Poseidon looked at Hades sitting on the throne in mid air, with a hint of drama in his eyes. Although he stood in the team of Zeus, he didn't like Hades's character of doing things. Poseidon's character has always been open and aboveboard, daring to fight and fight. Therefore, he didn't like Hades's liking to hide behind his back, shoot a gun, or even frame others with despicable means.

So when he saw Hades release the Pluto body, he couldn't help but feel a little happy. In short, he was happy to see Hades's bad luck.

Poseidon doesn't like Hades, but it can force Hades to use the Pluto body, which is enough to prove his opponent's terror. In the temples, the divine body can be regarded as one of their unique skills. This special skill can improve your combat effectiveness after release. It is an auxiliary ability.

But even so, no one dares to underestimate this auxiliary skill in the dark world. Because they all know that the real combat power of the main gods of the temples is after the release of the God body.

It has to be said that Hades is also a wizard. The divine bodies of the temples generally appear on the body and act directly on themselves. But Hades is different. He condenses the strength of his body into a huge throne, and Hades sitting on the throne is the king here! The throne gives him more blessings than other Lord gods!

Hades sits on the throne and exerts enough power to fight ares! It is enough to prove how abnormal Hades's research on the divine body is.

However, Hades has both advantages and disadvantages in transforming his body into a throne. Although the throne greatly supports his strength, he is much weaker in defense. In this regard, Hades is chasing the most powerful attack. He can transform the divine body like this. He is enough to call it a genius.

Poseidon was the place to understand the power of Hades throne, so he was very surprised. He also knew some information about the cyborg, but he really didn't expect that the strength of the cyborg would be so strong, and even forced Hades to use the throne to fight.

"No, he's running!" Perhaps because of Poseidon's appearance, the cyborg felt the fatal danger. He may be able to fight at the peak of four days, but he is definitely not an opponent for the strong man at the peak of five days.

So the cyborg made a very wise decision, that is, taking the first step. His plan is good, but Hades and they can't let the cyborg escape.

It's not easy to trap the cyborgs here. How can they give up this opportunity?

"Stop!" Hades looked at the cyborg and drank. Then endless pressure rushed to the cyborg. The terrible pressure made the cyborg's legs fall into a swamp, and the speed was slowed down by more than half.

"Stop!" Seeing that his attack didn't stop the cyborg, Hades roared. Then the cyborg seemed to be hit by some terrorist attack. His steps quickly retreated, and even sparks burst out on his robot arm!

Angel and jade tiger looked at this scene, and some fear appeared in their hearts. Although Hades' attack is invisible, they can still feel the terrible power.

Since Hades sat on the throne, he seemed to be a proud king, overlooking the land under his command. On the throne, he seems to be omnipotent, and even the energy of the whole space will be easily dominated by him.

"Is this a Cyborg?" Poseidon looked at the returning cyborg with a flash of curiosity in his eyes. He didn't know that there was such a killer mace hidden in the temples. If the cyborg hadn't lost control, he might have been covered in the drum until now.

"Do it!" See Hades easily let the cyborg back. When the angel and the jade tiger looked at each other, they almost shot at the same time. They rushed to the semi robot quickly. Seeing the fluctuations on them, they must have used their best.

"No way!" A Jiao drink came into everyone's ears, and then I saw a beautiful shadow suddenly appear on the only way for Angels and jade tigers.

"Go away!" The jade tiger roared. At this time, he would not pity the jade. Although he had a desperate desire for Athena, it was just a thought. He knew in his heart that there were thorns under the rose.

Athena turned a blind eye to the threat of the jade tiger and waved her jade hand gently. The golden energy quickly turned into twelve constellations. The twelve constellations converged into a golden disc and stood in front of Athena.

"Go away!" The angel and the jade tiger gave a loud cry and roared to the Golden Disc with all their strength. They only heard a loud bang. Under the terrorist attack of the angel and the jade tiger, the golden disc had cracks, which were clearly visible.

Although there was a crack in the golden disc, the attack of the angel and the jade tiger could not break Athena's defense. Finally, the two men could only rebound into the air and looked at Athena with a gloomy face.

