When this handful of lime powder was sprinkled down, the special forces immediately went blind. Although lime powder won't blind his eyes, at least he can't see anything in the challenge arena.

The eyes were lost, and the special forces were not flustered. A subconscious punch hit the back of the Ninja knife, and the Japanese's sudden stab was missed. However, what the special forces are doing now is just a dying struggle. His eyes can't see. The Japanese will never miss such a good opportunity.

After all, special forces are ordinary people. They can't perceive the enemy with special abilities like warriors. We can only rely on our own combat experience and the voice heard by our ears to defend passively.

The Japanese knew that their opportunity had come. They no longer hid themselves. They took back the Ninja knife. A small military knife appeared in his hand. At the same time, his left hand wiped on his waist, and three cross darts appeared in his hand. They threw them out and went straight to the chest of the special forces.

"Asshole! This guy really lost the face of the strong!" The prisoners around kept shouting, sprinkled their eyes with lime powder, and even used concealed weapons. It can't be more mean. It is conceivable that after today, the Japanese's reputation will stink to what extent.

However, the Japanese don't care about the opinions of the people around him. He is a ninja and naturally wants to use the ninja fighting method. Although he doesn't have a special Ninja combat suit, he keeps other gadgets well.

Jack assured him that as long as he won the game, the former would give him everything he wanted. In order to live better in prison, he had to use such shameless means.

As long as the future life is better, he won't care about other people's eyes. In area C, his strength can also be ranked in the top five. Even if his reputation stinks, he doesn't think several people dare to offend himself.

Three cross darts were knocked down from the air by the special forces waving their sabers. Then they moved and quickly retreated back. He heard the Japanese moving and made a judgment immediately.

No matter what weapons the Japanese change, he must retreat. Once he enters the former's attack range, he will die.

The special forces' judgment was correct, but the Japanese obviously expected the special forces to retreat. Three cross darts with cold light shot out again, but this time there was a trace of black on the cross dart.

Three cross darts blocked the retreat of the special forces. The special forces had heard the sound of the cross darts, but he couldn't see it. After all, he was a step slower. A cross dart hit his lower leg, and then the muscles in his lower leg became paralyzed.

"Poison!" The special forces soldier was shocked and wanted to step back, but the paralysis on his lower leg made him fall directly to the ground.

"Hehe, this poison has only one effect, that is, paralysis!" The Japanese people's cold voice sounded, which made the special forces look gloomy.

He knows that he lost the game. He didn't lose in strength. He lost without the meanness of the other side.

"Hahaha, no matter what despicable method I used, I won!" The Japanese sneered, and the saber in his hand stabbed the special forces soldier in the throat.

"I admit defeat!" Knowing that his current state was not the opponent of the Japanese, the special forces quickly shouted to admit defeat, but after he shouted to admit defeat, the Japanese didn't mean to stop, and the speed of the sabre in his hand didn't decrease.

He wants to kill special forces! The latter is a strong man in area B. as long as you kill him, the skeleton will definitely hurt.

"Jack, you dare!" In the room, the sound of the shadow was cold. He didn't expect that the Japanese would die! That special soldier is his right hand. If he dies, the shadow will definitely declare war with Jack!

"Ha ha, kill him! Yes, that's it. Only bloody games can make people feel excited!" Jack laughed in the room. The previous games most disabled people. That's so boring. In Jack's eyes, only the battle full of death will become interesting.

Seeing that the Japanese army knife was about to pierce the throat of the special forces, a silver light suddenly appeared. The light hit the sabre in the hands of the Japanese, and the huge power directly knocked the sabre out of the hands of the Japanese!

"Who!" The Japanese people were surprised. They could shake off their Sabre only by throwing a knife. It's hard to imagine how powerful that man was!

The Japanese quickly looked up, and then saw that not far away, sang Tianlei looked at him indifferently, as if he were looking at a dead man.

"Who allowed you to step in!" The prison guard who acted as the referee ran over and asked angrily.

Sang Tianlei didn't speak, but looked at the prison guard coldly. It was this look that made the prison guard feel like he was in a cold winter, and his body subconsciously shivered. The man's eyes were so terrible that he suddenly had an impulse to kneel down.

"Your life, I made a reservation." Sang Tianlei pointed to the heart of the Japanese, regardless of the latter's face, and went to the challenge arena: "get down and don't shake in front of me."

"You want to die!" The Japanese looked cold, raised their hands, threw out three cross darts and went straight to the key of Sang Tianlei.

With a cold look at the Japanese, sang Tianlei easily grabbed three cross darts and threw them out.

