R & D department.

"Is this the new perfume formula you have prepared for us?"

Ouyang Li and they gathered around and looked at the formula handed over by Luo Yu, looking excited one by one.

But looking at it, the smile on everyone's face solidified.

"Are you sure that the products made according to this formula will be perfume, not chemical weapons?"

A senior perfume technician, impolite.

"It's not logical at all. What's the ghost of Yunlu, Bingling pollen and leijing grass?"

Even Jin Lan, who came to work last night because of Luo Yu's wishful thinking and made up for the first time, has a small pout.

"Maybe we are lack of talent and knowledge. We can't understand this recipe at all. Please give us some advice!"

Ouyang Li smiled helplessly, and to tell the truth, she and everyone were disappointed. In the heart, she felt that the guy didn't even understand the basic principle of perfume.

Luo Yu knows that his prescription is really deviant to these mortals.

Because, this is not a mortal thing.

Strictly speaking, it is the jade fragrance that haunts the fairies and saints in the upper world.

Don't think that those fairies and saints are pure hearted and lustless. They are also women. They are born to rush for beautiful clothes and charming fragrance.

However, in order to achieve mass production, Luo Yu thought hard last night and finally replaced a lot of materials that are only available in the upper world. It can be regarded as creating a low configuration fairy jade fragrance for his wife's company.

Luo Yu doesn't need to explain to Ouyang Li about the miraculous things such as Yunlu, Bingling pollen and leijing grass. They don't need to make a thorough analysis. Luo Yu has figured out the supply channels for them in the future.

"Minister Ouyang, express delivery is coming!"

At this time, an employee from the logistics department came and stood at the door to greet him.

"Express?" Ouyang Li looked around, "who bought the snacks? Didn't she say that they were not allowed to be sent directly to our department?"

The R & D department is a special department of the company. The staff here should be strictly disinfected when they go in and out, and it is not allowed to bring in the undetected sundries.

"The perfume material I ordered."

Luo Yu knows that Xiao mei'er sent a batch of spiritual things that she bought in the last trading hall. In the future, he will arrange Xiao mei'er to act as a middleman to buy these things for the company.

"Xiaozhu, go and sign for it."

With a suspicious attitude, Ouyang Li calms down first.

The little Zhu went and came in with a big package. After he opened it, it turned out to be bottles.

In order to reveal the horse's feet, Luo Yu had made the goblin grind into powder or liquid before packing and sending it.

"You watch. I'll only show you once."

Boasting as if it were raining flowers, it is better to produce a real perfume sample. It is not convincing to keep people guessing.

"Doesn't this guy want to mix up a perfume right away?"

"I don't think he understands the basic process of modern industry at all."

"Shh! Keep your voice down. Maybe they use the classical secret method... "

All the staff of R & D department are watching Luo Yu's every move nervously.

"If you need anything, just open your mouth."

Ouyang Li could not help but notice that all the people, including her, thought that it was impossible to produce the perfume that pleased them. But now the guy is not funny. It really makes the heart itch. In order to witness the miracle quickly, they do not mind playing Luo Yu at all.


Read hastily and without thinking of what he has done, he quickly poured a pile of materials into a beaker, and he even cooked a light truck with the magic elixir of medicine. He made a perfume in the perfectness area and measured the instrument.

"He has good hands."

"It's so elegant. It's like an art."

"Well, I guess I can play the piano very well."

"Hey, you guys, focus on it. Don't be crazy."

In the meantime, several department girls were attracted by Luo Yu's hands and movements, which made Jin Lan scold them severely.

"Ready for distillation?"

Seeing that Luo Yu's operation is coming to an end, Ouyang Li comes with an alcohol lamp.

"Don't use that thing."

Luo Yu waved his hand, took out his colorful glass lamp and put it under the beaker.

"What a beautiful little lamp!"


A few girls eyes a bright, just didn't find Luo Yu body hide this thing.

In fact, if you want to make fairy jade fragrance, it's not enough just to have a formula. It's very important to have a magic weapon that can integrate those spirits.

At present, Luo Yu uses colorful glass lamps instead. Naturally, he will never leave his magic weapon here. When he comes back, he will make some magic weapons for the company.

The colorful glass lamp lights up, emitting a charming seven color flame.

In a moment, the beaker opened, the mist was collected into the distiller, cooled between tubes, and finally became drops of crystal pink liquid into the test tube.

All of a sudden, the whole research and development department laboratory, the charming aroma.

Everyone was quiet. Ouyang Li and Jin Lan even subconsciously closed their eyes and breathed a little.

And when the taste is captured by the nose, it immediately stimulates an incredible sensory experience.

First of all, such as the valley orchid, mysterious, hazy!

Then like snow melting in spring, a hundred flowers bloom, let people mind a swing, unspeakable pleasure, satisfaction.

In the end, the fragrance seems to be scattered, which makes people intoxicated for a long time.

"What a fantastic taste!"

I don't know how long later, Ouyang Li was the first to open her beautiful eyes. She was so excited that she couldn't help herself. She is usually a lady, a lady of a family.

"I've never heard imagination so rich. It's a miracle. It's perfect."

Jin Lan is sucking nose, in the eye, unexpectedly diffuse water mist, want to move of cry out of appearance. This is probably the most common manifestation of housewives' overreaction syndrome.

"After smelling it, I'm not interested in Dior or Chanel." A sultry female doctor, satisfied with the voice of the heart.

Even if you work in this company, you don't have to use company products on weekdays, especially when you go out on a date.

Girls, after all, are very fond of vanity, like the noble perfume of Chanel and Dior. They can buy not only a product, but also a sense of vanity.

But now, the smell seems to make people's sense of vanity become extremely empty, it's amazing.

No doubt, Luo Yu succeeded.

Of course, this is also an inevitable result. Luo Yu conquers these mortals with the taste of fairies and saints in the upper world. Even if he "cuts corners", it's a second!

"This is your achievement, you name it!" Ouyang Li looks at Luo Yu in a surging mood.

Everyone looked at him in the same way, full of expectation.

Originally, they were working for Xianghai group. No matter what products they developed, they had to follow the company's market strategy.

According to the original route designed by Qiao Xiangxue, the perfume brand is all used "Xianghai" brand.

However, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 have been launched before. According to the rules, this one should be named Xianghai No. 5.

To tell you the truth, for the Xianghai 5, the R & D department has a lot of pressure, because in the perfume industry, the famous Chanel 5 is famous everywhere. If your Xianghai 5 is too poor, it will surely be laughed at by the outside world.

Now, all day long, they no longer worry that Luoyu's dream perfume has become a laughing stock. Instead, they even believe that the rival after the perfume should be confined to Chanel 5, but the perfume of the whole world.

"Just call it" fairy jade fragrance. "

Although there is no concept of intellectual property in Shangjie, Luo Yu still respects the inventions of fairies and saints.

"Fairy Yuxiang? That's a wonderful name Jin Lan is very excited.

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