Chapter 100 Einstein and [Regret Mutual Aid Association]! (Decrypted Chapter)


How come the ghosts are not going away!

Lin Xian was really speechless.

Is this Li Jing silly?

Make such a scary portrait at home?

Fortunately, my mobile phone flashlight is bright enough, and I can see that it is a portrait.

If you use the phone screen to take photos

I thought Lei Haolong was resurrected!

Bite one-



It is the sound of the incandescent lamp current stabilizer connecting to electricity.

The high-end community deserves to be a high-end community, with several power supply lines.

After switching.

The entire house as large as the maze was once again brightly lit.

Lin Xian put down his phone…

Go to see Lei Haolong’s portrait on the tribute platform.

“Looking at it this way, it’s much more normal.”

Throwing away the colored glasses, Lei Haolong’s portrait actually smiled like a normal person.

Just under the light of the flash of the mobile phone just now.

It seemed a little scary.


There are still some fruits, incense burners and so on on the tribute. It is probably the custom of the place. After people die, they need to be kept at home.

“Lin Xian?? Are you okay!!”

Liu Yiyi heard Lin Xian calling himself and hurried over.

The two of them finally saw each other after a few bends.

Lin Xian shook his head:

“It’s okay, but the power went out just now, I’m afraid something will happen to you.”

Liu Yiyi also let out a sigh of relief, then sighed:

“Li Jing kept crying, saying that when a child is born, there will be no father, which is really pitiful.

Lin Xian rubbed her hair and advised her not to think too much:

“Water and fire are merciless, the car accident itself is an accident, no one can help. You should persuade her more, after all, there is a child in the stomach, can not move the fetus.”

“how about you?”

“I have a diarrhea just now, but I haven’t finished the diarrhea.”

Liu Yiyi gave Lin Xian a white look, then ran back to the large living room to comfort Li Jing.

And Lin Xian returned to the toilet again.

Continue to download logs and browse records.


All downloads are complete.

Lin Xian click to open the browsing history to take a look

From today’s April to yesterday’s browsing history!

“Very good ”

Lin Xian started watching it in June.

Just like his analysis before, this laptop was used by Lei Haolong to read work documents at home.

I don’t use this computer at all for playing games, watching videos, listening to music, and watching movies.

Therefore, most of the browsing records in June are mailboxes with various suffixes.

Although Lin Xian would like to see the contents of Lei Haolong’s mailbox.

But this is really impossible


The log file in the router shows that throughout June, the laptop was turned on 5 times, and 4 of them were processing work, but on June 12th, I visited a strange website–

This is not a URL in the traditional sense.

It is a string of IP numbers.

“This is the website, there must be a problem!””

It’s finally time to reveal the secret!

Lin Xian’s heartbeat speeds up, just click on this website!

The phone makes a sound to open a new web page.


The browser in the phone starts automatically and starts to load a new web page

This should be an overseas website.

Very slow.

The first to be loaded is the background of the web page

The whole is black and white

The internet speed is very slow.

The screen jumps from grid to grid.

Gradually, the upper part of the background of the webpage was brushed out. It was the top of an old man’s head, with dry and thatch white hair.

Gradually, the background of the webpage also appeared in the middle. It was an old man’s big forehead and dull eyes.

In the end, the background of the web page was also refreshed, it was a dejected mouth, nose and chin.

See this familiar figure!

Lin Xian took a breath!

“impossible ”

This person, he knows!

He has seen this painting too!

“Sorrowful Einstein”!

But Lin Xian couldn’t react for a while.

“Impossible. This painting shouldn’t appear in this time and space.”

Lin Xian remembers clearly.

Before the change of history, Einstein suffered from severe depression for thousands of years, so when a painter visited him, he had this picture of “Sorrowful Einstein”.

However, Lin Xian later wrote a comfort letter to Einstein, but Einstein suffered from depression.

From then on, Einstein let himself go! Not happy!Therefore, when the painter visits Einstein again and paints for him.

Einstein stuck out his tongue mischievously.

That painting became “Naughty Einstein”.

Today, the painting “Naughty Einstein” is still on tour around the world, and many people have seen it.

This is a fact!

Liu Lu also derived the cosmological constant equal to 42 through the half-section formula exposed in the painting.

“So say w 々.”

Lin Xian had a cold back.

“Where did this “Sorrowful Einstein” that shouldn’t have appeared come from?”

Lin Xian couldn’t understand what he thought.

this painting …

Who painted it?

and …

Didn’t Einstein spend his later years in hedonic indulgence?

This is clearly stated in his autobiography and in his letter to himself-he was very happy in his old age.

