This huge ship is a little terrifying. According to visual inspection, the captain is more than 400 meters, at least 90 meters above the water, which is equivalent to the height of 30 stories.

At night, it is resplendent, and the live performance from the symphony orchestra can be heard from afar.

"Nice cruise ship!"

"It's a Scorpio."

"It's better to meet than to be famous. It's more spectacular than the documentary film made by the tourism channel."

Many yachts and private ships have been waiting on the waterway for a long time, and many people are awed when they look far away.

At present, the largest yacht in this sea area is only over 30 meters long, and even if it is refitted, it is only 50 or 60 meters long. In front of this big Mac, it is like a small leaf on the sea.

If the Scorpio sails at full power, the waves will overturn the smallest yachts directly, and the wake vortex will be Gao Hu's modified cargo ships, which are dangerous to sink in.

At this time, Scorpio has arrived, finally turned off the power, dropped the anchor, and stopped quietly on the water.

The searchlights are on, several escalators are down, and guests are ready to board.

However, because there are too many tourists tonight, the control center of the Scorpio issued a broadcast, asking these yachts and private boats to line up and go on board in batches.

Wang Xu several people, scrambled the first batch to board the cruise ship.

"What a spectacle

Shen Li followed nervously, walking on the red carpet laid on the deck of the giant ship. She worked very hard. There is a plateau lake in Yajiang city. The cruise ship she used to take, which is three or four stories and more than ten meters long, can't compare with this.

Tonight, for the first time in her life, she boarded this world-famous super luxury cruise ship, and her vanity was greatly satisfied.

It's like Cinderella on the Titanic.

"Brother Wang, it seems that this ship is much bigger than Titanic, isn't it?"

Bao Xiu is submissive in the back to ask for advice. The boarding fee of Scorpio this time is several thousand yuan per person. Wang Xu pays all the bills, and it is said that the quota is not easy to get.

"That's natural. In those days, the displacement of Titanic was less than 50000 tons, and the captain was 269 meters, which was not the same order of magnitude as the giant ship under our feet."

Wang Xu showed off his family background with a proud face.

"Scorpio is 412 meters long, with a huge displacement of 170000 tons. It can accommodate 7000 tourists at the same time. It's one of the best in the world today. I heard that Scorpio is going to transit, and the rich people in China are flocking to it. I spent a lot of effort to get these places."

"If we don't have brother Wang to take us to play, I'm afraid we won't be able to come either." Bao Xiu and his girlfriend Shen Li quickly agreed with each other with a smile.

"Titanic is a masterpiece of the last century. It was a miracle at that time, OK?"

Looking at her boyfriend's face, Luo Huanhuan corrects her anger. Titanic is the dream ship in many people's hearts. The romantic love between Jack and Ruth is the youth memory of a generation. And this Scorpio is more like a golden cave under the guise of a cruise ship, a crime paradise outside the law.

"Ha ha."

Being buried by his girlfriend, Wang Xu was a little embarrassed. A new group of people got on the boat in the corner of his eyes. He immediately said with a smile, "when the people we are waiting for arrive, come with me."

At this time, in the second group of people who boarded the cruise ship, there was a tall, muscular young man.

"Brother Ming, over here!"

As soon as Wang Xu saw this man, he swept the gesture of flattery in front of Bao Xiu and Shen Li, put on a flattering smile and welcomed him.

"Wang Xu, you are here. I thought you stood me up."

Brother Ming is tall and sees far away. His eyes pass through the crowd and immediately lock on Wang Xu. He laughs and scolds.

"Wang Xu, who is this man?"

Seeing that brother Ming's posture was very high, Luo Huanhuan couldn't help asking.

"Let me introduce you. This is my brother Ming Yong, a boxing star who is known as the little champion of Asia. That's him."

Wang Xu first introduced each other to the three people around him with adoration, and then took turns to Luo Huanhuan and said with a smile:

"Brother Ming, this is his girlfriend Luo Huanhuan, that guy is my iron brother Bao Xiu, and the one next to him is his girlfriend Shen Li."

As soon as Wang Xu introduced him, Luo Huanhuan said, "little champion of Asia? Is it true or not? "

Wang Xu face a su: "Huanhuan, my brother Ming is a real lightweight professional boxer, you don't have to doubt that."

