Lin Zichen is the most wanted person of liemang. It can be said that there is a picture of Lin Zichen in the hands of the underground organization in Brasilia.

In order to expose Lin Zichen's position, fierce Python doesn't know how much thought he spent. Not only Lin Zichen's own photo, but also Lin Zichen's previously used face liemang's hand has a backup.

Of course, the fierce Python certainly has no such intelligence ability. He has the help of the dead moon behind him. Now the dead moon and the fierce Python are still in a state of cooperation, so the little help of the dead moon will still help.

But they don't know how long this cooperation will last. Now dead moon uses fierce Python to hold Lin Zichen, and fierce Python is using dead moon to deal with Lin Zichen.

The relationship between the two people is extremely subtle. However, fierce Python still thinks that he and dead moon are at the same height competing with each other. Don't you know that dead moon has long regarded him as an abandoned son, an abandoned son who died to drag Lin Zichen.

When liemang received Jenny's call, an accident appeared in his eyes. He didn't expect Lin Zichen to appear in Brasilia with his original face.

"Try to hold him down, and I'll send someone over." With that, liemang hung up the phone.

"Let the charm team follow me." The fierce Python thought for a while and then said.

On the other side, Jenny listened to the busy tone in the microphone and looked bitter. He is also an old man who has followed the fierce Python for a long time. Naturally, he knows how terrible the enemy that can make the fierce Python pay attention to will be.

How many kilograms and how many liang do you have? Can you fight the enemy that fierce Python likes? I'm afraid the young man will slap him to death before he makes any moves.

"Someone!" Jenny hesitated and shouted outside.

"Boss, what can I do for you?" A muscular black man came in through the door. This is Jenny's most loyal guard. He has fought black fist and his strength is very terrible. Jenny has been assassinated several times. He saved his life.

"Find a way to get that young man to participate in our bounty challenge." Jenny said to the black man.

"Yes, boss." There was a touch of surprise in the black man's heart. Then he nodded, turned and walked out with Jenny's order.

"No, old black! The boss let the young man take part in the challenge?" One of his men looked at the black man in surprise and asked.

"This is the boss's decision." Old black shrugged his shoulders and looked innocent. In fact, he also wondered why Jenny asked a young Oriental to take part in the challenge. Is he qualified enough as that young man?

The casino bounty challenge is famous throughout Brasilia. It is precisely because of this challenge that this casino with small construction area will have such huge profits. Otherwise, how can Jenny make money for liemang?

You should know that the casino in Jenny's hands is not only the place where liemang launders money, but also the place where he makes profits. I'm afraid even Lin Zichen didn't know that he found the main source of income of liemang directly.

The bounty challenge will measure a person's eligibility to participate in the challenge according to his status and money. And the lowest challenge also needs a value of $10 million, which is what surprised Jenny's men. They were surprised. Did the boy's property exceed $10 million?

Look at the Oriental boy's clothes. He doesn't look like a rich man. He can win a million dollars from 100000 dollars. Maybe he's just lucky.

If Jenny were here, she would scold these people. Good luck? Have you ever seen a lucky man win until now?

Unfortunately, now Jenny is thinking about how to keep Lin Zichen and drag the man of fierce Python over.

After the chips in his hand became 1.5 million US dollars, Lin Zichen played with the chips in his hand, and a strange flash flashed in his eyes.

He has been winning since he entered the casino, but at this time, no one has stopped him. You know, the casino has lost nearly one million dollars for a while. Although such a figure is nothing for a large casino, it can be regarded as meat pain for a casino of this size.

Until now, Lin Zichen thought it was just a small casino, but it was also normal. He had just come to Brasilia. Naturally, he had never heard of the bounty challenge here.

Just as Lin Zichen hesitated whether he should play big again, a manager like man came over in a suit. Looking at the man, Lin Zichen smiled. It seems that the people in the casino can't help it at last.

"Hehe, sir, first of all, congratulations on winning so many chips in the casino." The manager smiled and said to Lin Zichen.

"All right." Lin Zichen took a look at the manager and said, "there are too few patterns here to enjoy."

"Sir, on behalf of the casino, I invite you to participate in the bounty challenge." On hearing this, the manager's eyes lit up and quickly opened his mouth.

Don't you dislike the lack of tricks here? Well, the bounty challenge is just right for you.

