"Qin Tian, what are you sending for?"

Qiao Tianbo frowned and felt that it was strange. He had some friendship with northern desert of Song Dynasty, but he couldn't fight with Qin Tian.

"It's said to celebrate my uncle's birthday." housekeeper.

"To celebrate yu'er's birthday?" Qiao Tianbo was surprised.

The crowd around, erect ears, surprised.

"What, Mr. Qin sent someone to celebrate the birthday of his son-in-law. Did I hear that right?"

"Maybe it's just for the sake of our Lord Joe. It's just a show."

"But I heard that Mr. Qin has always been at odds with Mr. Qiao. How can he be so kind?"

"It's not so bad, but no friendship is true, so it's strange."

These people have a great reaction. Qin Tian has been at the top of the sun in Chenhai in recent years, and his momentum has even surpassed that of Mr. Qiao and Mr. Song.

In officialdom, Qin Tian was supported by the Murong family's prominent background, and could sit up and down with the mayor.

In business, Qin Tian takes everything. He owns nearly half of the top 100 ports and docks in China. There is a saying that you can't transport a box of toys into the country without Mr. Qin's nod.

In the eyes of these people, the power of Lord Qin has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach. Even a county magistrate, Lord Qin may not be taken seriously.

What about Luo Yu? In their eyes, he is a cabbage uncle who has nothing to show off. The family doesn't know what kind of medicine they have taken, so they will take him as their son-in-law. Lord Qin sent someone to visit him, and it should be Lord Qiao. How can he be a nobody?

There are also some people, eyes flashing up.

Qiao Sheng and other elders are a little regretful. In case Luo Yu has anything to do with Lord Qin, it would be unwise for them to secretly exchange generous gifts for meager ones just now.

"Xiao Liu, don't rush back to the shop, repack it and wait outside."

Qiao Sheng pretended to answer the phone and gave the driver a new order.

"Where is my blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty? Turn around and send it back immediately."

"Wife, didn't you take a painting of Kandinsky from abroad two days ago? Send someone to send it. Yes, I know you like that painting. I'll save it first and buy you a more famous one later."

"Daughter, listen to me, go to the Bayi Qianhua high-class watch counter for my father immediately. Choose a man's watch, Rolex or Patek Philippe. In terms of price, at least a million."

At the same time, a lot of masters and wives left.

Some people are very perfunctory when they first prepare gifts, and now they are cramming.

On the other hand, seeing that Luo Yu was indifferent, Qiao Tianbo had to do the main way: "invite the guests in."

"Yes." The housekeeper turned away.

In fact, Luo Yu is not indifferent, but the focus of his concern is on his mother.

He found that his mother, Luo Meng, turned pale and fidgety after hearing the housekeeper's words.

"What's the matter with you, Ma?" Luo Yu is concerned.

"I'm... I'm fine." Luo Meng reluctantly smiles.

"If you don't want to see the man outside, I'll let them go." Luo Yu said seriously.

He doesn't care who it is.

As long as his mother didn't like it, he didn't even want to look at it.

"I'm really OK. I should take care of the guests. Just take care of them."

Luo Meng calms down for a moment, finally calms down and looks at her son shaking his head.

Things have been going on for many years. Now the children have their own family and new life. As a mother, she can't let go.

What's more, just as the housekeeper said, it's just the man sent by that man. It's not the man who showed up in person. She can pretend that nothing happened

Soon the housekeeper brought in the guests.

It was a rough, tall, middle-aged man with a full face and beard. After he came in, he took the initiative to greet him with a smile: "Mr. Joe, you're all right."

Qiao Tianbo nodded faintly: "Gao Hu, it's you."

He knows this man. His name is Gao Hu. He is a capable general under Qin Tian. He often deals with many affairs for Qin Tian. People in the street call him "tiger Lord". Of course, this "Lord" is several heads shorter than the three masters of Chenhai. At most, he can only be regarded as a fierce tiger under the leader.

"This must be the new uncle of the Qiao family. I'm Gao Hu. I'm disrespectful!"

Gao Hu greets Qiao Tianbo. As soon as his eyes turn, he looks at Luo Yu and greets him politely. The tone is like that Luo Yu is famous in his ears and a big man.

This moved the relatives of the Qiao family. Gao Hu is Lord Qin's favorite general. If he could say the word "disrespect", Luo Yu would have been seriously underestimated just now.

However, in the face of the glory reflected by the love generals under the command of Lord Qin, instead of appreciating him, Luo Yu looked cold and said in a cold voice:

"Dare you show up in front of me, do you want to die?"

As soon as the words came out, the audience was stunned.

His wife, father-in-law and mother-in-law's family are also eccentric. It's all right to say that Qiao's family members are not treated by him. The problem is that Gao Hu has nothing to do with Qiao's family. How can he be disgusted?

Gao Hu's eyes contracted.

Immediately, he began to smile again and said helplessly, "why is my uncle so hostile to me? If I remember correctly, it should be the first time we met."

Luo Yu scornfully sweeps: "you know it in your heart. When I free my hand, I'll go to you to settle accounts!"

Gao Hu is not someone else. He is the one who arranged for Liu Qianlin to steal the information of his mother's company, which led to the bankruptcy of his mother's company.

A few days ago, Gao Hu let Liu Qianlin patronize the company of Xiao Leng's wife, and almost let the formula of fairy Yuxiang leak.

Gao Hu's inexplicable back cools, thinking about where he shows his feet? It's impossible!

After calming down, Gao Hu said: "although I don't know why you are hostile to me, I'm here tonight to celebrate your birthday on behalf of Lord Qin. You can despise me, but I hope you don't let him down!"

Anyway, he is also under the command of Lord Qin. In front of so many people, he is threatened by Luo Yu. Naturally, he is very upset.

Luo Yu said in a cold voice, "go away. I'll let you off tonight and deal with you later."


Gao Hu's face is very blue. On behalf of Lord Qin, he came here with great courtesy. He thought he would be honored as a guest of honor by the Qiao family, which made the boy very flattered. As soon as he came in, he got a nose full of ashes.

I miss the tiger master. Since I followed the Qin master, I have wanted wind and rain. How ever have I suffered such cowardice?

"Young frivolous, I do not know heaven and earth, we will see!"

Gao Hu wanted to show his strength and frighten him, but seeing Lord Qiao on the scene, he was afraid of causing a war between the two masters, so he had to drop a cruel word and take people away in a rage.

All of a sudden, the faces of Qiao's relatives were wonderful.

Is there something wrong with his brain?

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