"Good son-in-law, don't worry, don't worry, I'll give you ten thousand dollars on the card right away."

"Ten thousand?" Luo Yu despises to death. Isn't your Qiao family known as a hundred billion family? Do you mean to take ten thousand?

"Good son-in-law, you don't know something. Before the old man died, he made a rule that we can inherit the family business only if you have children with Xiangxue. Now Qiao's company, stock and gold are frozen by the court..."

Qiao Tianbo is sweating. It can't hide from Luo Yu, and it's also the reason why Qiao's family now depends on Luo Yu's face.

Assets are frozen. What does Qiao family live on now?

There are two aspects, one is bank loan, the other is the small company founded by her daughter Qiao Xiangxue.

Xianghai group is a company founded by Qiao Xiangxue with pocket money without telling her family. After the east window incident, Qiao Tianbo is furious. Now, however, he is glad that his daughter is too smart and inadvertently leaves a way for the Qiao family.

However, Xianghai group has encountered difficulties in its operation recently. It can't make ends meet. It can't afford to spend much money to maintain the luxury of hundreds of people in such a large family. Moreover, Qiao Xiangxue regards her small company as a treasure. She wrote a check of 500000 to her family two days ago, which is very painful.

What's more, as a father, he has no face to ask his daughter for money all day. Now he's living a tight life. He can't even afford three meals for his dog. If he gives Luo Yu 10000 yuan, it's already very painful, OK?

"All right, all right. Ten thousand is ten thousand. Hurry up."

Luo Yu snorts impatiently. He has used Ruyi xianjue to predict. He already knows the whole story. The Qiao family's current situation is also clear. There's no need for the father-in-law to waste saliva.

A moment later——

"OK, I've transferred money to you. Good son-in-law, please pay attention to check. I bought the ticket and come back early!"

After the money, Qiao Tianbo is as decadent as a passive coffin, but his mood is still relaxed. He looks forward to Luo Yu's coming home soon.

Luo Yu has a conflict with his daughter and leaves. Why is he nervous?

It's very simple. If Luo Yu and his daughter don't get married, it means that they will never get the inheritance right of the old man.

Can the banks, relatives and friends who lend to them in this way be happy?

Today's people are very smart. When they heard that Luo Yu had run away, they immediately came to collect debts. He was also forced to pretend to be his grandson and ask Luo Yu to come home for reunion


"I'll go!"

Luoyu mobile phone received the transfer prompt, but his face turned black.


The purse has been touched!

It must have been the thief who was dozing off in the green car.

Luo Yu is in a depressed mood. His bank card and ID card are all in his wallet. Now, ten thousand yuan is worth nothing!

The window of a small pawnshop near the station.

"Boss, how much is my iPhone 6 worth?"

No way, Luo Yu can only pawn his mobile phone. Now Apple 8 is almost out, and his mother hasn't changed her mobile phone for two years after her business is difficult.

“200!” The boss looked up and gave Luo Yu an offer to spit blood.

More than 6000 mobile phones, only 200.

How dark!

It's really a shop near the station.

"Can you add more?"

"Apple 6 is out of date. I won't accept Apple 8 in half a month."

"OK, 200 is 200!"

Luo Yu recognized, in order to ask for a green ticket back to Chenhai, mobile phone pawn to others.

Now there are really six young people. No car, no room, no money, no mobile phone, no ID card... No temper!

Oh, by the way, how can I buy a ticket without an ID card?

It's a headache!

Fortunately, after Luo Yu wakes up, at least he is no longer without any skills.

Sensing the next, the body's mana, although weak, but to deal with the next ticket collector, should be enough.

A moment later——

Ticket window.

"Please give me a hard seat ticket to Chenhai."

"198 yuan, thank you."

Seeing that Luo Yu left with the ticket, a passenger in the back of the car was straight eyed.

How can this young man use a piece of white paper as his ID card to pass it to the conductor? The key is that the conductor seems blind and sells the ticket to him.

However, Luo Yu won't tell the passenger that it's not the conductor who is blind, but he has made a blind move.

Similarly, in the process of ticket cutting and boarding, Luo Yu still took white paper as his ID card.

Getting into the carriage, Luo Yu was so sleepy that he fell to his seat and fell asleep.

Only after waking up, Luo Yu is no longer a mortal. Even if he sleeps and dies, he has a subtle perception of the wind and grass around him.

Confused, Luo Yu noticed that a small hand was stretching into his pocket.

Before he opened his eyes, Luo Yu knew that it was a woman's hand. The skin was smooth and delicate, and the hand was very beautiful. A woman's face should not be bad.

Just, such a beautiful hand, such a beautiful woman, stealing while the passengers are asleep!

When Luo Yu opened his eyes, his eyes were as deep as the starry sky. He firmly grasped the girl's bright wrist and said: "I'm a beautiful lady. How can I be a thief?"

This made the passengers around a commotion.

The word "thief" is too sensitive in the green trunk.

"What are you talking about? Who stole from you?"

The girl panic, nervous scream, "you quickly let go, I call indecent!"

Luo Yu is not put, the line of sight up, sure enough, this girl melon face, delicate Keren, is the most beautiful beauty in this car.

Her figure is also very hot, and wearing a little sexy, chest rabbit, white deep. However, as a thief, the more you wear it like this, the easier it is to attract the wolf. In case you are caught, you can also use the attributes of hot beauty to win the hearts of the men around you.

Sure enough, Luo Yu grabs the thief's wrist, while the other side struggles nervously, with big eyes and moving eyes. He is not aggrieved. In a moment, he makes several elderly men around move lustily.

"Young man, why do you hold on to other girls' hands?" A bald old man in a jacket rushed over.

"At a glance, you can see that it's the dishonesty of the salty pig hands. Now the hanging silk can't walk when it sees the beautiful women, and it doesn't pee and look in the mirror!"

A young man in a suit, with his hair combed back, was also fighting for the female thief.

However, his "pee and look in the mirror" aroused the dissatisfaction of the young female passengers around him, not because of vulgarity, but because the female passengers did not allow him to stigmatize the little male god's face.

In fact, since Luo Yu got on the bus, his eye-catching degree is no less than that of the female thief. Especially after he fell asleep leaning on the chair, his cold and charming appearance and temperament made the girls in the carriage feel elated. They wanted to take a bite on their faces and then hold them up.

"Mm-hmm, she insulted me. She just wiped my hip!" When the female thief sees someone helping her, her eyes immediately twinkle, and she accuses Luo Yu of being unfaithful to her.

Then she looked pitifully at the old man and the young man, "help

The man in suit and the bald old man took a look at the proud fragrant buttocks under her black tights, swallowed saliva, and then competed with Luo Yu.

"You let go!"

"Let go, or I won't be polite."

Men in suits are even rolling their sleeves.

The female thief may be guilty of being a thief. After the goal is achieved, she playfully steals fun and wants to give Luo Yu a step down. Looking back at Luo Yu, she says: "brother Shuai, don't do this. If you want to ask someone out, wait until you get off the bus, OK

Luo Yu calmly smile, "I say you steal, you are stealing, and you also steal me twice."

Luo Yu is sure that his wallet was touched by this pretty girl thief.

"Then tell me, what did they steal from you?" Pretty girl thief is not in a hurry.


"Your wallet is still on you." The pretty female thief chuckled.

Luo Yu is a Zheng, immediately wiped next pocket, in a moment, look at this pretty female thief's eyes, all have a little ponder.

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