In a hurry, the Qiao family didn't have time to invite all kinds of luxury guests.

After discussing with Luo Yu, I plan to simplify everything this year. As for the guests, I only invite the relatives who are closer to Qiao's family.

"Yu'er, I'm sorry for this, but you can rest assured that the family will hold a lively birthday dinner for you next year, inviting guests from all walks of life."

Lin Hui Xin is very self reproach, in the eyes of wealthy wife, birthday do not do a hundred and eighty table, will feel embarrassed.

In fact, it's luxurious and lively enough.

You know, Luo Yu was born with a cold temperament. He grew up without any friends. In previous years, his mother Luo Meng celebrated his birthday alone.

"Mom, you ordered the Hilton Hotel. Our annual meeting is not so extravagant."

Qiao Xiangxue also feels extravagant and always unhappy, because part of her money is spent here.

"Brother in law, guess what they will give you tonight?"

Qiao Yumeng is quite noisy. She hasn't made any money. She doesn't know how hard it is to make money. She's responsible for 70% of the nearly one million expenses tonight. Now she's mysteriously preparing a mysterious gift for Luo Yu and selling it.

"It's not a cat, is it?"

Luo Yu joked.

"Keep it a secret. I'll surprise you in the evening." Qiao Yumeng is complacent and seems to expect that her brother-in-law will like the gift.


In the evening, the family sat in Rolls Royce and went to the Hilton Hotel.

Relatives show up early, but when they get to the hotel, they see only dozens of people coming. Qiao Tianbo doesn't look good, and Lin Huixin is a little annoyed.

She invited more than 100 relatives and friends, but not half of them were present, and half of them were junior members of her family.

These guys, it's a shame of power.

Qiao's assets have been frozen by the court. The specific reason has always been a mystery to the outside world, so there are different opinions.

These people must think that there is a big loophole in the Qiao family's economy, and there is no glory in the past.

Another reason is that after the assets were frozen, her husband raised money everywhere in order to maintain the expenses of the family. Now some relatives with a little property are afraid that her husband will borrow money again for the birthday party tonight, so they stay away.

Even the present people, bring the gift, also quite casually, thin excessively.

"I wish you happiness and longevity, aunt."

Others didn't know who was celebrating their birthday. They made an Oolong scene. It can be seen that they didn't take it seriously.

"Well, on a festive day, don't worry too much, just greet the guests."

Qiao Tianbo knows it very well. He has no face at the moment. Besides pretending to be confused, there is no better way.

Lin Huixin inhaled deeply, which forced her anger down.

She gathered all the people together and said with a kind smile, "everyone, let me introduce you. This is Xiang Xue's new husband. His name is Luo Yu."

Because the old man arranged for Qiao Xiangxue to marry Luo Yu, he did it very well. Even in Qiao's family, many people still don't know about it.

So, a funny scene appeared.

"What? Is cousin Xiangxue married? "

A dignified young man came in a white suit with a look of shock.

His name is Li Chen. He is Qiao Xiangxue's distant cousin. His family is engaged in Haikou trade and has assets of several hundred million.

He dressed up very fancy tonight. His hair was waxed, and there was a flower on his white suit chest. I didn't know that he thought he was coming for a blind date.

But people who know Li Chen well know that this guy loves to be in the limelight and wants to shine wherever he goes.

"Xiangxue got married. Why didn't the family inform us of such a big matter? Did they treat us as outsiders?"

A middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit, a bit literate and scholarly, had an unpleasant query on his face.

His name is Qiao Sheng. He is in the jade and jewelry business. In Myanmar, he has his own mine shares. It is conservatively estimated that his family property is less than one billion yuan.

Looking back to three generations, Qiao Sheng's ancestors are also his family. Even now, Qiao Sheng considers himself a member of the Qiao family, and he is five years older than Lord Qiao.

In the past, when the old man was alive, he didn't dare to make a show in front of his family. Now that the old man is dead, the Qiao family has suffered a major change. The old man is a little pretentious, questioning Qiao Tianbo and Lin Huixin in the tone of an elder.

"Don't blame me, cousin. It was arranged by my father before he died. We can't help ourselves."

Qiao Tianbo is very upset, but he borrowed millions from Qiao Sheng a while ago, and now he can only swallow his anger.

A group of elders are curious about who the eldest lady of the family married. After Lin Huixin's introduction, they all look at Luo Yu carefully, but they are still restrained.

The younger generation, especially the group of children who are still in school, are more noisy.

As soon as they heard that the apple of the family was married, they began to examine Luo Yu with all kinds of strange eyes.

"His name is Luo Yu. I haven't heard of any aristocratic family before." Some people are thoughtful.

"Maybe the son of a big man in officialdom."

"Well, where is your father? Can you tell me that my father is the director of Jianghuai municipal government office, maybe I know your father. "

A girl in a pink shaggy skirt, all over the brand, smiles and inquires. That looks like she wants to win over her father.

