Master Ge went out. After all, he is a master of imperial Qi. He can't even be afraid of a warrior with one blade. In fact, it's Shibu Liuchuan in the crowd behind Tielong who really scares him, Gao Hu and Han Lao.

This man had come to China to challenge and defeated several guru masters. If they went up to defeat Tielong, they would not give up.

After master Ge came to power, he really made Tielong's face show fear. Now he only managed to master one sword flow. He can deal with those with internal strength or those with general strength. When he meets the master Yuqi, he is definitely not an opponent.

Tielong was a ruthless Desperado when he was able to sell the first team of Zhanlong. He was lucky enough to launch a sneak attack before master Ge came to power!


A cold light.

Another one.

But this time, he got the iron.

Master Ge is also a master of the southern school. At the moment of his sword, he immediately raised a wave of anger!

Iron dragon's samurai sword was carried less than a foot away from his body by master GE's anger, and he could not enter any more.


Master Ge immediately launched a counterattack. As soon as the tiger's body was shocked, he flew out with the iron dragon, man and knife.


Tielong fell to the ground and vomited blood, which was obviously inferior to master Ge.


"Master Ge is so powerful that he can raise the prestige of our country!"

The Chinese tourists burst into applause and cheers.

"Although master Ge is arrogant, he is awesome." Luo Huanhuan also applauded.

Anyway, we are all Chinese.

"He can only show his courage for a moment."

Luo Yu laughs and shakes his head. Master Ge is in the realm of Qi control. He has just started. He claims that the master is a little bit powerful. If he goes to another realm, master Ge can't resist it.

"Master Ge deserves to be the master of Yuqi."

"The so-called Japanese fast sword must kill unique skill is just like this in front of the great master's sincere spirit."

"That boy can't even touch master GE's fur."

Those martial arts practitioners from inland are also clapping their hands. Master Ge is proud of the ancient Chinese martial arts.

However, there are a few white haired martial arts practitioners who are worried.

Although their eyesight can't compare with Luo Yu's, they have witnessed the duels of Liuchuan in the inland of China. They know that master Yuqi's true Qi does crush yidaoliu, but if they meet Japanese master Bushido with two Daoliu, they will be worried.

Unfortunately, at that time, Liuchuan, the clothing department, was standing there.

If there is no accident, next, the service department Liuchuan will definitely play against master Ge.

Master Ge himself knows the horror of this Japanese master of Bushido. After winning the iron dragon, he seems to be in high spirits, but he is holding a cold sweat in his heart.

"Boy, dare to betray our country and seek honor. I represent the Chinese people. I can't leave you!"

After thinking about it, master GE's heart was flat, and he gave tit for tat. While Tielong was injured and fell to the ground, he used a white tiger fist to hammer Tielong to death.

In this way, he was able to fulfill Lin Zhenliang's wish.

Many tourists were surprised. Master Ge, known as a great master, even played sneak attack. However, these people don't know how much psychological pressure Shifu Liuchuan caused to master Ge.


But no one thought that master Ge, who could easily fly Tielong with his strength, could not kill Tielong with his powerful fist.

Because there was a cold light, it lit up from under the stage, and with the terrible knife gas, it cut into the challenge arena across the air, forcing master Ge to retreat in embarrassment.

"Who? Who dares to attack me

Master Ge retreated to the edge of the challenge arena on this side and was shocked.

Many martial arts practitioners around, as well as the big guys on the balcony, are all moved.

Did Shibu Liuchuan finally make a move?

But in a second, everyone froze.

Because the man who pulled out the sword under the stage was not OBU Liuchuan, but the rebellious young warrior beside OBU Liuchuan.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to solemnly introduce you. This is the only disciple I've received. His name is Yoshino OBU!"

At the same time, Fu Liuchuan finally opened his mouth. His lifelong ambition is to conquer the martial arts and Taoism world in China. Therefore, he speaks Chinese with a good model.

After his introduction, without waiting for the crowd to shake their heads, Yoshino Obuchi stepped on his clogs, daddada, and went on stage.

It was like a superstar coming out and enjoying the spotlight all over the world.

As a matter of fact, it's almost certain that he will be famous if he is here tonight.

"Elder martial brother Jiye, it's up to you."

Tielong gets up from the ground, wipes the blood on his mouth, and runs to open the way for Yoshino OBU. The villain's face makes all the Chinese under the stage resentful.

"I challenge you!"

Yoshino Obuchi's Chinese is much worse than his master's, a few words, Leng is shouting out a kind of imperialist Imperial Army's domineering and barbaric.

Master Ge was relieved when he saw that it wasn't Liuchuan himself. At the same time, he couldn't help laughing and saying, "you're the one to challenge my master?"

"Baga road!"

Shifu Yoshino obviously does not have his master's bearing and self-restraint. When Shifu Ge scorns him, he is enraged. His Oriental knife splits at Shifu Ge in the air.

The challenge arena of s heavenly king arena is not small. There are six or seven meters between the two sides. Can he split master Ge in such an empty stroke?

However, it seems that this recalcitrant Japanese warrior, Yoshino OBU, is really not simple. This sword out of thin air, actually cut out the gas of the sword. After master GE's dangerous and dangerous escape, he left a hole in the arena pillar here.

The tourists under the stage take in the cold air.

Originally, I thought master Ge was powerful enough to release air and resist the lightning fast samurai sword. But I didn't expect that this pro disciple of Liuchuan in the Ministry of clothing could use the samurai sword to cut off the terrible destruction of the sword like that in the movie.

Those who were practicing martial arts at the scene were frightened. They knew more about what it meant.

The so-called master of imperial Qi means that he can control the true Qi and integrate it into the attack and defense of moves, which is much stronger than simply playing the internal strength and Qi strength.

There are many different ways to control Qi.

Like master Ge, if you can let the true Qi out and form a gas shield to protect your body, you can only be regarded as the introduction of Yuqi.

If Yu Qi is small, you can pour real Qi into the blade, so that it can form a terrible edge, such as sword Qi and knife Qi.

It was with this skill that Liuchuan of the Ministry of clothing was able to defeat many of the martial arts predecessors in China.

In other words, the double sword flow of the Fu family is at least equivalent to the realm of Yu Qi master Xiao Cheng.

Now his apprentice has cut off his sword Qi to master Ge every other time, which makes people doubt that this Obuchi Yoshino has reached the level of double sword flow.

Sure enough, after demonstrating to master Ge, Yoshino Obuchi licked his mouth with a rebellious face, put his other hand around his waist and slowly drew out another samurai sword.

This makes those who doubt his strength gape.

Originally, these people thought that he had two samurai swords on his waist, but he was just pretending. After all, double swords flow is not the same thing as carrying two swords.

Double blade flow!

The other side even practiced double sword flow!

Master Ge was so scared that he made a surprise move.

"I give up!"

Master Ge confessed. He was a great master of martial arts of the southern school, and he surrendered directly to a Japanese warrior.

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