Chapter 109 Enemy’s purpose: restore history and future to the original state! [Decrypted Chapter-Major]

There are so many clues in this chapter, please read it carefully.

Various portraits of Einstein have appeared in various textbooks, extracurricular books, and school corridors since childhood

With that iconic appearance, there is no possibility of admitting mistakes.

Lin Xian can’t believe all this

Could it be that

Einstein, born in 1879, really lived to the present in 2021?

This is too mysterious!

How did he do it?

“Not right”

“This is not Einstein!”

Lin Xian calmed down.

The moment Einstein appeared on the stage just now made Lin Xian a little scared.

But the video on TV, after all, the angle is fixed, and the whole cannot be seen.


After that Einstein sat down, Lin Xian saw clearly.

This person is not Einstein at all!

It was an ordinary old man with a mask printed with “Sorrowful Einstein” on his head!

Just now when this person came from the left, he kept staring at the camera, so Lin Xian was wrong.

Lin Xian blinked.

Look carefully at the person sitting in the boss chair.

This man has an old-fashioned look, his hair and clothes are imitating Einstein’s dress.

But the face cannot be imitated.

Therefore, he put a mask on his face.

“+! Almost scared Daddy to death!”

Lin Xian couldn’t help cursing.

Just now I was thinking that Einstein was a threat to myself when I was alive, and what else did I say “unless Einstein is dug out from the grave”

The results are good.

An Einstein popped out on the spot!

The face is too fast!

Lin Xian recalled what Wang Hao said at the barbecue stall at the night market yesterday:

“How can I say that there are not many people in that meeting, but there are a few great people here! Especially the president himself, who is a fan of Einstein, every time I have a party, I wear Einstein’s face on my face. Mask, fun and polite!”

“But don’t tell me, they are academically awesome! The [Quantum Project] that I studied at the University of Chicago was introduced to me by this Lord Einstein, and he has always taken good care of me!”


Lin Xian’s thoughts gradually became clear in his mind.

The president Wang Hao said is the same man as the masked man on TV now!

Wang Hao said that the [Quantum Project] he studied at Chigago University was recommended by the masked man.

And just now, Ma Zike said that the [quantum battery] was researched by [the Institute of Cigago University].

“I see

Although in terms of results, Wang Hao’s research was finally used by the United States to suppress the Dragon Kingdom.

But Lin Xian doesn’t blame him

After all, Wang Hao is just a small graduate student, in the laboratory research institute, that is, doing miscellaneous work.

This is his studies.

If you want to graduate successfully, you must follow the arrangement of your tutor.

Therefore, this cannot be regarded as betraying one’s own country.

What’s more…

“What’s more, Wang Hao is a small researcher. Without him, this project will be carried out and successfully developed. For the entire project, Wang Hao is too insignificant.

Lin Xian walked back to the dining table.

Sit down again.

Drink water.

After knowing that Einstein was a counterfeit, Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

makes sense.

How could a monster live to be 140 years old?

Especially in Einstein’s old age, because there is no burden of thinking, he is drunk and sings every night, so he indulges himself and can live such a long life!

Although this masked man acted quite like Einstein, his figure and hair were exactly the same as Einstein.

But since he wears the mask of Einstein, it means that he is definitely not Einstein.

after all

Who wears his own mask?

Isn’t this taking off your pants and farting!

“The only problem is the painting “Sorrowful Einstein””

Lin Xian rested his chin in thought.

It stands to reason.

After receiving his letter, Einstein’s mentality completely changed, and “Sorrowful Einstein” also became “Naughty Einstein.”

Therefore, sad Einstein should not exist in this time and space at all


[Regret Mutual Aid Association] The background picture on the webpage.There is also the Einstein mask on the man’s face in this mask.

Where did it come from?

This is Lin Xian’s puzzling question

The indignation and enthusiasm of Ma Teck in the video continues.

And the “fake Einstein” “mask man” sat in a chair, motionless and silent.

The hollow eyes on the mask stared at the screen.


Ma Zike became more excited as he talked, and his fingers were poking directly on the camera!

“So! Tonight at 8 o’clock! Te Sla’s latest product launch event! Trans-epoch quantum battery!! Let us witness the decline of the Dragon Kingdom and the king of American technological hegemony!”

