Chapter 73 Lu Qiang East to write! This is Xian Rentiao! Do not sperm on the brain!

Jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell –

The next day wake up.

Lin Xian to see.

Also the hotel room.

It seems, “yesterday he” chose the same hotel.

This hotel is near Panjiayuan it a little better.

Lin Xian sat up and left, the right look.


In the hotel TV cabinet, I saw a rusty iron box.

“Yesterday, I successfully complete the task!”

“Good for you!”

Lin Xian to me than a month yesterday’s praise!

The hotel disposable slippers to wear before, came with the TV cabinet, the rusty metal box to get on the table, carefully open –

“good … …

Inside full, stuffed are antiques, paintings, ancient coins, bronze, genealogy, family tree, etc.

Lin Xian did not understand this.

Do not know the specific value.

“Anyway, these are sent, mainly” Orchid Pavilion “authentic!”

Lin Xian Bala Bala, eventually find a good seal wooden box.

Very very thick, very heavy.

There’s breath.

After laborious open, there are a number of unknown use of wood.

Lin Xian guess, perhaps this is the “camphor tree” of debugging?

Or be preserved?

Don’t understand.

Lin Xian whether they directly come inside the reel.

“I was able to save so well? Wisdom of the ancients really not a small glimpse of ah.”

1500 is not available in Wang’s artworks,

Emperor sleep do not contain enough away from the body copybook

Lin Xian course, very curious.

He carefully, it is on the bed.

Started slowly

A soul-stirring copybook, shocked born!

First, the introduction of the eye, a dozen red shape Tong, founder positive seal!

Lin Xian knows.

These seals, all are the emperor!

After each emperor get the copybook, I will be proud to own the seal printed up!

Lin Xian do not know why

It may be possessive?

Or on behalf of “have read?” “Collection have been?”

“Regardless of these, or copybook look at it.”

Lin Xian to focus on the font


This sense of shock!

Like a sword to break the world!

Lin Xian childhood also seen a lot of famous copybook, even Ling Wen pear body.

However, and this “Orchid Pavilion” than Wang’s up.

It is simply a cloud of mud!

Wang’s running hand, end the show fresh, if the floating clouds, correction if frightened dragon, is the undisputed best in the world running script.

If the concept of de-Jin Horse vacated pull away, and as a dragon flying maneuvers circulation, full of original wild and domineering Haotian!

Jinjian its strokes, smooth uniform speed, fiber morphology moderately abundant, natural subtle red guitar body and serene, Li does not stimulated.

Wang’s calligraphy respected, the United States can not do without his tricks, he calligraphy corresponding end to end, not only closely linked in every word, more attention among the whole lot of tricks of calligraphy white cloth, before and after the echo, closely connected, Aeolus Xiao full wine but not non-stick off.


“God is worthy of calligraphy!”

“Seven hundred sixty” …

After Lin Xian appreciate is completed, it will be carefully put away, back into the metal box yard.

The next step is to find ways to shot.

Lin Xian long intended.

Sell ​​such a precious paintings, they do not come forward to benefit, or ask an expert to it.

He picked up the phone.

Wuguan Chang is preparing to call –

Jingle bell–jingle bell–jingle bell–

Even direct phone rang.

And caller ID, it is the National Palace Museum, Wu Guanzhang!

“What a coincidence.

Lin Xian answered the phone.

Not open, there is actually the first good news:

“Lin Xian! Yesterday you said to me was right, gang cherry people, that is a great question! Now find out, they keep Jianlou surface is in Panjiayuan, in fact, with the touch of gold thieves smuggling of relics ! ”

“After yesterday you gave me a call, I will immediately contact the relevant departments for follow-up survey, the evening, people all eligible dirty! This is a big case together ah! But for you to discover that the number of precious cultural relics lost to overseas! ‘

Lin Xian smiled and said nothing.

Although he is not yet the memory of yesterday.

Wu Guanzhang do not know what to say.

But not ugly out a –

Yesterday he might find anything, so give Wuguan Zhang reported the whereabouts of those few people cherry, and ultimately confirmed, these people really are relics smuggling thief!

Lin Xian scratched his head.


Really my style.

Group of ungrateful things, Laozi can let you?

