Luo Yu is funny. His father-in-law looks at the dogs like he is looking after his son.

But then again, these famous dogs raised by my father-in-law are really one in a million. Their blood and appearance are impeccable.

Take the Tibetan mastiff as an example. It is as strong as a lion and its fur is bright red. At first glance, it is hard to tell the true from the false.

We all know that a few years ago, the Tibetan mastiff was very hot. According to Luo Yu's visual observation, the old man's investment in this Tibetan mastiff is not tens of millions, but also millions.

"Yu'er also thinks this fire mastiff is very powerful, right? I tell you, it's the best mastiff in history. In order to get it at that time..."

Qiao Tianbo saw that Luo Yu's eyes fell on the Tibetan mastiff. He thought that Luo Yu was frightened by the dog, and he immediately boasted.

Generally speaking, he paid a great price to buy the mastiff at that time. At that time, it was no longer money to settle, and he made a lot of concessions in his business, so the other party gave up.

Luo Yu is not in the mood to see him show off, but since his father-in-law wants to comment on him, Luo Yu doesn't mind pouring cold water on him.

"For this mastiff, I can sum it up in four words."

"Which four words?" Qiao Tianbo was excited, and immediately flashed in his mind four character idioms praising his dog, such as "majestic", "domineering", "unrivalled" and so on.

"Strong on the outside, strong in the middle!" This is Luo Yu's comment.

terrified! This is Qiao Tianbo's reaction.

Luo Yu's scornful negation of Lord Qiao, who loves dogs like his life, is of course very uncomfortable. Even if he wants to hold Luo Yu now, he is also unconvinced, "why does Yu Er say this?"

As we all know, Tibetan mastiff is famous for its ferocity in dogs. On the market, there is even a myth of "one mastiff fighting three tigers, killing wolves".

In Qiao Tianbo's eyes, his fire mastiff is absolutely comparable to the lion tiger, even if it is not as exaggerated as the rumors in the river and lake.

"Watch it."

Luo Yu knew that the old man didn't believe it, so he snapped his fingers.

At this moment, the little pine sparrow stopped on a big tree branch in the backyard, heard Luo Yu's call, and fluttered down.

That day, he was captured by the father and son of the night family. After he was dazed, he locked it in a wooden box. It was Luo Yu who saw through it in time and saved his life.

After that, Luo Yu used his magic power to recuperate him. These days, no matter day or night, little pine finches are wandering around Qiao's house.

"Xiao Hong, go and play with the dog."

Luo Yu pointed to the next father-in-law of the Tibetan mastiff, and then, see little red without hesitation, fearless fly to the big Tibetan mastiff. Xiao Hong was named by Qiao Yumeng.

Qiao Tianbo was stunned. What, the bird could listen to the boy's command.

Besides, aren't birds naturally afraid of beasts? Just a little bird less than two, which courage to provoke a fierce Tibetan mastiff.

Facts have proved that Xiaohong not only wants to provoke the Tibetan mastiff, but also tease it. Xiaohong first falls on the grass that the Tibetan mastiff can touch. Although the Tibetan Mastiff has a lot of fish and meat every day, he instinctively jumps on it when he sees a delicious little bit nearby.

But Xiao Hong couldn't even catch the agile cat. How could she let a dog eat it? She deliberately waited for the dog to come up, then flew up and dodged easily. Then, she fell leisurely and landed on the head of the Tibetan mastiff.

Qiao Tianbo's face twitched. Is that ok?


The Tibetan mastiff felt a little bit standing on his head. He got angry and showed his teeth. He looked very fierce and jumped up.

Unfortunately, it was tied by the dog rope, jumped very high, was swung down by the dog rope, almost strangled by the dog rope.

Qiao Tianbo saw extremely distressed, protest to Luo Yu, "fire mastiff is tied by the dog rope, simply can't show."

"Then you go and untie it." Luo Yu doesn't care.

Qiao Tianbo at the moment like a game lost very unwilling little boy, rushed to the past, to untie the dog.

Now the Tibetan mastiff is free.


It has a strong sense of revenge. Its first reaction is to find Xiao Hong to settle the accounts.

Xiaohong flies up and down, flies up and down.

It seems to master the law of big dog movement, no matter how big dog attack, can easily avoid, and then continue to fall on the dog's head.

After a few rounds, the Tibetan mastiff lay tired on the grass, spitting out his tongue and panting. Xiaohong fell on his dog's head and even walked on his fiery fur, but he didn't respond.

Qiao Tianbo is full of black lines. This dog... Is a disgrace to him.

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The performance of this expensive dog made him very disappointed.

