"Who's here?"

Luo Yu came out of the room.

"One of my grandfather's disciples came to visit with his son." Qiao Yumeng scratched his head and said.

"Go down and have a look." Luo Yu nodded gently.

Although Qiao Tianbo, an old fox, refused to disclose it, Luo Yu already knew that during his lifetime, Qiao had made friends with many disciples, following the example of the ancient Duke Huan of Qi and courteous corporal.

Mr. Qiao was also generous and generous in his life. He was kind to many people, and most of them were capable people. Take Chen Xi, who claims to be the king of mercenaries, as an example. The "old man" behind him was chased and killed by his enemies at that time. It was Mr. Qiao who found a safe and hidden place for him to cultivate for three years.

"Yes, yes."

Qiao Yumeng happily followed her down the stairs. She felt that her brother-in-law was really a man. She could be the head of a family when she came to be a husband. Now her parents and sister were not at home. She could not cope with such a promising person as a little girl. With her brother-in-law, she had an inexplicable sense of security.

Downstairs in the living room, when Luo Yu came downstairs with her, a middle-aged man and a young man just came in from the outside.

The middle-aged man has a Chinese character face, thick hair on his temples and sides, big triangular eyes, and is tall and rugged, much like Wolverine in the movie.

The young man, on the other hand, was handsome and handsome, with a split head. On the "two tile" side, he had a bunch of silver hair, and he didn't look like he was dyed.

This young man's eyes are also very special, apricot eyes yellow, pupil like crescent moon, with a touch of purple. It feels a bit like a wolf, and a bit like the eyes of some nocturnal creature - mink!

Just now, father and son, it seems that they went to the ancestral hall in the backyard to offer sacrifices to Mr. Qiao. They didn't treat themselves as outsiders at all.

"Mengmeng, who is this man?"

Ye mang finds a strange face in Qiao's family and can't help coming to ask little girl.

His father and son obviously don't know that the old man secretly married Qiao Xiangxue to Luo Yu.

"He's my brother-in-law. His name is Luo Yu." Qiao Yumeng said truthfully.

When my grandfather married my sister to Luo Yu, he kept it a secret. He was afraid of being entangled by all the disciples.

But now it's done. My sister and Luo Yu have got the certificate. There's no need to hide it.

"What? Brother in law? " Sure enough, ye Mang, a handsome young man, was shocked and immediately threw his eyes at Luo Yu, full of hostility. "How can the old man marry the young lady to such a nobody?"

"Manger, don't be presumptuous!"

The middle-aged man, like wolverine, scolded his son, then hugged Luo Yu and said with a smile, "don't blame me, uncle. I'll make amends to you."

Jiang is still old and spicy. Yehui feels a mysterious and ethereal aura on Luo Yu, so he doesn't dare to take it lightly before he knows the depth.

Today's world is the world of human beings. The demon clan is declining. They may hide in the mountains or hide outside the world. When they walk in broad daylight like his father and son, they should be more cautious.

Luo Yu's face was cold, and his eyes swept over the middle-aged man... It turned out that it was a wolf demon. He immediately glanced at the young man who spoke wildly. This boy was the offspring of... The wolf and the mink. His bones were a little surprised. No wonder he was so proud.

Moreover, Luo Yu has seen the origin of father and son, which should be the descendant of Yejia, the three major families of the demon family. But look at the blood, it should be just the night family.

Father and son at the same time hit a spirit, don't know why, Qiao family this newly married uncle's eyes, see their father and son back have a trace of cool.

"Sit down."

Luo Yu is too lazy to point out his father's and son's identity. The immortal family and the demon family are not as incompatible as in the novel. They will kill each other as soon as they meet. Usually, the well water does not invade the river. In fact, the ordinary little demons do not dare to offend the immortals with high morality, so the demons tend to lower their attitude and be respectful in front of the immortals.

If now Luo Yu exudes the spirit of immortality from his family, he doesn't need to show his identity, so he and his son will have to pay homage to him.

But Luo Yu didn't have such a good face, and he didn't want the whereabouts of Yu Sheng to spread in the three realms, so he didn't care as long as the father and son didn't make mistakes.

"Come on, tea!"

Qiao Yumeng is nervous for a long time. She thinks her brother-in-law is going to treat Chen Xi like that day, and conflicts with Ye mang. Fortunately, her brother-in-law doesn't have the same understanding with the guy who can't speak, which makes her secretly happy.

Father and son sit down and the servant serves tea.

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law entertain the guests together.

But when it comes to hospitality, the atmosphere is almost frozen. Qiao Yumeng is usually lively, but she doesn't get along with strangers, so she doesn't know what to say.

Luo Yu disdains to communicate with his father and son. His attitude is clearly that after drinking tea, you can go back and forth.

After he sat down, ye mang was still worried. He clenched his fists slightly and crunched his bones, as if he was secretly hating Qiao Xiangxue's marriage.

"Brother in law, when will you help me train the cat?"

Qiao Yumeng sat for a while, bored, simply ignore the guests, chat with his brother-in-law.

"After the guests leave."

Luo Yu light smile way, this words let night Hui embarrassed, let night mang angry.

What does this kid mean? Do you think their father and son are in trouble?

You know, when Joe was alive, he was very polite to his father and son.

