"Uncle!" Kaka's voice sounded at the bottom of Lin Zichen's heart. In the Vientiane space, Kaka stared at the last purple lion. He immediately recognized who the purple lion was.

"Deka!" Lin Zichen was surprised. Deka was Kaka's uncle. Unexpectedly, he would be controlled by the fox.

To be exact, the fox doesn't control Deka himself, but his body. At this time, there was no vitality in Deka's body. He was dead and killed by more powerful people.

There were no scars on the surface of Deka, but Lin Zichen noticed with his mind that the former's heart was broken by powerful force and he could not die again.

"Who is it! Dare to hurt my people!" Kaka roared up in the Vientiane space, and endless pressure echoed in the Vientiane space.

"Kaka, don't worry." Xiaofeng looked at Kaka painfully and said, "don't worry, my sister will help you take revenge!"

"No! Sister Feng, this revenge must be avenged in person!" As the royal family of the purple lion family, Kaka also has his own pride. That man's daring to touch his own people is undoubtedly contemptuous of his king.

Kaka is ready to kill, starting with the fox.

Lin Zichen felt the anger of Kaka in Vientiane space. He knew that if he didn't release Kaka now, he would feel bad.

"Kaka, I can give you a chance." Lin Zichen thought and said.

"Really! Master, you allow me to kill him?" Kaka raised his big head and said excitedly.

"Yes, I can let you out." Lin Zichen paused and continued, "it's just that you have to cover up your own breath."

In order not to scare the snake, Kaka must hide his breath. Through the words of the fox, Lin Zichen guessed that so many strange things would happen in Xiangshan, which had something to do with the demon emperor.

Not surprisingly, the demon emperor is their last enemy. The fox in front of him is just one of his men.

"Master, I see." Kaka nodded and said, "I will restrain my breath."

"Tianlei, Huo Qing, stop the sika deer and give me the rest." Linzichen shouted at sang Tianlei and Huo Qingbang.

"I see!" Sang Tianlei and Huo Qing immediately ran out and surrounded the sika deer. Although they could not kill the sika deer with the peak of heaven and man, it was enough to delay.

"Hehe, let two waste people come and die?" The fox looked at sang Tianlei and Huo Qing with disdain. His tail shook, and the bodies of four monsters rushed towards them.

Seeing that the four monsters were about to hit sang Tianlei, a light flashed. A huge purple lion suddenly appeared. His body was stronger than Deka. More importantly, the hair on his neck was dark purple!

The king of the purple lion family, Kaka! At the critical moment, he suddenly appeared and blocked Deka's body.

At the same time, a small figure appeared, and the ice blue energy frozen two white snow treasures. It was Xiaofeng.

"It's a purple lion!" The fox looked at Kaka in surprise. When he saw the dark purple hair on Kaka's neck, a trace of dignity appeared on his face.

"The king of the purple lion family! No wonder the purple lion family has only Deka as the acting leader." The fox looked at Kaka and suddenly laughed and said, "ha ha, there is another fish that has escaped the net. As long as you are caught back, it must be another great achievement!"

"You dream!" Kaka roared and clapped the rushing Deka aside, but he was also uncomfortable. Deka's rigid body made his claws numb.

"Let's catch it!" The fox laughed, and then his two front paws made a strange gesture. Then Deka's body expanded rapidly for three times, and the energy in his body was blessed at that moment.

Deka was the strong man in the later stage of heaven and man. With the blessing of the fox, he even strengthened to the peak of heaven and man, and was in the same state with Kaka!

Lin Zichen looked at the fox's gesture. He felt a special wave spreading from the fox's hand. Then the array energy in the forest was blessed to Deka, which enhanced his strength.

Lin Zichen knows that the fox must have controlled Deka's body with xuanshu. There are many xuanshu like this. Lin Zichen has heard from King xuanwang.

Lin Zichen knew that if he wanted to catch the fox, he must break the array that trapped them, otherwise it would be wishful thinking to catch the fox.

Xuanshu can also be compared with the martial arts of the same level and even have stronger combat effectiveness.

Saw the fox manipulating Deka's body. Kaka roared. The fox insulted the purple lion. He would never let the fox live in this world.

Meanwhile, Deka rushed up and fought with Kaka. Deka's body doesn't know what kind of array is blessed, and its defense is very strong. Even a blow from Kaka will only leave a white scratch on Deka's body.

However, Kaka obviously will not only use these simple attack methods. The purple flame spits out from his mouth, while Deka also spits out a purple flame. Even if he is dead, he can still use his talents and skills!

