See, loose Jinglisha Putong knelt down in front of Hu Mei and raised her head. Her eyes were full of tears.

"Are you scared to death?" Hu Mei smiled as if he had killed song Well, Lisa, she won't have any changes in her heart.

Loose Jinglisha was silent for a few seconds and said with a bitter smile, "yes, I'm afraid of death."

"Hehe, look at yourself and help me do things well. I'll let you sit down. Master Jing, even though he was badly hurt by Lin Zichen, as long as I help you, you can still become the first family in the Ying country, but you don't cherish it." Hu Mei said.

Loose Well Lisa shook her head slowly: "Sir, I beg you. Please don't hurt Lin Jun, okay?"

Hearing this, Hu Mei was stunned: "you... You pleaded for Lin Zichen? Hum, did you... Fall in love with him?"

Loose Well Lisa took a deep breath, shook her head and said, "no, Lisa doesn't dare, just..."

"Well, it's no use making such a weak sophistry in front of me, Matsui. Lisa, damn you!"

With that, Hu Mei raised his hand. The Qi in his hand was very strong. If he hit it, it would be loose Well, Lisa will die!

But at this time, Hu Mei suddenly frowned and opened his eyes: "hum, you're lucky!"

With that, Hu Mei jumped up, and his body disappeared in the pine In front of Lisa.

On the other side of the valley, Lin Zichen and Chen Weilong jumped to the bottom of the valley and saw Lin Zichen and song Well Lisa's tears gushed out like a spring, but she didn't seem to want Lin Zichen to see it, so she turned around quickly.

But it's loose Well Lisa also understood that Lin Zichen indirectly saved herself this time. If she didn't feel Lin Zichen coming back, I'm afraid Hu Mei had shot herself now.

Lin Zichen went to the entrance of the mountain and said, "Weilong, you have just broken through the territory of metamorphosis. You still need to consolidate your strength. Find a place to meditate and regulate your breath in the valley."

"Yes, Captain!" At this time, Chen Weilong was flushed and full of energy. After breaking through to molting fan, his strength had reached a new level, and he was in a good mood at the same time.

During this period of time, Shen siyao and Shen siyao were in love with each other, and broke through to tuofan. The most important thing is to follow the captain at this time, which is too smooth for Chen Weilong.

Then Lin Zichen walked into the cave and saw Kaka lying next to his mother Mona. He couldn't help feeling that the mother and son hadn't met since the accident of the purple lion family. Goodbye Kaka is an adult lion and must have endless words.

However, seeing that Mona looked better, Lin Zichen was still more relieved. The two Yangmai pills and sufficient food also made Mona's face angry. It was not like when he saw her the day before, it was almost terminally.

"Kaka, how's Mona?"

Kaka turned his head: "master, my mother is much better. I'm going to hunt some food today."

Lin Zichen smiled: "no, its body should be able to take Chunyang pill now. As long as the pill works, the food supply will be very little."

With that, Lin Zichen took out a pure Yang pill and put it in front of Mona: "Mona, eat it. It should be able to replenish your physical deficiency in recent years."

Mona couldn't help but open her eyes, looked at the pill and said, "this... Really?"

"Don't worry, mom, the master must have a way."

Mona nodded, and immediately her tongue sucked the pill on the ground into her mouth. At the moment of entrance, Chunyang pill had turned into a breath and rushed into her throat. Mona was stunned immediately, and she had never felt this comfortable feeling.

Soon, it felt that its body was washed by a force. All the discomfort disappeared with this force, leaving a new spirit.

"This... Mr. Lin, this pill is really useful."

Lin Zichen smiled: "ha ha, I believe your spirit will not have a problem, but your physical weakness will take some time to recover. Don't worry, with Chunyang pill, even if you don't eat food for a month, your body will recover slowly."

Lin Zichen finished, and touched Mona's pulse to make sure everything was normal.

Kaka said, "Sir, when shall we go to lion roar ridge?"

Lin Zichen pondered for a moment. He knew that the lion roaring ridge mentioned by kaka was the place where the purple lion family was located. In short, it was the palace of the demon world in the depths of Xiangshan mountain. He thought and said, "did Deka meet the mountain wolf yesterday?"

"Yes, a total of four coyotes came and all entered the valley. As soon as they came in, they found something wrong, but Uncle Deka immediately killed them and didn't give them a chance to leave." Kaka road.

Lin Zichen nodded: "well, it seems that the purple lion family has also arranged many mountain wolves to patrol in the mountain. We can be ready to start."

Hearing the speech, Kaka nodded knowingly. His simple appearance completely disappeared, revealing a ferocious expression. For xuannai, it only had hatred. It knew that the time for revenge was coming.

But it didn't notice, but Mona's face was full of anxiety. You know, no mother wanted her child to take risks, but this time... She couldn't seem to stop it.