"It's not necessarily the second generation of officials. It may also be talents in scientific research and finance."

"Which university did you graduate from? What's your proud experience in the past? I'd like to share with you. I'm Jiang ye, who just spent a few years in the University of Chicago and got two doctorates by chance. Recently, I'm going to work as an intern in a multinational pharmaceutical company. Please take care of me."

A returnee Junlang, who has just obtained a double doctorate from the University of Chicago, seems to be friendly and wants to meet him.

These people's family background is not ordinary, the worst, there are tens of millions of people in the family.

They surround Luo Yu, like checking his household registration. You can say a word to me, but inside and outside of the words, they can't do without Luo Yu's family background, education and background.

"Why? Why don't you talk? " The girl in the pink puffy skirt is suspicious.

"I'm pretty handsome, but I'm dumb."

Luo Yu didn't respond for a long time, so a little girl began to be naughty. She teased Luo Yu for being dumb and forced him to speak.

Qiao Xiangxue helped her forehead beside her, feeling helpless.

This is the most worrying and embarrassing scene for her.

She knew that the top priority of those guys together was to care about Luo Yu.

But in these aspects, no one can do anything.

Tonight, just a small group of relatives and friends came to talk about the topic every minute. She couldn't imagine how much saliva someone would be drowned if they invited guests according to the Qiao family's heyday.

However, she thought that Luo Yu would be embarrassed and would not be able to get off the stage.

In Luo Yu's eyes, the fame and wealth pursued by these curfew are like children's passing through the house, which is not worth mentioning.

"My family's yu'er is just an ordinary person. Don't make fun of him. Come on, let's all take part."

Lin Huixin responds to everyone's questions with a smile. Her mother-in-law doesn't care much about these things, or she just cared about them before. Now that the couple are married, she only hopes that they can live a good life, and the rest is not important.

But others don't think so.

She a "ordinary people" honest answer, immediately let the surrounding relatives and friends to see Luo Yu's eager eyes, cooling dozens of degrees.

"It's just an ordinary boy." Some elders secretly shake their heads.

"Is the old man crazy to marry the apple of his family to a mediocre man?" Li Chen turned around to look for his seat, and make complaints about it.

"It seems that there is only one body left in the family. In the past, how many young ladies who the prince could not wait to break the threshold were offered to a hairy boy at the price of cabbage. What a misfortune for the family!"

Qiao Sheng's eyes narrowed when he sat down. He was very disappointed with the Zong family. He had made up his mind. Later, he would borrow money from him, but he would have to excuse himself. Otherwise, when the empty shell of Qiao's family broke up, who would he cry for?

Most of the relatives and friends, the same idea, do not say, but feel very sorry to come tonight.

Some people are still thinking about how to get rid of it if Mr. Qiao asks to borrow money later.

"Sister, don't you? Even if there is something wrong with the family business, you don't need to be wronged to a useless man on your terms, do you? I know the son of the vice mayor of Jianghuai city. That oba has always admired you very much. If necessary, I can introduce you two. "

The girl in the shaggy skirt sneaks over, holds Qiao Xiangxue's arm and whispers to her ear.

"Don't make any noise." Qiao Xiangxue gently break away from her, cold white one eye, walked away.

Just as the banquet was about to begin, a gentle looking woman in an autumn and winter coat came in with a gift box.

She didn't carry a bag, and she didn't wear any jewelry. She was very different from those expensive ladies and rich ladies sitting around. She looked uneasy when she came in.

"Lady, who are you looking for?"

Lin Huixin came to say hello. In her impression, she never invited such a woman.

"I'm looking for my son."

Voice just fell, a figure, quickly rushed up from behind her.


Luo Yu cried out.

He said he would not come, but he came.

In the past 20 years, my mother has given me every birthday. No matter how busy I used to be, I never missed my appointment.

Around is to Luo Yu wake up after the mind, at the moment are slightly excited.

Seeing his son, Luo Meng was equally excited, and then said with a angry smile: "smelly boy, I haven't seen you for more than a month. How can you be like a changed person? Here, take this. Happy birthday!"

My child, who has not been seen for a while, is a little strange. He is still so handsome, but he feels colder and more erratic than before.

Such a gap, Luo Meng can not help but feel distressed, she thought that the child is in her mother's side of life is not satisfactory, all day long sad face, made like this.

Lin Huixin was stunned for a moment, and then was overjoyed. She ran over and took her hand. She was very excited. "It's yu'er's mother. It's so nice of you to come. Please come in and sit down."

Lin Huixin's reaction made Luomeng feel at a loss.

However, yiluomeng's experience also immediately realized that this is the wife. She said with an unnatural face: "Hello, Mrs. Qiao. I'm Luo Yu's mother. I happened to pass by. I'll bring something for my child by the way. I'll leave when I put down my things."

Said she will bring Luo Yu's birthday gift on the table, will turn away.

However, as soon as he turned around, his wrist was caught. Looking back, it turned out to be his son.

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