However, Kaka's Shiyan was a few laps smaller than Deka's Shiyan, but the color was more profound. Lin Zichen even saw the dark purple flame in the center of the flame!

The two lions collided. There is no doubt that Deka's Lion inflammation is not as powerful as Kaka, and soon fell into the disadvantage. Kaka, after all, has the direct blood of the purple lion king, and Deka naturally can't compare with him.

The battle over Xiaofeng is more simple. Her strength is stronger than the two snow leopards. If the two snow leopards were not blessed by the array, they would have been beaten to ashes by Xiaofeng.

Now, the two snow leopards rushed to Xiaofeng with their strong bodies. Anyway, they were dead and were not afraid of anything at all.

The ice blue energy makes the speed of the two snow leopards drop a lot. The two snow leopards are monsters that eat by speed. When they meet Xiaofeng's ice energy, I don't know whether it is luck or disaster.

Lin Zichen stood with his hands down, looked at the position of the fox and raised his hands to arrange an array. Countless sharp swords formed behind Lin Zichen, a killing array, and then covered the fox.

The fox snorted coldly and shook his tail. The invisible array was formed. Lin Zichen's sword fell into the array and then disappeared.

"Give it back to you!" The fox looked at Lin Zichen with a sneer. With a flick of his tail, the array suddenly appeared on Lin Zichen's head.

But before the array worked, Lin Zichen suddenly stretched out his hands and tore the invisible array!

If you want to do this, you must have a very deep research on metaphysics. Obviously, Lin Zichen has reached that level.

Seeing that Lin Zichen tore his array, the fox was unmoved and quickly spared a circle in place, chanting words in his mouth. A few seconds later, the reticulated true Qi suddenly appeared in this space.

The net Qi sealed Lin Zichen up and didn't give Lin Zichen a chance to escape.

"It's the ground lock!" Lin Zichen was surprised. At first, Ling chongjue used this array to deal with him, but that array was torn by him.

Now the fox's ground lock brake is much more powerful than that of Ling chongjue.

Aware of the blocked space around, Lin Zichen had a smile on his face. At that time, he didn't have a deep understanding of metaphysics, but now he has far more attainments in metaphysics than Ling chongjue!

He snapped his fingers gently, and a strange wave spread from his fingers. Then the ground brake began to shake violently, which surprised the fox.

"Damn it, how could he know the weakness of the ground lock!" As soon as the fox's face changed, he quickly mobilized the real Qi in his body and began to stabilize the array, but Lin Zichen knew the ground lock brake too well. Before the fox repaired the array, the ground lock brake was shattered by the real Qi released by Lin Zichen.

"Hehe, if you want to deal with me, you have to show some real skills." Lin Zichen smiled. There was no change on his face. He just locked his head. It was hard not to beat him.

"Boy, don't think I'm afraid of you!" The fox sneered, slapped his right paw on his chest, and a stream of blood flew out. Then his eyes lit up,

A mysterious breath erupted from him.

"Lock the sky array!" The low voice sounded, and countless chains formed by true Qi appeared out of thin air. Lin Zichen looked at those chains, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

He could feel the power of the seals on those chains. Lin Zichen knew that the Fox began to take it seriously.

"Human, my sky lock array can lock even the sky! I'll catch it and become my puppet!" The fox looked at Lin Zichen and his voice was full of confidence.

Lock sky array is his unique skill. He will never use lock sky array so easily in the face of the enemy. But his perception told him that Lin Zichen was an extremely dangerous man. If he didn't do his best, I'm afraid he would die today.

"Lock the sky array? You can really lock the sky!" Lin Zichen gave a big drink and concentrated on cutting in the air. Lin Zichen stood with his hands down and looked at the sky lock array in the sky without blinking.

"Boy, die!" The fox's forepaw pinched out a handprint, and then the lock array fell from the sky to seal Lin Zichen in the array.

"Concentrate and cut the sky!" Lin Zichen burst into a drink in his heart, concentrated on the fierce move, and then cut to the lock sky array with a sword.

At the moment of contact with the lock sky array, a crack appeared on the lock sky array. The power of the fox itself is not as good as Lin Zichen, let alone concentrate on cutting is also one of Lin Zichen's cards. How can he defeat Lin Zichen?

Concentrate on cutting, pay attention to killing the enemy with a sharp blade, and seek a single point of breakthrough. Lock sky array is terrible, but the power of concentrate chop is too terrible. In addition, Lin Zichen deliberately controls concentrate chop and focuses his power on one point. How can lock sky array bear the full blow of concentrate chop?

"No!" Aware of the change of the lock array, the fox was surprised and hurriedly ran Zhenqi to repair the lock array.

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