Late at night, Luo Yu went home and went into the house. He found that little cold beauty was lying on the sofa and fell asleep.

Previously, Qiao Xiangxue had gone back to her sister's room, but she tossed and turned, and the more she thought about it, the more wrong it was. For fear that Luo Yu might do something stupid, she ran to discuss it again.

But at that time, Luo Yu had already gone out.

Qiao Xiangxue is in deep sleep. She has a beautiful white face, with long eyelashes and even breath. She is very beautiful.

Luo Yu is dumb. His little cold wife's quiet appearance is not inferior to the quiet and cold fairy in Guanghan Moon Palace.

It's just that it's too headstrong.

Luo Yu came forward and quietly picked up the cold beauty, put it on the bed and covered it with a quilt.


Wake up in the morning, Qiao Xiangxue found himself lying in his big bed.

It was normal.

But now, the room has been taken by someone.

So she looked at her clothes in a panic and found that they were in good condition. She was relieved and looked around again. There was no one in the room.

When she came downstairs and saw her mother preparing breakfast, she asked, "Mom, where is he?"

"Yu'er is outside with Meng Meng teasing the cat." Lin Huixin looked at the yard.

"I'm really at leisure."

Qiao Xiangxue put on her coat and came to the yard. She found that her sister was teasing the cat, and someone was just reading quietly there.

There was a bird with gorgeous feathers beside him, which was very conspicuous.

Qiao Xiangxue came over and said, "Hey, did you take me to bed last night?"

There Qiao Yumeng smell speech, big eyes immediately black Liuliu of see come over, very excited appearance.

Qiao Xiangxue is speechless, and Nizi's reaction is just like that in the costume drama that Nizi is chasing, the man and woman finally get married.

Nothing happened last night, OK?

Luo Yu nodded gently and said nothing.

"Then you went out last night..." Qiao Xiangxue tried carefully.

"It's settled." Luo Yu told her.

Qiao Xiangxue is surprised. Is it true or not?

At noon, I saw that my father, who had been away from home for many days, came back.

Qiao Xiangxue and her mother are overjoyed. Qiao Xiangxue looks at Luo Yu with a strange look again. How can this guy solve this problem?

But I don't know why, father's face is not very good, or worse, and no one cares.

Intuition tells Qiao Xiangxue that Luo Yu must have had a very unpleasant conflict with his father in the process of solving this matter.

But this matter, she stands Luo Yu's side, because the first thing is that dad did wrong.

While Luo Yu was watching TV in the living room, she made a pot of Tie Guanyin and put it down.

"My father is also a reasonable person. He is just confused now. After a while, he will understand your good intentions."

Qiao Xiangxue seldom uses the tone of her family to pacify Luo Yu and say these words.

Luo Yu looks at her and plays with her: "I'm afraid he hates me to death now. He wants to buy a killer to kill me!"

Qiao Xiangxue was surprised. Is it so serious?

She quickly took Luo Yu's hand and said seriously, "don't worry, I won't allow him to mess around!"

Then he got up and ran to warn his father.

Luo Yu clasped her white wrist with his backhand, pulled it back and said with a smile, "don't worry about it. It's none of your business. He can't help me."

Qiao Xiangxue was stunned.

For the first time, she felt that someone's courage and courage were so powerful!

She has to admit that this guy is a man now!

But he said that Qiao Tianbo's face was gloomy and terrible when he came back to his room. His wife knocked on the door and didn't say a word.

That's right. He hated Luo Yu so much about it.

No matter what Lan Lan is, Luo Yu does not pay attention to his father-in-law without his permission.

Now that Lan Lan is dead, Qiao Tianbo is angry at the loss of his beloved.

"Son of a bitch, you forced me to do this!"

Qiao Tianbo's face is cold. He decides to give a tooth for a tooth and let Luo Yu pay for his impulse.

For this reason, he made an appointment with Mr. Fu Zhijie and met him in the afternoon.


In the afternoon, the island bank coffee shop.

"Mr. Joe, do you really want to start that filing?"

A middle-aged man, dressed in a suit and shoes, with a short inch of head, wearing gold rimmed glasses and the appearance of a well-off scholar, sat opposite Qiao Tianbo and consulted seriously.

This is Fu Zhijie, the chief counsel of the Qiao family and the gold medal lawyer of tiebaogong.

Fu Zhijie is famous in the industry. He is good at dealing with family property disputes and financial cases. He has always been the consultant of Qiao's family and is highly valued by Mr. Qiao.

In the matter of marrying Qiao Xiangxue to Luo Yu and making that strange will, in fact, Mr. Qiao left a special record for the Qiao family.

But the condition for starting that record is that the contradiction between Qiao's family and Luo Yu is too serious to be reconciled.

Now Qiao Tianbo, hiding from his wife and two daughters, wants to start the filing by force. It is clear that he wants to follow the rhythm of Luo Yu.

"That boy is arrogant, savage and hard to tame. If he continues to make trouble like this, the Qiao family will be finished sooner or later!"

In front of the trusteeship lawyer, Qiao Tianbo certainly won't say that it was because he kept a goblin outside that led to the conflict, but resentfully emphasized Luo Yu's various faults.

"Well, since Mr. Qiao insists on this, I, as an agent, agree to start the filing!"

After the death of the old man, Mr. Qiao and the young lady both went to themselves several times to ask for the strategy to untie the will. But this time, lawyer Fu Zhijie felt that Mr. Qiao was really angry.

Later, he took Mr. Qiao to the world bank treasury in the city.

There are the world's top protective measures. There are many private safes in it. The special record of the old man is hidden here.

Before opening, no one knows what the old man left behind.

Fu Zhijie doesn't know. He's just an agent.

After a procedure, Fu Zhijie will take out a password box, handed over to Qiao Tianbo hand.

Qiao Tianbo can't wait to open it, only to find that there is a map and a note inside.

A place in the city was circled with a pen on the map.

The note said: as a last resort, go to this expert! Remember, only one person can go!

Fu Zhijie doubts.

Old fox also doubts, the answer is still not revealed.

Bid farewell to the lawyer, Qiao Tianbo sent his bodyguards and drivers away and drove alone to the coordinates circled on the map.

Soon, he found the location.

It turns out that this is an old community. On the floor, there are already notices and approvals for forced demolition.

According to the meaning of the old man, Qiao Tianbo entered the community, climbed to the sixth floor in a building without elevator, and knocked on the door of a family.

What opened the door was a frightening looking mother-in-law, much like the classic old woman in the movie "the road of yin and Yang", who scared Qiao Tianbo.

"To whom?" The old woman's voice is hoarse across the security fence.

"I'm Qiao Tiandong's son." Qiao Tianbo reported his origin.

"Ha ha, come in." The old woman grinned and opened the door to let him in.

Entering the room, Qiao Tianbo immediately felt cold all over, gloomy around, and didn't turn on the lights. Moreover, there were many special accessories for witches in the room.

"Granny, what kind of business do you do here?" Qiao Tianbo frowned.

"Hey, hey, you come to me, you don't know what business I do." The old woman gave a strange smile, rolled her eyes, and said, "don't come near the stranger, the dead rest in peace, and they are strangers to Yin and Yang. Just ask for a talk. Don't worry, your old man left a back hand. I should be able to invite him up smoothly."

"Come up, please!" Qiao Tianbo's face turned white when he was struck by lightning.

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