After the dinner, in the tea room next door, famous mustard fragrance, a table of two chairs, leaving only two beauties alone time.

"A while ago, someone secretly took a picture of him having a tryst with a mysterious rich woman. That mysterious rich man is Ming, isn't he?"

Qiao Xiangxue has a light smile, long eyelashes and bright eyes, like an elf in the world of ice and snow, playing with her hair in a boring way.

"You like him?"

Ming Yi is as cold as dust. His dark eyes seem to see through everything and stare at the rich lady.

Before Qiao xiang refused to let people go, and she did so much for Luo Yu, she guessed that the cold beauty might have moved her heart.

She has heard how difficult Miss Qiao is, but even a generation of enchantresses, or even Fairies in the sky, Ming Yihan believes that when she meets Luo Yu, her heart will spring.

"I think you like him, don't you?"

Without the presence of outsiders, two beautiful CEOs, full of gunpowder, Qiao Xiangxue ridiculed each other without showing weakness.

Ming Yihan started his career much earlier than her. She had heard many rumors about this woman.

The immortal goddess, the cool fairy and the queen of business are all familiar titles.

It's hard for her to believe that such a winner in life, a woman at the top of the pyramid, would fall in love with a boy who is at least ten years younger than herself.

But the woman's intuition is very accurate. Judging from Ming Yihan's attitude towards Luo Yu tonight, this woman is obviously coming for Luo Yu, just like sun Rongrong is coming for Hao Jian.

"You think too much, or you think too simply."

Ming Yihan laughs playfully, then sighs faintly, "I'm not so ambitious. I just hope to serve him and follow him all the way."

"Serve? Follow? " Qiao Xiangxue's beautiful eyes were wide open, inconceivable, "sister, are you exaggerating?"

"Ha ha, when you understand what kind of existence he is, you won't think my words tonight are ridiculous." Ming Yihan doesn't explain. He seems to be treating a little girl who doesn't understand.

"What do you think?"

Qiao xiang gave a white look. It is reasonable to say that she should be happy when others praise her husband, but to this extent, it makes her feel empty and boring.

"I can only describe him in one sentence." Ming Yihan is always serious.

"What's that?"

"The stranger is like jade, and you are the only one in the world!"

"This..." Qiao Xiangxue is dumb, this evaluation, also no one, said as if someone is the best in the world, incomparable.

But she could see that this woman was not joking at all. On the contrary, she looked forward to something.

Although very speechless, but for this attitude, Qiao Xiangxue is still very alert.

Before, she hesitated to announce her relationship with Luo Yu at the banquet, but she didn't have a chance. Now she stood up and said coldly, "Mr. Ming, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. No matter what you think of him, there's one thing you need to understand. He and I are... Married!"

"What? Married? "

Ming Yihan is surprised, because she just started, and at the same time, she is afraid to make Luo Yu unhappy. Her people have not found this step.

"Yes, we've got a license to get married. Otherwise, why do you think I want to fight the whole company for him?"

Qiao Xiangxue lightly admits that it doesn't matter to her whether she can grow old with Luo Yu, whether she can establish a real relationship one day. Besides, at least now, this man is her Qiao Xiangxue's husband.

Not to mention that her identity is not inferior to that of Ming Yihan, she will never shrink back.

"I see..."

Ming according to cold dull for a long time, beautiful eyes, difficult to hide the emergence of a gloomy.

Qiao Xiangxue thought that she would retreat in the face of difficulties and died of this heart.

I didn't expect that——

"Cluck! It doesn't matter, my little beauty. Cherish the matchless marriage God has given you. I have plenty of time to wait. "

Then he got up and walked away.

Qiao Xiangxue was in the same place, unable to speak for a long time.

What does this woman mean?

It's all up to her. Does she want to fight with herself?

But I don't know that there is something in other people's words.

Ming Yihan certainly has time to wait.

Ming Yihan is a goblin. It's not difficult to live for thousands of years after repairing the wound.

What about her, Qiao Xiangxue?

In Ming Yihan's eyes, a hundred years later, there is only a pile of loess solitary graves.

At that time, it was not too late for Ming Yihan to start again.


On the way home.

"Hey, what's the relationship between you and Mr. Ming?"