Then the problem is coming

Who is this “sorrowful Einstein”?

Why is he sad because of?

Lin Xian wanted to see this painting more.

But as the web page is loaded, what comes out overwrites the background of the web page.


The most conspicuous middle position of the webpage, with the same word written in multiple languages–

[Regret Mutual Aid Association]

Below, the same sentence is also written in several languages–

[The next gathering will be held on the rooftop of the Empire State Building at 23:00 on August 4, 2021-Albert Einstein is waiting for your arrival. 】


At this moment.

Lin Xian feels like being struck by lightning!

“Albert Einstein

“This is Einstein?”

Lin Xian’s eyes widened, staring at these words in shock.

An idea that made his limbs cool down poured into his mind, and his active brain was directly frozen into ice!

“[Is Einstein still alive?]”

, Waiting for your arrival”

“Thank you Yiyi, Lin Xian, thank you

Li Jing wiped her tears and bid farewell to the two.

Although Liu Yiyi’s comfort has made her feel better, she also understands that these are temporary griefs that will always sweep through the night.

“But you can rest assured that I will not do stupid things. I still have children. Even for children, I will live strong.”

Finally, Liu Yiyi hugged Li Jing.

Advise her not to think too much, and change her grief.


Liu Yiyi and Lin Xian took the elevator downstairs.

In the elevator, neither of them spoke.

Liu Yiyi took Lin Xian’s arm

She was surprised to find that the body temperature of both of them was very cold at this moment.


It’s all because of sadness, Liu Yiyi innocently thought

She buried her head in Lin Xian’s chest, feeling that there was something depressing in her heart that could not come out.

“Lin Xian, do you still remember what I told you when you took the subway to send me to school?”

Lin Xian shook his head.

It’s not that he doesn’t remember, he doesn’t know exactly which sentence she wants to ask.

Liu Yiyi felt Lin Xian shook his head, and the hearts of the two were alive, allowing Liu Yiyi to naturally understand the meaning of Lin Xian. So she said slowly:

“At the time, I told you that my biggest dream was to die a little later than you, so that I could send you away.”

Speaking of this, Liu Yiyi laughed and cried again.

Lin Xian felt her tears and stained her shirt:

“Lin Xian, I regret it now. I don’t want to die later than you. This feeling without your feeling is too painful for me, I can’t bear it!”

Lin Xian hugs her.

Did not speak.

Today’s two incidents were too big a blow to Liu Yiyi, who was kind and innocent.

In the mall, the pain of losing a son who was abducted by a trafficker.

Just now at home, Li Jing expressed the pain of losing her husband.

Liu Yiyi has the heart of the Virgin, so what she is best at is “empathy”. She will be happy because of the happiness of others and sad because of the sorrow of others.

This is why Lin Xian is unwilling to tell her the space-time mailbox and his secrets.

What Lin Xian did.

many things.

Liu Yiyi couldn’t understand and couldn’t help.

For many things in this world, you must be willing and rewarding.

But Liu Yiyi

But always thinking of the best of both worlds.

“Don’t worry, Yiyi, no matter what happens, I will protect you.”


Liu Yiyi nodded and added:

“We also need to protect our children…

Lin Xian was speechless.

Then you have to be pregnant first!



Mouth …

Neither of them spoke.

There is only the sound of the elevator hoist in the elevator

Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi cuddled together.

The atmosphere was once good.


The elevator doors opened.

Liu Yiyi wiped his tears, released Lin Xian’s arms, and said in a hoarse voice:

“Let’s go, we’re on the first floor.”

Talk about it.

She turned and walked outside the elevator.


Lin Xian grabbed her wrist directly!


Liu Yiyi turned around suspiciously and looked at Lin Xian.

Lin Xian looked serious.

Ding up the elevator.

“What’s wrong, Lin Xian?”

Liu Yiyi was puzzled, why didn’t he leave?

She returned to the elevator.

Follow Lin Xian’s eyes and look up.

I saw on the display screen inside the elevator, it was written the floor currently stopped–


“what happened!?”

Liu Yiyi scratched his head.

She clearly remembered that Li Jing’s house was on the 37th floor.

They had planned to go downstairs.

Then I took a taxi.

Why did you get to the 42nd floor?

Lin Xian looked serious and did not speak.

He thought inwardly.

Much more than Liu Yiyi




Today’s 42 appears more frequently than any previous day!

Starting from looking at Lei Haolong’s hard drive early this morning, all day, no matter where you go, it is 42!

You can’t even get rid of the elevator!

Liu Yiyi scratched his head and thought.

