"Brother Luo Yu, after dinner, how about going to the challenge arena with others?"

The cruise ship sailed on the high seas for a day. In the evening of the next day, at dinner time, Lin Ying took the initiative to mention the grand event of this evening.

"Challenge arena battle?"

"Yes, brother Luo Yu, a grand challenge arena will be held here tonight. I've heard from Mr. Han that many world-class experts will come here tonight. All the 12 challenge arenas are likely to be started. It won't be the kind of small fight that happened last night."

Lin Ying patiently explains to Luo Yu.

"Where's old Han?"

Luo Yu noticed that there was no old Han behind Lin Ying. You know, since he got on the boat, old Han was always around the girl.

"Old Han went out to meet a big man of the Han family." Lin Ying said mysteriously, "tell brother Luo Yu secretly that my father is coming tonight. They are going to do something!"

"Ha ha, Miss Lin Er, it's not a business. It's called revenge, revenge!"

As soon as the girl's voice fell, there was a heavy laughter outside the dining room. After listening to the voice, Luo Yu could see that this man was very good.

Then, a middle-aged man, as well as two elderly people, directly pushed the door.

Among them, the middle-aged man and the old man in Tang costume walked in front, while Han carefully followed.

"Father, master Han, you are here."

Lin Ying got up to greet him with a smile, ran to him and took the middle-aged man by the arm.

"Yingying, you should be punished for talking nonsense just now!" The middle-aged man touched the girl's head.

This should be Lin Ying's father, Lin Zhenliang, the second generation boss of the Lin family.

Unlike Lin Hedong, who is impetuous, arrogant and domineering, the greatest feeling Lin Zhenliang gives Luo Yu is that he is calm, resolute and calm. He is full of the masculinity of a martial arts practitioner, and the pride and dignity behind the general are also revealed from his bones.

After Lin Zhenliang came in, although his expression didn't change much, his eyes clearly reflected Luo Yu's shadow.

He's looking at Luo Yu.

However, Luo Yu didn't respond with a sharp edge, or, he didn't care at all. He was still there, leisurely cutting Kobe steak and drinking Raffi.

Lin Ying and Han Lao are not surprised. They are used to Luo Yu's style. Lin Ying even can't wait to bring her father over and introduce them with a smile

"Dad, he's brother Luoyu. Last time about my grandfather, brother Luoyu helped me."

Lin Zhengliang frowned slightly. Last time his daughter and father came to visit Qiao's family in Chenhai, they were abroad, but they also heard about the whole thing.

Back in the imperial capital, the old man was closed. He sent a message to him. If he met this man again, he would treat him with great courtesy. Once Mr. Luo needed something, the Lin family would not hesitate to go to the soup fire.

Lin Zhengliang doesn't understand why the old man in the army's life suddenly attaches so much importance to a young man. Even if he has the extraordinary ability to escape, he is just a quack in today's era. He can't get into the mainstream, let alone rise to the top of the society.

However, these are second to none. He heard from his second younger brother, Lin Hedong, that the old man seemed to want his precious daughter to be close to him. At the same time, Lin Hedong told him that he had joined the Qiao family in Chenhai and married the eldest lady of the Qiao family.

Lin Zhengliang doesn't know what the old man thinks. Anyway, his father can't easily agree to this. He is also in the process of closing the door and not allowing any interference. Otherwise, he would have gone to express his dissatisfaction face to face.

What's more, when I see him, I don't know what's so extraordinary about him. He's arrogant and impertinent. He's a second generation elder of the Lin family, and two young ladies of the Qiao family are present. They all want to shout uncle. He's a redundant son-in-law of the Qiao family. How can he be confident?

With this in mind, Lin Zhengliang's first impression of Luo Yu is getting worse. It's just because of his daughter's face and the boy's help to the Lin family, it's not easy to get angry.

On the other hand, Mr. Han is also introducing Luo Yu to the old man in Tang costume

"Martial uncle, this is master Luo, master Luo Yu, whom I recommend to you in my letter."

"Master? The old man has lived in seclusion in the mountains for decades. He doesn't know the spring and Autumn Period in the world. He seems really old. He doesn't know that the title of master can be picked up by young people and put on his head at will. "

The old man in Tang costume could not bear it for a long time. He stroked his long white beard and sneered.

In the letter, Han's senior general Luo Yu was highly praised and called him a rare man of God.

These words, words and expressions, make their hearts full of injustice.

You know, when he was 13 years old, he served tea and water for his master, swept snow and dusted. He spent his whole life eating wild fruits and drinking morning dew. He was isolated from the world in the mountains and practiced hard for 60 years. Only in this way did he have his later practice. When he entered Taoism three years ago, he was elated, elated and full of tears.

If you want to say that this boy, like a normal child from childhood, goes to school, gets married and gets married, he can still enter the Taoism at the age of only 20. If he doesn't believe it, he won't accept it. Which monk in the world can believe it or serve it?

Old Han knows that it's not easy for his martial uncle to enter the Tao. Seeing that he doubts Luo Yu's ability face to face, old Han is flustered and quickly explains:

"Martial uncle, master Luo is not what you think."

The old man in Tang costume said with a smile, "I heard that you are a Taoist?"

"I'm not."

Luo Yu answers the voice lightly, enters the way? For him, the road is only the starting point. How can he say "entering the road"?

Luo Yu understands people's fanaticism of "entering the Tao" in common practice, but he is really not. He entered the Tao to seek for immortals. The problem is that Luo Yu is already a "Saint" above immortals. If he plays the little trick of entering the Tao again, won't the emperor learn to beg for food from beggars?

Hearing this, the smile in the eyes of the old Tang costume people is even stronger. You still have some self-knowledge. You dare not put on airs in front of the real Taoists.

The old man in Tang costume, seeing through and not saying through, went there with pride, and no longer paid attention to Luo Yu.

Lin Ying can't hide her disappointment. Although Luo Yu has never admitted that he is a Taoist, why hasn't he reached such a high level since he can make his grandfather enter the Tao?

Even Han Lao is a bit decadent. Mr. Han regards Luo Yu as heaven and man. He always thinks that Luo Yu is a Taoist, but it turns out that Luo Yu himself admits that he is not.

"If you're OK, please help yourself. Don't disturb me to eat."

Luo Yu knows what these people are thinking and doesn't want to say more. He just wants them to leave quickly.

"Brother Luo Yu, the challenge arena battle is about to begin." Lin Yingdu's mouth.

"I haven't had enough, you go first." Luo Yu really doesn't plan to get up.

"Ha ha, Yingying, let Mr. Luo continue to enjoy this dinner alone. Follow me and my predecessors and go there first."

Lin Zhenliang grabs his daughter's wrist, some of whom mean to take her away by force.

In Lin Zhenliang's eyes, master Hanzhong just let the boy show his true colors. Or, take this opportunity to let the girl see each other's true colors. Don't be fooled by a fake.

"Miss Lin Er, it's a shame night for me to seek justice for the Lin family and the Han family. There's no need to join in the fun."

Martial uncle Han Zhong shakes his head and smiles. He doesn't care if Luo Yu goes to see if he shows the real powerful means and consummate Taoism.

"Brother Luoyu, let's go first. You must come."

Lin Ying was not happy, but because of her father's face, she had to leave.

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