“And at our press conference, the U.S. official also has an important event to be released! Let the world take a look at 20, who is the hegemon of the world! Who is the beacon of mankind! Who is the country standing at the top of technology !!”


The picture is paused.

The entire “declaration of war” video ends, and the picture on the TV returns to the evening news interface


Lin Xian sits at the dinner table.

Facing the weird video, he looked embarrassed.

“What’s the mess? Halloween masquerade? April Fool’s Day joke?

He took out his cell phone.

I found the call from Chen Qing just now in the communication log and dialed it back.

After a sound, the other side immediately picked it up:


“Mr. Lin, have you seen that video?”

Lin Xian nodded and responded:

“I saw it, it really is a very strange video, which makes people confused. But for the time being, I am still not optimistic that they can make a breakthrough in the field of [Quantum Battery], unless that Einstein is really resurrected.

Chen Qing laughed twice over there:

“Mr. Lin, this is obviously impossible. Einstein has been dead for almost 60 years. Even if he is resurrected, the skeleton must stand up.”

“The person wearing the Einstein mask is obviously just for a show. I have had a lot of dealings with Americans, and they like this kind of rice-style humor.”

“But I also asked someone to ask about it. The Institute of Cigago University has indeed been engaged in quantum research, and I don’t know where they got so much funding. That’s why I said maybe [Quantum Battery] maybe What breakthrough is there really”

Lin Xian and Chen Qing hung up after chatting a few words.

No matter how you guess it now.

By the time Special Sra’s press conference, everything became clear.

“Ma Xieke said the cloth meeting is at 8 o’clock tonight?”

Lin Xian raised his head and looked out the window.

The moon has risen into the sky

Ma Zike must be talking about the local U.S. time.

There is a 13-hour time difference between the United States and the Long Kingdom.

It is night in Long Country, and early in the morning in America.

And the United States in Ma Teck’s mouth was eight o’clock in the evening.

That is, Long Guo will be around 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.

“Anyway, let’s read what was said at the press conference first.”

“As for the problem of the Einstein mask man, there is no doubt that it is the president of the [Regret Mutual Aid Association].”

Thoughts are like balls of yarn.

More and more chaotic.

Lin Xian felt that since he killed (indirectly) Lei Haolong and discovered the organization behind him [Regret Mutual Aid Association].

The clues about [Demon] became more and more chaotic, more and more confused.

He once wondered whether [the devil] was the child in Li Jing’s stomach?

But no matter what you think…

This conclusion is too much.

This is not a fantasy novel or a fairy tale novel.

A child who is still in the stomach, how good can he be?

Can you still enter the Golden Core Stage from the mother’s womb?

So this conclusion, after Lin Xian thought for a few minutes, he shook his head and used it.

“so funny

“At least, it’s too bullshit for now.”

Even in 2041, this posthumous child was only 20 years old.

What can a 20-year-old kid do?

Normally, he hasn’t graduated from university yet, is he capable of becoming a demon that destroys the world?

Fantasy novels dare to write this way.


So far.

[Devil]’s biggest suspect is still the boss, president, leader of [Regret Mutual Aid Association], or [arrogance] who is the head of the seven deadly sins.

Lin Xian returned to the study.

Take out a piece of A4 paper and start writing the known clues about [Regret Mutual Aid Association].

“There are seven deadly sins, and they are arranged in descending order of crimes. Then the boss must be [arrogant], combined with what Wang Hao said, maybe the man with the Einstein mask is [arrogant]!”

“As for Wang Hao, first exclude the top few offenses. He is still very familiar to me. Without money, power and core technology, he must not be the top core member.

BesidesWang Hao looked at this organization casually.

After regretting, I thought about quitting without any nostalgia.

Therefore, it must be just a low-level member.


Lin Xian began to sort out his ideas on paper:

[Arrogance]: Einstein’s masked man is the technology consultant of Ter S La.

[Jealous]: Lei Haolong is dead.

[Rage]: Unknown

[Lazy]: Human trafficker, in the detention center, his death is approaching.

[Greedy]: Powerful figures in Donghai City, and I know them.

[Gluttony]: Wang Hao, a non-core member, is highly likely to be exploited and deceived.



Lin Xian closed the cap.

