"Baga! Who are you talking to!" Lin Zichen's words completely angered the people beside the mountain outside Mitsui and immediately stood up and scolded loudly.

People in Yingguo pay great attention to face, especially a big family like waishan Mitsui and the chairman of Mitsui Group.

The mountain outside Mitsui got up angrily, glared at him and said, "do you know how presumptuous you are?"

"Oh? Really?" Lin Zichen's attitude was just as indifferent as ever, "I'm sorry. I can only say that I was born to drag like this. You see, I'm not happy. I can't help it. It's a big deal..."

While talking, Lin Zichen took out some money from the inside of his jacket, sprinkled it on the felt, and sneered, "take it, wash your eyes!"

The mountain outside Mitsui was so angry that he sucked a long breath. It seemed that the heart disease was about to come out. After trying to swallow a mouthful of saliva, he completely lost his mind. He even said to Xiacun chaozi and Kawasaki Qianli in Japanese: "kill him for me!"

In the blink of an eye, Lin Zichen has protected LAN songxuan with his body and retreated to the outside of the box. At this time, the doors of the four boxes were broken, and many people rushed out with samurai swords.

The first one, the knife, was about to cut off LAN songxuan's head.

Lin Zichen certainly wouldn't watch his father-in-law have an accident, so he took LAN songxuan behind him, raised his right foot and kicked him up. This foot hit the man's hand holding the knife handle.

At the moment when the samurai sword was about to land, Lin Zichen had stretched out his hand and robbed the samurai sword. Then, with this knife, he blocked the attack of a ninja and kicked the man who was going to cut himself open.

Lin Zichen was surprised. At first, he suspected that the Mitsui family was planning to trouble him, but now Lin Zichen is a little suspicious.

Either the dead moon didn't tell them his real strength, or these guys are pigs. They are so stupid that they want to kill themselves with crowd tactics.

He held the knife in his hand, put it across his body, put one hand on LAN songxuan's arm behind him, took LAN songxuan back step by step, and said, "Uncle LAN, I'll count to three in a moment, and you'll rush over."

"Ah?" LAN songxuan was surprised, secretly bit a mouthful of saliva, and looked at Lin Zichen's back in disbelief.

He felt that Lin Zichen was joking. There were so many men with samurai swords in front, a total of 20 or 30, standing all over the corridor. As long as he ran over, he would be cut into meat sauce, right?

He dare not try!

Looking at LAN songxuan's appearance, Lin Zichen smiled and was protected by Zhenqi. He assured LAN songxuan that there would be no accident.

"One, two, three!" On the count of three, Lin Zichen rushed forward like a car that had been ready for a long time. His skill was so fast that people couldn't see clearly.

He rushed all the way, and the knife in his hand flashed light and shadow. No one could see how he did it. At this time, Lin Zichen looked like a vague phantom!

At this time, LAN songxuan was still in a daze, but those people had fallen on the board in the corridor with the sound of banging. Fortunately, when Lin Zichen came out, he used the back of the knife. If he used the blade, he could kill dozens of people in just a few seconds like a storm.

After Kawasaki Qianli and Xiacun chaozi chased out, they didn't dare to approach Lin Zichen because he was so good. The two of them breathed deeply. Seeing Lin Zichen looking back at them, they retreated into the room like a shrinking turtle and closed the door.

Lin Zichen didn't want to do it, but the behavior outside Mitsui mountain has made Lin Zichen unbearable.

Holding the knife, he slowly came to the door. With a turn of his wrist, he directly split the door with his Samurai knife!

However, Mitsui waishan has run away under the leadership of the two ninjas!

"Damn it, that masked guy is right. Lin Zichen's strength is really strong." He had fled to the mountain outside Mitsui, looked at the hotel and said with his teeth.

On the other side, LAN songxuan saw that Lin Zichen was so energetic and worried, so he slowly came over and asked, "Lin Zichen, are you okay?"

Lin Zichen reacted and smiled. The samurai sword was released by him and fell to the ground.

"Uncle LAN, I'm fine. But it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. They will come to revenge us, so we have to leave here immediately."

LAN songxuan knew what Lin Zichen said was reasonable, so he nodded secretly and said to Lin Zichen, "let's go back quickly!"

"Good!" Lin Zichen nodded. After such a fuss, the police of Ying country will certainly participate in it. Lin Zichen is sure that Mitsui Group has a relationship with the upper level of the police. If the police catch the handle, it will be a trouble.

When they left, many waiters looked at them, especially Lin Zichen. Those waitresses all offered their worship and admiration, because Lin Zichen was so fast that he was simply supernatural.

Ignoring the eyes of the people around him, Lin Zichen walked out of the hotel with LAN songxuan.

As soon as they came outside, they saw the car roar, and then the car next to them exploded. The car tires flew directly into the sky. This picture is particularly spectacular.

Fortunately, Lin Zichen found something wrong. At the first time, he blocked the front with his body. Otherwise, LAN songxuan would not just fall to the ground because of the earthquake. It is estimated that he would be blown away by the earthquake wave.

But fortunately, with Lin Zichen's true Qi to protect his body, LAN songxuan just fell to the ground and didn't get any other injuries.

"Mitsui Group, very good." Picking up LAN songxuan, Lin Zichen sneered. When Lin Zichen came out, he put away his soul and didn't find the bomb on the car, which made Mitsui Group drill a loophole.

