The woman was wearing a long red dress with no deep V on her chest, but even so, the turbulent Wei'an still squeezed out a round gap, and her two white and tender arms hung around her, tender and delicate.

Looking at the blonde in front of him, Lin Zichen was stunned and immediately smiled. He seemed to understand something in his heart.

"Why? Don't you want me to sit down?" A woman's soft smile.

Sang Tianlei turned his head and looked over. He couldn't help but show a surprised expression: "lying in the slot, Zichen, how can you shoot the best girl anywhere?"

Sang Tianlei shook his head and smacked his mouth. Tut tut Tut, the woman around him was a beautiful woman just now, but compared with this woman, the one next to him was just a pig

"Hehe, sit down and drink?" Lin Zichen said gentlemanly.

The woman approached, with a charming face, put her white jade arm on Lin Zichen, twisted his neck, leaned forward and said, "do you think it's better for me to sit on your leg?"

Lin Zichen coughed hard when he heard the speech. He had to say that he had a natural resistance to Tina. Since Australia, every time this woman charmed, he would swing his heart.

Tina is not pure, but definitely not flirtatious. Her feeling to Lin Zichen is that even at night, as long as she smiles, she is particularly cheerful, as if she is in the sun.

"You... You'd better sit in your seat." Lin Zichen said awkwardly.

Tina seemed to have expected Lin Zichen's reaction. She puffed and said, "you know, Lin, I just like you like this. Sometimes I'm embarrassed. Hehe, do you blush?"

Lin Zichen coughed softly and didn't say anything, but asked the bartender for a glass of wine.

Sang Tianlei said, "man, what does she say? She likes you?"

Lin Zichen gave him a white look: "she said she was not interested in men."

"Sleeping trough? Oh, yes, there are many things in America. They don't like the opposite sex." Sang Tianlei said, moved his chair and kept some distance from Lin Zichen

Tina took a sip of wine, turned her head and looked at Lin Zichen with a smile: "Lin, aren't you going to say anything to me?"

"Hmm? What should I say?" Lin Zichen smiled. In fact, he naturally understood Tina's meaning. At the beginning, although Tina took the bano magic wand from him, the power in the magic wand was Lin Zichen. Frankly, she just took a stick.

However, Lin Zichen naturally can't say it. You know, he sealed the power of the bano staff in advance just to prevent Tina. He knows very well that he was a world-class thief sleeping with her that night.

"Hehe, Lin, you shouldn't ask me this sentence?" With that, Tina approached Lin Zichen and quickly kissed him on the lips.

Lin Zichen looked at Tina and thought that this woman was really not simple. She was obviously questioning herself, but she was still flirting with that coquettish flirtation.

Lin Zichen picked up the glass and took a sip: "what are you trying to say?"

"You know, but... It seems that you don't like this topic. Forget it, talk about something else."

Tina made a helpless expression, immediately slowly picked up the glass, put her red lips on the mouth, and the wine slowly entered her mouth. It seems that every action is full of women's exclusive sexuality and charm.

On one side, sang Tianlei couldn't help swallowing his saliva and immediately moved the chair back.

He whispered, "she kissed you? Then you said she didn't like men?"

Before Lin Zichen spoke, Tina turned her head and smiled. Sang Tianlei was stunned and immediately felt that her body had changed.

"Shit, she looks at me. Zichen, do you see? Your girl looks at me. Does she like me?" Sang Tianlei said incoherently.

Tina smiled, "why don't I like men? It's just... I don't like men other than him."

Then she raised her hand and scraped Lin Zichen's chin with her fingers. The latter immediately shook her body unnaturally, and Tina burst out laughing.

Sang Tianlei understood this sentence. Tina used non-standard Chinese. Although it was poor, she could barely understand it.

"Like you? Zichen, to be honest, do you know each other?" Sang Tianlei said.

"Of course, and... He slept with me long ago." Tina said with a happy face.

Sang Tianlei pointed to Lin Zichen and showed his complaining eyes: "OK, real man, foreign girls are sleeping behind my back. It's OK!"

Lin Zichen gave him a white look and immediately turned to Tina: "what do you want?"

"Me? Hehe, I don't want to do anything. I know there is a hotel next to here. Although it can't compare with the one we stayed in Rio, I think... As long as we are together, it must be very comfortable." Tina smiled intimately.

Lin Zichen smiled: "sorry, I don't have this plan. Tina, why are you here?"

In fact, Lin Zichen also knows why. This time, he came to Xiao Nan and already knows that he is the contact of liemang, and Tina also belongs to liemang. She is not new here.