It’s not Lin Xian watching Wang Hao wearing colored glasses

This guy, in this organization, is at best the second-to-last cannon fodder.

Seyu is no accident, she should be a woman.

“Mainly, Wang Hao, a fat man, can really eat! And it’s delicious, and his stomach explodes every time he has a party.”

Lin Xian recalled how Wang Hao looked at the classmates reunion


“Dried this cup!!”

“Respect XX! Everyone drink!!”

And every time I drink, my face blushes and my mouth is big.

“Hey, Wang Hao, I really didn’t say you, you’ve been defeated here in your entire life.

Lin Xian picked up this piece of paper.

Look like this

There are a total of seven members (assuming that the chairman is arrogant), and five of them have been identified.

I don’t know, my scalp becomes numb when I look at it.

The five known people!

I really have a big or small connection with myself!

“It turns out that I was surrounded by not only 42, but also members of the Seven Deadly Sins. Interesting! Are you ready to close the net for your hide and seek?”

Lin Xian still firmly believes that his identity has not been revealed.

According to [Dark Forest Law].

Not dead, just not exposed!

“It doesn’t matter, anyway, I have [Death Insurance], even if I die, I can still let Liu Yiyi write to the past to save me.”


Lin Xian lit the lighter and burned the paper.


A cold wind blew from the window, blowing out the lit paper


Lin Xian turned his head.

I found the curtains fluttering…

Fly in the room wantonly.

just like

There is someone behind the curtains.

“Why do I always have this creepy feeling in this section? Am I mentally allergic?”

Lin Xian walked over and raised the curtains.


It is obvious that there is no one behind the curtain.

After all, this is the 8th floor

Someone can climb in through the window, at least they must be relatives of Spider-Man.

Not to mention, there are still security windows nailed to the windows.

“Anyway, Liu Yiyi is not at home, so just close the window. I am not afraid of the smell of burning paper.”

Only when.

After closing the window.

The wind roaring outside could no longer blow into the room, and the noise of the loudspeakers was much lower.

The curtains rested securely against the wall and no longer swayed.

Lin Xian used a lighter to light the paper again.


The warm flame spread across the paper, and the white A4 paper gradually turned into black folds.

Throw it in the big ashtray.

Ten seconds later, the paper completely turned into black ashes, lying flat on the bottom of the ashtray.

“Go to sleep, get up tomorrow morning, you have to watch “Tesla’s Product Launch” to see what this fake Einstein has.”

Lin Xian turned off the lamp.


Close the door of the study.The moment I closed the study door

The wind brought up by the door panel rolled up the curtains on the wall and made it ripple on the wall


There is still a little blue stardust scattered

Jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell–

The next day, Lin Xian was woken up on time by the alarm at 06:43.

Pick up the phone and take a look.

Wednesday, July 21.

Lin Xian has been worrying about it these days, and will also have to watch Teles La’s press conference for a while, so Lin Xian doesn’t plan to sleep in anymore.

“Get up and then go for a long-lost morning exercise! The body is the capital of the revolution. Even if you want to save the world and benefit mankind, you must have a healthy body.”

Lin Xian stood up and got up.

Do a simple wash.

Then put on quick-drying sportswear and go for a run.

Because I used to get up early to work, I haven’t had a morning jog for a long time. The last morning jog was when I was in college.

Lin Xian opened the mobile phone running software and reasonably planned a square route, went out and started east, then ran along the road, and finally north, west, south, and east. After passing by a primary school, he happened to return to his current apartment. .

The route happens to be a square.

The length is 5 kilometers.

“OK, 5km jog! Try to run within 30 minutes!”

…………. ….

At this point, there are not many people on the road.

Most of them are children who learn early in the morning.

There are not many vehicles on the road.

It’s very comfortable to run.

Lin Xian emptied his brain, didn’t think about the messy things, and enjoyed the fresh morning air.

“Hu Shufu!

After running for half an hour, Lin Xian had already circled and ran outside the iron fence in the primary school playground.

Run forward for another 5 minutes and you will reach the home community.

Although it took a little longer than expected, it was not bad to be able to run within 35 minutes.

Through the tall iron fence.

Lin Xian saw two pairs of elementary school students practicing tug-of-war in the playground.

