Lin Zichen's spirit immediately felt someone approaching quickly.

While the mountain outside Mitsui was not on Huo Qing, Lin Zichen flashed to his side and punched him.

"Chairman, be careful!" The Ninja near the mountain outside Mitsui pushed the mountain out of Mitsui without hesitation, and then Lin Zichen's fist blew him into pieces.

Linzichen hurriedly put Huoqing down from the cement column. At this time, Huoqing was unconscious. Linzichen simply checked it. Fortunately, there was no life danger.

"Lin Zichen! Why are you here!" The mountain outside Mitsui looked at Lin Zichen in horror. He almost died in his hands.

"Hehe, you don't care why I come back, but you should be ready to die!" As soon as the voice fell, Lin Zichen protected Huo Qing with real Qi, and then flashed to the mountain outside Mitsui.

The Ninjas around Mitsui waishan tried their best to resist, but they were not Lin Zichen's opponents at all.

At this time, a group of people broke into the door. They were all dressed in uniform and had a sign of the sun on their clothes.

"Boy, get out of here!" One of the leaders came to Lin Zichen and said coldly.

"Who are you?" Lin Zichen asked naturally.

The man said, "my name is Hans. You don't need to know my identity for the time being, because even if you know, it's not good for you, is it?" While talking, the man named Hans easily killed a ninja.

Lin Zichen was very curious about his identity. He gently grabbed his arm and caught him by his side. He looked at him and said, "but I'm still very curious and still want to know."

Hans was also entangled by Lin Zichen, so he said his identity: "well, in fact, I'm from Apollo, the sun god."

Apollo? Lin Zichen frowned. Is it another new organization?

However, these are not important at present. What matters is the drugs. So Lin Zichen and Hans's man turned their heads and looked at the remaining medicine.

But because Lin Zichen was dealing with these people, he finally let Hans take the lead. Hans and others stole the medicine and slipped away. At this time, Lin Zichen was surrounded by these ninjas with the help of external forces. Looking at their ferocious appearance, Lin Zichen only felt cold in his heart.

When these people rushed up, Lin Zichen completely released himself and suddenly threw them to the ground, and he threw them one after another.

The Ninja created by Mitsui Group has real strength, but it still seems particularly weak in front of Lin Zichen.

After Lin Zichen threw them all down, he looked around indifferently and frowned secretly. In a burst of fanaticism, he had solved so many agile and particularly cruel ninjas.

However, for him, he has not fully played his strength.

After confirming that these people had passed out, he went over and loosened Huo Qing, who was tied there, and asked nervously, "are you okay?"

Huo Qing had hung his head and was unconscious. After being patted by Lin Zichen, he slowly raised his eyes. When he saw so many ninjas lying on the ground and unconscious, he was a little surprised.

"How could this happen?" He said in amazement.

Lin Zichen smiled and then said, "they were subdued by me. Of course, someone stepped in and helped us."

Huo Qinghu felt very strange, so he frowned and thought deeply. After thinking for a moment, he thought that Lin Zichen really had this ability, so he suddenly smiled and said, "well, since someone came to eradicate them for us, it also saved us from doing it."

Just then, Huo Qing frowned, looked at Lin Zichen and said, "master, the real Qi in my body is dead, and I don't stop calling."

"What's going on?" Lin Zichen frowned, then hurriedly put his hand on Huo Qing's shoulder and checked his body.

"Your body is limited by a force. I can't untie it for the time being." Lin Zichen frowned and said.

"Even the master can't solve it?" Huo Qing was stunned when he heard the speech and looked at Lin Zichen strangely.

"That Paul should be a mage, and his ability is very strange." Lin Zichen thought for a while and then said, "you try to seal the power in your body with real Qi every day. I think it can be lifted in half a month." Lin Zichen found that the seal could only be lifted by himself, and outsiders could not help at all.

"It seems that I will be an ordinary person for a while." Huo Qing smiled bitterly and scolded: "his grandmother's, I didn't expect there were so many strange things in Ying country!"

With that, Huo Qing left here with Lin Zichen. When he left, Lin Zichen saw a bottle of Medicine on the ground. He was very curious about the medicine, so he bent down and picked up the bottle.

After hiding the medicine in his pocket, he left here with Huo Qing. However, due to the destruction of their cars, they had to walk back to the city from the suburbs.

Along the way, Huo Qing complained that his leg was breaking and so on. Lin Zichen didn't have any special feeling, and all he thought was: how should he catch Paul?

Because Paul is the object of transaction with Mitsui Group, and now Mitsui Group is not here, but Paul is still there!

After returning to the branch of Longchuan group here, he saw that his father-in-law LAN songxuan was already planning to recover the branch. Lin Zichen didn't bother, but silently walked into the laboratory.