"Impossible!" The Japanese were surprised. He didn't expect that sang Tianlei caught his cross dart and saw the cross dart fly towards him. The Japanese rolled on the spot and escaped three cross darts.

The cross dart hit the back wall, and the whole dart body disappeared into the wall. Looking back at the three holes in the wall, the Japanese widened their eyes.

He could not imagine how powerful this man was! The dart is as powerful as the bullet from a pistol. This is the first time he has seen it in so many years!

"Get out! Or I'll kill you now!" Sang Tianlei's voice sounded like thunder throughout the challenge arena. The prisoners around looked at sang Tianlei first, and then all shouted the name of the magic dragon.

They have long been unhappy with the Japanese man and want to rush up and kill him. What sang Tianlei is doing is what they want to do.

Sang Tianlei's arrogance conquered all the prisoners. I believe that the next day, sang Tianlei's reputation will spread all over Morakot prison.

Because the prisoners didn't know sang Tianlei's name, they were all shouting the two words magic dragon neatly. In just a few minutes, sang Tianlei made the momentum of magic dragon reach the peak!

The Japanese got off the stage in dismay at the cheers of the crowd, and the special forces were carried down by the skeleton club. When carrying it down, the person of the skeleton Society said to sang Tianlei, "my friend, the skeleton will owe you a favor."

With that, the man turned and left the challenge arena regardless of Sang Tianlei's reaction.

Without paying attention to what the man said, sang Tianlei stood on the challenge arena, waiting for his opponent to take the stage.

Kenneth is flustered now, very flustered. He didn't expect that the man who took the magic dragon to the challenge arena was really that pervert!

Kenneth heard that the boss's three bodyguards were thrown from the fifth floor by the man in the challenge arena. Even his boss Scorpion was wounded in the wrist when he had a gun.

He doesn't want to go to the challenge arena, let alone face sang Tianlei. But thinking of the punishment he would receive after his surrender, Kenneth gritted his teeth and walked up.

"What did that bastard scorpion think and let me torture him?" As he walked, Kenneth scolded in his heart. No one knows how strong sang Tianlei is. Kenneth asked himself that he can't reach that level with the flying knife he just threw out.

"Shit, spell it!" Kenneth gritted his teeth, took a sharp military knife and hardened his scalp to face sang Tianlei.

Sang Tianlei saw Kenneth's fear, and a sneer came out of his mouth. He looked up at the room of e organization.

In the room, the Scorpion was cold when he saw sang Tianlei's eyes. He had a hunch that the former seemed to show him something. Although he didn't know what sang Tianlei was going to do, the scorpion knew it must not be a good thing.

Taking back his eyes, sang Tianlei's face returned to normal. He looked at each other with his bare hands. In the face of such goods as Kenneth, he really didn't want to take out his weapons.

Kenneth really couldn't resist the pressure and quickly approached sang Tianlei. He chose to start first.

In fact, Kenneth's strength is good, comparable to the special forces just now. Unfortunately, his heart had shaken before he began to fight.

Kenneth didn't want to win from the beginning, so even his knife speed was much slower.

Grab Kenneth's wrist and squeeze it hard. Kenneth felt his hand was clamped by pliers. Kenneth roared. The severe pain made his men loosen their consciousness and the saber fell off his hand.

Although he was afraid of Sang Tianlei in his heart, Kenneth was also a master. Holding back the pain of his right hand, his left hand caught the saber and stabbed sang Tianlei in the stomach.

His right leg was lifted slightly. Sang Tianlei stuck Kenneth's left hand with his knee. At the same time, his right hand exerted a little force. With Kenneth's roar, sang Tianlei broke the former's wrist.

"Get out!" The cold voice sounded. Sang Tianlei kicked Kenneth in the stomach and blood gushed out. Kenneth was kicked five meters away and flew out of the challenge arena!

The whole challenge arena was completely quiet at that moment. All the prisoners stared at the scene, and many people couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, it took less than 30 seconds! seckill!

Those who can take part in the boxing championship are the strong ones in a thousand miles! But the strong man sent by e organization didn't hold on for a minute in the hands of Sang Tianlei!

"It's over!" The scorpion collapsed on the sofa, his eyes full of heartache, millions of dollars, so gone.

"Magic dragon!" Scorpion's eyes turned red: "I can't spare you!"

"Take that thing out. This man has strong strength?" In the pirate's room, Jack looked at sang Tianlei with interest, and a sense of obliteration flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, my Lord." The man nodded and walked out of the room.

"Hehe, it's another rising power." Jack looked at the domineering sang Tianlei on the challenge arena, smiled and said, "unfortunately, he won't live long."

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