In the afternoon, Lin Zichen conditioned Chen Weilong's Qi again to ensure that his strength was stable, and immediately announced that he was ready to start Shihao ridge.

Loose Jinglisha said, "Lin Jun, you..."

Halfway, loose Well Lisa swallowed her words again. Lin Zichen said, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing, nothing..." song Well Lisa shook her head.

Lin Zichen frowned slightly. He felt pine in the last two days Well Lisa was not quite right and said, "Lisa, did you not tell me anything?"

"I... Lin Jun, promise me that if you find what you want, you must leave Xiangshan immediately?"

Hearing this, Lin Zichen took a breath, and he obviously felt relieved Well, Lisa is reminding herself of something, or... Advice.

"What happened?"

Loose Jinglisha shook her head hard: "no, don't ask anything. Promise me to leave immediately when you get what you want. Also, don't trust anyone, including me, okay?"

Lin Zichen felt relaxed Well Lisa has some unspeakable difficulties. Maybe even if she asks her, she won't say it. Thinking of this, Lin Zichen nodded: "I promise you."

Because the purple lion Mona is bound by the seal of xuannai, Lin Zichen decides not to take risks and let it stay here first. If xuannai can be solved, then unseal Mona.

After leaving the valley, Deka led the way directly to Shihao ridge.

Shihao ridge is not far away from here. After all, it is in the purple lion territory. Along the way, we occasionally encounter mountain wolves and clouded leopards blocking the way. Lin Zichen and others also solved their opponents at the first time, lowered the movement and tried to avoid startling the snake.

Along the way, Kaka and Lin Zichen talked about the holy flame crystal, which surprised Lin Zichen. Unexpectedly, the monster also has its own magic weapon. The holy flame crystal is obviously a magic weapon.

"This holy flame crystal can resist the fire. Unfortunately, I don't know how strong the flame is..." Lin Zichen said.

"Mom said that the holy flame crystal can be connected into a sea of fire and burn a mountain. If the holy flame passes through, every plant and tree can't survive!" Kaka road.

Lin Zichen couldn't help but take a breath. In fact, his fire lion fire is also very strong. He can burn plants and trees, but a whole mountain... He doesn't have this confidence.

Lin Zichen nodded: "it seems that there are some risks, Weilong!"


"Today, you continue to do long-range. You have just broken through to the world, and the attack is much stronger than before. According to the sniper insight, hide in the valley and be ready to release the true Qi at any time. The most important thing is if someone controls the holy flame crystal and destroy it at the first time!" Lin Zichen said.

"Yes, Captain!" Chen Weilong said.

For more than two hours, Deka pointed to a mountain in front of him and said, "Kaka, Mr. Lin, that's the mountain. You see, there is a lion head shaped boulder on the top of the mountain. Where is the lion roaring mountain."

Lin Zichen looked along the direction. Sure enough, there was a huge stone on the top of a mountain. The shape of the stone was like a lion's head, and the lion's head opened its mouth very ferocious. Although it was not as lifelike as carving, the naturally formed boulder was already rare and vivid.

"At the beginning, the lion king of the purple lion family was named Kaka. When he saw the mountain, he said that it must be the territory of the purple lion family and will become the king among the monsters. Sure enough, soon the purple lion family defeated the red flame saber toothed tiger family, and Kaka became the king of the animals worthy of the name."

Lin Zichen smiled and immediately turned to look at Kaka: "ha ha, today's Kaka will also!"

Kaka took a deep breath and looked at Shihao ridge. He just nodded and didn't say anything, but his heart was complex. He not only hated xuannai, but also had the responsibility to his father, mother and purple lion!

Several people went up the mountain. Lin Zichen lay on a distant rock and looked at Shihao ridge. There was a valley on the hillside of Shihao ridge, which was completely different from other valleys.

This may be the only place with lush grass and trees in purple lion territory. The valley is green with green grass mixed with red, yellow and blue flowers. It looks like a paradise.

"Hehe, the place where the purple lion family lives is really different from other places. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it has been nourished by true Qi for a long time."

Deka nodded: "yes, at first, it was desolate here, but xuannai realized the danger, so he asked the mountain wolf family to pick all the trees and grass in the mountain and transplant them into the valley. After that, he also built a palace for the purple lion family."

"Hehe, it is not as majestic as human palaces, but it is unique in this mountain."

Just then, linzichen noticed a faint purple light in the valley and immediately realized what: "those purple lights are from the purple lion?"

"Yes, Mr. Lin, the valley is indeed the territory of the purple lion family, but the real palace is in the cave in the back valley. Now we only see the front valley."

Lin Zichen frowned slightly, jumped up and rushed into the sky, overlooking the valley. Sure enough, there was another space behind the front valley.

The valley in the back is not as quiet as the valley in the front. More than a dozen purple lions inhabit the valley. They look lazy, but their expressions are incomparably cruel.

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