Just Wuguan Zhang called the, Lin Xian straight down to business, said:

“Wu Guanzhang, in the Forbidden City? I find you a trip, something to show you.”

“Go ahead Go ahead!”

A Lin Xian give yourself something to see, Wu Guanzhang happy bad!

he knows.

Lin Xian produced, will be fine!

“I was in management office, where are you? I’ll send someone to pick you up!”

“No, my taxi directly past it, or have to wait a while.”

After hang up the phone.

Lin Xian iron box directly into the trunk and pulled out.

Take the elevator downstairs.

check out.


“Master, the Forbidden City Management Office.”

When entering the Palace management office.

Two security not only stopped himself.

But also the moment to stand and bow to yourself!

“Lin Guanzhang! You coming!

Lin Xian politely smiled and nodded, walked straight in.

He is now honorary curator of the Forbidden City.

In addition to no real power other than wages and other terms of reputation in position, and Wu Guanzhang theory is no different.

Anyway, it is “one of us”!

When I walked into the door, Wu Guanzhang already waiting there.

“Wu Guanzhang, I not do not know where your office, and so on out why.

Wu Guanzhang listening laughed.The Lord moved to help Lin Xian with something:

“Have friends come from afar!”

The two entered the office and exchanged a few words.

Director Wu told Lin Xian that on the fifth day after he left the imperial capital, the chairman of the Long Guohong Society and Mr. Liu Yanqing had passed away.

In these five days.

Four days ago, he didn’t say a word, didn’t eat any food, and sat in the red-walled courtyard thinking all the time.

Sometimes chanting lyrics.

Sometimes latent tears.

On the fifth day, I suddenly laughed, saying something to stop laughing at the world’s idiot!

Then it was like suddenly 20 years younger.

Have fun and eat and drink.

Finally, sleep peacefully that night

There is a smile on the corners of the mouth.

He was 92 years old.

Lin Xian sighed after listening.

I feel that for Liu Yanqing, such a life without regrets is not a bad thing.

“I wish you a good dream, old man!”


After chatting for a while, Lin Xian went directly to the topic.


Lin Xian put the iron box directly on the desk of Curator Wu.

“Let’s take a look, this is a box of good things I collected in Panjiayuan.”

Director Wu’s expression became serious.

Put on the glasses directly.

Open the iron box and start to check one by one

“Well, these bronze wares have a history of several hundred years. However, such preservation conditions are basically meaningless for scientific research, and folk collections can sell for hundreds of thousands.”

“This is? This is the genealogy? Did you buy the box under the press? This genealogy is not a famous family, and it’s worthless.

Lin Xian took a sip of tea and smiled without saying a word.

Genealogy is of course not valuable.


People can prove that the Preface to the Collection of Lanting is from the ancestors!

The ownership of ancestral cultural relics belongs to the individual.

There is no need to hand in according to law.

This kind of “ancestral certification” is the most precious!

Curator Wu picked up a few more pieces of porcelain:

“These porcelain wares are fine, they should have been court supplies back then, but the preservation conditions are really treasures.

“Seriously, these things may be considered top-grade in the Panjiayuan Antique Market. But they won’t be on the stage in the Forbidden City or at auctions.”

Director Wu apologized and smiled at Lin Xian.

It was a smile to an old friend, and it meant:

“Brother, what you brought this time is not good!”

Lin Xian got himself another cup of tea.


Still laughed without saying a word.

Instructed curator Wu to continue.

These tattered gadgets are all used as bubbles, you have to look at the authentic ones!

Curator Wu rummaged. Finally found the wooden box.

“Oh, Zen incense wooden box, this is rare. What’s in it?”

As soon as curator Wu opened the box, he saw that it had dried into black wood slag.

He picked it up and smelled it.

“This is camphor and cedar wood, anti-corrosion and insect-proof and moisture-proof.”

“This preservation is pretty good, it’s more decent than the others.”

Afterwards, Curator Wu picked up the well-preserved scroll and saw the big seal on the seal at first glance!

“This isn’t it!!”

Curator Wu’s eyes widened!

This is the unique seal style of the emperor!

This thing is extraordinary.

He spread it carefully on the table–

It was shocked to the point of incoherent words!

“I fuck!!”