"Uncle LAN, are you okay?" Lin Zichen hurriedly asked.

"Don't worry, it's all right. I can bear this old bone." LAN songxuan glanced at the damaged car, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes: "Mitsui Group, they are too much!"

"Uncle LAN, I'll make them pay the price." Lin Zichen sneered and said.

At this time, the street outside became very quiet. The quieter it was, the more it seemed to herald the coming of a storm. So along the way, Lin Zichen secretly paid attention to the situation on both sides, and the spirit observed the surroundings, worried about a sudden attack from someone.

But in reality, some will follow Murphy's law, and the more afraid things will happen.

When Lin Zichen was worried, a dark shadow suddenly burst out of the wall, jumped up high and cut down with a knife in the air.

Lin Zichen immediately turned his head and faced the knife. And if you join this knife to split him, with this posture, you will definitely split him in two.

When the knife was close to his scalp, Lin Zichen stepped out and avoided the splitting samurai sword on one side of his body. At the same time, he kicked it. Originally, this foot should have kicked the ninja. Who knows that the Ninja can disappear in a moment.

After he disappeared, LAN songxuan didn't know what the situation was, so he asked Lin Zichen, "what was that just now?"

Lin Zichen protected LAN songxuan behind him, looked around and explained, "just now it was a ninja. It should be Kawasaki. I felt his breath. This man should be good at this kind of hiding armor."

"What, ninja?" LAN songxuan couldn't understand.

Lin Zichen felt that now was not the time to explain. He didn't explain. Instead, he carefully looked around and predicted when and where they would come out and ambush themselves.

On the empty long street, shops on both sides are still open, but the guests and bosses who should still be there have disappeared.

Lin Zichen felt that this situation was very deep, and suddenly thought: Mitsui waishan probably wanted to kill himself here!

There may be more ninjas here besides the two ninjas, Asako Shimura and Kuri Kawasaki! Lin Zichen knows that he can't rely on his own eyes to deal with such sneaky rats.

He simply closed his eyes. This action frightened LAN songxuan.

LAN songxuan only felt that he might not be able to fight with one eye open, let alone close his eyes now? However, he did not know that when some senses are closed, it can promote the concentration of other organs.

What Lin Zichen needs most at this time is sharp hearing, which should be sensitive enough to hear breathing. In this way, when the Ninjas are stealthily approaching, he can detect it.

What's more, he has the help of the spirit. As long as someone appears around him, Lin Zichen can find them at the first time.

Although he knows that it is not stealth, but a disguised cover, he can't see or not see, so he can only rely on hearing.

A few seconds after he settled down, his ears were sensitive enough to hear LAN songxuan's breathing, including his heartbeat. The environment is very quiet, but there are at least 12 people in the southeast, North and East.

If he were alone, he would find them out, but now he wants to protect LAN songxuan and deceive those ninjas. Lin Zichen simply has patience with them.

As time went on, the Ninjas couldn't help breathing, and Lin Zichen heard more clearly.

Finally, a ninja couldn't help running straight from the tunnel. What he didn't know was that Lin Zichen could not only hear the footsteps, but also found him with the spirit.

Before he came out of the loose soil, Lin Zichen raised his right hand, put his hand into the ground, let his arm directly penetrate, enter the tunnel below, and pull out the man.

With such a pull, Lin Zichen threw him directly into the wall with a turn of his body and a wave of his arm.

After hitting the wall and falling, the man couldn't run any more. He lay on the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Asako Shimura and Chihiro Kawasaki are team leaders, so they will not stand idly by when they see this behind the scenes.

The two of them couldn't help it. They rushed towards the origin of Lin Zichen from the two opposite directions of the East and the West. The samurai sword in their hands was cold and shiny. They wanted to take Lin Zichen's life by this blow.

Lin Zichen immediately pushed LAN songxuan away, while he took a step back.

Lin Zichen's speed was too fast. Xiacun chaozi and Kawasaki Qianli almost didn't react and were almost killed by their own people.

They also didn't expect that Lin Zichen's speed was amazing. They quickly turned the knife in the direction, but at this time they had been exposed, and even their body became unstable.

Lin Zichen suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up, left and right feet apart, and kicked one after another. The samurai swords in their hands flew off, fell and plunged directly into the ground!

Before they recovered, Lin Zichen hit them one after another. Who knows, after hitting their clothes with their fists, they found that their bodies were like fake. They could only hit clothes, but not flesh and blood.

What's going on? Lin Zi was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect this result.

At this time, Kawasaki Qianli suddenly grabbed the clothes with both hands and grabbed Lin Zichen's fist at the same time. Just when Lin Zichen wanted to attack with another fist, he found that his arm was hooked by something.

He immediately turned around and realized that his hand had been caught by a rope. The other end of the rope was grabbed by several ninjas dressed in black, and they were standing on the second floor balcony of a store.

Lin Zichen sneered. He just wanted to drag several ninjas down, but at this time, Asako Shimura took out a silver needle on the other side and plunged it into Lin Zichen.

The silver needle unexpectedly penetrated the vigorous Qi of Lin Zichen's body protection, and a cold breath passed into Lin Zichen's body.

On the other side, several ninjas on the balcony on the second floor immediately pulled the rope and dragged him.

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