The old couple were still complaining. Seeing that their daughter took the lead in getting angry, they quickly came forward to persuade them.

"Xiangxue, don't be angry, yu'er. He's just having fun, and he doesn't have to go home at night."

Qiao Tianbo smiles dryly. Yes, the boy doesn't go home at night, but he openly asks a woman to take him home.

"Well, well, go to bed early. Tomorrow is the weekend. I'll take you to the temple to pray. As long as you smooth out the day, you won't have so much trouble in the future."

Originally, Lin Huixin wanted to ventilate with her daughter and let her daughter be on guard against Luo Yu's cheating outside. Now she doesn't dare to talk too much. She only hopes that Luo Yu will be more restrained.


Qiao Xiangxue had prepared a lot of words about Luo Yu, but now she couldn't say a word. The most important thing is that someone didn't want to hear it. She turned her head and rushed upstairs.

Luo Yu went upstairs without delay.

When he came up, Luo Yu found that the door was locked.

Yes, it's his room, which is Qiao Xiangxue's original one.

This little cold girl is angry, unexpectedly seize the opportunity to regain the sovereignty of the room, and shut Luo Yu out.

Don't let me in? There is no

Luo Yu raised his hand and patted the door lock lightly, then the bolt of the lock was opened.

"You... You... How did you break in?"

Inside, Qiao Xiangxue is changing clothes. Facing the man who suddenly intrudes, she almost faints.

This bastard can pry the locked door. How dare this bastard be more arrogant?

"I can come and go freely here. Don't play with me like that in the future."

Luo Yu casually smiles, takes off his coat and throws it on the bed.

"What do you want to do?" Qiao Xiangxue holds her chest and retreats.

"Bath, sleep." Luo Yu enters the bathroom.

Qiao Xiangxue's face flushed. Didn't this guy want to treat me like that just now

She sat beside the bed in a huff and hesitated to spend the night with that bastard to let him know what she was good at.

"Pass me a bathrobe."

The bathroom door suddenly opened and held out a hand.


Qiao Xiangxue had a black line on her forehead.

Luo Yu laughs and waves. Taking advantage of the little cold girl's inattention, he takes something from the closet and takes away a men's bathrobe.

Qiao Xiangxue didn't help Luo Yu with her bathrobe on purpose. Just now she was going to take a bath. She had put a woman in the bathroom. If you have the ability, you can wear it. I don't despise you.

To be on the safe side, Qiao Xiangxue gritted her teeth: "don't touch my clothes!"

She has a habit of cleanliness. It's hard for a man to touch her clothes, not to mention the intimate bathrobe for a man to wear.

"I didn't move." Luo Yu answers.

"Not moving... What are you going to wear later? Is it not to wear... "Qiao Xiangxue whispered, heart palpitating.

After a while, the door opened, she turned around for the first time, and angrily scolded: "hooligan!"


It doesn't exist.

Luo Yu was wrapped up tightly and came to her.

Qiao Xiangxue is stunned. Where's the man's bathrobe in the bathroom? Am I wrong?

"You, go rub Joe's bed, or, go over there and sleep on the sofa."

Without waiting for her to relax, Luo Yu pointed to the sofa at that end.


Qiao Xiangxue is so angry that she wants to roll all over the floor, but she is defeated in the end, because next, Luo Yu will change her pajamas, if she doesn't go


But as soon as the man rushed to the door, the light laughter came.

"What for?" Qiao Xiangxue turns her head, but sees that Luo Yu has come over.

It makes her nervous.

Someone doesn't want to

No way, no way. I've been thinking awkwardly just now. If I think awkwardly again, I'll make this guy laugh to death.

She raises her head and looks at Luo Yu with pride.

She doesn't believe that this guy really dares to force himself down. If he dares to... She will... Shout for help!

When Luo Yu comes to her, she can smell the shower gel and peep at Yusheng's bodybuilding and the highest appearance in the three realms. Luo Yu slowly reaches out his hand and holds the cold beauty's chin. He says sternly: "remember, next time Song Chen's kind of goods will pester you, report it to me as soon as possible. Do you hear me?"


The consciousness is blank!

Ready to struggle, she was stunned.

Song Chen?

He... Got it?

"What have you done to them?" She was suddenly nervous and worried.

"It's none of your business." Luo Yu perfunctorized with these four words, then gently pushed her out of the door and closed it.


Qiao Xiangxue stood at the door, stunned for a long time.

Clearly secretly care about me, but also said that I have nothing to do with this... Who ah!


The next morning.

"Xiangxue, the doctor of Chenyu hospital who slandered you these two days was cut down in the herbal medicine market last night. You can rest assured in the future."

Qiao Tianbo endured for a long time, or told his daughter the news.

"Poof ~ ~"

Qiao Xiangxue spat out a mouthful of clear porridge and immediately shivered. He slowly threw his startled eyes at Luo Yu and opened his eyes.

"What's the matter, daughter?" Lin Huixin is concerned.

"No, nothing..." Qiao Xiangxue quickly lowered her head and wiped her mouth. It seemed that she was afraid to stare at Luo Yu again, which would make the family suspicious.

But in my heart, she is really hard to calm down.

Cut, someone actually for their own, ran to cut that guy!

How could that be?

Should he be so impulsive?

No police will come and take him away later, will they?

In an instant, Qiao Xiangxue was in a state of confusion.

Luo Yu glanced at his father-in-law, quite speechless. When did Yu Sheng use "chop" to kill? That's sword Qi. It's taking the head of a man beyond a hundred steps. Do you understand?

"Eat quickly, the car is waiting outside." Lin Huixin doesn't want to destroy the family atmosphere because of a dead person, and she smiles to change the topic.

"Mom, I really want to go up the mountain to pray today. You don't know, and I don't believe that..."

Qiao Xiangxue slightly doodle mouth, originally she was killed also do not want to accompany someone to go up the mountain to pray, but out of such a big thing, she was a little shaken.

"Silly girl, what do you mean you don't believe it? If you're sincere, you'll be smart. You and yu'er are short of luck now. They just make trouble all day. Do you understand?"

As a rich wife, Lin Huixin seems to be superstitious.

"Oh." Qiao Xiangxue steals a glance from someone. She says it's all right. Let's take a day off. It's just this weekend.

At noon, several cars of Qiao's family drove to Beishan.

There are many places of interest in the Beishan area of Chenhai City, among which there are many places of religious culture. There are many Taoist temples and temples.

These days, we have to make an appointment to burn incense and worship Buddha. As early as a week ago, Lin Huixin had made an appointment for Jinxia temple. She really had a good heart.

But just a few minutes before Qiao's car arrived, a customer in camouflage clothes came to a Banxian stall at the foot of the mountain.

"Sir, fortune telling is still about marriage. I'm known as Wu Banxian in the world. I don't accept money if I don't work." Wu Banxian quickly got up and yelled.

"Take the money. There will be a Cadillac going up the mountain later. You rush up and stop it for me. Then you can make a divination for the lady and her husband. Do as I say..."

Liu Yu put a few bundles of banknotes into Banxian's pocket and put them close to his ear. He had a bad smile.

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