Hearing her boyfriend's self introduction, Luo Huanhuan said with a chuckle: "little Luo Yu, here, he is my sister's temporary boyfriend now. How is he? He's not as handsome as you?"

Wang Xu fiercely covers his chest. Mother, this girlfriend is so upset!

Wang Xu is very cunning, endure chest pain, to his girlfriend, said: "Huanhuan, since we are relatives, why don't we sit opposite?"

Luo Huanhuan has some ideas. She hasn't seen him for many years. She misses little Luo Yu and cares about the latter's situation.

So, Luo Huanhuan toward this side, holding chest Chi smile, "little Luo Yu, also don't invite sister on board to drink a cup of water?"

She noticed that Luoyu's yacht must be nearly 20 meters long, and the layout is very luxurious. Compared with other people, the yacht rented by her boyfriend Wang Xu is a small wreck and meets a big local tyrant.

What is xiaoluoyu doing in Chenhai city now and why is she here? Her cousin is very curious.

Luo Yu Piao an eye Han Lao, latter understanding, immediately command a way: "put over the bridge!"

Two men in black came and put the yacht's telescopic bridge on the opposite deck.

And then Luo Huanhuan several people, in a happy mood came over.

Shen Li looked around at the facilities on the yacht, her eyes shining with envy.

When, her family Bao Xiu can have such strength, has such a private luxury yacht.

Of course, she didn't think it was Luo Yu's boat, and she thought more thoroughly than Luo Huanhuan.

She heard that after the bankruptcy of Luo Yu's small company, both mother and son had some difficulties in life.

So, she guessed that Luo Yu must be working here as a waiter or something.

Poor as it is, there is no possibility between them after all

After Wang Xu got on the boat, he came over, patted Luo Yu on the shoulder and said with a playful smile, "thank you, cousin. You can come back to me if you have something to do. I'm in Chenhai, so I can cover it!"

In fact, he also wanted to say that it would be more intelligent if you could introduce me to that distinguished lady.

Luo Yu glanced at this person and said in a cold voice: "don't mess with me. I'm not familiar with you!"

Luo Yu knows people. One glance is enough.

This man is a clever dandy. He has a smooth tongue and a sly brow.

Wang Xu is very embarrassed. He is very proud. He is a local leopard from a small city. If it wasn't for your cousin, I wouldn't care about you.


All of a sudden, a scream came from the sea. Lin Ying didn't know what she met and was shouting for help.

cry for help?

Wang Xu and Bao Xiu are excited. The noble little mermaid is calling for help. Here comes the chance for the hero to save the beauty. Ha ha!

They rolled up their sleeves and tried to jump into the sea. But the next second, they froze.

"Help! There are sharks! Brother Luo Yu, help me... "


The two men's expressions were so wonderful that they swallowed their saliva and drew back.


Two girls, Luo Huanhuan and Shen Li, have changed their pretty faces.

Then, however, they saw that a man had already jumped into the water.

"Xiao Luoyu, what are you doing? Come up quickly!" Luo Huanhuan was frightened. She saw that the man who fell into the water was a little cousin she had not seen for a long time.

However, Luo Yu didn't seem to hear it. He dived into the water. After a while, he held Lin Ying who had passed out and climbed up the yacht along the ladder laid down by Han and others.

"Is miss two OK?" Mr. Han came to be concerned.

"She's OK. She choked a few mouthfuls and fainted." Luo Yu whispered and put Lin Ying on the deck.

"Xiao Luoyu, are you ok?" Seeing that the old man only cares about the safety of his young lady, Luo Huanhuan is very dissatisfied and comes to care about Luo Yu.

She saw a lot of blood on Luo Yu's hand, and thought that Luo Yu was injured. She was deeply distressed.

Luo Yu was not injured. He used to wash his hands in the sink, and then his hands were clean.

Obviously, it's shark blood.

That shark is not small, and very abnormal, actually know how to swim along the bottom of the sea, avoid the yacht warning sonar, sneak attack Linying girl.

Luo Yu looked up at a refitted freighter in the distance, his eyes cold. At this time, the freighter was coming.

At the moment when Luo Yu lost his voice, he was suddenly kissed by Xiang lips.

It turned out to be Luo Huanhuan. When she saw that Luo Yu was safe and sound, she was excited, just like kissing Luo Yu's face when she was a child. Then she hugged the whole person tightly, as if to suffocate Luo Yu to death on her proud chest. She also scolded angrily

"You stupid boy, what hero do you want to be? If you have a problem, how can I tell Aunt Meng that he's ok..."

Luo Yu is so hugged by her that he can't laugh or cry.

On one side, Wang Xu's eyes are almost protruding, his eyes are cracking, and he is jealous!

His girlfriend, his girlfriend ah hey, even he himself has not intimate, the result let a little kid to cut off the beard.

Wang Xu is very upset. Luo Huanhuan is at school and is famous for being cold. When he finally agreed to associate with him, he had to make three rules, saying that every step had to pass her test before it could start.

Wang Xu has been working hard for more than half a year. Now, not to mention the home run, he has not even reached the standard for kissing. For the time being, he can only pull his hands, not to mention holding back.

However, Luo Huanhuan's family background is better than Wang Xu's. He wants Luo Huanhuan to be like Shen Li and stick to Bao Xiu. He thinks about it, but he knows it's a dream!

He knew that the girl had a strong desire for control, but he did not expect that Luo Huanhuan was actually a younger brother!

"This young lady seems to have drowned in the past, do you need artificial respiration..." Bao Xiu is beside. She seems to want to say that if necessary, he is willing to help.

Wang Xu squinted beside him, as if he wanted to say that it's not your turn to have such a good thing, boy. I'm almost here.

However, old Han ignored them and attached himself to Lin Ying's body.

Lin Ying woke up, opened her eyelids and got up. Her first reaction was to fall on Luo Yu and cry: "brother Luo Yu, I knew you would save me. I won't leave me alone. I was scared to death just now. That shark is so big and terrible..."

Han Lao smile jaw head, subconsciously back, improper light bulb.

A few people nearby can't understand it.

Especially Wang Xu and Bao Xiu, their eyes almost stare out.

what? It's not true. This boy really won the heart of the distinguished lady. He was angry and resentful. I knew they should be brave. This boy is not tall and strong. I'm afraid that even the shark that this boy can fight is a good dish!

Luo Yu patted the little girl on the back and looked at the refitted freighter that was coming. He said in a cold voice, "it's for me. You're scared."

Wang Xu forbeared, then came over and said with a smile: "this beautiful and noble lady, just now it was really dangerous, but it was a false alarm."

Lin Ying despised: "I'm not afraid of brother Luoyu protecting me. But you guys, where did you come from? What do you want to do?"

She didn't welcome these guys very much, especially the two men. Just now, they clearly wanted to save the beauty from diving heroes. When they heard that there were sharks, they were scared back. What a shame.

Luo Yu light explained: "this is my cousin Luo Huanhuan, they are my cousin's friends."

Smell speech, Lin Ying's face looks good a lot, the corner of the mouth cocks up a way: "originally is Luo Yu elder brother's cousin and friend, well, that lets you stay for a while."

At this time, Shen Li looked at Luo Yu playfully and joked, "Luo Yu, it's not good for you to hold other people's young lady like this all the time, isn't it?"

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