“Lin Xian, when we took the elevator from the 37th floor just now, did you not press the first floor?”

Hear what Liu Yiyi said.

Lin Xian recalled.

like …

it’s true.

Both of them were very worried. After walking into the elevator, Liu Yiyi pulled him up directly, and then cried in his arms.


Lin Xian thought Liu Yiyi pressed the first floor.

Liu Yiyi thought that Lin Xian had pressed the first floor.

As a result, neither of them pressed the button!

so …

When someone called the elevator on the 42nd floor, the elevator automatically came to the 42nd floor.

Lin Xian nodded.

I don’t intend to scare myself anymore.

“I thought you pressed it, it’s okay, let’s press it again.”

After that, Lin Xian stretched out his right hand and pressed the [1] button at the elevator button.

[1] When the button is pressed, it lights up in yellow.

“”I’ll be fine now, and I’ll be on the first floor in a while. ”

Liu Yiyi nodded.

Snuggling on Lin Xian’s arm again.


The elevator rang.

Two elevator doors began to close slowly


Just as the two elevator doors were about to close!


A hand in black gloves suddenly reached into the crack of the door!


The elevator automatically senses the foreign object, and the two elevator doors slowly open

A man wearing a mask and a black windbreaker covered his head walked into the elevator.

He silently nodded to Lin Xian.

Retracted to the corner of the elevator.

At that moment!

Lin Xian shuddered!

He recognized it!

This person is the trafficker who stole other people’s children in the mall this afternoon!


Can’t move at this time.

Lin Xian pretended that nothing happened and looked ahead.

Liu Yiyi is here…

Can’t act rashly

[Death insurance] The prerequisite for taking effect is that you and Liu Yiyi cannot die at the same time.

No one knows if this human trafficker has weapons in his hands!

at this time.

Don’t act rashly!

Lin Xian has already figured out how to call the police after getting off the elevator.

but now

He must remain calm!

It is absolutely necessary to ensure the safety of Liu Yiyi!


At this moment, if he and Liu Yiyi die at the same time, that means losing everything!




Liu Yiyi closed his eyes and nestled on Lin Xian’s arm.

Lin Xian and the man in the windbreaker both looked ahead and made no sound.





The elevator is descending rapidly.


Lin Xian clenched his fists.


As long as the elevator reaches the first floor.

You can regain control of the master’s power!




The elevator is still falling fast

Lin Xian suppressed the fast heartbeat.

twenty three……

twenty one……


Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell–

Lin’s (Zhao Nuo’s) Xian’s cell phone ringing suddenly rang!

In an instant, Liu Yiyi was awakened and looked at Lin Xian’s left suit pocket.

The man in the windbreaker also copied his pocket and looked at Lin Xian’s left suit pocket.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell–

Lin Xian’s cell phone keeps ringing.

He knows…

This is not the time to answer the phone at all!


If you don’t answer it now, it will only make the man in the elevator doubt.

no way.

Lin Xian reached into his pocket with his left hand and took out his mobile phone.

When Lin Xian took out the phone, the screen was facing his side, so the man couldn’t see the caller number.

Lin Xian saw clearly.

It’s Dai Chuchan.


This call can’t be answered!

Wan ー If Dai Chuchan wanted to tell herself about the traffickers in the afternoon, wouldn’t it be exposed?

There is so much space in the elevator.

It’s so quiet again.

The other party can definitely hear it!

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell–

Lin Xian continued to hold the phone in front of him, and then swiped his thumb–


But at this moment, I quickly pressed the shutdown button with the belly of my hand.

The phone hangs up instantly.

Lin Xian was taken aback.

“Huh? How did it break?”

The moment he looked at the phone screen.

Face recognition unlocking is automatically activated.

The phone screen is directly unlocked.

The lock screen interface fades one-

Show up.

It’s the overseas webpage that I just opened in the toilet of Lei Haolong’s house!

Einstein’s hollow eyes

Staring at Lin Xian



The man in the trench coat standing in the corner suddenly stepped forward.

He glanced at the screen of Lin Xian’s phone, then glanced at Lin Xian, his eyes were full of excitement:

“Are you [jealous]?”

Just as Liu Yiyi wanted to talk, Lin Xian hurriedly pinched her!

Liu Yiyi shut his mouth with interest.

The long-term tacit understanding between the two made her understand that she can’t talk more at this time!

Lin Xian didn’t change his face, turned back slowly, staring at the man

“You are?”

The man chuckled and took off his mask.

A light bow to Lin Xian:

“I am [lazy” donkey.

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “illustration” button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)



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