Let curator Wu, such a high-powered, stable city government, and an intellectual in his sixtieth year, say “Fuck!”

You can see how excited he is!

“This, this, this, this, this is not this, oh!”

Director Wu controlled his excitement.

Run directly next to Lin Xian.

Drink one’s own warm tea:

“This! This is not Wang Yizhi’s “Lanting Collection Preface”!!

“This is from Pan Jiayuan? Which imitation is it from?”

Lin Xian smiled slightly and finally spoke:

“Curator Wu, this is not an imitation.”

“This is the real thing like a fake replacement!”


Director Wu felt five thunders!

“Ping An Tie”, one of the four national treasures of the Forbidden City, is the rubbings of Wang Yizhi’s handwriting in the Tang Dynasty.

To put it bluntly, it is an imitation.

But even if it is an imitation product, it is already firmly in the position of the four national treasures!


This is really Wang Yizhi’s words!

So it is conceivable that the position of the first national treasure of the whole dragon kingdom will change directly!

And a great ride!

Afterwards, Director Wu called in several professionals for appraisal.

The result is obvious.

Absolute authenticity!!

After the identification, Director Wu directly asked everyone to leave the house.

Even though those people were excited and wanted to take another look, they were all pushed out by Director Wu.

he knows.

Lin Xian showed this cultural relic to himself, surely he had no purpose.

Director Wu finally glanced reluctantly.

Then carefully roll it up, put it away, and put it back in a wooden box.

Then I sat down next to Lin Xian.

“Lin Xian, where did you get your luck? What a walking artifact detector!”

Lin Xian smiled calmly and went straight to the topic:

“Curator Wu, I don’t plan to hand in this cultural relic anymore.”

“Remember the researcher Liu Lu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who asked you to recommend me a few days ago?”

Curator Wu nodded.

He naturally remembered.

Moreover, this matter has not yet been completed for Lin Xian, and the researcher is very unsympathetic.

Lin Xian continued:

“That researcher has a very important project in his hands. If it can be researched out and thoroughly understood, it will have positive significance for the entire world.”

“But it’s a pity that the project was too esoteric. The Chinese Academy of Sciences found it mysterious, and the country felt it was useless, so it didn’t grant him funding. Therefore, his research has been stagnant.

Curator Wu suddenly realized after hearing this.

He has been in such a high-level environment for so many years.

In addition, Lin Xian said that this is the case.

It’s easy to understand what he meant.

“I understand Lin Xian, you are planning to sell this original Wang Yizhi “Lanting Collection Preface”, and then give the researcher the money for research funding.

Lin Xian smiled and nodded.

Director Wu immediately gave a thumbs up:

“Mr. Lin! I really don’t know how to praise you! Last time I saw you, I ran out of words that could praise you!”

“I have to say, you are really a role model in this era!

“This “The Preface of the Lanting Collection” is undoubtedly an ancestral pass, and you obtained it through a legal transaction, so the ownership is with you, you don’t need to hand it over to the country at all.”

“But you still have the world in your mind, and you don’t want to be fame and fortune, and you want to give the auction money to the Dragon Academy of Sciences as research funding! You are in the realm, I feel ashamed of me!”

Lin Xian waved his hand:

“Curator Wu doesn’t need to be too modest. I also admire your personality, otherwise I wouldn’t be friends with you.”

“I’ll just talk about business. Can you help me get this auction out? I myself. You know, for various reasons, it’s not convenient for me to show up.”

Curator Wu nodded.

The issue of identity, after all, Lin Xian is the honorary curator of the Forbidden City, this kind of thing is really not easy to come forward.

“No problem, I have channels in this area, and I know many domestic collectors. What is your target price?”

“The higher the better.

“In that case, you can only go through the auction channel. Only auctions can sell at high prices. If you don’t think so, I will arrange it, and the auction will be carried out in half a month!”

Lin Xian shook his head:

“Half a month is too long, I can’t wait. I must get the money within three days.”

Director Wu smiled helplessly:

“Lin Xian, you may not understand this aspect of auction. If you want to sell at a high price, you have to stir it up and let all the rich buyers know that you have this item, so that they can come over to buy it and sell it at a high price. !”

“In three days, it was too hasty, at least one or two billion less!”