Tug of war

It’s been a long time since I saw this kind of movement.

The curious Lin Xian stopped, wiped his sweat, and looked at the pupils in the tug-of-war.

These primary school students are dressed like school uniforms,

Wearing a red scarf,

The hairstyle is also similar,

Lin Xian feels that they are all about the same length

But the pupils in the group on the left are obviously fat and strong.

The pupils in the class on the right are all thinner.

“This is nothing to play with!

Lin Xian couldn’t help but start to feel sorry for the pupils on the right. The disparity between the strengths and weaknesses is too great, and there is no possibility of winning.

In the tug-of-war competition among elementary school students, tonnage basically represents everything.

call out!!

With the teacher’s whistle!

The pupils on both sides started to work hard at the same time!

The red cloth tied in the middle of the thick rope turned to the left for a while and then to the right, and it turned into a stalemate.

“Oh, not bad.

This was beyond Lin Xian’s expectation.

He originally thought that with the huge tonnage gap, this tug-of-war should be a one-sided situation.

But I didn’t expect it to be evenly matched!

The red cloth wrapped in the middle of the rope was pulled by the [forces] on both sides



After a while to the left…

After a while to the right…

It has been deadlocked!

The faces of the pupils on both sides were flushed! But they were reluctant to give up!

Lin Xian just noticed it.

The pupils in the group on the right, although their physique is not dominant, they are very skilled!

The posture of each of them is very standard, with the soles of the feet forward and the body leaning backwards, using body weight instead of arm strength to pull.

There must be a professional teacher who has guided it.


“Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!”

“We won!!! Yeah!!!

“Sure enough, what the teacher said is right, skills are very important!!!”

“It’s incredible!!!!”

“I can really win!!”

Lin Xian smiled and watched the cheering scene of the pupil on the right.

Correspondingly, the big fat guys on the other side were dejected one by one and complained to each other.

Looking at their expressions, they knew that they thought they had a chance to win, but they didn’t expect it to be the result.

“It seems that being weak and backward is not an obstacle to victory.”

“Arrogance is.

After returning home, Lin Xian took a shower and made breakfast.

When everything is ready.

When in front of the TV.

The special SLA super product launch event broadcast on TV will also open soon.

At this moment.

Some comments from Longguo netizens are taking turns:

“Tesla and Ma Xieke are lying!! The research on all aspects of quantum is basically in a theoretical state. How can it be possible to suddenly introduce a quantum battery? This span is too big, and it is not in line with the Moore in scientific development. law!”

“Did Ma Zeke’s mentality exploded after he was educated by Lin Xian and began to engage in theology? What the hell is that person who is Einstein’s mask? Almost scared his father to death! At that moment, I really thought It was Einstein who ran out!

“Einstein, even Einstein, didn’t have any breakthrough progress in quantum theory at the time. Was Ma Zake crazy? This attracted the world’s research, and then put a fart as a joke. This is not to make people all over the world read a joke. ?”

“Fuxing Group released new electric cars, and Goudong Group released new chips. The prestige of Longguo in the world is getting higher and higher. It is obvious that the United States is anxious, afraid that their technological hegemony will be robbed.

“It’s ridiculous. It is decided that there are 1.4 billion people in a big country. It will not be a matter of time before we surpass the United States? Now in the field of electric vehicles, Longguo’s Renaissance Group is already at the forefront of the world. !”

It seems that the vast number of netizens in Longguo are very confident in their own country!

Don’t eat the Mi Tei doctrine at all.

A few more minutes passed.

The simultaneous broadcast of “Special Sla Super Press Conference” has finally begun!

At the press conference, it was still a shady + silver screen with a sense of science and technology.

Amid the applause of the crowd, Ma Sake led the two guests on the stage.

Standing staggering on his left is the melancholy old man wearing an Einstein mask.

On his right, there is an official figure wearing a US soldier uniform with countless medals.

Ma Xike stretched out his hand.

Let the audience calm down.

Then adjust the earband microphone next to your mouth and say loudly:

“Friends all over the world!! Welcome to the Special Sla Super Conference!!”

“As we predicted, today, we will release a brand new cross-age battery-[Quantum Battery]!

“After today, in this world, there will only be one kind of electric car-Tera!! And the revival electric car that was once incomparable will be eliminated in history forever!!”


