Lord Hong didn't deny it, but smiled, obviously acquiesced.

Lin Zichen said that even Wu Shuanger was stunned. He didn't know just now. In fact, he had walked around the gate of hell.

Lin Zichen took a deep breath: "Lord Hong, Zichen said something he shouldn't say. This time... It's too much."

"Hehe, I've reached the last moment of my life. Even the wicked must do it once. After all, I'm gambling for the witch family, but fortunately... I won."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Zichen was really helpless. It seems that the witch people are really the same. Even Lord Hong can't avoid pitching people. Yes, you won the bet, but if you lose, Shuanger's life.

At that time, you will die with regret. Who will Shuanger's young life reason with?

However, seeing that Lord Hong had really reached the last moment of his life, Lin Zichen couldn't hate it. Shuanger was fine, so he didn't say anything.

Lord Hong looked at Wu Shuanger and said, "Shuanger, maybe you will blame me, but because of this gambling, your life has changed."

"Life change?" Wu Shuanger seems to be still in a muddled state, full of fear.

It's really a legend for Wu Shuanger to come to Miao Jiang this time. First, he was poisoned by people, but it was difficult to recover after being saved by Lin Zichen. Now, he was used as a bet by Lao Zu and almost lost his life

However, Lin Zichen recognized Hong Ye's words. It should be regarded as the highest status to have a spirit woman in the witch family. The spirit woman herself is not inferior to Wu Zhu, so the spirit woman is above the spirit woman.

Therefore, this bet also made Wu Shuanger instantly change from a nobody to the highest status of the witch family!

"Yes, Shuanger, I can tell you clearly that from this moment on, you are the person with the highest status of the Chinese witch clan!"

Hearing this, Wu Shuanger's expression froze. She didn't think of a supreme person

Once in Wucun, she was an ordinary little girl, even worse than ordinary, because she had no father and no mother.

Knowing Lin Zichen, she only hopes to see him often. When she comes to Yanjing, she hopes to do so all her life. She works in Longchuan and is with Zhou Xiaotong and Jiang Yu. Of course, she is very satisfied to see Lin Zichen occasionally.

But now, suddenly crowned with the aura, the person with the highest status of the witch family, she didn't even expect this.

"Shuang'er, you are now the spirit girl of the witch family. In addition to the totem I gave you, there is also this jade drop ring. If Dagu saw it, they should understand what this jade drop ring represents."

"This..." Wu Shuanger took the jade drop ring and looked at it. The ring is very exquisite and more noble than platinum diamond. Not to mention the meaning of the ring, the beautiful appearance alone has deeply attracted Wu Shuanger.

"This is my personal thing. In fact, if I didn't meet Shuanger, I would give it and totem to lingpo and ask her to wait for the spirit girl who may appear in the witch family, but... Fortunately, Shuanger was determined before the end of my life." Lord Hong said.

"Lao Zu, what should I... Do?"

"Be in charge of the witch clan."

"In charge? In charge? Lao Zu, i... I can't..."

Hearing the speech, Lord Hong smiled: "everyone who sits in wuzhu position may not be able to do it, but you will do it the day you sit. Don't worry, Shuanger, I think... Lord Lin will help you too."

Lin Zichen nodded: "don't worry, Lord Hong. Since Shuanger is the highest ranking witch, Zichen will not let anyone threaten her."

Wu Shuanger turned to look at Lin Zichen with wet eyes. Maybe... This sentence can touch the girl's heart more than this supreme position.

"Shuang'er, you should know that wuzhu must manage the Wuzu in the clan. Even if you leave occasionally, it must be for the development of the Wuzu. Unless one day you are willing to hand over the status of wuzhu, you can completely and freely pursue the life you want. For example, I passed on wuzhu before pursuing martial arts."

Wu Shuanger nodded: "Shuanger understands that I will try to do it in the future, but... It's just my ancestor. Shuanger still has many friends in Yanjing."

She naturally refers to Zhou Xiaotong and them.

Lord Hong smiled: "Listen to me. The spirit woman is similar to the witch wish. She should devote herself to the study of witchcraft in the witch family and pray to the witch God for the people. However... The spirit woman is different. The identity of the spirit woman can not be shaken. Because her status is supreme and there are no restrictions, you can stay with your friends at any time, whether you pick them up or leave the witch family for a few years Spirit girl of the witch clan, as long as you speak, the whole witch clan will dispatch for you! "

Lin Zichen felt that his heart was shocked. If the witch family is a reduced martial arts world, Shuanger is undoubtedly the figure at the top of martial arts.

At this moment, Shuanger... Powerful!

Wu Shuanger was also excited when she heard the speech. After all, even the most weak girl would be boiling with blood when she heard such an old ancestor.

Seeing Wu Shuanger's excitement, master Hong smiled and said, "Shuanger, I still hope you can stay in the witch family for a while. After all, you haven't lived here since childhood. Even if you leave, you can't be strange to the witch family?"