Then he looked at each other expectantly: "brother Ming, is it OK to go to Las Vegas this time?"

Ming Yong casually said, "it's OK, but the opponents are relatively strong, especially the black boxers who have been famous for many years. They really didn't build it, so I only got the third place."

Hearing this, not only Wang Xu was awed, but Bao Xiu and Shen Li were also enthusiastic.

"Brother Ming is so powerful that he can go to Las Vegas to fight and get such a high ranking!" Shen Li Mei's eyes were full of surprise and worship.

Although she is a girl, she also knows that the yellow people have always been the disadvantaged group in the world boxing arena, while the white and black people dominate that stage for a long time.

This Mingo, who was able to go abroad and compete on the super boxing stage in Las Vegas, also won the third place. It's no exaggeration to be the little champion of Asia.

"Brother Ming is too good. Can you cover me later?"

Bao Xiu is also very excited. The second generation of the third rate and little rich like him has always tried to curry favor with the powerful people.


Mingyong casually copes with it, but he can't hide his arrogance. In fact, he didn't make it clear to these guys that what he participated in in in Las Vegas was only a peripheral lightweight competition, with average influence in the local area, and the highest prize was only $500000.

Here are Wang Xu, Bao Xiu and Shen Li. Mingyong finds a strong sense of satisfaction from his triumphant return. However, he soon finds out that the most beautiful and the best figure here has a cold and arrogant face and is not very interested in him.

In fact, after coming aboard, Mingyong secretly observed the two female companions brought by Wang Xu and Bao Xiu. Although he said that his friend's wife should not be cheated, Mingyong didn't treat Wang Xu and Bao Xiu as serious friends. In his eyes, he was the object of two guys' flattery, and his girlfriend had to offer them for fun when necessary.

At first, he was a little interested in Shen Li, and the girl was also full of admiration for him. It should be easy to get hold of him, but then he suddenly found out that Wang Xu's girlfriend was more excellent and more suitable for him.

"This beauty, do you still believe in my ranking in the competition? But I didn't bring my certificate tonight. How about showing it to you another day?"

After the idea, Mingyong intentionally or unintentionally chat up with Luo Huanhuan.

"No, just be happy."

Luo Huanhuan did not say yes or no, and was obviously absent-minded. Since boarding the cruise ship, she has been looking around and worried about Luo Yu all night.

Luo Huanhuan gives Mingyong a cold look, but Mingyong is a little upset. At this time, Wang Xu comes up and can't wait to sneer

"Brother Ming, we met a smelly boy during the day. It's not clean up to be a bodyguard for others, or you'd better vent your anger on us!"

This is why Wang Xu is looking forward to seeing Mingyong earlier.

He doesn't like Luo Yu, but because of Luo Huanhuan's face and Luo Yu's role as a bodyguard for Lin Ying, he may have some strength and it's not convenient to do it in person. If brother Ming comes out, it's different.

"Bodyguards? OK, I'll meet him when I have a chance. I hope this boy is not too weak and let me down. I know that Yong always likes to fight against people who think he has strength. "

Mingyong readily agreed. Wang Xu prepared the ticket for him to board the Scorpio this evening. Wang Xu paid for all the expenses of the night. He took people's money and eliminated the disaster for them.

"Come on, let's go in and see what's fun." Wang Xu can't wait to enter the luxury infield of this giant ship.

"You guys, stay with me and don't run around. This big ship is deep in water. If you run into anyone, they are all the big men of some international gang."

Although Mingdao is arrogant, he has seen the world abroad after all. He knows the inside story of the ship. On the way to infield, he vaccinates a few guys in advance. He doesn't want some kids to get into big trouble and wipe their ass again.

"Yes, brother Ming's warning is reasonable."

"If brother Ming doesn't come to this kind of place, we don't dare to go in and play."

"Why hasn't my cousin come yet..."

Just as Wang Xu entered the arena, Lin Ying's yacht arrived late.

"Brother Luo Yu, I'll be with you soon."

"You're going to follow me when you go to the bathroom?"

"Isn't he timid and afraid..."

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