Qiao Xiangxue is out of her mind. She drives in the middle of the night and doesn't pay much attention.

"Help me." The cold beauty did well tonight. It's rare that Luo Yu is willing to tell her something.

"Help me? So exaggerated? It's no wonder... "Qiao Xiangxue's beautiful eyes flashed," how do you say that people are going to make a promise now? "

She is secretly observing Luo Yu's Micro expression.

If Luo Yu refuses and says that she will only love her, she will be bored because it is too fake.

After all, although Ming Yihan was at least ten years older than them, he couldn't see his face aging at all. On the contrary, he had that kind of strange beauty that looked like an old goblin. Which man is not good at it?

But if Luo Yu says she's attracted and declares that she's only married for her mother's company, she won't be happy.

However, Luo Yu's words are always unexpected.

"It's not surprising that women who want to make a pledge to me are all over the sky, the earth and the sea." Luo Yu is very calm to tell her the truth.

"Do you dare to narcissize yourself a little more, you fellow?" Qiao Xiangxue's wheezing teeth.

It's strange that she believes in!


When they got home late at night, they found that Lin Huixin was still sitting on the sofa, stunned.

"Mom, why don't you go back to bed?"

Qiao Xiangxue comes here to care. She is very busy and neglects to take care of her mother.

"Your dad, he's not back yet." Lin Huixin's face was haggard, her bags under her eyes were swollen, and her eyebrows were sad, as if she had just cried.

"My father is also really, so late still running outside, also did not call home?" Qiao Xiangxue is distressed and comforts her mother.

"He won't come back."

Luo Yu light reminder.

"How do you know?" Qiao Xiangxue is strange.

"Yu'er, do you know something? Tell me quickly!" Lin Huixin finally has a reaction and looks at Luo Yu with a slight tremor.

Luo Yu knows what this woman is afraid of, but her mother-in-law can't accept some words.

"Say it Qiao Xiangxue is in a hurry. In front of others, she can be indifferent to everything, but her family has always been her weakness.

"He let a goblin catch his soul." Luo Yu thinks about it and tells the truth.

"Wuwuwuwu..." Lin Huixin began to cry bitterly. Some things, as a pillow person, she had already found out.

Although her husband is rich and powerful, he can still be loyal to her. Many bad women want to hook up with her, but they don't succeed.

But recently, Joe went out early and came back late. He often didn't go home at night. He also had the smell of other women.

Lin Huixin felt that it must be after the death of the old man that the nature of Lord Qiao was revealed.

To this end, she has been hiding from the younger generation, a person silently bear, see her husband go home less and less, finally a little unable to support.

"Mom, don't be sad. There may be something hidden in this matter. Let's make the problem clear before we do it."

As soon as the mother cries, Qiao Xiangxue is also sad. The mother and daughter are very sad in front of Luo Yu.

After returning to the house, Luo Yu just wanted to close the door. A white jade hand came in.

Luo Yu lets Xiao Leng's wife in.

"Are you sure about that?" Qiao Xiangxue comes to find Luo Yu resentfully.

Only this time, she was not angry with Luo Yu, but her father.

"Don't you already have the answer in your heart?" Luo Yu laughs, "I guess you want to say next, men all have one virtue."

Qiao Xiangxue blushed and said, "aren't you?"

Luo Yu is too lazy to bother with her.

"I want to find a private detective to find out my father's recent whereabouts. You can give me advice."

Qiao Xiangxue sat on the sofa with a serious face.

She and her mother understand the goblin, is a bad woman, did not think too much.

When this happens, she is not in charge of her mother. Who is in charge of her mother?

"I don't want to talk to you in vain. What's your father like? You don't know. Can you catch him?" Luo Yu expressed his opposition.

"What do you think my dad is... Something?" Qiao Xiangxue is not angry.

"It's a sly old fox." Luo Yu's comments once again make Qiao Xiangxue blush. Yes, people from outside say that his father is an old fox and his city is unfathomable.

"Does this make mother cry all day long..." Qiao Xiangxue is very distressed. She actually knows that she can't fight her father.

Luo Yu looked at her for a moment and said quietly, "I'll come."

Qiao Xiangxue was surprised, "can you make my father go astray?"

A chill flashed in Luo Yu's eyes. "I can make the old fox completely break his mind."

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