Although Lin Kun just regards this as a political achievement project, he may not realize that he has put great enthusiasm into it.

In fact, during this period of time, he spent more time in the physiotherapy center than in the health care committee.

When a person puts a lot of enthusiasm and effort into a thing, how can it be just for face and achievement? Is there not a trace of impulse in the heart, the impulse to really make some achievements?

Lin Kun continues to settle accounts. At this time, Yang Xiaotian is already thinking about other things.

"... water, electricity, property and the salary of masseuses. Now there are 25 masseuses. According to their grades, the salary ranges from 4000 to 8000. These days, labor is really expensive. Just after the price is reduced, they can get at least 7000 yuan when they are in the shop, which makes me want to be a masseuse. The average is 6000 yuan, Twenty five people are fifteen thousand months, six months and seven hundred thousand! "

"You can see that it's more than 1.3 million yuan, but almost a month's labor wage and fixed expenses will be 200000 yuan. Six months later, it's just 1.2 million yuan, and there's 100000 yuan for emergency expenses... By the way, if you don't calculate the driver's salary, take 25000 yuan, and five drivers will be more than 10000 yuan a month! And the fuel... I'll go. If you figure it out like this, 1.3 million is not enough! " Speaking of this, Lin Kun is already scratching his head.

"Or... Don't buy a car..." Lin Kun said.

"Ah Yang Xiaotian looks at Lin Kun.

Lin Kun added: "but if you don't buy a car, what about commuting? Even if you don't buy two cars, you have to buy three business cars... "

Yang Xiaotian realized that Lin Kun had been talking to himself.

"Yes!" Lin Kun suddenly raised his head and laughed, "Xiaotian, I've come up with a way! Isn't that the car? Let's just go to those businessmen and borrow some. It's not a new car, but it's OK to use it! " Speaking of this, he began to be proud, "such a good way, why didn't I think of it just now? Hahaha, I'm such a genius

Yang Xiaotian looked embarrassed: "I said brother Lin, it's not suitable to borrow a car, is it?"

"What's wrong?" Lin Kun said with a straight face, "not to mention our public institutions, many national institutions borrow cars! Isn't that bus reform now? Civil servants can't buy cars that exceed the standard, but they can borrow them! No one can pick out a wrong one about this. It's a big face. What's wrong with a friend's borrowed car? "

Although everyone did this, Yang Xiaotian couldn't accept it. How could he say that he had just collected the sponsorship fee and then asked people to borrow a car?

It's not that I want to build a memorial archway.

The key is not to go too far, is it?

And at that time, it was difficult for a skillful woman to make a meal without rice. There was no way to deal with it.

And according to Yang Xiaotian's character, since he has accepted the nine rich second generation, it will make them different and can be regarded as worthy of the sponsorship.

But what's the matter with borrowing a car?

So he quickly shook his head: "no, I don't agree!"

"But what about the car?" Lin Kun asked.

Yang Xiaotian said firmly: "buy!"

"And the money?" Lin Kun asked subconsciously.

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "isn't that 1.3 million? You are too conservative, where need six months! Three months at most is enough, that is, five or six hundred thousand yuan. If you want to buy the rest of the cars, you should also buy decent ones. Don't worry about the poor quality. When you buy them, they always repair them. It's another expense! "

Lin Kun was surprised and advised: "Xiaotian, three months is not too short. Go bankrupt in half a year... Face can be said. If you go bankrupt in three months, isn't it too humiliating?"

Yang Xiaotian smiles and shakes his head: "who told you that I am going to close down? Don't worry about buying it. I tell you, the physical therapy center will only get better and better, and it will never close down! "

He is sure of this, but he can't. He can maintain the physical therapy center by seeking alumni from abroad.

And just a few days ago, his teacher asked him if he was interested in going abroad to do surgery for a rich man. The travel expenses were reimbursed, and the whole business class was business class. There was a special bus to pick him up and out, and there were more than 100000 US dollars in labor costs.

Yang Xiaotian is lazy to go, because he has no concept of money, more use, less use, as long as he doesn't have money for the next meal.

But if it's really imminent, he doesn't mind doing these things.

There are always many ways to make money.

Even if you don't go abroad, it's OK to find some big brothers to do some operations, right?

Seeing that Yang Xiaotian had made up his mind, Lin Kun didn't insist on it any more. He just said, "director Li's car and I are very close to each other. We can't afford to buy a home-made car. It's not humiliating to say that we are patriotic."

"In fact, it's not a matter of shame. The quality of domestic cars is not as good as that of joint venture cars. After all, the price is there. The quality of domestic cars with a price of 70000 is certainly not as good as that of joint venture cars with a price of 145000! If I only have 70000, I'm sure I'll buy a domestic car. The key is that we don't need money. We have to buy more than 100000 cars. There's no domestic car at this price! " Yang Xiaotian said.