Lin Xian still shook his head:

“It doesn’t matter if it is less, I will think of another way to collect money. But the time must be fast!

42 this thing.

I have completely annoyed Lin Xian!

if possible.

He didn’t want to wait at all!

He even wanted to directly give out 40 billion to Liu Lu to build a particle collider and completely defeat 42!

Director Wu looked at Lin Xian’s willingness and did not persuade him any more.

He gave Lin Xian a guarantee.

The auction will be held within 3 days, and as many buyers as possible will be notified and sold at a higher price.

Director Wu, Lin Xian, don’t worry.

The curator of the Forbidden City, that is a national talent, no matter whether it is character, knowledge, or loyalty to the country, there is no need to doubt.

So just put things down.

When going out, Lin Xian suddenly thought of something and looked back:

“Curator Wu, I forgot to say one thing.

“What? You said.

Lin Xian pointed to the iron box on the table:

“No foreigner is allowed to participate in this auction! Even if I sell it to the compatriots of the Dragon Kingdom, I will make 500 million less! This item cannot be sold to foreigners!”

Director Wu was in awe of Lin Xian, his expression full of admiration.

“Don’t worry, Lin Xian, don’t worry about me, I’m looking for reliable buyers with official backgrounds.”

After coming out of the Forbidden City, Lin Xian went directly to the nearby Guotai Hotel.

He also stayed in Guotai Hotel before.

This is a hotel dedicated to entertaining heads of state, important foreign guests, and members of the National Convention.

It is non-profit.

Therefore, those who can live in, don’t need money, it’s free.

People who can’t live in, no matter how much you spend, still can’t live in.

And Lin Xian.

As the honorary curator of the Palace Museum.

He has this power.

It can be said that this is the safest hotel in the whole country.

He wants to do a big thing here

“Ah, making money is too slow!!”

Lin Xian lay on the comfortable pressureless bed, shouting that life is hard.

Although it made 1 billion in one day (Lin Xian estimates, it may not be accurate.)Quite a lot.

However, it is still a long way from the goal of 2 billion yuan in three days.

“What’s more, there will be 40 billion particle colliders in the future! I am so busy every day, when do I have to make money?”

Thinking of this, Lin Xian shook his head.

“No, right? I’m not busy, but every yesterday I was almost exhausted, right?”

I remembered that I and Liu Yiyi stayed together for so long and sent them to school.

But “yesterday’s me” was only delivered to the subway station, and hurried to the imperial capital’s plane to pick up the leaks in Panjiayuan.

Lin Xian is inexplicably funny.

“I used to be exhausted, but today I enjoy life, this sentence is too right!


He is not ashamed.

After all, today’s self, but acting as a “think tank” role.

Without your own ingenuity, to direct me yesterday.

Can you have a good life now?

“Anyway, it’s my own.”

Lin Xian couldn’t think of a good way to make money for the time being, so he just lay in bed in a daze.

“Turn on the TV!”


The TV turns on automatically.

In such an upscale place as Guotai Hotel, electronic home furnishings have long been popularized.

After the TV is turned on, the news is playing:

“After three years, Goudong CEO Lu Qiangdong’s Qiangjian case in the United States has not yet made a final judgment.”

“It is reported that due to the scandal of CEO Lu Qiangdong in 2018, the market value of Goudong Company has evaporated a total of 200 billion yuan in three years!”

“Furthermore, Lu Qiangdong’s own reputation has been seriously damaged. The perfect person he has built over the years has been destroyed. It has also made him miss the Internet of Things in these years. Goudong is about to conduct a delisting review.

“But Lu Qiangdong himself stated that he will defend his innocence to the death, and will not accept all mediation. He must investigate the facts that he was wronged and jumped by immortals and restore his reputation!


Lin Xian is very curious about this news.

He had heard a little about Lu Qiangdong’s affairs a long time ago.

This is a very responsible, responsible and humane entrepreneur.

When he was a child, his family was poor and he grew up eating food from hundreds of families in the village.

Later, when he was in college, the whole village pooled a total of 800 yuan to give him to college.

At only 18 years old, he swears at the time:

“I will definitely mix well, and I will give back to my fathers and villagers at that time!”

“I have to study hard to serve my country!”

After graduation. 0

Lu Qiangdong has no background, no contacts, no funds.

