This way, the young man in uniform dragged the old man to the green belt on the side of the road, and then said, "old man, I'm a kind man. I'll give you 500 yuan. This is the end of the matter. Don't entangle with me, or I'll let you pay for my car!"

Originally, the bone was broken, and then dragged away like this, the old man almost fainted in pain. With his mouth unconsciously humming, how could he respond to the words of the young men in uniform.

People all around are pointing.

But no one dares to come forward and say anything.

After all, it's a military vehicle.

When Yang Xiaotian ran to the side, he saw the young man drag the old man to the green belt. He frowned and asked, "how did you get your driving license? How can you move so recklessly when the injured has obvious fracture marks? "

When he spoke, he conveniently turned on the video function of his mobile phone. The world is too dangerous to harm people's heart, but it is necessary to be defensive. It is very useful to keep these key evidences.

The young man glanced at Yang Xiaotian: "who are you? Where did it come from? Who cares about me? "

Yang Xiaotian ignored him, but bowed his head and began to diagnose the old man.

"Sir, what's wrong with you? Don't worry, I'm a doctor! " In order to prevent the old man from hearing clearly, Yang Xiaotian said aloud.

When the old man heard that he was a doctor, tears came down at that time: "doctor, I don't want to steal money from him. I really can't stand up. I feel my leg is broken!"

"Is the leg uncomfortable?" Yang Xiaotian asked, "what else is uncomfortable?"

"I... I can't breathe in my chest!" Said the old man.

"Don't make mistakes! What's it to me that you can't breathe? " The young man said fiercely.

The old man was frightened.

"Brother Wei, help me control him! It's the first time that I've seen so many bumpers and so arrogant! " Yang Xiaotian is not very angry.

In fact, the police are most afraid of military related cases. They are hard to please even if they are in trouble.

But at this moment, Wei Huahan is not ambiguous.

First, Yang Xiaotian spoke.

Second, he is young and hot blooded. He is not used to bullying the elderly.

He answered immediately and went to the young man.

Although Wei Huahan has become a director, he has a good body after long-term exercise. He has a wide waist and a fat body, which is a deterrent.

The young man frowned and said, "I'm the staff officer of Nanhu military division. Do you dare to touch me?"

Wei Huahan directly handcuffed the young man's hands behind his back.

Instead of anger, the young man laughed: "very good, you have to eat the evil fruit you planted! Wait and see

Because the old man has difficulty breathing.

Yang Xiaotian used the Swiss Army knife on the key chain to cut off the old man's clothes. At the same time, he yelled: "don't look around, get out of the way, let the fresh air in!"

The crowd of onlookers whooped back.

Then it used to be a small circle, but now it has become a big circle

"The left rib is OK!"

"The third and fourth ribs on the right side are seriously contused and lacerated. The possibility of fracture cannot be ruled out!"

"Serious contusion and laceration of the left foot!"

"Tailbone fracture, complete set of soft tissue dissection!"


"No obvious damage to other parts of the body... Vital signs are stable at present..."

Yang Xiaotian rushed to help the old man's body as much as he could, which was very professional, and the people nearby were very convinced.

"By the way, please call 120!" Yang Xiaotian called.

"Yes!" Someone answered.

"Oh, thank you!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Thank you, aren't you doing good? Well, I said, "are you a doctor?"


"Very good, such a warm-hearted doctor is very good!"

"Don't worry, sir. They are all hard injuries. Just cure them!" Yang Xiaotian comforted the old man for a while, and then went to the troublemaker.

It is reasonable to say that if there is a traffic accident, there will be insurance. Let's have a good negotiation.

However, the young man ran a red light and said that he had been hit by someone and that someone else had damaged his car. He said that others were deceiving him.

That makes people angry.

Although he was subdued by Wei Huahan, the young man's mouth is still dirty, saying some threatening words like "you're unlucky", "you wait".

Yang Xiaotian went up and said, "I think you are in bad luck! Which army? What's the serial number? You're in your twenties, aren't you? Can I be an adviser? "

The young man was stunned and immediately said, "which army am I from? Why should I tell you? Who are you

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "don't be hard on me. You can talk to the picket. In addition, I want to remind you that it's a felony to forge a military card and fake a soldier!"

He has seen some problems in the young people's lack of detail.

Wei Huahan was stunned when he heard the speech. He immediately pulled Yang Xiaotian aside and said with a smile, "Xiaotian, do you mean that he is a fake soldier?"

"If you're right, it should be!" Yang Xiaotian said, "look at him, standing or not, shaking his legs when he talks. If he changes to any army, he will be killed!"

Wei Huahan looked at the young man again and nodded involuntarily: "indeed, when you say that, I seem to have a problem too!"

Seeing the two men's ill intentioned eyes, the young man was afraid.

Then the traffic police came.

Young people simply go straight into the car, all the windows are closed, no matter how people outside shout, just don't open the door.

The traffic police can't do anything about it. After all, the other side is a military card, and it's not easy to take compulsory measures.

