"Johnson Carter, are you crazy?" Tina glared at Carter. It was obvious that Tina knew this Johnson, and her strength was naturally not weak. Otherwise, how could Tina be so surprised.

With that, she turned and walked towards the door of the bar. It was obvious that she was angry.

But Carter stopped her a few steps. "Tina, where are you going?"

"You are not qualified to intervene. I tell you Carter, if he has any accident, you can't be responsible for death!" Tina shouted.

"You..." catyang shouted.

Tina stared at Carter with fierce eyes: "hit me? Hehe, Carter, if your hand falls down, you will die ugly!"

Carter finally dropped his hand, sighed and said, "Tina, can't we talk?"

"Talk? Sorry, I'm not interested in talking to people like you. Get out of the way. I'm leaving here!" Tina said.

Carter shook his head and said, "it's impossible. You have to save that man. Pass me first!"

"Carter, you fool, do you know who that man is?" Tina roared.

Carter smiled: "of course, I know. He must be the man who slept with you last night, right? Tina, do you like him?"

Tina glared at Carter with anger and strong contempt.

"You know what? I feel sick when I think of you together last night. Now you'd rather know a man by the side of the road than make out with me?" Carter stared, obviously his mood was out of control.

"Bichi, he is Lord Lin, the first master of Chinese martial arts and the first person in the international dark list!"

"What? Lord Lin, are you telling me that the man just now is Chinese?" Carter obviously didn't believe it. After all, Lin Zichen just looked like a westerner.

"Hum, Lin's metamorphosis is far beyond your imagination!"

Carter was stunned when he heard this. He was shocked. He suddenly remembered something. Li Ming said that Chinese people came to the bar tonight

Is this all true?

Lin Ye's name... It's definitely not the first time he heard it.

This name seems to have a strong influence in the international underground community for a long time. In particular, the green Tiger Group once set a sky high price for his life, but it failed several times, which shows the strength of Lord Lin.

The green tiger group wants a person's life and has almost never failed, but this Lin Ye, a strong man with Chinese mystery, has made the green Tiger Group fail again and again.

It's not unusual for people like Carter to tremble when they hear Lin Ye's name.

But after all, in the face of his beloved woman, Carter naturally won't show his cowardly side. He held his face and raised his head: "so what? Tina, although the strength of fierce Python is not better than the green Tiger Group, you should know Johnson..."

"Fool, that's what I'm worried about. I'll tell you something, but you know, Lord Lin can't be in any danger, otherwise the fierce Python will be angry and we won't have a good life!"

Hearing the speech, Carter frowned slightly. Liemang is the first person in the liemang group, and the name of the force is also named after him.

"Fierce Python will be angry? Hehe, Tina, are you scaring me?"

"Is it frightening you? One day you will know, but now I have to leave. If Lin gets to the warehouse, it will be too late!"

With that, Tina rushed out, but Carter stopped her again.

"Tina, do you think I'm a child? I won't believe what you said at all. Well, even if he is Lord Lin, I want him to die tonight. For you, I'll kill the first person on the international secret list!"

"You... Carter, you fool!"

For a moment, they glared at each other, Tina was burning with anxiety, and Carter did not give in. In his opinion, what he was doing tonight was fighting for love!

"Carter, have you heard of the bano staff?" Seeing Carter holding on, Tina said.

"Bano staff?" Carter narrowed his eyes slightly. "Of course, that's the magic weapon in the hands of the bishop of the green Tiger Group. It is said that the reason why the bishop is so strong in the Western magic world has a great relationship with the bano staff."

"Yes, our fierce Python has long been eyeing the bano staff."

"What?" Carter opened his eyes wide.

"Remember the last time I asked you to bring the doctor to me? In fact, the purpose was to let him identify the bano staff!" Tina said.

Carter was stunned. He didn't seem to understand what Tina was talking about. However, Tina was not hot or cold to him after she returned from Rio last time, so he was quite impressed by it.

"You... Got the bano staff?" Carter frowned and said that his mood was obviously calmer than before.

Tina nodded: "yes, I got the bano staff, and it was from the bishop of the green Tiger Group."

Carter couldn't help opening his eyes. It was incredible. But he knew that the Bishop had a high position in the green Tiger Group. Let alone kill him, it would be difficult to get close to him.

"But the doctor said... The staff is fake."

"Fake?" Carter took a breath, but soon he reacted, "but... But Tina, what does this have to do with that man?"

"The person who went to Rio with me was Lin. I saw him kill the bishop and get the bano staff, and the staff in my hand... Was stolen from Lin."

"What? He... He killed the bishop?" Carter said with wide eyes.

Tina nodded peacefully, as if subconsciously saying... You're in great trouble.