It’s a real self-made.

Starting from selling pirated CDs in Zhongguancun, step by step, a shopping platform no less than Taox Tmall-Goudong was established.

In those years, Goudong won the unanimous recognition of the people with its excellent after-sales and high-quality service.

The capital expanded rapidly, even side by side with Tao X Tmall!

But Lu Qiangdong was not inflated.

He never forgets the nurturing in his hometown. Every year when he comes home during the Chinese New Year, he will build roads, build houses, and give money to people over 60.

He does not forget the country’s kindness, and the profits of Goudong are basically used for charity, building schools, and expanding logistics services to the society.

Goudong’s logistics and warehousing can be said to be the most powerful logistics warehousing in the whole Dragon Kingdom!

Many people think this is useless.

However, whenever disaster strikes.

Snow disaster

Lu Qiangdong directly ordered:

“The Goudong Warehouse is all open! All relief supplies are donated for free! And delivered to the place where needed!”

Since then, an article has been added to the company’s articles of association:

“A disaster occurs anywhere in the Long Kingdom, and the managers near the warehouse do not need to report to anyone. They have the right and must donate all the materials needed in the disaster area in the warehouse! Mobilize all forces and transport them to the disaster area as soon as possible!

Over the next ten years, countless times have been verified, and Lu Qiangdong’s words are not just open mouths.Every time a disaster relief work, there is a dog Dong!

Dog Dong, always on the front line!


The tree is in the wind.

It is such a responsible national entrepreneur who was set up in the United States and entered the “fairy jump”.

The people who were subsequently arrested, sued by qi, and proclaimed are known all over the world.

The result can be imagined.

Lu Qiangdong’s reputation is discredited.

Goudong’s market value plummeted one after another and eventually delisted.

Generation Tianjiao

It’s about to fall in this way.

Lin Xian sympathizes with Lu Qiangdong.

“Anyway, just relying on rescue and disaster relief alone, I will convince him!

Lin Xian watched the data on TV, the news shows…

The fairy jump in 2018.

It caused Lu Qiangdong to lose 2 billion directly.

Within three years, the market value of Goudong has evaporated by 200 billion yuan.

No less than a complete play.

Lin Xian scratched his head.

Smiled slightly:

“If I write to remind Lu Qiangdong, don’t go to that fairy dance.”

“Don’t you do another good thing and get money again?”

Of course, this money Lin Xian was not for Lu Qiangdong for nothing.

If so, what is the difference from threats and dirty money selling intelligence?

He disdains making this kind of money.

He wants to provide Lu Qiangdong with some key future development information, so that he can help Dogdong on a more glorious road.

Is it a technology shareholding for yourself?

“Regardless of whether Lu Qiangdong leads me or not, I have reported to them for the kindness of so many people affected by the disaster in the past ten years!”

Lin Xian took off his phone and began to search for the whole process of the “Fairy Jump” that shocked the world in 2018.

News display.

On the morning of August 11, 2018, Lu Qiangdong departed from Goudong headquarters and flew to the United States to attend a meeting.

At night.

Enter a cocktail party.

At the reception, there were An Du, the person in charge of docking in the United States, Tian Yuqing, a beautiful international student, and some entourage from the United States.

This meal.

It is a Hongmen Banquet specially designed for Lu Qiangdong and ready to subvert the development trend of Goudong!

But the simple and bold Lu Qiangdong didn’t know.

He was drunk, and then he was brought into Tian Yuqing’s apartment by any means.

After 40 minutes.

The U.S. inspection broke in.

Arrest him.



Known all over the world!

There is no doubt that this is a premeditated and purposeful setting.

But now, it’s too late.

Even if Lu Qiangdong and his wife have been working hard to prove their innocence, they can do nothing about the trial in a foreign country.

“Understood, start writing!”