Lin Kun was very helpless about this, he waved: "whatever you want, anyway, the money on the account!"

Yang Xiaotian laughed and patted Lin Kun on the shoulder: "relax, believe me, I will bring a miracle!"

Lin Kun can't help remembering what he looked like when he first met Yang Xiaotian. At that time, Yang Xiaotian didn't hesitate to offend Lian Xiaohe in order to stand up for him

Lin Kun clenched his teeth and thought to himself that Yang Xiaotian had always stood out for himself at that time. If he had a big problem, he would follow Yang Xiaotian's willfulness. If he had a big problem, he would take all the responsibility to himself when he went bankrupt in the future. Anyway, he was in the health care Commission for the elderly, and he didn't want any future.

As for the miracle, Lin Kun also thought that Yang Xiaotian has offended Lian Xiaohe. So far, he has nothing to do. It is not sure that there will be a miracle.

After the conversation with Lin Kun, Yang Xiaotian returns to his office.

Lin Kun can do anything else, but Yang Xiaotian must be responsible for the massage.

He's going to think about what to do with these masseurs in the office.

Twenty five people is not a small number, but it is difficult for him who has no management experience.

According to Lin Kun, the first thing to do is to decide how to assign tasks and not make people feel unfair. The second is to calculate the remuneration according to the workload and so on.

Yang Xiaotian is very good at medicine, but in this matter, he feels that he is a complete rookie.

If you just manage three or five people, it seems very simple.

But it's very difficult for 25 people to just write down their names, OK?

Looking at the list Lin Kun gave him, he wondered why the names of these people were not "Zhao Yi, Zhao er..." until "Zhao 25"? How easy to remember.

Push open the door of the office, see ye mengrui is bending over with a wet towel to wipe Yang Xiaotian's desk, back to the door, buttocks round roll up.

Yang Xiaotian was a little dazed at that time.

Ye mengrui heard the sound of opening the door, turned to see it was Yang Xiaotian, and immediately gave a sweet smile: "brother Xiaotian..."

"Gudong!" Yang Xiaotian swallows his saliva, thinking that he seems to be too busy at work recently to take care of his personal life. Obviously, he is a little angry. He has to find time to go to bars and discos in the evening.

"Why are you still here?" Yang Xiaotian coughs and looks like a gentleman. After all, it's subordinates. In front of subordinates, we should have the dignity of the superior.

Ye mengrui smiles: "brother Xiaotian, you really look like a leader! As soon as the office was decorated, there was formaldehyde and so on. I was always opening the windows for ventilation. I came in just now to see that there was a layer of ash, so I wiped it for you! "

Yang Xiaotian looked at the floor and found that it was just wiped.

When you think about ye mengrui, a rich woman at home, she must not touch Yang Chunshui. Now she can work so hard in her work unit and wipe the floor herself. She is also very responsible. She doesn't feel like a rich woman holding her own status... Although she talks a little bit charming

So he also has some good feelings for ye mengrui, which is the kind of pure appreciation.

He said, "come on, it's clean enough. Don't wipe it! If you wipe the table again, it will peel off! "

"Hee, brother Xiaotian, you are so humorous. Where can the table peel off?" Ye mengrui said with a smile, but he stopped the action of wiping the table and said with a basin, "I'll go and pour the dirty water into the bathroom first! You wait. I'll come right away... "

"You can..." not to finish two words, ye mengrui already ran out, her action did not slow down because of carrying a basin of water.

Yang Xiaotian murmured: "it's really a windy woman... Forget it, I'll worry about my own business first!"

So he opened the list and began to think.

By the way, I also turned on the computer and searched "how to manage a team of 25 people" on it.

A moment later, ye mengrui came back like the wind.

Seeing Yang Xiaotian's sad face, he quickly asked, "brother Xiaotian, what's the matter? A sullen look

"It's nothing to do with you..." Yang Xiaotian waved his hand, suddenly his eyes lit up and asked, "if... I mean if, give you a team of 25 people, how should you manage it? Pay attention to fairness. It can't be said that this person thinks that person has done more, that person thinks that person has done less... "

He repeated what Lin Kun had told him.

He didn't have much hope either. He just wanted to have a discussion with someone.

Unexpectedly, ye mengrui tilted her head and said, "brother Xiaotian, do you mean how to manage 25 people?"


Ye mengrui laughed: "isn't it simple? A good system and transparent management will do! "

"Good system? Transparent management? " Yang Xiaotian pondered several times, felt that it seemed reasonable, and immediately said, "the space is big, is there any specific point?"

"Of course there is!" Ye mengrui went on to talk about it, starting from management psychology, then the role of system, and finally flat management.

It's called a eloquent person.

And this kind of business is also jiaodidi tone, listening to people feel more enjoyable.

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