The audience cheered.

I don’t know where to find so many trusts.


Ma Sake snapped his fingers.

The PPT behind it began to play, and the first thing that was exposed was some parameters of [Quantum Battery].

Ma Zike explained and cheered at the scene.


The press conference has reached the highest chao place!

“The question that everyone is most concerned about must be!-After the quantum battery is applied to the Tesla electric car, how much battery life can be achieved? How much can the charging speed be improved?”

Ma Xieke’s words.

Let the audience cheer again.

That’s right.

In fact, the messy theories about quantum, quantum entanglement, etc., are not at all concerned or understood by everyone.

Just tell everyone the results!

At this moment.

People in countless countries around the world are paying attention to this super conference.

Automobiles, especially electric vehicles, are a big trend in the future.

It’s about people’s quality of life.

So the most important question for everyone is, how much battery life? Is it convenient to charge?

Who can solve these two problems perfectly.

Who is the only overlord of the world’s electric car market!!


In the much-anticipated silence, Ma Xike pressed the electronic pointer in his hand, and switched to the next slide on the big screen behind him!!


Ow!!!!! !!!

Seeing the data on the screen, the audience burst into an unprecedented applause!!

Ma Zike yelled with excitement:

“Next! I will solemnly introduce to you!! The next generation of Tesla electric vehicles will use a brand-new quantum battery! The cruising range will be increased to 2000 kilometers!!”

And!! Thanks to the characteristics of quantum entanglement, the charging time of the quantum battery is greatly shortened, and it only takes 50 minutes to fully charge the entire quantum battery!!!

at this time.


People in countless countries and regions.

They all stared at this set of data!!

If all this is true

Then, mankind will officially usher in a new electric era!A car can run 2000 kilometers with a single charge?

What is this concept?

For the average family, a year is only 10,000 kilometers of driving mileage, which means that you only need to charge 5 times a year if you buy this Super Quantum Tesla!

Charge 5 times!!

It is simply a perpetual motion machine!!

What is even more terrifying is that it only takes 50 minutes to charge a full charge??

The time for eating a meal or playing two games is full, which is so convenient!!

Fuxing Group Meeting Room

Every executive and technical expert present all had the same gloomy face

Ma Xike was right.

If a new generation of special Sla can achieve such terrible data.

Then, the revival of electric vehicles like the sky will have no way to survive!

At present, the most advanced Revival electric vehicle has a battery life of only 1,000 kilometers, and it is still under extreme conditions.

What is the comparison with the super electric car with 2000 battery life?

Not to mention the charging speed is no one’s fast.

You know, consumers have sharp eyes. In the face of the performance gap of the giant da, no feelings, low prices, and benefits will work!

Chen Qing clenched his fist

“Are we struggling to give the country the hegemony of the electric car world, so we must give in and be taken away by the special S pull!?”

The executives present…

Hear Chen Qing’s anger

All bowed their heads, dare not say a word

Under the leadership of Chen Qing, Longguo’s electric vehicle industry started early, not only leading in technology, but also in its market share.

They have all been calculated.

Even if Te Sra is trying its best to catch up, it will take two years to catch up with them in the field of lithium batteries.

But, why did you kill Cheng Yaojin halfway?

Why did you suddenly get [Quantum Battery] out?

This is too far across the century!

It’s a dimensionality reduction blow!

Unless the Renaissance Group can get the [Nuclear Battery] out, otherwise it will not be able to compete with the current Special Sra!!


At this time, in the online live broadcast room, U.S. netizens chanted victory!

“Awesome!! The mighty country of America! The beacon of mankind! We finally don’t have to buy the electric cars of Long Country! The special Sra is really going to rise!”

“In the next step, quantum batteries will be used in various fields. Our mobile phones made in the United States can be charged every three days! And the Huawei mobile phone of Long Country will be charged several times a day! At that time, what do they take with our country? Product ratio!”

“During this time, Longguo is really too exposed, and it is releasing the latest chips and the latest electric cars. Sure enough, it is time to teach them a lesson!”

“Stupid people of the Dragon Kingdom, don’t forget. We Mi Di is the only superpower! It is the real hegemon and beacon of human science and technology progress!”