After he came to the laboratory, he began to borrow various equipment here to study these drugs. Under various equipment, the medicament shows various different reactions.

Therefore, Lin Zichen knew that these potions contained certain poison.

This investigation, Lin Zichen as before, day and night. And he was such a person. He was used to doing things alone. The power of concentration can always make him get twice the result with half the effort.

At the same time, Paul, who escaped, had mastered the news of Lin Zichen through the influence of criminals. In order to uproot Lin Zichen, he began to rack his brains in the office.

Seeing that he was so worried about this matter, his secretary came over, offered a plan and said, "Sir, in fact, you don't have to think about how to deal with him at all. His role is the kind of brave man. We just..."

Speaking of this, he leaned in Paul's ear and said to Paul, whisper drizzle with Paul.

Paul suddenly felt that his proposal was quite good, so he smiled and naturally showed his joy.

After getting their attention, they immediately flew to Thailand.

In this world, Muay Thai is famous for its fast, ruthless and accurate. All along, only China's Yongchun can reluctantly restrain such a martial arts integrating speed and strength, but Yongchun finally ranks second.

The person Paul visited this time is actually GuBo, known as the "king of murder". GuBo is a very powerful Muay Thai master and a master level person.

When Paul visited, GuBo was still competing with a man. As a result, he hit the man's nose with his knee. After bleeding, he kept hitting the man's back with his elbow, which made the man vomit blood again and again.

But looking at Gu Bo now, he has no intention to stop and is still fiercely attacking the other party.

Paul looked at him more deeply, and his eyes did show satisfaction. Because GuBo is undoubtedly a good fighter. If ordinary people or ordinary Muay Thai boxers meet him, he will definitely be killed in the competition on the stage.

At this time, the player on the stage finally couldn't hold on. He lay on the ground and didn't dare to get up again. GuBo stopped.

Seeing that GuBo stepped down angrily, Paul quickly catered to him and said to him with a smile, "you are GuBo, aren't you?"

GuBo immediately asked him in Thai, "who are you? What can I do for you?"

When he asked so angrily, Paul quickly smiled and explained, "I'm from the green Tiger Group and want to cooperate with master GuBo. Moreover, I heard that someone was particularly dissatisfied with you, so I came to remind you."

"Remind me?" GuBo returned with skeptical eyes.

Paul hurriedly said, "yes! You have a good reputation. Many people know you. Then I know a man who has strong skills. He once killed a ninja group. Then that man is not convinced of you now. He boasted that he will take your head off the challenge arena in a month."

When Cooper was angry, he immediately grabbed Paul by the collar, pulled Paul to him, and questioned, "so you sent the letter for that man?"

Paul was flustered, quickly swallowed his saliva and explained, "no, you misunderstood. How could I send a letter for someone? Don't forget the cooperative relationship between the green Tiger Group and the Buddhist temple! I just wanted you to be careful for a while, so that he wouldn't covet your ability and do something to you first, wouldn't it be very good, right?"

Gu Bo believed it, pushed him away and said, "hum, I've punched Gu Bo for so many years, and I've never been afraid of anyone. If he dares to come, come!"

Paul naturally knew that Lin Zichen would not take the initiative to find GuBo trouble, so he added vinegar and said, "in fact, you might as well take the initiative to give him a battle note instead of waiting for him here to give you a battle note, so as to make him panic and surprise your reputation and interpersonal skills, don't you think so?"

GuBo was fooled by Paul and believed it. He asked, "where is he now?"

As soon as Paul was happy, he thought that GuBo had hit the trick, so he hurriedly said, "he is in Japan now. Do you know that place?"

"I must know! I'll fly over tomorrow and give him the afternoon!" Gu Bo moved his muscles and bones after saying that. In fact, he was worried that he could not find an opponent or someone to vent.

These Muay Thai fighters have been beaten by him these days. No one dares to compete with him. And he, when he was young, naturally wanted to challenge experts and constantly prove himself.

That's why he fell into Paul's plan to sow discord.

The next day, he really set out with Paul and came to Japan. He went to Longchuan group in the afternoon and named him to compare with linzichen.

After LAN songxuan received the invitation, knowing the Muay Thai boxer Gu Bo's ability, he secretly hid the invitation in a drawer and locked the letter with a small lock

Unexpectedly, Huo Qing saw this scene.

Huo Qing immediately came over, imitated Lin Zichen's cry and said, "Uncle LAN, what treasure are you hiding secretly? Show me!

"Go, if you have nothing to do, go and help your master study the genetic medicine. Don't mess me up here!" LAN songxuan is going to hide it from Huo Qing, so that Huo Qing knows and runs to tell Lin Zichen for fear that Lin Zichen will meet.

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