"I must stop Lin. if he has any accident, the boss will never get the wand. Carter, I tell you, I will report tonight to the boss. You wait!"

Carter took two steps back, and finally there was panic on his face. He turned his head and said, "come on, stop Johnson!"

"Boss, Johnson never uses a mobile phone. Now I'm afraid he's almost at the warehouse." Said the man.

Carter took a deep breath: "what about... What about..."

Tina glanced at him: "I'm going now. If it's too late, it's the best. If it's too late... Carter, explain to the boss yourself."

With that, Tina walked outside. Carter hesitated for a few seconds and said, "wait!"


"You..." Carter said with a tangled face, "did you sleep?"

Tina gave him a hard stare and left without answering.

Out of the bar, Tina starts the Ferrari and drives towards the warehouse.

Along the way, her mind kept thinking, as if she had just told Carter the whole thing, and her heart also got some inspiration.

One thing she didn't understand before was why the doctor said that the bano staff in her hand was false.

She always thought that there were three possibilities. First, the doctor was really wrong. Second, there were some mysteries in the Bishop's staff. Once it was stolen, it would lose its strength immediately. Third... Lin Zichen, that is, he transferred his bag.

The doctor is the authority of wisdom in the fierce python, and no one will question him, so Tina always thinks it is the second possibility. After all, she has been staring at Lin Zichen and didn't notice his transfer.

But now think about it... He didn't respond to Lin Zichen this time, as if he didn't know about Tina stealing the staff.

So Tina also began to doubt whether Lin Zichen had done anything. After all, Lin Zichen's strength was too strong for her to describe. If she had done something, she might have escaped the detection of her thief.

Thinking of this, Tina smiled: "this man... Is so obsessed, Lin. if there is no fierce python, I will haunt you all the time..."

While Tina was entangled with Carter, Lin Zichen and sang Tianlei had arrived at the warehouse mentioned by Carter.

Looking at the blue gate, Lin Zichen nodded: "it should be here. Let's get off."

They got off and went directly to the gate. Sang Tianlei looked around: "Zichen, won't there be a problem?"

"I don't know, but if Carter really plays tricks, I'll keep my promise!"

Sang Tianlei nodded. He understood that this commitment was what Lin Zichen said and burned the river bar.

The door of the warehouse was not locked. From the gap, you can see that there was a faint yellow light inside. Lin Zichen approached the front and opened the iron door. The huge warehouse appeared in front of him.

The warehouse was empty, and some sundries were mostly stacked in the surrounding corners. Lin Zichen saw Miller sitting on the side of the warehouse at a glance.

He said he was sitting, but in fact he was tied. His hands were tied to the back of the chair. He just seemed to be asleep. When Lin Zichen opened the iron door, he woke him up. At this moment, his eyes to the warehouse door were obviously red.

On Miller's side, two Hun like strong men were sitting on the sundries and playing with their mobile phones. When they saw Lin Zichen walking in, they immediately stood up.

"Bichi, you're in the wrong place!" One of the strong men pointed to them and shouted.

Linzi Chenli didn't pay any attention. He looked at Miller and said, "I'll take him away!"

The two strong men looked at each other with a look of surprise. Since they joined the fierce python, they had not met anyone who dared to talk to them like this in Detroit. Even if it was a gang dispute, when they heard of the fierce python, those people immediately became afraid to be tough.

"What are you talking about? Do you want to die!"

Lin Zichen chuckled, "I'm going to take Miller."

Miller was stunned: "do you... Know me?"

"No, I'm not interested in meeting you, but a Chinese woman named Xiaomei wants to see you!"

Hearing the speech, Miller opened his eyes, seemed a little incredible, and said, "that Chinese woman? Hum, she's looking for death!"

Lin Zichen raised his mouth slightly: "I hope you dare say so when you meet, Tianlei, take him away."

After Lin Zichen said that, sang Tianlei approached with disdain on his face. With a slight clenching of his hands, he made a brittle sound of karakara's bones.

The strong man clenched his teeth and waved his fist at him, but sang Tianlei didn't hide. He raised his palm and grabbed the big fist of the sandbag. With a little force, he heard the sound of bones again, but... This time it was the sound of fragmentation.

"Ah..." the strong man looked miserable and knelt on one knee. There was no previous strength.

But just at this time, just listen to the sound of Kara, everyone looked up, and an iron door on the second floor of the warehouse was opened, making a rusty sound.

A Western man in a gray shirt was lying on the handrail on the second floor with his hands. The man was very strong, with dishevelled curly hair and a beard that he hadn't shaved for some time. At the moment, he was looking at what happened downstairs with a indifferent face. He was still holding a wine bottle in his hand and took a sip. The smell of wine almost spread to the first floo

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