiaotian, "what's the situation? Be specific

Yang Xiaotian asked, "have you changed people?"

That person ignores him, blunt way: "say a thing directly, don't make up to!"

Now, Yang Xiaotian is not happy. What are you? I'm going to make it up to you? So I told the story directly.

Fat cops keep records on the computer.

Yang Xiaotian suddenly yelled: "wait, you are not right here! What I said just now is that they hit me first, and then I fight back. How can it become mutual push and bustle with you? "

"What's the difference? Don't you push and bustle, and then fight? A slap won't make a sound! "

"Oh, you don't make sense! They hit me first, I fight back, that's self-defense! Push and bustle, that's the same responsibility! " Yang Xiaotian said with words, "what else is a slap? Feelings if your wife goes out and encounters robbery, is it still your wife's responsibility? After all, one slap won't make a sound? "

The fat policeman slapped the table and glared at Yang Xiaotian: "what's your attitude?"

Yang Xiaotian stares at the policeman fearlessly and says, "what's your attitude? Are you taking a statement? In my opinion, is it a confession? Do you want me to call the superintendent and see if they care about it? "

"Oh, I said you quite understand! Do you know where this is? " The fat policeman looked at Yang Xiaotian with his eyes.

This is his best action, and he is often proud of it. Under the pressure of his eyes, most thieves have to move.

But today he's going to fall.

Just looking directly at Yang Xiaotian for a while, the fat policeman couldn't stand it. He only felt that under Yang Xiaotian's gaze, he was under great mental pressure. It was like being watched by his director.

"NIMA, there's no way to deal with you here, there are ways to deal with you!" The fat policeman muttered in his heart, but with a smile on his face, "Oh, how can you do this? I'm doing it for you

After that, he went to record his confession according to what Yang Xiaotian said.

After the confession was recorded, he left the sentence "wait" and went out.

After going out, the fat policeman went straight to the director's office. Although the door was open, he still knocked on it. When Yu Wenshan, the director sitting on the office chair, looked at it, he said with a smile: "Yu Suo, that boy seems to be quite experienced!"

Yu Wenshan is playing the game of fighting the landlord in the same city. Hearing this, he points to the front: "come in and say it!"

When the fat policeman came in, he asked, "Lao Wang, what's the situation?"

Lao Wang said what happened just now, and vowed: "this boy is absolutely experienced. I can't say how many times he entered the palace!"

After thinking about it, Yu Wenshan said, "this is what Fei Zi asked me for. I'll do him a favor. Well, you can check his background and ask him to pay a sum of money!"

Lao Wang nodded and said, "Yu Suo, don't worry!"

After a while, Lao Wang went back to the office and handed Yang Xiaotian a cigarette.

Yang Xiaotian waved his hand: "no!"

Old Wang Shan Shan's smile, put the cigarette away, close to the way: "little brother good skill, where to work?"

This is the next set, if Yang Xiaotian said the work unit, then Lao Wang can threaten Yang Xiaotian by telling you the leaders of the unit and so on.

"No work unit!" Yang Xiaotian said.

Lao Wang was immediately dumbfounded.

Just now, the beautiful policewoman came to the door and said, "brother Wang, the information has been found!"

Lao Wang nodded and went to the door. The policewoman whispered, "we can't find the information now, but we can find out that he used to be a soldier. Is there any trouble?"

Lao Wang disapproved and said, "there's a bird problem. The veterans are not on active duty!"

With that, he looked at Yang Xiaotian in the office and went out. For a moment, he couldn't think of any good way. Let's air it first.

Yang Xiaotian is not a good boy, no one in the office, he went out.

Going out to have a look made him angry.

Sunspot, with a cast on his arm, is sitting in another semi open office, smoking and drinking tea with several policemen.

See Yang Xiaotian came out, sunspot complexion is not good way: "boy, today to have you suffer!"

Yang Xiaotian snorted coldly: "do you want to be beaten again?"

Sunspot immediately cried out: "someone is going to hit someone, someone is going to hit someone in the police station, the police do not care?"

At this time, Lao Wang came over from the outside and yelled at Yang Xiaotian: "what's the trouble? What's this place? Do you still want to hit people here? "

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "just now he spoke rudely to me, you don't speak. I just said one word, and you rushed up. I wonder, are you the people's police or who owns the dog? "

With this remark, all the police glared at Yang Xiaotian.

Lao Wang rushed forward and said, "what are you talking about? Believe it or not, if I don't wear this dress today, I'll kill you? "

Yang Xiaotian looked at him with disdainful eyes: "even if you wear this dress, you are not my opponent! If it's a man, sign the certificate of life and death. How about we fight alone? "

Lao Wang doesn't dare to take this. A man who can bring down more than a dozen good guys, he goes to fight alone. Isn't he looking for death?

Yang Xiaotian didn't bother to see this kind of person. Instead of pestering about this topic, he asked, "what should we do now? Continue to take a statement or something? Give me a charter after all

"What's the hurry? Isn't that a discussion? " Lao Wang didn't get angry, but he didn't dare to blow hair this time.

Just as he said this, several people came from outside, led by Yu Wenshan, director of the police station, and followed by Rong Feijun.

The small ones, the big ones.

Yu Wenshan simply said a few words to a few policemen, and then said a few words to Rong Feijun, and went out. He didn't need to go out in person on this occasion.

Rong Feijun smiles at Yang Xiaotian: "Doctor Yang, we meet again!" His smile was full of complacency.

Yang Xiaotian looked at him and said, "I don't want to meet you! It seems that you are recovering well! "

"Ha ha, thanks for your medical skill! What about? I still mean that. If Dr. Yang thinks about it and comes to help me, even if we don't know each other today, we'll take it as if nothing has happened. When we get out of the police station, we'll have dinner, drink and take a bath! Are you not happy

Yang Xiaotian said, "I don't like drinking with people like you. I'd better save it."

Even if most people don't like each other, they should keep some face when they speak to each other. But Yang Xiaotian doesn't care what kind of face he says to you, a social moth?

Therefore, there is a disdain in his words.

Rongfeijun immediately was angry, empty point of Yang Xiaotian, said: "OK, you ruthless, wait and see, this time you have to bleed!"

Yang Xiaotian shrugged: "if you have the ability, take it by yourself!"

"Boy, you want to die!" Rong Feijun relies on the police to be nearby, arrogant extremely.


Yang Xiaotian slapped on the table, scared Rong Feijun a Leng.

Immediately Rong Feijun said with a sneer: "what kind of table do you want to clap? You have the ability to choose by yourself

The police over there quickly separated the two sides. After all, if there was a fight in the police station, it would be too much for the police station.

Lao Wang advised Yang Xiaotian to go out.

As soon as Yang Xiaotian went out, he heard a "squeak". The wooden table was disconnected from the middle and fell to the ground with a bang.

Everyone was shocked.

When you look at Xiang rongfeijun again, it's like looking at a fool. How dare you fight with people like Yang Xiaotian? Isn't that death?

Lao Wang also saw this scene, can't help shaking his head, thought to hurry to the director of the arrangement of things to do well, this kind of role is not he can offend.

As a civil servant, the first criterion is that, in any case, the arrangement of leaders is the first.

However, after Yang Xiaotian missed this skill, Lao Wang is ready to change his strategy. Hard is not good, soft is not good.

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