In the face of safeguarding the country’s reputation.

Longguo netizens have always done their part!

Someone once said it.

Dragon Kingdom football is not good, but they have the best fans in the world!

Usually curses go to curse, spray back to spray.

But when it comes to the national standpoint, no one can insult Dragon Kingdom!

In patriotism.

Dragon Kingdom also has the best netizens!!

As a result, in the webcast room full of English barrage, a large number of square Chinese characters suddenly swept the screen!

Longguo netizens.

Come to fight back!

“Who knows how to do PPT? Who knows how to play PPT? If special Sla really has this ability, it needs to be beaten on the ground by Fuxing electric cars for so many years?”

“There is a kind of bragging after taking out the product first. Learn from other people’s Fuxing Group, until the new model is built, the name will not be announced! The horse is broken, the new car has not been seen, and the world has been known!”

“Longguo revival electric cars are worthy of the world’s number one, I don’t allow you to slander!

“Let’s not talk about electric vehicles. Why can we not be ahead of the United States with the technology of the Dragon Kingdom? Why should the technological hegemony be yours? We are not satisfied!!”

Watching the scolding war in the webcast room, Lin Xian scratched his head

“How do you feel that this drama is very familiar with this [history]?”

The sense of sight is too strong!

Lin Xian always feels

Seems like this kind of plot has been seen somewhere.


He suddenly realized!

“Isn’t this the same as what happened in the time and space before the change of history?”

Lin Xian recalled.

In the previous time and space, in the Mathematical Olympiad, the Dragon Kingdom team finally won the championship.

Then the US netizens were dissatisfied.

There has been a scolding war on the Internet on topics such as “The people of Longguo are all question-making machines!” and “Olympics does not represent technology!”.

Cursing and cursing, the US officials came forward and held a [World Mathematics Masters].

“This script is so familiar.”

Lin Xian turned to look at the barrage on the Internet, as if the netizens of the two countries also sprayed the same way before.

Lin Xian looked up at the TV.

Ma Zike’s speech is over.Basically, they are bragging about the new generation of electric vehicles in the special S pull, bragging about how the quantum battery is NB, etc.

After he finished speaking.

Ma Sake handed the microphone in his hand to the big man in the uniform of the American soldier next to him.

This big man is amazing at first glance.

The moment he took over the conversation with Jane.


Lin Xian didn’t know this American man.

But judging from the silent reaction of the audience, this person must be very powerful in the United States.

The American figure looked around, not angry:

“The United States has always represented the hope of human progress and the direction of advancement in science and technology. However, in recent years, the people of the Long Kingdom have gone out of some crooked ways in an attempt to compete for the status of the world’s technological hegemon.”

“In this regard, the US official said that it is really ridiculous! In the cutting-edge technology fields such as energy, microchips, and aerospace, Long Country has never been our US rival. They are like a clown with a beam, thinking that they have made something ridiculous. The electric car of China has mastered the so-called technological hegemony?”

“Hahaha, ridiculous. It seems that now is the time to prove to the world which country is the real hope of mankind! After all, which country! Can represent the pinnacle of science and technology! Represent the future of mankind! 807 ”

“On behalf of the U.S. official, I take this highly anticipated opportunity to formally declare war to the Long Nation official. On July 30th, U.S. time, we will hold the [Human Technology Top Sewing Competition]! I hope that the Long Nation official will not be timid and brave !”

“In this top seam competition, both sides will display the most cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements of their own countries! Let the people of the world judge and judge! See who the technological hegemony belongs to!


The general’s speech won the applause of the Americans!

They have endured the Dragon Kingdom for a long time!!

Decades ago, when Longguo faced the United States, it was clearly a fish to be slaughtered on the chopping board! It was the cash machine in the back garden!


It’s just a few decades without paying attention, and it has developed into the world’s second economy!

And in the fields of culture, economy, world status, influence, etc., it has begun to threaten the supremacy of the U.S.!?

The Americans have endured this breath for a long time!

They must use this [Human Technology Summit] to prove to the world that the United States! オ is the pinnacle of human technology! It is the real world hegemon!

The cheers of the audience seemed to overturn the dome!

The audience in the United States continued to ridicule!

Taunt the Dragon Kingdom and dare not fight!

They are full of confidence!