"At that time, don't lose your money!" The manager looked at Lin Zichen's slow manner, and a burst of anger rose in his heart. He hasn't seen anyone in the casino for so many years. Unexpectedly, an oriental boy would turn a blind eye to his politeness.

"Bounty challenge?" Lin Zichen was stunned when he heard the speech, and then immediately reacted. It seems that the challenge of this casino is the real big head. All these things in front of us are just disguises.

The rabbit girl on one side covered her mouth and looked at Lin Zichen in surprise. She knew Lin Zichen was a rich man, but she didn't expect Lin Zichen's identity to be so noble.

Those who are qualified to participate in the bounty competition have a value of at least $10 million. She couldn't help but get excited at the thought of gambling with millionaires.

The change on the rabbit girl's face naturally didn't hide from Lin Zichen. He smiled. He nodded at the manager and said, "I can participate, but I'm short of one to take chips."

"Hehe, I'll let her go with you." The manager smiled and said, "and the challenge is in cash. We will help you exchange chips."

As soon as she heard that Lin Zichen was going to take her over, the rabbit girl almost jumped up without excitement. She dreamed of going to the bounty challenge, but her identity was too low to enter.

At the thought that she would soon see the challenge she had dreamed of, she wanted to kiss Lin Zichen.

Bunny thinks today is her lucky day, and Lin Zichen is her lucky star.

When Lin Zichen was killing everyone in the casino, Tina was lying on the hotel bed, and the black lace underwear released the temptation. It was a pity that no one could appreciate this beautiful scene.

Tina, lying in bed, sighed deeply, which was enough to make countless men crazy about it. She looked at the news on her mobile phone and a touch of helplessness appeared on her face.

"How did he get to the casino of liemang? Don't you know that liemang is wanted all over the world?" Tina felt deeply helpless about Lin Zichen's courage. Knowing that liemang dug a pit in Brasilia and waited for him to jump, Lin Zichen also jumped in. I don't know what to say, but Lin Zichen's brain is still a skilled man.

While Tina was waiting for the message, there was a warning on the screen of her mobile phone. Tina was surprised, and then jumped out of bed. She was dressed in only a few seconds, and a sharp military knife appeared in her hand.

Tina has a habit of setting an alarm around the room when she lives in the hotel. Once someone wants to break in, it will trigger the alarm and the mobile phone will respond.

Just now her cell phone had a reaction. It was obvious that someone wanted to sneak into her room. Listening to the surrounding voices with vigilance, Tina clearly heard the subtle footsteps. She is a beautiful snake in the dark world. Although her strength is not as good as Lin Zichen, not everyone can bully her.

Although the footsteps were light, Tina still heard clearly. Just as Tina was preparing to attack in advance, she only heard a click. The window of the room was broken and two dark shadows rushed in.

Tina's face changed, subconsciously rolled on the spot, and countless bullets swept towards her position just now. The footsteps outside the door were just to attract her attention, and two people who broke through the window were the real means to kill her.

The bullet rubbed her ear and flew over. Tina moved her hand and threw out her saber. The saber shot out at high speed and went straight into the throat of one of them. The man snorted and fell to the ground.

At the same time, people outside the door quickly burst in, holding submachine guns and shooting again. Tina tried her best to shrink her body. She could resist the bullet with energy, but the other party had a submachine gun and was so close that her energy couldn't resist it at all.

She kicked her foot against the wall, and Tina kicked the people who came in through the broken window out of the window as fast as she could. The man screamed. Tina's room was on the 16th floor! The man came to a free landing in the air. It took a few seconds to make a landing sound, and then a scream sounded in the street.

She pulled the saber out of the dead man's throat. Tina's face remained unchanged and approached the killer as fast as she could. The small bedroom just gave Tina a chance. The two people who broke in didn't even see Tina's figure, so Tina wiped their neck with a knife.

The willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Tina looked at the bodies on the ground. She immediately recognized the clothes on these killers. They were from the black snake cave!

"Tina, I didn't expect you to betray Lord liemang." The voice of the black snake came from behind. Tina turned around and saw the black snake looking at her coldly with several people.

"Oh, Christina, I haven't seen you for a long time." Tina smiled charmingly and looked at the black snake like an old friend she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Yes, long time no see." The black snake looked at Tina coldly and said, "Tina, I'm here today to help Lord lie Python clean up the door!"

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