"Yes, Lao Zu, Shuanger understands!" Wu Shuanger said readily.

"Hehe, I've seen a spirit girl!" With that, Lord Hong made a salute gesture.

"Lao Zu..." Wu Shuanger blushed and said angrily.

Hong Ye and Lin Zichen laughed at the same time. It seemed that all the unhappiness disappeared at this moment.

"Lingnv, in the future, you only need to practice martial arts or Gu Shu. Don't be anxious, because totems can protect you from the true Qi of the created realm. If you sacrifice them at a critical moment, you will deliberately protect your life, and the lingnv Totem will never die. This is the biggest difference from wuzhu totem."

Wu Shuanger nodded: "Shuanger understands."

Lord Hong nodded and immediately looked at Lin Zichen: "Zichen, I played with you once and came back from the dead and gambled on lingnv's life. Now... It's time to pay off my debt."

Lin Zichen frowned: "repay the debt? What do you mean, Lord Hong?"

"Hehe, I'm nearly 160 years old. My body has already aged. I rely solely on the strength of martial arts to maintain my life. Now... The strength of martial arts has been exhausted. When the real oil is exhausted, the lamp is dry, but I ask myself about the strength of Gu Shu. I can still rank among the strong in the field of Gu Shu!"

"Lord Hong is serious. How can your strength just rank among the strong and rank first? No one is on the right!"

"Hehe, the strong and the first are already floating clouds. Hehe, I finally understand what it is to die without taking... Zichen, are you ready?"

"Ready? Mr. Hong, you..."

Lord Hong took a deep breath and immediately showed a meaningful smile: "Gu Shu can't be inherited, but his lifelong cultivation is OK. Finally, I call you Lord Lin, which is my respect for the martial arts and Taoism world. Today's cultivation is Lord Lin's!"

With that, Lord Hong offered a transparent sphere, which didn't seem to be made of glass or even stone. It seemed to be a transparent film, and there was a very eye-catching bright spot in the center.

"Lord Hong, I can't accept this gift. Please take it back!"

Lin Zichen said nervously on his face. Speaking from his heart, he really can't afford it. This is the last life support of Lord Hong. If Lord Hong still has a few days to live, if you give him these accomplishments, he will die immediately.

"Zichen, my cultivation is poor. Maybe I can't help you, but now is not the time to refuse. Take the poison!"

Master Hong said that and pushed it out with a single palm. The Gu like a film shot at Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen didn't have time to make any other choice. He immediately set his hands and took over the transparent Gu.

At the next moment, the transparent insect burst, and the film flew around like glass fragments, but the power was still condensed in the space. The bright spot in the center suddenly turned into a light, and all the surrounding forces entered Lin Zichen's hand.

Lin Zichen only felt that a huge force poured into his body along the fingerprint. For a time, the meridians were filled with strange Qi. These Qi even seemed to struggle with the Qi in his body.

The pain didn't make Lin Zichen panic. Instead, he began to run Zhenqi for the first time to absorb the strange Zhenqi.

But to Lin Zichen's surprise, those strange Qi ran into the meridians and elixir fields without any rules, and they were full of inexplicably The feeling of swelling suddenly came into the body.

Looking at this picture, Wu Shuanger was shocked. At the same time, tears also fell. There was a strong breath around Lin Zichen. Although Wu Shuanger would not be hurt with the help of Totem now, the resistance formed by the breath made it difficult for her to approach. She could only look at it from a distance and was extremely nervous in her heart.

Lin Zichen immediately sat cross legged and accepted the strange Qi. At the same time, he also let the Qi in his body integrate with it as soon as possible, because only by integrating, he can completely conquer those foreign Qi.

After all, it comes from the inheritance of the ancestors of the witch family. Lord Hong uses the power of Gu to pass on the power of true Qi to Lin Zichen at the same time. Such strength is difficult for any martial artist to accept, but Lord Hong has no other choice. After all, he has no time.

Watching Lin Zichen close his eyes and practice, master Hong smiled: "Zichen, my true Qi is in your body. You are my witch people. In the future, the spirit girl will depend on you in the witch family!"

These words seem to have been difficult to pass into Lin Zichen's ears. For Lin Zichen, there are almost all surging waves inside and outside his body, and his hearing and touch are numb.

"This... This is a breakthrough?"

Lin Zichen couldn't help but be stunned, because the premise of breakthrough must first turn the strange Qi into his own use, otherwise it's difficult to break through the barrier, but now the opportunity for breakthrough is in front of him, and Lin Zichen can't care so much. He made a decision in an instant and forced a breakthrough!

At this time, only Wu Shuanger noticed that although Lao Zu was still smiling, his eyes closed slowly and his head lowered slowly. Then... There was no breath

Wu Shuanger closed her eyes, looked up and took a deep breath, and two lines of hot tears flowed uncontrollably

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