The golden disc is Athena's strongest defensive move. Even if Hades wants to defeat the golden disc while maintaining the throne, it is impossible. Although the attacks of angels and jade tigers are strong, they are still resisted by the golden disc.

"Jade tiger, angel, do you two want to make trouble?" Hades sat on the throne, looked at them and said coldly.

"Ha ha, Hades, cooperation is only temporary. We are not three-year-old children." The angel looked at Hades and said with a sneer, "our goal is a Cyborg, and so are you. Let's see who has this thing in his hand."

Although Poseidon, the temple of gods, made the two people feel thorny, it was just thorny. They were both the strength of the peak of heaven and man, and had their own pride in their hearts. They didn't think their strength was weaker than Athena.

"Hades is restricting the cyborgs. He certainly has no other power to deal with us and drive Athena and Poseidon back!" The angel looked at Hades in the air and hurriedly said to the jade tiger. Jade Tiger nodded, then his body turned into a streamer and rushed to Poseidon.

"Well come!" Seeing the jade tiger rushing over, Poseidon roared, and the golden Trident in his hand appeared and collided with the jade tiger.

The angel put the target on Athena. Did the white energy turn into all kinds of strange things and burst around Athena, which made it difficult for Athena to parry for a time.

Sitting on the throne, Hades just looked at the battle below and didn't choose to participate. The angel is right. In his current state, it is extremely difficult to limit the cyborgs. There is no extra strength to fight those two guys.

And his state is also very bad. With the passage of time, the resistance of the cyborg becomes more and more terrible, and Hades has to use all his strength to suppress him.

Just as Hades tried his best to suppress the cyborg, the latter's eyes suddenly flashed a red light, and then his palm made a strange gesture. When Hades saw it, he immediately felt that the situation was bad. He quickly lifted the restrictions on the cyborgs and controlled the rapid retreat of the throne.

At the same time, the four Athena in the battle also noticed the wrong of the cyborg, hurriedly separated from the battle, and then turned and ran away.

Just a few seconds after they fled, the power of terror broke out on the semi robot, and a king's breath appeared out of thin air. The whole space seemed to solidify, and even the flow of air became extremely slow.

With the explosion of energy, Athena, jade tiger, angel Poseidon, including Hades who ran away, felt that her body became extremely dull. They only felt that their bodies seemed to be in a swamp, and even it was very difficult to lift their arms.

After the cyborg released this skill, his body quickly disappeared into the air, and then suddenly appeared next to Athena and punched her in the head.

Athena was surprised, but her reaction was not slow. Although her body was very slow, she condensed a golden compass at the critical moment and blocked the semi robot's fist with it.

The Golden Compass cracked the moment it resisted the fist of the cyborg. In less than a few seconds, the golden compass was completely broken and turned into energy between heaven and earth. Athena took this opportunity to escape the cyborg's fist and recover her life.

"How possible!" After seeing the attack of the cyborg, Poseidon was surprised. He felt very familiar with this move. But at this time, there was no room for him to think. The cyborg's fist had aimed at him.

The energy in his body worked frantically. Before the attack of the cyborg arrived, he managed to get rid of the dull state. Then his whole body gathered in his right hand and blasted hard with the cyborg.

The terrible energy afterwave broke out in an instant. Poseidon only felt his throat sweet, and then the whole person flew backwards. At the critical moment, he took a deep breath, forcibly stabilized the blood surge in his body, and barely stood in mid air with a back somersault. But even so, his face was still ugly, and he suffered a small loss with the full punch of the cyborg.

When the cyborg attacked Poseidon, the angel, jade tiger and Hades broke free with their own energy. Everyone looked at the cyborg with fear. The martial arts he had just displayed were really terrible. If they hadn't been vigilant in advance, they might have died in the attack just now!

"Who the hell are you!" Poseidon stabilized his blood and asked, staring at the cyborg. In the latter, he noticed a sense of familiarity, which was very similar to that person in those years!

Poseidon always kept in mind the man's every move, but now a transformed robot should have that familiar feeling. How can he not be surprised?

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