R & D department.

When did Luo Yu come in? A group of R & D personnel led by Ouyang Li were just confused.

"Which department are you from? Why do you come to our R & D department without permission? Don't you know it's forbidden to visit here?"

Ouyang Li is very dissatisfied. The R & D department is the heart of a company and the cradle of all products. It involves a lot of confidential technology and information. Therefore, even the employees of the company can't come in without authorization.

Luo Yu said nothing and reached for a row of test tubes on the experimental table.

"Don't touch the test object!"

Ouyang Li and a lot of research and development staff shouted in a loud voice, but it was still a little late. Only lo Yu's hand picked up one of the test tubes and gathered it to his nose and sniffed, "perfume."

"It's no use saying that. I ask you, why do you break in and touch my things?"

A girl with a ponytail, a white coat and black framed glasses, who knew she was very homely, asked Luo Yu angrily with her hands akimbo.

Her name is Jin Lan, who was a curve wrecker after reading. After graduation, she was invited by Ouyang Lizhi to join Xianghai group. She is currently a director of the R & D department, and is mainly responsible for perfume research and development.

On weekdays, she has no special interest in designing perfume, but is that she is totally at home, indulging in two yuan, Korean dramas and online shopping, and she has completely all the characteristics of a dead house. She is also very neurotic. Even when her colleagues are moving her things, she will be crazy.

"Forget it. I'll call security."

Ouyang Li feels that it is no longer necessary to be polite to Luo Yu. Breaking into the R & D department without permission is a big taboo of the company. She ignores their warnings and tampers with things. Ouyang Li believes that if a small report is sent to the personnel department and waiting for the fate of this person, she will be dismissed.

Ouyang Li is not her cold-blooded. At present, the group is in a bad situation. Everyone in the R & D department has a sense of responsibility and is eager to create a product that can detonate the market and stimulate the company's performance.

Fortunately, the people who work hard are the ones hitherto unknown. Yesterday, a perfume that was never seen on the market was born here.

A badly frightened person is not afraid of extremely cruel and merciless.

However, as soon as Ouyang Li picked up the phone, she saw that Luo Yu had "stepped up" and put down the test tube in her hand. She took two from the stand at the same time.

Everyone's breathing fast.

Ouyang Li and Jin Lan are even more staring. The two test tubes that this guy took at the same time are actually... Those two!

Luo Yu sniffed respectively, then raised the one with the label of "No.10" in it, "this one is good!"

"You mean you prefer number 10 to number 9?"

Ouyang Li asked him subconsciously.

Everyone's ears are up, too.

"That's right!" Luo Yu did not hesitate.

People's faces were brilliant.

Because the two experimental products in Luo Yu's hand happen to be the "root cause" of the attack of difficult syndrome for the R & D department.

Everyone knows that a perfume will have a large number of samples before it is finalized. The core formula and style of these samples are basically the same, but in the details, there are differences that are difficult for ordinary people to distinguish.

But in the end, the R & D team must choose one from a hundred, choose one, build a brand and put it on the market.

Take the high hopes of the R & D department for example. From the hundreds of test products in the initial stage of successful development, only 24 of them were left on the table yesterday.

After repeated arguments and discussions from the morning till now, we have reached an agreement, focusing on the 9th and 10th samples.

But at the last step, it got stuck.

Almost half of the people supported the 9th and 10th.

What is more fatal is that as the two most authoritative members of the perfume department in the R & D department, Ouyang Li and Jin Lan, two of them, are opposed to each other.

At this time, Luo Yu broke in, first picked out the best two from 24 samples accurately and quickly, and then told them very firmly that No. 10 was better, which made people feel that he was just a worm in everyone's stomach.

"Do you think number 10 is better?"

Just now, Jin Lan, who was crazy because Luo Yu touched the sample, immediately had a happy face. Under the big eyeglass frame, her eyes were shining, as if to say, you're really discerning!

Because she decided it was the 10th!

"Lan Lan, this guy is not qualified to participate in the selection. No, he is not qualified!"

Ouyang Li is beautiful eyes spit fire, suddenly to Luo Yu hostility is very strong.

A group of R & D personnel around, quite embarrassed.

It's not that Luo Yu stole their limelight, but that they are not good at expressing their opinions. To put it bluntly, both Ouyang Li and Jin Lan don't want to offend them.

First of all, Jin Lan is a young girl, but she is a chemical genius, especially in the field of perfume.

In the 4 perfumes of Xianghai group, 1 was launched by Minister Ouyang Li, and 2, 3 and 4 were the masterpieces of Jin Lan.

In other words, this girl can be called the hero of Xianghai group.

But Ouyang Li is not simple.

Ouyang Li is the head of R & D department. She is the boss. In addition, Ouyang Li is also president Qiao Xiangxue's Harvard classmate and one of the co founders of Xianghai group. In terms of status and merit, she is obviously superior to Jin Lan.

Secondly, if we want to discuss perfume, we have to analyze the problem of personal taste.

Colleagues all know that Jin Lan is a housewife. As for housewives, they always give people the impression that they are out of touch with society and fashion. Their personal taste may not be able to cater to the public.

Ouyang Li is different. Although the beauty minister is extremely low-key, according to people who know the inside story, Ouyang Li is actually Bai Fumei. Her family is very rich. If it wasn't for her interest, she would not come here to be a company minister. Her daily life circle is the legendary upper class society.

The upper class society is synonymous with the fashion circle. So of course, Ouyang Li's personal taste should be more in line with the preferences of modern urban beauty.

In this way, although everyone argued endlessly, if there was no accident, Ouyang Li's position would win in the end.

Be despised seriously by that girl, Luo Yu's facial expression is still, smile a way: "unconvinced?"

"Nonsense! Unless you can prove that your vision is enough to challenge me, get out of here at once

Ouyang Li looks a little impatient, pointing to the door cold drink, don't give Luo Yu leave a little affection.

"Why not?"

Luo Yu laughs, "let's do an experiment."

What kind of experiment?

Luo Yu pointed to all the men present, "first of all, all the men, close their eyes for me."

"Close your eyes?"


People don't like it.

"Sit as he says, and I'll see what tricks he can play!" Ouyang Li grits her teeth. She doesn't believe her taste will lose.

As a result, the presence of more than a dozen male compatriots, had to close their eyes.

Luoyu immediately flashed two samples and spilled two drops of perfume on Ouyang Li and Jin Lan.

Just the same, ouyangli No. 9 and Jinlan No. 10 are the ones they identified.

"Well, now two ladies, please keep quiet. All men, according to the smell they smell, walk up to the girl you love with closed eyes."

Luo Yu greets everyone.

For a moment, the two girls held their breath and were very nervous.

Even Ouyang Li's heart beat hard. This guy's experiment is quite interesting.

The key is that she is confident in her charm.

This company, on the charm, she recognized second, only president Qiao Xiangxue can recognize first.

Jin Lan blushed violently. She looks pretty, but she is not a beauty, and she can't compete with Ouyang Li, a phenomenal beauty, for men's attraction, even if these men close their eyes.

Then, however, an incredible scene appeared.

Luo Yu secretly urges the colorful glass lamp.

This magic weapon can make the mortal platform shine temporarily, and the senses become extremely sharp, including the sense of smell!

So, a dozen men, along with the smell and the same goal, all went to Jin Lan, the ugly duckling.

As a white swan, Ouyang Li looks pale.

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