"Mengmeng, when will your father come back?" Yemang is a little impatient.

In Ye Mang's eyes, even if the old man died, the family name was still Joe, so it should be decided by him. It was not the turn of a little white faced son-in-law who came to eat soft food.

"I don't know." Qiao Yumeng has a show. She always plays and doesn't care at home.

"Since Mr. and Mrs. Joe and the eldest lady are not at home, our father and son will leave and come to visit again some other day."

Yehui gets up. His uncle doesn't know how to treat guests. It's no fun for them to stay here.


Luo Yu got up almost at the same time.

"What's up, uncle?" Yehui turns around with a strange face.

Ignoring him, Luo Yu walked up to his son and coldly stretched out his hand, "take it out!"

"What?" Ye Mang's face is cold. He has endured this boy for a long time. If he dares to provoke, he will not be polite again.

"I'll let you take it out!" Luo Yu's tone became more indifferent.

"Uncle, you've gone too far. Do you doubt what my manger stole?"

Lao Tzu Yehui was also angry. After observing for a long time, Yehui didn't find that Luo Yu had any Taoism, so he had relaxed his mind.

Luo Yu said nothing more and grasped Ye Mang's skirt.

"Let go!"

Night Mang's face sank. Seeing that Luo Yu didn't agree, he yelled: "I'll let you loose!" At the same time, he shakes his arms and wants to push Luo Yu out with a move.

Luo Yu is faster than him. He grabs his skirt and tears it. Suddenly, a small wooden box falls out.

Luo Yu catches the wooden box with his left hand, splits it with his right hand and staggers the night awn back.

"You want to die!"

Night Miscanthus ate a deficit, this next fire big, the body Demon power surging, want to rage posture.


Luo Yu's eyes became colder. He went up to raise his hand and split it. There was a flash of thunder in his palm.

"Be careful, manger!"

Yehui was shocked, and a hairy hand came up.

Little girl can't see it with naked eyes, but in Luo Yu's eyes, it's a huge wolf claw.

Luo Yu stepped on two steps, stepped on the Seven Star Gang step, and pointed to a stroke. If he had enough eyesight, he could see a small sword, which turned into a sword rainbow at his fingertips.

It's the purple sword!

Show off~~

The night glow pupil enlarges, hastens to close the hand, but on the back of the hand is still a stabbing pain.

Luo Yu also wants to fight, but he hears something. He glances out of the door. Then he sweeps his father and son with cold eyes and doesn't attack any more.

"Brother in law, what's in the box?" Qiao Yumeng came to ask.

Just now she saw her brother-in-law fighting with the father and son of the night family. She was dazzled and didn't understand anything. However, she knew that her brother-in-law seemed to have robbed other people's things.

Luo Yu gently opens the wooden box, and there lies a little pine finch.

"Ah! It's the Sparrow Qiao Yumeng covered her mouth and exclaimed, then angrily glared at the father and son of the night family, "you kidnap my little bird!"

Kidnap this word, Ni Zi uses vividly, because she has regarded the little pine finch as a friend, these two days the little pine finch flies every day, although only stay in Luo Yu side, ignore her, but does not hinder the girl heart secretly.

"What's the matter?"

Qiao Tianbo with his wife, ran in in a hurry, a face surprised.

As soon as they got home, they heard something outside.

Luo Yu didn't pay attention, took the wooden box and sat back.

Qiao Tianbo's eyelids jumped, and then saw Ye mang sitting on the ground, his clothes were not neat, his face was in a mess, so he rushed up to concern, "nephew Ye Mang, what's wrong with your clothes?"


The night Miscanthus is gloomy, the facial expression does not speak, toward Luo Yu that side Nu hum a.

Qiao Tianbo was helpless, and then he saw that yemang's father's right hand was behind him, and his fingertips kept dripping blood on the ground. He was shocked and asked, "brother Yehui, how did you hurt your hand?"

Yehui smiles bitterly and takes a deep look at Luo Yu who is sitting there indifferent. Regardless of his injured right hand, he hugs Qiao Tianbo and says: "Congratulations, Congratulations

"Where does joy come from?" Qiao Tianbo is a little confused.

"Congratulations to the Qiao family for recruiting a son-in-law to take advantage of the dragon. I admire Mr. Luo for his ability." Night light thought-provoking smile, not waiting for Qiao Tianbo to slow down, then turned away, "manger, let's go, this is not the place we should come to."

"But father, that little sparrow is us..."

Night is not reconciled.

Little pine finch is a treasure that his father and son accidentally captured on the way to Qiao's house, but now it is robbed by that boy.

"Don't mention it again!"

Yehui is very calm, forced to pull his son to leave.

"Brother Yehui, please listen to me..."

Qiao Tianbo this just reaction come over, hurriedly chased out.

When Lin Huixin looks at Luo Yu, she is trying to say something. Suddenly, she sees a beautiful shadow standing at the door.

I do not know when, Qiao Xiangxue also home, a president uniform, standing at the door of the living room, gnashing her teeth at someone in the room.

"Xiangxue, you are back..." Lin Huixin came forward to say hello.

"Who are these people..."

Qiao Xiangxue snorted, with the most ugly face on her face, and walked past Luoyu angrily.

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