Chapter 142: The Tiger Roar Will Disappear While Talking and Laughing

, "Let's go, accompany me to buy a house!" Liu Mengli took out the Mercedes-Benz GLS car key that Sheng Zixi gave her.

"Where did you fancy the house?daughter-in-law!" Sheng Zixi asked, taking the car keys.

"The future city outside the city, there is a villa, the scenery is beautiful, there is more than 10 million is about the same, I want to make a down payment of 30% first, and I will slowly make money to pay back. "

What are you doing with Fei, I'll pay you for it with one hand." Sheng Zixi started the car and drove in the direction of navigation.

"No, I want to use my ability to buy a house for my parents. "

Ambitious!" Sheng Zixi said with a smile.

The Mercedes quickly left the city.

Sheng Zixi grew from behind, and dozens of off-road vehicles followed closely behind.

It seems that the person who came was not good.

Sheng Zixi and Liu Mengli were talking and laughing, and suddenly dozens of off-road vehicles came from front and drove towards his Mercedes Benz.

"Made, come again!"

Sheng Zixi quickly tested it in the air with his right hand, there are weapons on these cars, I will go, there are not only submachine guns but also bazookas.

How did this bastard get these weapons, these people are not ordinary people, this Tiger Roar Society is not an ordinary gangster organization, these people are afraid that their hands and eyes are all over the sky.

Those who come are not good, and those who are good are not.

"Daughter-in-law, sit down!" Sheng Zixi said with a smile, "I have a few good tunes here, you can bring headphones and listen to them." With that

, Sheng Zixi handed a Bluetooth headset to Liu Mengli.

"What tune?" asked Liu Mengli with a smile.

"Great songs, dynamic music, warm music, pop songs, you can listen to whatever you like. "

Yes, I'll listen to it!" Liu

Mengli likes music, and in order to treat her father's illness, she went to the bar to sing at that time.

Liu Mengli took it and put it on her ear, and hummed softly along with the music.

He took out a cigar cigarette given to him by the land god of Jinling, lit it and smoked it.

The cigar given to Sheng Zixi by the land god of Jinling can not only prolong his life, but also smoke without the slightest unpleasant smell of smoke.

Even if Liu Mengli sat next to Sheng Zixi, she didn't feel choked at all.

"Copy and paste ten times!" Sheng Zixi thought silently in his heart.

He copied all the gasoline from the cars and pasted it all on their cars.

The fuel tanks of these off-road vehicles are capable of filling at least dozens of liters of gasoline.

Ten times is hundreds of liters of gasoline.

This gas is enough to fill their dirt bikes.

Ninety-five gasoline will burn very well, and this gasoline is enough to make the people in the car completely nirvana.

When the time comes, there will be no slag left of their bodies.

Soon, the car that caught up from behind was full of gasoline, and a lot of gasoline flowed out of the cracks in the car.

"Made, is there gasoline stored on this car?"

"No, no, our cars are filled with gasoline at the gas station.

"Then why is it that our hot car is full of gasoline?"

"This gasoline is at least three or four hundred liters!"

"Stop, stop." "

It's almost all the conversation in every car.

Suddenly, a car caught fire.

Originally, Sheng Zixi still wanted to throw the lighter in his hand over and ignite the off-road vehicles that were full of gasoline.

But there were people smoking on these off-road vehicles, but Sheng Zixi didn't light them, and these cars burst into flames.

"Bang bang bang!" more than a dozen cars burst into flames and exploded quickly.

The raging fire that burned inside the car quickly detonated all the grenades, bazookas and other things on the car.

The people in the car were exploded by the hot flames on the spot and turned into roast pigs.

Some members of the Tiger Roar Club were covered in flames and tumbled off their cars.

They wailed, screamed, cried, and rushed out of the car.

"Made, you bastards are too obstructive to be seen, and it will give you nightmares. Sheng Zixi scolded.

Sheng Zixi manipulated the metal on their bodies and stuffed them all back into the burning car.

Then he locked all the doors of the car and allowed the wicked people to be burned to the ground and then to ashes.

Liu Mengli closed her eyes and enjoyed the beautiful music to her heart's content, unaware of what was happening behind the car.

Soon, dozens of off-road vehicles behind all deflagrated, and in such a situation, even the fire truck could not save them in front of them.

Sheng Zixi clenched his hands tightly and let them fully burn in the flames.

The off-road vehicles in front of them didn't know what was going on when they saw such a scene, and they were all stunned, and all the drivers pressed the brakes to death.

Sheng Zixi drove a Mercedes-Benz GLS through the traffic.

Sheng Zixi quickly controlled the magnetic field and sensed that the people on these cars were also carrying a large number of bullets.

Dozens of cars in front of them stopped there, and they quickly reported the situation to Dong Chao.

"Chaoye, something is wrong!" Xiao Huya, the person in charge of this operation, said to Dong Chao.

"What's the matter, the sky can't fall!" Dong Chao said.

"Our brothers have suffered heavy casualties!"

"What's going on?"

"All the brothers in the forty cars were reimbursed. "

What?" Dong Chao didn't believe his ears.

"All the brothers in the forty cars have been reimbursed! Nearly two hundred brothers! It's all over!" Little Huya's voice trembled.

"What's the matter, how did Sheng Zixi do it? You went with submachine guns and bazookas, and you couldn't kill a single student?" Dong Chao didn't expect the mission to fail this time.

He sent five hundred brothers of the Tiger Roar Society to prepare for a successful battle, which would not only kill Sheng Zixi, but also severely deter the Ghost Party and the Viper Gang.

As a result, this time I wanted to show my face, but I showed my ass.

"How did that student do it, one person killed nearly two hundred of you. Do you all eat dry rice?" Dong Chao shouted loudly, if Shen Long knew about it, he would not have to peel off a layer of his skin.

"He didn't do anything!"

"What? "

The student didn't do anything, he just drove. I saw it clearly with a telescope. "

Then who killed you?"

"I didn't know how to do it, and when I walked away, I saw that the student was driving in front, and the car behind it kept catching fire and exploding. The fire burned for a long time, and the fire truck could not save it. "

Made, could it be that someone from the Ghost Party made a move?" Dong Chao thought to himself.

This ghost party is a rising star, poisoning, assassination, kidnapping, doing all kinds of tricks and feet, all kinds of things are done silently

, they are like ghosts in the dark night, killing people invisibly, making people die silently.

Dong Chao suspected that it was the actions of the ghost party, and they would suffer heavy losses if they were roaring.

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