Tina raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "come and play, and you?"

Lin Zichen smiled: "looking for someone."

"Looking for someone?" Tina said.

"Yes, and... Maybe I need your help."

Tina frowned slightly: "me? Hehe, Lin, who can I help you find?"

"Do you know a man named Carter?" Lin Zichen said, looking at Tina, obviously to see how she would answer.

Tina's reaction was not beyond Lin Zichen's expectation. She made a regretful expression and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, honey, I'm afraid I can't help you. I don't know this person."

Lin Zichen said with a smile, "don't know? Well, have a drink with me."

Just then, the music in the bar suddenly stopped, followed by the sound of broken glass in one direction.

Lin Zichen and sang Tianlei looked over there at the same time. It was where Miller was.

Miller slowly got up and took a few steps forward, and immediately followed several strong men behind him, including Yang Sen who came with Lin Zichen.

In front of him was a young man wearing a hoodie and a knitted hat. He looked no older than twenty.

"Garbage, sell these in my yard? Do you think I don't exist?" Miller came forward and picked up the young man's collar, while shaking a small plastic bag in his hand.

Lin Zichen and sang Tianlei couldn't help looking at each other. They all knew what was in the bag. It should be poison.

Selling these things in Detroit is not new, let alone bars, even in high schools, but Miller certainly won't allow outsiders to make this money in his field. This business belongs to him.

The young man's head has shed a lot of blood. Obviously, the previous sound of glass breaking was his head opened with a wine bottle. At this time, he only lowered his head and didn't dare to say anything. It seems that miller can only deal with it.

For a time, the bar was completely quiet. Everyone looked at Miller and the young man. At this time, a young girl rushed over, pushed away others and hugged the young man.

"Sir, please let him go. We also want to live."

The girl's age is similar to that of the young man. Now it seems that she should be a couple. Miller looked at the girl and said, "American?"

"No, sir, we're from Slovakia. We just want to make some money." Said the girl.

While talking, the girl's eyes were full of tears. Many people were moved by it. You know, in the eyes of men, pity for young women can break out at any time.

Miller looked at the girl and said, "want to make money? Hehe, OK, I can give you some."

"Really, sir?" The girl's face was unbelievable.

Miller smiled, "yes, but you... Want to stay."

Hearing the speech, the boy was obviously unhappy. He suddenly stood up and said, "no, no!"


Before miller could speak, one of his men behind him hit him and knocked the boy to the ground. Blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Miller shrugged and smiled: "take this girl to the back, and I'll arrange for her!"

When he finished, a man behind him directly set up the girl. The disparity of power made the girl have no room to resist. In full view of the public, he was pulled to the darkest part of the bar.

Seeing this, sang Tianlei was in a hurry. He got up and was about to pass. Lin Zichen pressed him: "what are you doing?"

"Grass, this dog will bully women again. The girl will be sent there just now!" Sang Tianlei said.

"Tianlei, what are we doing here?"


"No, but don't move!" Lin Zichen stared and said, in his opinion, if Xiao Nan might appear, he would never attract anyone's attention.

Sang Tianlei took a deep breath. Although he was not satisfied, he still listened to Lin Zichen. After all, it's a task now. Lin Zichen's words are orders!

Soon, the music in the bar sounded again. Lin Zichen pulled La sang Tianlei's sleeve and immediately stood up.

"Where are you going?" Tina asked.


Sang Tianlei didn't know Lin Zichen's purpose. He followed him to the bathroom and said, "what's the matter?"

Lin Zichen took out a shaped pill and said, "take him."

"What is this?"

"Huaxing pill, after taking it, use your mind to control your shape. If Xiao Nan really appears, at least he won't run away because he recognizes us." Lin Zichen said, taking the pill and instantly becoming a westerner.

Sang Tianlei was not surprised. He immediately took the Huaxing pill in the way of Lin Zichen. Perhaps it was because it was difficult to control the image for the first time, and turned into an extremely ugly American.

"Hemp egg, what ghost?" Sang Tianlei said to the mirror.

"Don't worry, let's go out," said Lin Zichen, looking at his watch. "If we can't see Xiao Nan before two o'clock in the middle of the night, we'll start directly at Miller!"


Then they went out of the bathroom. Sang Tianlei bowed his head all the way. He seemed afraid that others would see his face.

But on their way back to the bar, Lin Zichen's feet stopped.

He looked at the entrance of the bar and saw five or six people come in. In front of him was a Western man in leather. His short hair close to his scalp was dyed red and a tattoo was exposed on his neck.

And it was Xiao Nan walking beside him!

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