Young people in the phone for a while, the expression on the face became a lot of calm, and even smile.

After a while, a black Audi A6L stopped next to the Highlander. From the driver's seat, a middle-aged man with round face, strong suit and shoes wanted to be successful, but the smile on his face made people feel less successful.

The man ignored the people around him, got out of the car and went straight to hannanda.

At the same time, a few people in suits, black sunglasses and a pair of American blockbusters dressed as bodyguards and agents came down to disperse the crowd.

He also said things like "get out of the way if you don't want to get into trouble.".

Many people think this man is the father of the young man.

But as a result, the young man immediately opened the door and said, "Uncle Zhao, they intimidated me and said they wanted to look for an inspector or something..."

Uncle Zhao listened carefully, and then said to the young man, "young master, you can get on the car and blow on the air conditioner for a while, and I'll do it here."

"Well!" The young man nodded, immediately said a few words to Zhao Shutie, and looked at Yang Xiaotian.

Uncle Zhao nodded to show that he knew.

After the young man got on the bus, uncle Zhao went straight to the traffic police and said in a very frank tone, "what's the name of this police officer? You've had a long day. I'm Zhao Zhenghua, vice president of the beautiful angel love foundation. "

The traffic police asked suspiciously: "beautiful angel..."

"Oh, you may not have heard of it. After all, it's charity. It's all played by the rich people in the upper class!" Zhao Zhenghua began to pretend, "but you must know that it's mayor Liu's lover, Xu Linlin, the president of our foundation."

"Mayor Liu?" Traffic police slightly a Zheng, tentatively asked, "you mean Liu Song?"

"Shh, low key, low key!" Zhao Zhenghua said so, but he couldn't hide his high profile. "Of course, you can choose not to believe it, but I think you can call first and ask. My license plate number is here. Can you see it's true with your eyesight? You can find out where the license plate number is! "

When the traffic police looked at the license plate number, they saw that the first few digits of the license plate were all "0". At first glance, they had a good history. Then they looked at the entry and exit permits of several government departments on the windshield, which virtually increased the force of the car.

The traffic police were in a bit of a dilemma: "but the old man was so seriously injured..."

Zhao Zhenghua patted the traffic police on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, give it to me!"

Then he went to the old man, squatted down and said in a friendly voice, "can you hear me clearly, sir? Look at me if you can hear me? "

The old man turned his head and looked at Zhao Zhenghua.

Zhao Zhenghua said: "old man, you said you were not careful when crossing the road. What did you just hit the car? But our childe, out of this social morality and morality, decided to give you... Well, 20000 yuan, and then it's over, OK? "

Twenty thousand yuan is obviously a large sum for the elderly.

He hesitated.

Looking at Yang Xiaotian, he asked, "doctor, how much does it cost to cure my injury?"

Yang Xiaotian thought about it and said, "if all these things are cured, I estimate that 30000 yuan is almost the same!"

Zhao Zhenghua looked at Yang Xiaotian and said, "OK, 30000 yuan!"

The old man said, "but I can't take this pain for nothing. I have to have more, don't I?"

Zhao Zhenghua laughed, not afraid of your counter-offer, just afraid you don't talk about it, so he said: "buy it now, 35000!"

The old man was obviously not rich. He thought it was quite worthwhile to raise 5000 yuan more after the injury, so he said, "there's no reason to talk. We have to set up a document."

This is for fear that the other party will default.

Zhao Zhenghua also has this idea, he said: "OK, then I'll get the pen and paper!"

At this time, Yang Xiaotian said: "old man, you have to think clearly! If it's a young man, cure is cure! But at your age, it will take at least half a year for you to recover. That is to say, in the past half a year, not only you can't work, but you may even have to take care of your daily life. Do you think 5000 yuan can solve this problem? "

The old man was stunned. Obviously, he didn't think about it just now.

Zhao Zhenghua was so depressed that he had a good talk, but he killed Cheng Yaojin on the way. He asked Yang Xiaotian angrily: "who are you? Why do you say that? "

Yang Xiaotian glanced at Zhao Zhenghua and said, "I'll tell you the truth. What's the matter?"

Zhao Zhenghua said with a smile: "good, very good, tell the truth!"

Then he said to the old man, "you'd better think it over. We're giving you 35000 out of morality! If you have too much trouble, you won't get a cent! Anyway, just go through the legal process and Sue slowly. We can afford it! "

The old man thought for a while and asked tentatively, "can you give me more?"

See this, Yang Xiaotian helplessly shook his head, the advice has been advised, the old man is still determined to take health to change money, there is no way.

In fact, it is advisable for young people to do so, but the elderly have more complications. The best way to deal with a car accident is not to be greedy for money, but to let the other party cure him completely.

"OK, let's go. Everyone has his own way..." Wei Huahan advised.

Yang Xiaotian nodded, but did not take a few steps, he dialed the supervision phone of the garrison area.

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