They firmly believe that just having a trans-epoch [quantum battery] is enough to win this game!

“Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo!”

“Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula!”

“Come on! Emery cut it! Come on! Emery cut it!”


At the same moment.

Lin Xian sitting on the sofa.

Stand up slowly

“No way, is this history repeating itself??”

Lin Xian watched the American audience carnival on the TV screen.

[Human Technology Top Sewing Competition],

【World Mathematics Masters】

[Human Technology Top Sewing Competition],

【World Mathematics Masters

This Nma!!

“Isn’t this exactly the same thing?!”

What’s the matter!

Lin Xian couldn’t understand life and death.

“Is it true that [history is really inevitable?], everything that should happen will definitely happen?”

Thinking of this conclusion that he had denied countless times again, Lin Xian couldn’t help feeling a chill in his back.


He never believed in fatalism!

but …

This feeling is very strange!

This is clearly a replica of what has happened in the last time and space!

Others don’t know.

But Lin Xian knows very well!

This time [Human Technology Top Sewing Competition.

It’s not accidental at all!

It’s the necessity of necessity!

Just like the [Mathematics World Masters] that used to change the soup without changing the medicine, although it is postponed, it will always appear!

It’s just like the classmate gathering that was postponed but still held as scheduled!

“Could it be. All the things in this world…

Lin Xian closed his eyes.

Rubbing temples

think …



There must be something wrong with this!I can’t help it, I can’t help it, it’s man-made!

This kind of fatalism, Lin Xian never believed it from the beginning!


Lin Xian opened his eyes.

He seems to have found a blind spot–

“[It feels like there is some history! Obviously it has been changed into something else, but it has changed back to the original way again!]”

Lin Xian looked at his palm:

“[I have been using the space-time postbox to change history! But history, it seems that it didn’t listen to me, and changed it back without authorization?]”

This feeling is difficult to describe.

Lin Xian started to remember everything

Are they all arranged artificially?”

Although the Longguo Olympiad was lost, it was won in the electric vehicle industry! [Historical return]

The Mathematics World Masters was not held, but the Human Science and Technology Summit was held! [Historical Return]

Although Lei Haolong did not die at the Opera House, he died at the Third Donghai Hospital! [Return of History]

Although the place, person, and time of the class reunion are changed, the number of people attending each time is always 42! 【Return to History】

【Historical Return】

【Historical Return】

[Historical Return)

【Historical Return】

[Historical Return)

! !!!!!!

Lin Xian discovered that there are actually many similar things

This has changed history.

It quietly restored to its original state!

Is this really historical inevitability? Is it fatalism?


Lin Xian realized it instantly!!

It is not a historical inevitability at all!

History will not automatically return to its place!

All of this is artificial!

Thinking of this, Lin Xian shuddered

His back began to sweat.

He finally understood

so long!

He finally understands!!

He finally understood what he had been fighting with all the time!


Lin Xian couldn’t help but curse out!

He thought of the tug-of-war game he watched outside the fence of the elementary school’s playground during the morning jog this morning.

The strip of red cloth tied in the middle of the thick rope.

Pulled to the left for a while

Pulled to the right for a while

In a long time.

The red cloth strips have been [pulled] by the left and right [forces]!!

Just like Lin Xian’s current situation!

He thoroughly understood-

This is a tug of war about history!

A battle about history!

A war about history!

This kind of war.

No guns, no gun smoke, no airplanes and tanks!

This is a way of fighting that has never been seen in the history of mankind, since the birth of the earth, in the 4.6 billion years!

This way of fighting beyond imagination, thinking about it is extremely scary!

Lin Xian took a few deep breaths.

clam down.

At this time, his state was like rushing out of a 0 degree glacier.

The whole body is drenched.

But thinking thoroughly!

Lin Xian looks at the man in the Einstein mask who is waving his hands in the super-auditorium on the TV

Slowly said:

“[I have been working hard to change history!]”

“[But at the same time, there are also some people who are trying to restore history to its original state!]”

The site of the US special S pull super conference.

In the enduring cheers.

The old man wearing an Einstein mask, raised his arms, facing the auditorium, posing a V shape:

“July 30th, Human Science and Technology Summit”

“I will lead mankind to a new era!!”.

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