"What? Don't you give up He was surprised.

"Boy, even the three strong men at the level of King Wu can't do anything. Don't you want to die?" The Miao master's eyes are gloomy.

"Luo Qian... Young master, do you want to send the strong in again?" Gu Rende's eyes twinkled with hope.

In Gu Rende's eyes, Luo Yu is a master of alchemy and can refine seven elixirs, so this trip must have brought a lot of strong players. The strength of the lineup may be stronger than the three of them as a whole.

Just now, Luo Yu didn't turn his back on the Hakkas and let them try first, which has given him enough face. Now if Luo Yu calls the strong to take action, he has nothing to say, but will support him.

As for the Miao and Ren families, he would also help persuade them. If they couldn't persuade them, they would show Luo Yu's identity. If they wanted to be a master of alchemy, they would not dare to offend them easily.

However, in the face of Gu's looking around, Luo Yu shakes his head and smiles carelessly: "I'm the only one to send someone who is strong. I just said that. I'm going to go in and have a look myself."

"Mr. Luo, will you go by yourself? Never

Gu Rende was stunned and frightened. He quickly dissuaded: "the strength of the fierce object is not under any of us. It's easy to use the fog array to deal with the three of us. Don't be reckless, young master Luo, so as not to waste your noble life!"

"Brother Luo Yu, forget it." Gu Xiaoman is also nervous.

In their father's and daughter's eyes, although Luo Yu is a master of alchemy, it doesn't mean how strong the force will be.

On the contrary, many alchemists are very weak because they are addicted to the study of Dan Dao. They need to gather a group of experts around to protect them all the time.

Luo Yu comes here alone this time. They admire Luo Yu's courage, but they don't agree that Luo Yu is greedy for the precious medicine and risks the life of the noble pharmacist.

"Just this boy, you still have a noble life? Come on, master, don't persuade your father and daughter. If this boy wants to die, let him go. We'll collect his corpse and bury him later! "

Gu Kai couldn't help sneering.

Around Ren family and Miao family, they looked on coldly.

"If anyone wants to die, just help yourself. Anyway, our Miao family doesn't want to work in vain any more. They send people to die in vain."

The master of the Miao family was calm and put down his cruel words.

"Young man, I don't know if you're hiding it, but if you really have the ability, just go and get it, and don't care about us."

The master of Ren's family is very crafty, and he is quite encouraging.

"If the precious medicine is for me, it will be for me."

Luo Yu is also too lazy to make any gentleman's agreement with these people. He smiles carelessly, and then walks to the mountain depression alone.

The father and son of the Miao family look at each other face to face. Is this boy really afraid of death?

The owner of Ren's family squints slightly. He is more worried about Luo Yu's secret. Later, he will pick the precious medicine alone, which will be embarrassing.


Gu's master sighed a long time. In case Luo Yu died later, who would give his baby daughter seven grade Peiyuan pill. It was Luo Yu who got away with it. Next, how could the Ren and Miao families swallow their pride? Now he also suspects that Luo Yu is not an old monster, but a genius alchemist who doesn't know how to deal with the world. How can he have no city at all.

"Brother Luo Yu, be careful!"

Gu Xiaoman couldn't persuade him, so he had to hold his hand tightly, put it on his chest and pray silently for Luo Yu.

Luo Yu came to the fog, his eyes twinkled, the surrounding image, all in his eyes showed the original shape.

"It turns out that this used to be the home of the evil creature Hydra."

Luo Yu was quite surprised. Nearby, he saw some traces of Hydra's activities.

However, the nine headed snake left, guarding the treasure drug is a blood Python demon tiger, should be enslaved by the nine headed snake here.

Not long after Luo Yu went deep, the blood Python demon tiger came up quietly and attacked Luo Yu's back without making a sound.

Luoyu has no city government?

He is deeper than anyone else.

Luo Yu pretends not to notice, and walks on.


When the blood Python demon tiger lurks only one foot away from Luoyu, it suddenly launches a fierce fight.

Outside, the people who were watching suddenly heard the roar, and they couldn't help showing their faces.

Although they couldn't see the scene in the fog, they could hear the fierce beast's full lock on the prey from the roar, and the fierce animal was excited to kill.

"It's over."

Gu Rende's heart sank.

"Brother Luo Yu..." Gu Xiaoman's big eyes were filled with water mist, and he was very uncomfortable.

She is very self reproach, early know just now she should be unreasonable to stop Luo Yu, so Luo Yu will not die in vain.

In the fog.

At the moment when the blood boa demon tiger came up, Luo Yu didn't die on the spot as those outside imagined.

Blood boa demon tiger is cruel!

Luo Yu is more cruel!


At the moment when the monster came up, Luo Yu waved his backhand, and the Ziyang immortal sword, which he held in his hand, chopped off the head of the blood Python demon tiger.

Looking at the blood Python demon tiger on the ground, Luo Yu shook his head and joked: "in this fog, you are like a fish in water. I'm afraid even King Xiaowu will be killed by you, but it's a pity that you met me today."

With no pity, Luo Yu digs out the blood Python demon tiger inner elixir, and then quickly walks to the bottom of the mountain depression. Sure enough, among the strange rocks, he finds a beautiful Ganoderma Lucidum with only three flesh leaves, but with auspicious breath.

"Sanbao Ganoderma lucidum!"

Luo Yu looks happy. It's really a treasure medicine, and it's just right. The treasure medicine is mature.

A few days later, Hydra will come back and take it away.

However, the hydra is also cunning, even under the Ganoderma lucidum, hiding a slender snake like wool.

When Luo Yu reached for it, the snake flew out and bit him.


Luo Yu quickly offered up an immortal spirit, ignited an immortal fire on his hand, and burned the little snake to ashes.

That was close!

Although that little snake is thin and long, it is actually a terrible "little poisonous dragon of extreme Yin" in legend. It can poison a great King Wu to death with one bite. Even if the immortal is attacked, he will be half dead.


Out of the fog.

"It's gone." Miao Xiufeng is not smiling.

"Let's go." Miao's main voice.

"If you don't have enough strength, you dare to be a hero. You deserve to die!" The owner of Ren's family spits on the ground. Originally, he expected the boy to take out the precious medicine and make a plot again.

"Brother Luo Yu..." Gu Xiaoman has red eyes and can't bear to leave like this. At least she wants to collect Luo Yu's body for burial. It's not in vain that Luo Yu refined the seven grade pulp washing pill for her.

"That boy now, should have become the belly of the blood Python demon tiger." Gu Kai stood up and joked: "let's withdraw, reorganize our strength, and then try to find a way."

"Alas ~" Gu Rende shook his head and sighed, just about to turn around.

"Who speaks ill of me behind my back? I've become a tiger."

Luo Yu came from the fog with a smile.

"Brother Luo Yu!" Gu Xiaoman was very surprised.

"Master Luo!" Gu Rende was so excited that he let it slip.

The Miao family and Ren family on both sides of the people, horrified, but also look at each other, eyes flashing up.

After the atmosphere solidified for a moment, the owner of Ren family took the lead in speaking and said with a smile: "Congratulations! congratulations! Congratulations to Mr. Luo for picking the precious medicine for us. Don't worry, Mr. Luo. We will never treat you badly. "

"Bring me the precious medicine. You have finished your task."

The silent master of the Miao family reaches out to Luo Yu coldly.

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