"It's said that there's a great game restaurant on the mountain, or we won't go home for dinner tonight."

Leaving Jinxia temple, Lin Huixin is in a good mood and has a fantastic proposal.

"Yes, yes!" Qiao Yumeng was the first to raise her hand.

"What about dad?" Qiao Xiangxue is also moved. She hasn't had dinner with her family for a long time.

"Don't worry about him. There's a chef at home to help him prepare dinner."

Lin Huixin immediately sent a short message to the housekeeper.

"Sister, lend me your mobile phone to play for a while." After entering the restaurant and finding a seat, Qiao Yumeng reaches out to her sister.

She's been playing games all day, and now her cell phone is dead.

"I didn't bring it."

Today, Qiao Xiangxue wore casual clothes of jeans and T-shirt. She didn't carry a bag, so she didn't bring a mobile phone.

"Brother in law, how are you?" Nizi askew her head and asked Luo Yu.

"My cell phone is still in pawnshop." Luo Yu shook his head.

"Pawnshop?" Qiao Xiangxue is strange, "you even take mobile phone to pawn?"

Luo Yu glanced at her and said, "do you forget that you sent me back to my hometown just after I got the certificate last time? Your father insisted that I come back. Back and forth, I have no money in my pocket. What can I do if I don't use a mobile phone?"

"That's my dad. I didn't force you to come back..."

Qiao Xiangxue blushes and thinks about the picture that Luo Yu was penniless at that time. He can't help but feel ashamed.

"Xiangxue, you really are, you let yu'er suffer so much!"

Lin Huixin can't help but scold. She can't help but feel sorry for Luo Yu. She knows the child's family background. Her mother used to run a small company, and she wants to make a living. Later, her mother's small company went bankrupt and was heavily in debt. She must have suffered a lot.

"By the way, yu'er, I haven't seen your mother so far. I'll invite her to stay at home for a while some other day. Let's talk more."

Thinking of what Luo Yu had suffered before, Lin Huixin couldn't help thinking of Luo Yu's mother.

She knew that Luo Yu was a single parent family. As a woman, she could not help but feel the hardships of Luo Yu's mother over the years.

"Good." Luo Yu readily agrees.

"Mom, let me play with my cell phone." Qiao Yumeng is coquettish with her mother.

"You girl, how old are you? You are addicted to games all day."

While laughing and scolding, Lin Huixin takes the Vertu, which is specially used by her wife, out of her Hermes bag and gives it to her little daughter.

Nizi made a face and couldn't wait to enter the game. She didn't forget to set it to refuse to call. She hates the experience of being squeezed out by the phone when the game is playing hard.

At home.

"Sir, my wife just sent a message saying that we are dining out with my uncle and two ladies tonight."

The housekeeper came to tell me.

"I see."

Qiao Tianbo made a sound and looked at the newspaper without strabismus.

"Sir, there are guests here." Mother Wang came in a hurry.

"Which way is the guest?" Qiao Tianbo raised his head and asked.

"I came here yesterday. At that time, only my uncle and two young ladies were at home. They seemed to be from the imperial capital Lin family." Wang ma.

"Lin family!"

Qiao Tianbo was surprised and quickly got up and went out to meet him.



"We're back."


Lin Huixin took a few kids home late. She had a meal in the game restaurant and drank some red wine before.

Lin Huixin and her eldest daughter are slightly drunk, and their faces are flushed. Little Nizi's cheeks are flushed, like a little drunkard. As soon as they enter the hall, they rush to the sofa noisily.

"Dad, look what it is. People have brought you a gift. Is it interesting enough?"

She is carrying a beautiful amulet in her hand. She bought it on the mountain. Now she is shaking in front of her father like a treasure.

"Well, my family Yumeng is the most filial. Sit down quickly. I have something to tell your brother-in-law."

Qiao Tianbo accepted the gift brought back by his little daughter. Then he looked at Luo Yu and said seriously, "yu'er, what's the relationship between you and general Lin? Why did he come to visit you again and claim to visit you?"

"Ah! Oh, no, I forgot! " Without waiting for Luo Yu to answer, Qiao Xiangxue was shocked and helpless.

She was so angry last night that she forgot to send a message to the old general.

"I don't know any generals."

Luo Yu tells the truth.

"How could they call to see you?" Qiao Tianbo doesn't believe it.

"Yes, look at that situation. It seems that general Lin still thinks highly of you." Qiao Xiangxue is also suspicious.

"Maybe it's me." Luo Yu thought about it, plain and frank.



Father and daughter two dizzy dishes.

I said I didn't know you just now, but now I'm blowing it so big.

If you think about the status of general Lin, will you ask for help from an unknown person?

"It's OK. I went upstairs."

Luo Yu to say one not two, since you don't believe, that calculate.

After he returned to his room, Qiao Tianbo looked at his wife with displeasure and asked, "madam, why didn't you get through earlier? I wanted to inform you to come back as soon as possible and take Luo Yu to meet old general Lin. the influence of this matter is very bad!"

He knows how many people eat in the mountains, but it's just a meal. Is it important to entertain general Lin?

Lin Huixin a flustered, embarrassed confessed, "I... my mobile phone let rain Meng that girl to fight the game."


Qiao Tianbo has a black face on his forehead, which is ridiculous. Because of his wife's negligence, the Qiao family missed a good opportunity to get close to general Lin.

"Dad, what did general Lin say when he left?" Qiao Xiangxue asked.

"The old general said that if Mr. Luo Yu comes back, please let me know. He said that Lin Changsong, a resident of the imperial capital, had come to visit him and would visit him again some day."

Qiao Tianbo repeated what others said.

"That's the story again!" Qiao Xiangxue was very surprised.

"Why, did the old general say the same thing last night... Bad!"

Qiao Tianbo was suspicious first, and then suddenly thought of something. He patted his forehead and wanted to rush upstairs.

Just now, he was also confused. Like his daughter, he almost forgot to send a message to Luo Yu for general Lin.

"Dad, don't go. I'll tell him later." Qiao Xiangxue stopped.

"Yes, that's fine." Qiao Tianbo sat down and said with a dry smile, "Xiangxue, you'll find a way to find out what's the relationship between him and general Lin..."

"Dad, you don't really believe that guy has anything to do with the pillar of the Lin family, do you? In my opinion, the old general wants the ginseng in Luo Yu's hand

Qiao Xiangxue is not angry. She understands what her father is hoping for, but it's impossible to think about it!

At night, the window is full of stars.

Luo Yu meditates in bed until late at night, gets up and takes out a pile of medicinal materials.

He promised to refine a pure demon pill for Xiao mei'er tonight, but he also had a plan to make use of two kinds of old herbs, one thousand year old ginseng and one thousand year old Polygonum multiflorum, plus three Zhang white pine snow dew as a guide, to further his cultivation.

As for the golden lotus, if you get this elixir, Luo Yu won't use it all at once. Just take off a few petals.

In the middle of the night.

Luo Yu opened his eyes. As he did last time, he drank in his heart: "Qi is coming!"

Another immortal spirit came back from the void and disappeared into Luo Yu's body.

At this time, he has completed the construction of the foundation.

"Here comes the light!"

Luo Yu raised his hand again. In a moment, a colorful glass lamp appeared in the palm of his hand.

This is the second magic weapon arranged for Luo Yu's life before his reincarnation!

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