Lin Xian took out the letter paper and pen and began to write:

[Dear Mr. Lu Qiangdong. 】

【Hello. 】

【I am a kind person, I am writing to you to save your life and your dog. 】[Don’t doubt that I am playing a prank, patiently finish reading the letter. This may waste your 2 minutes, but it may save your life. As smart as you, clearly distinguish the pros and cons. 】

[Okay, let’s talk about business. After you get up and read this letter, you will pack up and salute, and go to the United States with your secretary to attend a meeting. 】

[There is nothing wrong with the meeting, but the wine bureau in the evening will be a banquet and fairy dance! In addition to the American team, they will introduce you to a female student from the Long Kingdom who admires you-Tian Yuqing. Please remember this name. If this thing does happen at night, you should believe my letter. 】

[They will find a way to get you drunk, and then lead you into Tian Yuqing’s apartment. Regardless of the story that follows, in 40 minutes, the patrol will break in and arrest you. Needless to say, you can guess the crime? The above is all their plans. 】

[They are the people who want to completely ruin your life and the dog, so how much money you propose to reconcile is of no avail. The most important thing is, what can you get when you enter the apartment? Is it worth it? The Goudong business empire you have worked so hard to build is about to become a dish for others. The market value of 200 billion, compared with a beautiful foreign student, is it worth it?][I hope you don’t think I’m alarmist. Receive this letter and remember the name. Don’t drink at night! Don’t drink! Don’t drink! Don’t do stupid things. Think about your wife and children. 】

[Then, if you listened to my advice and escaped the disaster, here are my suggestions for Gou Dong’s next development. 】

[1. Continue to vigorously develop Goudong’s logistics and warehousing. This is Goudong’s largest capital 5.3. At the same time, you are also needed for national disaster relief!][2. Take out most of the funds to develop the chip industry. This is an industry that must burn money to burn out. Talent and money burn are indispensable. While the foreign country hasn’t caught our necks, hurry up and start!][3. In the future, network traffic will begin to tilt towards short video platforms, and anchors will become a trend. Please don’t miss this vent, use your strength, use the quality of Goudong to standardize this industry and win the entire market! Be one step ahead, and soon everyone will have it. 】

At this point, Lin Xian looked at the calendar.

Today is Tuesday, July 6.

So continue to write:

[There is no free lunch in the world. I save you and help Dog Dong develop to better serve the people of Long Country. But I also need money for a study that will benefit the world. The above three suggestions, counting my technology to buy shares, starting from today, based on the current market value, until July 7, 2021, I want the market value to increase by 1% as a reward. 】

[At 10 o’clock in the morning on July 7, 2021, we will meet at 1208, Guotai Hotel, Imperial Capital, and come to me with the cashed money at that time. Please be on time, don’t be late. 】

[Signature: Good-hearted people]

“It’s finished.

Lin Xian checked it again.

In terms of content and logic, there is nothing wrong.

After Lu Qiangdong received the letter, the first thing he thought of was–

This is a secret revealed to himself by a kind person who knows the truth about the fairy dance.

As for the next three recommendations.

Whether Lu Qiangdong listens or not depends on his good fortune.

Lin Xian believes in his character, this man has no problem with his character, and he can see through the truth.

If he really saved him.

He must be grateful to himself.

Come fulfill all the promises.

“Of course, if I think everything wrong

“It’s nothing more than I lost a letter paper~”

Lin Xian folded the letter paper and put the stamp on it.

Write on the envelope:

[Recipient: Lu Qiangdong][Recipient Address: CEO Office of the Headquarters of Longguo Didu Goudong Building][Delivery time: August 11, 2018. 】


Lin Xian threw the letter into the space-time mailbox.

Only when.

The sound of the letter falling into the bottom.

“If everything goes well, there will be at least 1 billion in the account tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, the “Lanting Collection Preface” will be sold, and at least 1 billion will also be in the account.”

“With this money, Liu Lu can immediately start research on 42. One month later, the results will come out!”

This incident will inevitably have a considerable impact on history and the world line.

But compared to the butterfly effect caused by rescuing Liu Yiyi, it is very small.

After all, for those three things, even if Goudong does not do it, other companies will do it. From the perspective of the historical process, there is no deviation from the whole.


[Letter from the future] It is very clear.

The two biggest factors affecting history and world line changes are:

[1. Let the people who should die live, and let the people who should live die. 】

[2. Let yourself know the things that travel through time and space prematurely and affect values. 】

Own this letter.

These two “poison spots” are not involved at all.

“Okay, go to sleep!”

Lin Xian finished washing, turned off the light and went to bed.

Prepare for the 2 billion tomorrow!

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