"The Tibetan mastiff is the product of being over touted. The so-called" one mastiff vs. three tigers "is pure nonsense, that is, compared with wolves, they have no absolute advantage, and even in dogs, they are not the most powerful fighting dogs." Luo Yu's light evaluation.

"That's because the Tibetan mastiff you said is not pure breed!" Qiao Tianbo seems to be trampled on the tail, arguing for the Tibetan mastiff.

"That's self deception. No science still shows that there will be a big difference between the so-called "purebred" and "non purebred" in terms of movement, bite force and endurance. It's just half a weight. It's just the last piece of camouflage that the Tibetan mastiff is looking for. "

Luo Yu was not admitted to university, but his experience made him have a wide range of knowledge. "For ordinary beasts, the combat effectiveness is only related to their physique, speed and destructiveness. It's wishful thinking to expect a dog of tens of kilograms to compete with a lion or tiger of hundreds of kilograms."

Qiao Tianbo is also a reasonable person. After hearing his son-in-law's analysis in simple terms, he was not decadent. "According to you, Tibetan mastiff is really useless?"

Luo Yu laughs, "don't you understand what I mean? My point is that Tibetan mastiff belongs to the top large fierce dog in the dog category. There's nothing wrong with it, but it's far fetched to set it off with natural hunters such as lions, tigers and wolves."

Qiao Tianbo looks at Luo Yu in surprise.

He really did not expect that his son-in-law, who had nothing to do all day, could speak this truth to himself face to face.

Moreover, Luo Yu should know that his father-in-law loves dogs as well as his life. He is still so frank and frank. On the one hand, it shows that Luo Yu disdains to please his father-in-law. On the other hand, it shows that this boy is really arrogant from the bottom of his heart!

proud and arrogant?

Luo Yu was amused to know what his father-in-law was thinking at the moment.

If it's in heaven, no one will think that Yu Sheng's heart is arrogant, including the Jade Emperor. They will think that this is the attitude of Yu Sheng, a man of great fortune.

Following the current, the Yusheng is not the one that the jade emperor has always wanted to invite to the neutral shrine in Jinluan hall. Buddhism has always wanted to carry on the mantle. The demon world has been looking forward to the first free and wandering immortal Yusheng that he is respected all day long.

After hearing Luo Yu's pertinent view, Qiao Tianbo's face looked much better. "Although what you said is reasonable, I still have a special liking for this Tibetan mastiff. I decided to take him to the dog race meeting in the big circle tonight and fight for some glory for me."

Luo Yu slanted his eyes and said, "when you get together, it's only better than the appearance of dogs?"

Qiao Tianbo embarrassed, "that is not, the dog's athletic ability, training level, is the key."

Luo Yu pointed to the dog house, "then I suggest you take the German shepherd will be better."

Qiao Tianbo was in a dilemma. "I'm afraid it's not good. At that time, they will all be people with status, and they will bring rare and famous dogs. Although my German Shepherd is pure and excellent, it can't hold the scene in breed..."

"Whatever you want."

Luo Yu knows that his father-in-law has a good face and doesn't want to waste any more saliva.

Just as she was about to leave, a sneaky girl came out from behind the tree with a small head and muttered with her fingers, "Dad, will you take me to play tonight?"

Qiao Tianbo's face was straight: "nonsense! It's the fun of the elders. You're a little girl. What are you going to do with it

Qiao Yumeng tongue: "cut, play, also divided into what elders and juniors, is not the collective big walk dog, you don't take me, my private money, don't lend you spent yo."

"Cough... Yumeng, what do you say? How can dad miss your kids... OK, OK, just take you to open your eyes."

Qiao Tianbo, who hears "private money", is very embarrassed. He smiles dryly and gives his daughter a soft hand.

That's right. Today, the biggest source of Qiao's daily expenses is the little girl's private money.

In the past, in order to reassure the old man, Qiao Tianbo's personal assets were all registered in the Qiao family's wealth name, as was his wife, Lin Huixin.

After the event, if you want to tell the Qiao family who has money in their hands, you can count on two young ladies.

The old man loved his two granddaughters very much during his lifetime. The pocket money and new year's money he gave each year were amazing. In addition, all kinds of birthday and holiday gifts given by Qiao's guests, and the two sisters' private money were astronomical figures that ordinary people could not imagine.

Qiao Xiangxue's private money has made her a modern Xianghai group. However, because of this, Qiao Xiangxue has no spare money now, and Qiao Yumeng, the second lady, has become the only rich man in her family.

"Hee hee! Then I want my brother-in-law to accompany me. " Qiao Yumeng, seeing that the threat is successful, runs over and holds Luo Yu's arm to pull him into the water.

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