Chapter 13 Why do you wake up at the hotel! ?


This cold man is the underground emperor of Donghai City, Dai Shuangcheng.

His eyes were full of murderousness, and the injury of his baby girl made him very angry!

Since he is willing to give 10 million clues to buy the escaped, one can imagine that he, cruel and cruel, will never let Tian XX die too happily!

Lin Xian watched Dai Shuangcheng’s video again.

The brows are frowning, and the corners of his eyes are bloodshot, and he can see that he is suppressing emotions.

The account that released this video is the official account of Donghai Watch, which has 12 million fans.

It can be seen that Dai Shuangcheng has a lot of energy.

“10 million rewards to buy clues…then if I save his daughter…how much is he willing to spend?”

If this video hadn’t appeared, Lin Xian might not have used the time-space mailbox to save Dai Chuchan.

After all, she didn’t die, she was just injured, and there was no life issue involved.

With so many car accidents and so many people committing crimes every day in Donghai City, can he be saved?


In front of him, Dai Shuangcheng’s statement fits well with Lin Xian’s life goals.

He wanted far more than 10 million in rewards.

He also wanted the connections of the underground emperor Dai Shuangcheng.


“Dai Chuchan, I can only say…you are lucky.”

Lin Xian got up again and went to the study.

Take out the letter paper.

Start writing.

[Dear me this morning. 】

【Hello. 】

[I thought about our life goals today. Not only do we need money, but we also need powerful forces to protect ourselves. You can definitely figure this out. 】

[So, I need you to save a person, not to make you a Virgin. However, this person saved is very useful for our life plan. 】

[On the evening of June 8, 2021, in the MT bar, you will meet the cheerleader of Tunghai University, your school girl, Dai Chuchan. 】

[Tian Moumou and Li Moumou, her classmates, plan to kidnap her. After getting her drunk, she will be taken in a GL8 commercial vehicle around 10 o’clock. 】

[That car will have a serious accident, so you must not let her in the car. After rescuing her, using her father’s energy to search Tian XX, Tian XX’s boyfriend, and Li XX, you can easily obtain the chat records of planning the kidnapping. 】

[The underground emperor Dai Shuangcheng will not let us work in vain. Moreover, in order to develop our forces in the future, we need this powerful network. 】

[Signature: You tonight. 】

After writing, Lin Xian folded the letter paper into the envelope, stuck a stamp, and threw it into the red post box.

Kidnapping a person is difficult, but saving someone is easy.

What’s more, there is this kind of relationship between brothers and sisters.

So Lin Xian didn’t worry about his ability to act.


Lin Xian put the phone on the bedside table, turned off the night light, and lay on the bed to sleep.

………………………………………….. ….

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell!

Lin Xian’s mobile phone alarm rang.

He habitually raised his right hand and patted it on the right bedside table——

This is a habit he has cultivated for a long time, and he can directly take pictures of the phone screen and turn off the alarm clock.

Um? How is this strange feel?

Soft and slippery, just like cotton candy.

Where is my bedside table?

What about cell phones?

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell!

The alarm clock continues to ring, which means that Lin Xian did not take a picture of the phone.

Lin Xian opened his eyes suspiciously.

“I fuck!”

The picture in front of you is so beautiful! A piece of white flowers is in front of you!

Lin Xian hurriedly removed his hand.

look around–

White bed sheets.

White duvet cover.

Wall-mounted TV.

A bathroom surrounded by tempered glass next to it.

This f*ck is not my room!

This is a hotel!

Why am I here?

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell!

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell!

The alarm clock’s volume was getting louder and louder, and Lin Xian couldn’t find his mobile phone in a panic.

Dai Chuchan, who was sleeping next to him, frowned slightly, rubbed his eyes babblingly, and sat up.

After opening her eyes, she was stunned!

White bed sheets.

White duvet cover.

Wall-mounted TV.

A bathroom surrounded by tempered glass next to it.

This is not my room!

Why am I here?

Looking up and seeing Lin Xian, her expression became even more nervous!

Looking down at the sheets–

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


Break through the clouds!


Guiqiu everyone to vote for some flowers, evaluation votes, monthly tickets, etc., this data is very poor!

Add more rules and then offer! *

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